24 research outputs found

    FIM-SIM: Fault Injection Module for CloudSim Based on Statistical Distributions, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2014, nr 4

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    The evolution of ICT systems in the way data is accessed and used is very fast nowadays. Cloud computing is an innovative way of using and providing computing resources to businesses and individuals and it has gained a faster popularity in the last years. In this context, the user’s expectations are increasing and cloud providers are facing huge challenges. One of these challenges is fault tolerance and both researchers and companies have focused on finding and developing strong fault tolerance models. To validate these models, cloud simulation tools are used as an easy, flexible and fast solution. This paper proposes a Fault Injector Module for CloudSim tool (FIM-SIM) for helping the cloud developers to test and validate their infrastructure. FIM-SIM follows the event- driven model and inserts faults in CloudSim based on statistical distributions. The authors have tested and validated it by conducting several experiments designed to highlight the statistical distribution influence on the failures generated and to observe the CloudSim behavior in its current state and implementation

    Исследование ресурсов адаптационной функции вегетативной нервной системы у беременных методом сегментарной биоэлектронной функциональной диагностики

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    Institutul de Cercetări Ştiinţifice în Domeniul Ocrotirii Sănătăţii Mamei şi Copilului, Institutul de Inginerie Electronică şi Nanotehnologii D. Ghiţu AŞ RMThe perspective method for determination of the tone of the autonomic nervous system is the bioelectronic segmental functional diagnostics. The method is based on a study of the electrical resistance of the skin using the principle of segmental innervation of internal organs, according to the Zakharyin-Ged zones, and consists in the renting and processing indices from biologically active zones of feet, hands and head. In our study we have examined the parameters of segmental functional bio-electronic diagnosis at 38 pregnant women aged from 17 to 39 years, in various stages of pregnancy, being an inpatient in the Department of Pregnancy Pathology of the SRIM&CH of RM with a diagnosis of threatened miscarriage. The study design included conventional activities: interview, clinical examination and laboratory tests. The state of the autonomic nervous system tonus was studied by segmental bioelectronic functional diagnosis (SBFD). For this purpose was used the hardware - software system “IMEDIS - EXPERT” Studies and preliminary results obtained recommend us the use in daily practice of non-invasive and comfortable in performing method of functional diagnosis of segmental bioelectronic, to assess the reserves of adaptive function of autonomic nervous system in pregnant women.Сегментарная биоэлектронная функциональная диагностика является перспективным методом определения тонуса вегетативной нервной системы у беременных. Метод основан на исследовании электрического сопротивления кожи с использованием принципа сегментарной иннервации внутренних органов, согласно зонам Захарьина-Геда, и заключается в съеме и обработке показателей с биологически активных зон стоп, ладоней и головы.. В данном исследовании изучены параметры сегментарной биоэлектронной функциональной диагностики у 38 беременных, в возрасте от 17 до 39 лет, находящихся на стационарномлечении в отделениях патологии беременности НИИОЗМР с диагнозом «угроза прерывания беременности». Для изучения тонуса вегетативной нервной системыиспользовался аппаратно-программный комплекс «Имедис-эксперт». Проведенные исследования и полученные предварительные результаты позволяют рекомендовать использование в повседневной практике неинвазивного и комфортабельного в выполнении метода сегментарной биоэлектронной функциональной диагностики для оценки резервов адаптационной функции вегетативной нервной системы у беременных

    Hydroxyapatite-ciprofloxacin delivery system: Synthesis, characterisation and antibacterial activity

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    The main objective of this study was to synthesize hydroxyapatite-ciprofloxacin composites using a chemical precipitation method and to evaluate the properties and in vitro release profile of the drug from the hydroxyapatite-ciprofloxacin composites. Composite characterization was achieved by FT-IR, XRD and DLS. Ciprofloxacin determination was accomplished by HPLC, resulting in good incorporation efficiency of the drug (18.13 %). The in vitro release study (Higuchi model C = K t1/2 and Ritger-Peppas model, C = K t0.6) showed a diffusion-controlled mechanism. The antibacterial activity showed that the bacterial growth inhibition zones were approximately equal for the synthesis composites and for the mechanical mixture on the Staphylococcus aureus germ. The use of hydroxyapatite, which is a biocompatible, bioactive and osteoconductive material, with ciprofloxacin, which has good antibacterial activity in this composite, makes it suitable for the development of bone grafts. Furthermore, the synthesis process allows a slow local release of the drug

    Testing campaign for ECRIDA: the UV resin 3D printer flying on REXUS

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    ECRIDA is a student project participating in the REXUS/BEXUS campaign that develops a UV resin 3D printer device capable of working in the low-gravity environment offered by the REXUS rocket flight. Our main objective is to describe the impact of low gravity on the UV resin 3D printing process by comparing samples printed on Earth with samples printed in space. Due to the requirements of the host vehicle and driven by the novel design of our device, a thorough testing campaign must be planned and completed to qualify the device for flight and maximise the success of the scientific objectives. This paper describes the requirements that the device must fulfil and goes into the design of our test plan describing the procedures and the results. Vacuum, vibration, pressure, and functional tests were performed and described together with our learned lessons and conclusions in our will to help student teams with their testing activitie

    Особенности, касающиеся эволюции злокачественных новообразований в жудеце Констанца в течение 2010-2013 годов

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    Canceris a public health problem all over the world. Therefore we conducted an epidemiological study about cases of cancer recorded in Constanta County during the years 2010-2013. Knowledge of the peculiarities of evolution of this disease allow us to identify the population groups with high risk,this fact being useful for prevention and early diagnosis.Злокачественные новообразования являются проблемой общественного здравоохранения во всем мире. Поэтому мы провели эпидемиологическое исследование, касающееся случаев рака в жудеце Констанца, имевшие место в течение 2010-2013 годов. Знание особенностей эволюции этого заболевания позволяет выявить группы населения, подверженные риску, этот факт будучи полезным в работе по ранней диагностике и профилактике

    Implementarea tehnologiilor nemedicamentoase moderne în practica obstetricoginecologică

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    Autorii descriu diferite vаriante de tumori ale organelor genitale interne la fete din practica chirurgicală pediatrică. Se subliniază difi cultăţile în stabilirea unui diagnostic corect preoperator, în selectarea tratamentului, fi ind explicate complicaţiile posibile

    Analysis of power consumption in heterogeneous virtual machine environments

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    Reduction of energy consumption in Cloud computing datacenters today is a hot a research topic, as these consume large amounts of energy. Furthermore, most of the energy is used inefficiently because of the improper usage of computational resources such as CPU, storage and network. A good balance between the computing resources and performed workload is mandatory. In the context of data-intensive applications, a significant portion of energy is consumed just to keep alive virtual machines or to move data around without performing useful computation. Moreover, heterogeneity of resources increases the difficulty degree, when trying to achieve energy efficiency. Power consumption optimization requires identification of those inefficiencies in the underlying system and applications. Based on the relation between server load and energy consumption, we study the efficiency of data-intensive applications, and the penalties, in terms of power consumption, that are introduced by different degrees of heterogeneity of the virtual machines characteristics in a cluster

    Analysis of power consumption in heterogeneous virtual machine environments

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    Reduction of energy consumption in Cloud computing datacenters today is a hot a research topic, as these consume large amounts of energy. Furthermore, most of the energy is used inefficiently because of the improper usage of computational resources such as CPU, storage and network. A good balance between the computing resources and performed workload is mandatory. In the context of data-intensive applications, a significant portion of energy is consumed just to keep alive virtual machines or to move data around without performing useful computation. Moreover, heterogeneity of resources increases the difficulty degree, when trying to achieve energy efficiency. Power consumption optimization requires identification of those inefficiencies in the underlying system and applications. Based on the relation between server load and energy consumption, we study the efficiency of data-intensive applications, and the penalties, in terms of power consumption, that are introduced by different degrees of heterogeneity of the virtual machines characteristics in a cluster

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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