715 research outputs found

    Individual Professional Practice in the Company

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    Tato práce reprezentuje průběh individuální odborné praxe ve firmě ITA spol. s.r.o. sídlící v Ostravě, kde jsem pracoval na pozici programátor. Součástí práce je profil firmy ITA spol. s.r.o., pracovní zařazení, popis zadaných úkolů, na kterých jsem pracoval v průběhu praxe a jejich řešení. Závěrem jsou v této práci uvedeny znalosti získané studiem, které jsem během praxe uplatnil. Znalosti získané během praxe, a celkové zhodnocení praxe a jejího přínosu.The work represent process of individual professional practise in firm ITA spol. s.r.o. based in Ostrava, where I worked on position programer. Part of the work is ITA spol. s.r.o. busines profile, job title, task descriptions that I have got during my practice, and its solutions. In fine, knowledge retrieved by the studies that I succesfully applied in my practice process as well, are also mentioned. The same goes for knowledge retrieved during the practice, and estimation of the practice and its benefit en masse.460 - Katedra informatikyvýborn

    Flying robot for geophysical purposes

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    Cílem této práce je navrhnout konstrukční řešení pro dálkově řízený létající stroj a navrhnout způsob jeho řízení. Práce se zabývá obecným způsobem, jak zkonstruovat létající stroj se svislým startem a konkrétním řešením konstrukce.The aim of this work is to propose a construction solution for remote controlled flying machine and to propose way of its management. The work deals with the general way to construct a flying machine with vertical start and concrete solution for construction.

    Design of Hydraulic Drive of Wood Splitting Machine

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    Import 02/11/2016MOCEK, L. Návrh hydraulického pohonu štípače dřeva: bakalářská práce. Ostrava: VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava, Fakulta strojní, Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízení, 2016, 42s. Vedoucí práce: doc. Ing. Martin Vašina, Ph.D. Cílem této bakalářské práce je návrh a výpočet hydraulického horizontálního štípacího stroje na zpracování dřevěné kulatiny podle zadaných parametrů. Návrh hydraulického štípacího stroje by měl usnadnit náročnou fyzickou práci spojenou s přípravou dřeva na následné topení. Před návrhem samotného stroje je potřeba si zvolit maximální rozměry štípané kulatiny, které jsou průměr 0,5m a délka 0,5m. Tyto rozměry jsou ideální volbou pro vytápění v kamnech nebo v krbu. Nejprve jsou zde rozebrány jednotlivé vyráběné typy štípaček, poté následuje zvolení druhu štípaných dřevin. Další část se zabývá návrhem a výpočtem jednotlivých hydraulických komponentů. Na závěr je provedena kontrola pevnosti pístní tyče.MOCEK, L. Design of Hydraulic Drive of Wood Splitting Machine . Ostrava: VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,Department of Hydromechanis and Hydraulic Equipment, 2016, 42s. Thesis head: doc. Ing. Martin Vašina, Ph.D. The aim of my bachelor thesis is design and calculation of hydraulic drive of wood splitting machine according to given parameters. Desing of this machine should make the hard work related to preparation of wood for heating easier. First of all it is necessary to choose maximal parametres of wood, whose diameter is usually 0,5 metres and the lenght is 0,5 metres.These limits are ideal choice for heating in tiled stoves or in fireplace.I also describe the particular types of wood splitting machines; followed by the choice of different types of wood there. Then, I try to solve design and calculation of particular hydraulic components. Finally there is a review of strenght of piston bar.338 - Katedra hydromechaniky a hydraulických zařízenívelmi dobř

    Reclamation and Development of Geomechanically Transformed Land in the Konin-Turek Coal Basin

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    This overview article presents major forms of reclamation and development of external and internal spoil tips, which are formed during brown coal mining and from bottom ash dumped near open-pit mines and power stations. In the late 1970s, a new form of agricultural and forest recultivation was developed – the PAN model. According to the concept, crops and forest-forming plant species should be introduced to post-mining grounds immediately after the end of technical recultivation. Vegetation is a particularly reliable indicator of habitat properties and small changes taking place in nature undergoing recovery. Other bioindicators of the quality and health of newly formed soil include the biomass of microorganisms, their count, composition and enzymatic activity. In many countries the assessment of the influence of anthropogenic stress factors on the count of soil microorganisms has become one of key elements of obligatory inspection under environmental monitoring. In consequence of revitalisation of anthropogenically changed areas, biological life is restored within the period of at least 20–30 years. It is manifested by the development of microbial population and soil fauna

    Evidence for Miocene subduction beneath the Alboran Sea (Western Mediterranean) from 40Ar/39Ar age dating and the geochemistry of volcanic rocks from holes 977A and 978A

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    Volcanic pebbles in gravels from Sites 977 and 978 in the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean) were dated (using the 40Ar/ 39Ar single-crystal laser technique) and analyzed for their major- and trace-element compositions (determined by X-ray fluorescence and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry). The samples range from basalts to rhyolites, and belong to the tholeiitic, calc-alkaline, and shoshonitic series. Single-crystal and step-heating laser 40Ar/39Ar analyses of plagioclase, sanidine, biotite, and amphibole phenocrysts from basaltic to rhyolitic samples indicate that eruptions occurred between 6.1 and 12.1 Ma. The age data conform to the stratigraphy and agree with microfossil ages, when available. The major-element and compatible trace-element data of samples with H2O < 4 wt% show systematic variations, consistent with fractionation of the observed phenocryst phases (plagioclase, olivine, clinopyroxene, magnetite, hornblende, quartz, and biotite). The incompatible-element patterns formed by normalizing to primitive mantle for all samples show spiked patterns with peaks generally at mobile elements and troughs at immobile elements, in particular Nb and Ta. The calc-alkaline affinities and the incompatible-element systematics are characteristic of subduction zone volcanism, which indicates that subduction occurred beneath the eastern Alboran from 6 to at least 12 Ma. We propose that the change in chemistry from calc-alkaline and potassic to sodic compositions between 5– 6 Ma reflects detachment of the subducting slab. Uplift of the Strait of Gibraltar, associated with this detachment, could have caused the Messinian Salinity Crises

    Thermal Volumetric Analysis (TVA): A New Test Method of the Kinetics of Gas Emissions from Moulding Sands and Protective Coatings Heated by Liquid Alloy

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    Production of medium-sized and large castings is carried out in the sand moulds. The sand moulds, which components are made of moulding sand, the binder are different kinds of materials, the most common: moulding resins (furan, alkyd, phenolic, etc.). Internal surfaces of moulds, for increased thermal resistance, are usually covered by protective coatings. Liquid foundry alloys filling sand moulds produce intense heat, especially in layers adjacent to the cast. Under such conditions, the organic binders are burned or gasified. The resulting gases can penetrate the liquid causing the formation of defects such as blow-holes, pinholes, pitted skin, etc. The greater the intensity of the secretion of gases and the greater their volume (number), the more likely defects are created in castings. An important quality criterion of foundry resins is their tendency to emit gas. The authors developed the new test method, which allows to monitor the kinetics of gas emissions from the moulding sand and foundry coatings as a function of time and temperature (thermal volumetric analysis (TVA)). A number of studies were made for moulding sand with organic binders. Description of the research methodology and the presentation of results are the subject of the article

    Investigations of Protective Coatings for Castings of High-manganese Cast Steels

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    When cast steel castings are made in moulding sands on matrices of high-silica sand, which has a low fire resistance the problem of theso-called chemical penetration is distinctly visible. Whereas this effect appears to a small degree only when moulding sand matrices are of chromite, zircon or olivine sands. Therefore in case of making castings of high-manganese cast steel (e.g. Hadfield steel) sands not containing free silica should be applied (e.g. olivine sand) or in case of a high-silica matrix protective coatings for moulds and cores should be used. Two protective coatings, magnesite alcoholic (marked as coating 1 and coating 2) originated from different producers and intended for moulds for castings of the Hadfield steel, were selected for investigations. Examinations of the basic properties were performed for these coatings: viscosity, thermal analysis, sedimentation properties, wear resistance. In order to estimate the effectiveness of protective coatings the experimental castings were prepared. When applying coating 1, the surface quality of the casting was worse and traces of interaction between the casting material (cast steel) and the coating were seen. When protective coating 2 was used none interactions were seen and the surface quality was better

    Methods and Tool for Process Validation

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    Tato práce se zabývá teoretickým popisem jednotlivých rizik softwarových projektů, se kterými se každé rozsáhlejší softwarové dílo musí potýkat, a dále pak implementací nástroje, který by měl tato rizika včas identifikovat. Primární funkcí nástroje je zobrazení a analýza metrik dostupných z databáze, popřípadě z integrací na externí systémy, jako je například nástroj Pivotal Tracker. Dále je možno specifikovat minima pro určité metriky a následně pozorovat, zda byla daná metrika splněna či nikoliv. Součástí aplikace je také možnost vytváření metrik nových, které lze pro potřeby uživatele přizpůsobit.This thesis deals with theoretical description of software project risks, which each and every large scope project needs to deal with, as well as implementing software tool, which is supposed to identify them as soon as possible. Primary functionality of the tool is to display and analyze metrics available in the database, or use data from integrations to the external systems, for example Pivotal Tracker. It is also possible to specify minimal requirements for given metrics and then analyze, whether the metric passed these requirements or not. Another use case of the application is also creating custom metrics, which can be customized to meet a lot of user's needs.460 - Katedra informatikydobř