56 research outputs found

    The stabilization of unstable detonation waves for the mixture of nitromethane/methanol

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    Mass velocity profiles of detonation waves in mixtures of nitromethane with acetone and methanol with added diethylenetriamine sensitizer were measured using a VISAR laser interferometer. It was found that even small, about 1%, concentrations of acetone and methanol, inert diluents, led to instability of the one-dimensional detonation front in nitromethane. The results of the experiment show that the use of the sensitizer is an effective method of flow stabilization and if the concentration of the inert diluent does not exceed 10%, the detonation front becomes stable with the addition of 1% diethylenetriamine. At a higher diluent concentration, the sensitizer does not suppress the instability but decreases the oscillation amplitude by several times. The addition of diethylenetriamine to the mixture has been found to increase the detonation velocity

    The Role of Intranatal Risk Factors in the Pathogenesis of Birth Injury

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    Rational management of labor refers to the most significant areas of practical obstetrics, since errors in predicting the outcome of labor through the birth canal often lead to the development of birth injury to the mother and fetus. Modern research methods and rational management of childbirth have led to a decrease in perinatal mortality. However, despite these achievements, the incidence of birth injury and subsequent disability of newborns is still at a level that is not acceptable for the XXI century.The purpose of the research was to study the structure and outcome of the generic injury of the fetus.Materials: Literature of foreign and domestic authors within the period from 2003 to 2018.Methods: Systematic analysis and synthesis of literary data.Conclusion: Despite the decline in perinatal mortality, the problem of disability of children, as well as violations of the quality of life due to birth trauma, remains relevant. This requires further study, the introduction of new diagnostic and clinical and prognostic technologies aimed at reducing birth injuries. Prevention of birth injury should be based on timely prenatal diagnosis of fetal macrosomia, determination of the optimal method of delivery, exclusion of iatrogenic factors of aggression during birth through the birth canal

    Vertical Delivery as a Method of Prevention of Obstetric and Perinatal Complications

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    Currently, there are many points of view on management of physiological labor, in particular, it concerns the intrapartum position of a woman. Tactics of modern obstetrics should ensure the safety of motherhood, which in future ensures the prosperity of the state. One of the alternative methods of delivery is the vertical position of a woman in the intrapartum period. It is impossible to describe the whole range of possible positions of a woman in the intrapartum period, the common ones being: lying position (lateral, reclining, lithotomy, Trendelenburg’s, etc.) or upright position (sitting, using a chair for childbirth, standing, squatting, standing on the knees, etc.). Opinions about how the vertical position of a mother in the intrapartum period affects the outcome of childbirth are quite ambiguous. The conclusions of various authors on that matter often contradict each other.The aim of the research was to study the role of vertical delivery in reducing the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications.Materials: publications of foreign and domestic authors within the period from 1989 to 2017.Methods: systematic analysis and synthesis of literature data.Conclusion: Despite a significant number of studies, it is not possible to determine the universality of the vertical position in childbirth, therefore, the selection of patients for the management of vertical childbirth should be approached carefully. In the presence of pregnancy complications, preference should be given to the classic version of the position in childbirth. In women who have a low risk of perinatal complications, an upright position can be a worthy alternative. To prevent the development of bleeding in the III stage of labor and the early postpartum period, a woman should take a horizontal position after the birth of the fetus. This condition must also be observed when examining the birth canal. Thus, the rational tactics of conducting childbirth is to determine the optimal combination of vertical and horizontal positions at different periods of the childbirth process, taking into account the convenience for the woman in labor

    Роль триггерных факторов в развитии системной склеродермии (клиническое наблюдение)

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    A clinical case of the development of rapidly progressive systemic sclerosis after repeated coronavirus infection is described. The contribution of occupational hazards, the oncological process and radiation therapy to the pathogenesis of this disease is discussed. Hydropericardium was a feature of the clinical picture, as well as rare immunological markers of the late onset of systemic sclerosis.Описан клинический случай развития быстропрогрессирующей системной склеродермии после повторной коронавирусной инфекции. Обсуждается вклад профессиональных вредностей, онкологического процесса и лучевой терапии в патогенез данного заболевания. Особенностью клинической картины является наличие гидроперикарда, а также редких иммунологических маркеров позднего дебюта системной склеродермии

    Mutations in the genome of avian influenza viruses of the H1 and H5 subtypes responsible for adaptation to mammals

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    Avian influenza viruses of the H1 and H5 subtypes were involved in the formation of highly pathogenic viruses that caused pandemics and panzootics in the 20th–21st centuries. In order to assess the zoonotic potential of viruses of these subtypes, two viruses of the H1N1 and H5N3 subtypes have been isolated from wild ducks in Moscow and adapted for growth in mouse lungs. Their phenotypic properties were studied, and the genetic changes that occurred during adaptation were identified. The original A/duck/Moscow/4970/2013 (H1N1) and A/duck/Moscow/4182-C/2010 (H5N3) viruses were apathogenic for mice but became pathogenic after 7–10 passages in mouse lungs. Complete genome sequencing revealed 2 amino acid substitutions in the proteins of the H1N1 mouse-adapted variant (Glu627Lys in PB2 and Asp35Asn in hemagglutinin (HA) – numbering according to H3) and 6 mutations in the proteins of H5N3 virus (Glu627lys in PB2, Val113Ala in PB1, Ser82Pro in PB1-F2, Lys52Arg in HA2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Ser-59Ile in NA). The increase in virulence is most likely due to a Glu627Lys substitution in the protein PB2 found in both viruses. The replacement Asp35Asn in HA of the mouse-adapted H1N1 virus is associated with an increase in the pH value of the HA transition to 5.5 versus 5.0 for that of the wild virus. The mutations found in the HA, NA, and PB1-F2 proteins of the adapted H5N3 variant are unique. The mutations Glu627Lys in PB2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Val113Ala in PB1 are most likely host adaptive

    Мутации в геноме вирусов гриппа птиц подтипов Н1 и Н5, ответственные за адаптацию к млекопитающим

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    Avian influenza viruses of H1 and H5 subtypes were involved in the formation of highly pathogenic viruses that caused pandemics and panzootics in the 20th–21st centuries. In order to assess the zoonotic potential of viruses of these subtypes, two viruses of H1N1 and H5N3 have been isolated from wild ducks in Moscow and adapted to growth in mouse lungs. Their phenotypic properties were studied, and the genetic changes that occurred during adaptation were identified. The original A/duck/Moscow/4970/2013 (H1N1) and A/duck/Moscow/4182-C/2010 (H5N3) viruses were apathogenic for mice but became pathogenic after 7–10 passages in mouse lungs. Complete genome sequencing revealed 2 amino acid substitutions in the proteins of the H1N1 mouse-adapted variant (Glu627Lys in PB2 and Asp35Asn in hemagglutinin (HA) – numbering according to H3) and 6 mutations in the proteins of H5N3 virus (Glu627lys in PB2, Val113Ala in PB1, Ser82Pro in PB1-F2, Lys52Arg in HA2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Ser59Ile in NA). The increase in virulence is most likely due to a common substitution in the protein PB2 Glu627Lys as revealed in both viruses. The replacement of Asp35Asn in HA of the mouse-adapted H1N1 virus is associated with an increase in the pH value of the HA transition from 5.0 for 5.5 in comparison to the HA of parent virus. The found mutations in HA, NA, and PB1-F2 proteins of the adapted H5N3 variant are unique. The mutations Glu627Lys in PB2, Arg65Lys in NP, and Val113Ala in PB1 are most likely host adaptive.Вирусы гриппа птиц подтипов Н1 и Н5 участвовали в формировании высокопатогенных вариантов вирусов, вызвавших пандемии и  панзоотии в  XX–XXI  веках. С  целью оценки зоонозного потенциала вирусов этих подтипов, выделенных от диких уток в черте Москвы, была проведена адаптация вирусов к размножению в легких мышей, изучены их фенотипические свойства и идентифицированы генетические изменения, возникшие при адаптации. Изначально апатогенные для мышей вирусы A/duck/Moscow/4970/2013 (H1N1) и A/duck/Moscow/4182‑C/2010 (H5N3) после 7–10 пассажей через легкие мышей изменили фенотип на патогенный. Полногеномное секвенирование выявило в адаптированных к мышам вирусах 2 аминокислотные замены в вирусе гриппа H1N1 (Glu627Lys в белке PB2 и Asp35Asn в гемагглютинине (HA) — нумерация по H3) и 6 мутаций в белках вируса H5N3 (Glu627Lys в PB2, Val113Ala в PB1, Ser82Pro в PB1‑F2, Lys52Arg в HA2, Arg65Lys в NP и Ser59Ile в NA). Возрастание вирулентности для мышей, скорее всего, обусловлено общей для обоих вирусов заменой – Glu627Lys в  белке PB2. Замена Asp35Asn в  HA адаптированного к  мышам вируса гриппа H1N1  ассоциирована с возрастанием значения рН конформационного перехода HA с 5.0 до 5.5 относительно HA дикого вируса. Обнаруженные в адаптированном варианте H5N3 мутации в белках НА, NA и PB1‑F2 — уникальные. Мутации Glu627Lys в PB2, Arg65Lys в NP и Val113Ala в PB1, скорее всего, носят адаптационный характер

    Rescue of a H3N2 Influenza Virus Containing a Deficient Neuraminidase Protein by a Hemagglutinin with a Low Receptor-Binding Affinity

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    Influenza viruses possess at their surface two glycoproteins, the hemagglutinin and the neuraminidase, of which the antagonistic functions have to be well balanced for the virus to grow efficiently. Ferraris et al. isolated in 2003–2004 viruses lacking both a NA gene and protein (H3NA- viruses) (Ferraris O., 2006, Vaccine, 24(44–46):6656-9). In this study we showed that the hemagglutinins of two of the H3NA- viruses have reduced affinity for SAα2.6Gal receptors, between 49 and 128 times lower than that of the A/Moscow/10/99 (H3N2) virus and no detectable affinity for SAα2.3Gal receptors. We also showed that the low hemagglutinin affinity of the H3NA- viruses compensates for the lack of NA activity and allows the restoration of the growth of an A/Moscow/10/99 virus deficient in neuraminidase. These observations increase our understanding of H3NA- viruses in relation to the balance between the functional activities of the neuraminidase and hemagglutinin

    Применение нового нутрицевтика для улучшения переносимости адъювантной химиотерапии

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    Introduction. Treatment of malignant neoplasms often requires adjuvant chemotherapy (ACT). In real-life clinical practice, a high proportion of patients develop serious toxicities of anticancer therapy. Thus, the need to reduce treatment toxicity while maintaining the same dose levels of chemotherapeutic agents is a pressing challenge in oncology. This article presents the results of the study assessing the effects of the complex nutraceutical Oncoxin on ACT tolerability.Materials and methods. The study included 133 patients aged 50 to 70 years with stage IIB — IIIC gastric cancer or stage IIB — IIIA non-small-cell lung cancer; 84 patients received Oncoxin, and 49 were in the control group.Results. The study revealed that after two weeks, patients receiving Oncocoxin had a twice higher chance of significant (obvious) improvement in their quality of life (ESAS questionnaire) compared to the control group: OR 2.07 [95% CI 1.00-4.29]. By the end of the follow-up period (3 weeks), patients receiving Oncoxin had a significantly higher albumin level compared to the control group (38.1 [95% CI 37.1-39.1] g/L and 35.5 [95% CI 33.9-37.0], р =0.03, respectively). Moreover, the use of Oncoxin allowed significant reducing ACT-related liver toxicity.Conclusions. This study conducted within our current clinical practice showed for the first time a high efficacy of Oncoxin in improving the quality of life of patients and reducing ACT toxicity.Введение. Лечение злокачественных новообразований часто требует применения адъювантной химиотерапии (АХТ). В реальной клинической практике доля пациентов, имеющих серьёзные проявления токсичности противоопухолевого лечения, достаточно высока. Таким образом, необходимость снижения токсичности терапии и сохранение интенсивности дозы химиопрепаратов являются актуальной задачей онкологии. Данная статья посвящена результатам исследования влияния многокомпонентного нутрицевтика Онкоксин на переносимость АХТ.Материалы и методы. В исследование было включено 133 больных раком желудка МВ-ШС или немелкоклеточным раком лёгких ПВ-ША в возрасте 50- 70 лет; 84 получали Онкоксин, 49 составили контрольную группу.Результаты. Было установлено, что через две недели шансы больных, получавших Онкоксин, на значимое (безусловное) улучшение качества жизни (вопросник ESAS) были в два раза выше в сравнении с группой контроля: ОШ = 2,07 [95% ДИ 1,00- 4,29]. К окончанию периода наблюдения (3 недели) в группе пациентов, использовавших Онкоксин, уровень альбумина был значительно выше в сравнении с контрольной группой (38,1 [95% ДИ 37,1- 39,1] г /л и 35,5 [95% ДИ 33,9-37,0], р = 0,03, соответственно). Кроме этого, применение Онкоксина позволило существенно снизить печёночную токсичность АХТ.Выводы. Данное исследование, проведённое в рамках существующей клинической практики, впервые показало высокую эффективность Онкоксина в улучшении качества жизни пациентов и снижении токсичности АХТ

    The stabilization of unstable detonation waves for the mixture of nitromethane/methanol

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    Mass velocity profiles of detonation waves in mixtures of nitromethane with acetone and methanol with added diethylenetriamine sensitizer were measured using a VISAR laser interferometer. It was found that even small, about 1%, concentrations of acetone and methanol, inert diluents, led to instability of the one-dimensional detonation front in nitromethane. The results of the experiment show that the use of the sensitizer is an effective method of flow stabilization and if the concentration of the inert diluent does not exceed 10%, the detonation front becomes stable with the addition of 1% diethylenetriamine. At a higher diluent concentration, the sensitizer does not suppress the instability but decreases the oscillation amplitude by several times. The addition of diethylenetriamine to the mixture has been found to increase the detonation velocity