96 research outputs found


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    Model imersi merupakan model pembelajaran bahasa kedua yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan akademis dan sosial siswa. Pendidikan karakter merupakan wadah internalisasi nilai yang terintegrasi dengan pembelajaran. Habituasi dan intervensi dalam model imersi berbasis pendidikan karakter memberi kesempatan pada siswa untuk meningkatkan penguasaan kebahasaan dan berinteraksi menggunakan bahasa Indonesia dalam kondisi yang dirancang sealamiah mungkin. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini yaitu, 1) mendapatkan gambaran profil pembelajar kelas VII SMP Negeri 2 Tambakdahan; 2) mendapatkan gambaran kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol sebelum diberi perlakuan menggunakan model imersi yang berbasis pada pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran berbicara; 3) mendapatkan gambaran penerapan model imersi yang berbasis pada pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran berbicara; dan 4) mendapatkan gambaran kemampuan berbicara siswa kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol setelah mendapat perlakuan dengan menggunakan model imersi yang berbasis pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran berbicara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen murni dengan desain kelompok prates dan pascates. Penelitian dilaksanakan terhadap populasi kelas VII di SMPN 2 Tambakdahan, dengan sampel kelas VII D sebagai kelas kontrol dan kelas VII E sebagai kelas eksperimen. Berdasarkan uji dua sampel berpasangan prates dan pascates kelas eksperimen didapatkan nilai signifikansi kurang dari 0,05 maka hipotesis diterima. Dengan demikian, penerapan model imersi berbasis pendidikan karakter efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa SMPN 2 Tambakdahan.;--- Immersion model is one of the learning models of the second language considered to able to improve students academic and social skill. Character education is a means of values internalization integrated with learning. Habituation and intervention in this model would provide an opportunity for students to improve the mastery of language and to interact using the Indonesian language in a natural condition designed.The purposes of the research are to get: 1) description of learner profile of class VII SMPN 2 Tambakdahan; 2) description of learners’ speaking ability between experimental and control class before receiving treatment using immersion model based on the character education in learning to speak; 3) description of the application of the immersion model based on the character education in speaking instruction; and 4) description of the students’ speaking ability between experimental and control class after receiving treatment using immersion model based on the character education in speaking instruction.The method used in the research was True Experimental Design of Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The research has been tested to the population of class VII SMPN 2 Tambakdahan, in which the students in grade VII D as the control class and the students in VII E as the experimental class. Experimental class received treatment using immersion model based on the character education in speaking instruction. Based on the results of the experiment class pretest and posttest two paired samples, the significancy value is less than 0,05 so the hypotese is accepted. Thus, the Application of Immersion Model Based on the Character Education in Speaking Instruction is able to improve the speaking ability of students at SMPN 2 Tambakdahan

    Estimates of the surface heat fluxes in Antarctic waters

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    The authors have attempted to compute the heat balance terms on the basis of formulas by Budyoko (1974). Some of the meteorological and oceanographic data were collected during the Trans Antarctic Expedition (1989-90). These data were supplemented by the data (1956-1988) made available by the national climatic center of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration). Monthly means of sea surface temperature in Antarctic waters and meteorological data at a station (77°51'S; 166°39'E) 33m above sea level are given

    The effect of various doses vitamin B complex on the spesific weight growth rate of seabass (Lates calcarifer) larvae

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    Seabass (Lates calcarifer) is one of the fishery commodities with important economic value which in its growth requires vitamin B complex that helps as nutrient intake required by larvae for maximum growth. This study aimed to determine the best dose of vitamin B complex on the growth rate of specific weight of white snapper larvae. This research was conducted from October to November 2020 at the Brackish Water Cultivation Fisheries Center, Takalar Regency, South Sulawesi. The experimental animals used were white snapper larvae 4-5 days old. The number of white snapper larvae used in this study was 15,000 larvae with 1,250 for each research container. The study was designed using a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments with 3 replications, namely 0, 75, 150, and 225 mg/L doses of vitamin B complex. The results showed that the administration of vitamin B complex had a significant effect on the growth rate of the specific weight of white snapper larvae. The growth of specific weight of white snapper larvae was highest at a dose of 75 mg/L, which was 21.81%/day, while the lowest was at 0 mg/L, which was 18.94%/day

    Tanggung Jawab Direksi Perusahaan Dalam Hal Terjadi Suspensi Saham Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Yang Merugikan Pihak Investor (Studi Kasus : Suspensi Saham PT Buana Listya Tama, Tbk.)

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    Perseroan Publik yang telah memiliki 300 pemegang saham dan modal disetor minimal Rp. (tiga milyar rupiah) berlaku prinsip keterbukaan yang mewajibkan direksi untuk menyampaikan laporan keuangan secara berkala sebagaimana diatur dalam Peraturan Bapepam Nomor VIII.G.7. Pada tahun 2016 Perusahaan tercatat PT Buana Litya Tama, Tbk. dikenakan Sanksi berupa Suspensi (Penghentian sementara) Perdagangan Saham di Bursa Efek karena melanggar Peraturan Bursa Efek Nomor I-E tentang kewajiban penyampaian informasi, yaitu berupa keterlambatan penyampaian laporan keuangan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode penelitian yuridis-normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa anggota Direksi PT Buana Listya Tama Tbk. harus Bertanggung Jawab secara tanggung renteng atas kerugikan pihak Investor dengan membayar ganti kerugian kepada Investor. Adapaun akibat hukum dari Suspensi Saham BULL ini mengikat kepada semua pihak yang berkaitan langsung dengan saham emiten, yaitu Investor dan Pemegang Saham, yang terjadi adalah nilai saham persuahaan mengalamai penurunan di tahun 2016 dan para Investor tidak dapat memperdagangkan sahamnya di Bursa karena status suspensi yang dialami oleh PT Buana Listya Tama Tbk

    Pengaruh Pemberian Aspirin terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Mukosa Gaster Mencit

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    Aspirin is a group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) that are widely used by the public to treat rheumatic diseases. Apart from its anti-inflammatory role, aspirin is also an anti-thrombotic agent used in coronary heart disease (CHD) to prevent platelet aggregation. Aspirin is also a potent anipyretic. To determine the gastric mucosal histopathology of mice after being induced by apirin. The scope of the research is Medical Pathology, Anatomy and Pharmacology. The research was conducted at the Pharmacology Laboratory of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Andalas University and for reading the results at the Anatomical Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Medicine, Baiturrahmah University. This research was conducted in March 2020 - January 2021. This research is a laboratory experimental. The samples used in this study were mice (Mus Musculus) aged 4-6 weeks with a body weight ranging from 18-20 grams. A sample of 18 mice was divided into 2 treatment groups, namely, positive and negative control samples. Aspirin was administered orally using a sonde for 3 consecutive weeks in positive control samples, and negative control samples were not treated. On the 27th day the termination was performed, the stomach was taken and histopathological preparations were made. The results of this study of 9 samples found 22.2% (2 samples) experienced desquamation, 44.4% (4 samples) experienced erosion, 33.3% (3 samples) experienced ulceration. Desquamation characteristics can be seen from the peeling of the uppermost layer of the gastric mucosa. And erosion can be seen from the loss of some areas of the gastric mucosa. Then for ulceration where the entire thickness of the mucosa is lost. There was a change in the picture in the gastric mucosa histopathology of mice (Mus musculus) after being induced by aspirin

    Foreldelse av straffansvar for alvorlige forbrytelser : Bør foreldelsesreglene for noen av de mest alvorlige forbrytelsene fjernes eller modifiseres?

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    Oppgaven er et innlegg i debatten om foreldelsesreglerne for de mest alvorlige forbrytelsene. Jeg har valgt å fokusere på foreldelse av forbrytelser som seksuelle overgerp mot barn og Drap. Hovedproblemstillingen er om gjeldende foreldelsesregler bør fjernes for de mest alvorlige forbrytelsene. Det er presentert både argumenter for og imot dette

    Perancangan Sistem Pengendalian Level Menggunakan Metode Internal Model Control (IMC) Pada Deaerator 101U Plant Amoniak PT. Petrokimia Gresik

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    Deaerator adalah alat yang berfungsi untuk menghilangkan kandungan oksigen pada make up water sebelum masuk ke boiler dan heat exchanger. Deaerator bekerja dengan memanfaatkan kandungan oksigen yang terdapat pada steam untuk pelepasan kandungan oksigen pada make up water. Pengendalian level pada deaerator perlu dilakukan untuk menjaga kestabilan pasokan air ke boiler dan heat exchanger. Perancangan sistem pengendalian dengan metode Internal Model Control bertujuan agar respon pengendali memiliki performansi yang lebih baik daripada pengendalian PID. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan bahwa pengendali IMC memiliki respon yang lebih baik pada saat uji disturbance dan mampu mencapai set point pada saat uji tracking set point. Parameter tuning IMC menunjukan respon terbaik pada saat λ = 1. Parameter respon pengendali IMC yang didapatkan yaitu settling time = 14,56 s dan IAE = 20,92. ==================================================================================== Deaerator is a tool that serves to eliminate the oxygen content of the make-up water before it enters the boiler and heat exchanger. Deaerator works by utilizing the oxygen content contained in the steam to release oxygen content of the make-up water. Control of the deaerator level necessary to maintain a stable water supply to the boiler and heat exchanger. The design of control systems with the Internal Model Control method aims to control the response has better performance than the PID control. From the simulation results showed that the IMC controller has better response at the time of the disturbance test and is able to achieve set point when the set point tracking test. IMC tuning parameters showed the best response when λ = 1. IMC controller response parameters were obtained, settling time = 14,56 s and IAE = 20,92

    Comparison of The Effectiveness Antibacterial Test of Natural Ingredients and Antibiotic in Salmonella typhi Isolated from Hospital Waste and Household Waste

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    Salmonella typhi is a bacterium that causes salmonellosis which is a serious disease in Indonesia and is still endemic. Until now, the treatment and handling of cases of bacterial infection are still using antibiotics. The comparison of antibacterial effectiveness using turmeric extract, a ginger extract which is a natural ingredient with the antibiotics Ampicillin and Ciprofloxacin on Salmonella typhi isolates from hospital waste and household waste has been conducted. The purpose of this research is to compare the antibacterial effectiveness of Curcuma longa (turmeric) extract, Zingiber officinale (Ginger) extract, Ampicillin, and Ciprofloxacin antibiotics in inhibiting the growth of Salmonella typhi which are isolated from hospital waste and those isolated from household waste. This research is experimental research (experimental), using a control group and the research is carried out in a laboratory. The data collection technique was carried out by measuring the inhibition zone. Size of the inhibition zone of hospital isolates after treated by turmeric and ginger extract is smaller than household isolates. This result indicates that excessive usage of antibiotics will be able to increase the resistance or immunity of Salmonella typhi. Substances which are contained in turmeric and ginger extracts have ability to inhibit the growth of Salmonella typhi, with strong category against hospital isolates and very strong category against household isolates. It is concluded that turmeric and ginger extracts are able to    substitute synthetic antibiotics such as Ampicillin

    Physical, mechanical and environmental properties of denture base poly(methyl methacrylate) filled with hydroxyapatite.

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    Dalam bidang pergigian, resin poli(metil metakrilat) PMMA mampu bertahan sebagai bahan paling sesuai dan popular untuk fabrikasi asas dentur bagi prostodontik boleh tanggal. In the field of dental materials, poly(methyl methacrylate) PMMA resin maintains itself to be the most popular and suitable material for the fabrication of denture bases in removable prosthodontics