8 research outputs found

    Analysis of Potential Shift to Low-Carbon Urban Travel Modes: A Computational Framework Based on High-Resolution Smartphone Data

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    Given the necessity to understand the modal shift potentials at the level of individual travel times, emissions, and physically active travel distances, there is a need for accurately computing such potentials from disaggregated data collection. Despite significant development in data collection technology, especially by utilizing smartphones, there are limited efforts in developing useful computational frameworks for this purpose. First, development of a computational framework requires longitudinal data collection of revealed travel behavior of individuals. Second, such a computational framework should enable scalable analysis of time-relevant low-carbon travel alternatives in the target region. To this end, this research presents an open-source computational framework, developed to explore the potential for shifting from private car to lower-carbon travel alternatives. In comparison to previous development, our computational framework estimates and illustrates the changes in travel time in relation to the potential reductions in emission and increases in physically active travel, as well as daily weather conditions. The potential usefulness of the framework was evaluated using long-term travel data of around a hundred travelers within the Helsinki Metropolitan Region, Finland. The case study outcomes also suggest that in several cases traveling by public transport or bike would not increase travel time compared to the observed car travel. Based on the case study results, we discuss potentially acceptable travel times for mode shift, and usefulness of the computational framework for decisions regarding transition to sustainable urban mobility systems. Finally, we discuss limitations and lessons learned for data collection and further development of similar computational frameworks.Peer reviewe

    Liikkumisen kestävien palvelumarkkinoiden ohjauskeinot (LIIKE-PALO)

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    Liikennesektori on keskellä laajaa ja nopeaa kestävyyssiirtymää. Liikenteen päästöjä on vähennettävä ja samalla on huolehdittava siitä, että mahdollisuudet liikkua säilyvät koko maassa. Uusilla liikkumispalveluilla voi olla merkittävä rooli tavoitteiden saavuttamisessa. Liikkumispalveluiden tulevaisuuteen vaikuttavat laajat yhteiskunnalliset trendit kuten kaupungistuminen ja väestön ikääntyminen. Samanaikaisesti globaalit teknologiset trendit kuten digitalisaatio, automatisaatio ja palveluistuminen aiheuttavat muutoksia yrittäjyyteen ja palvelutuotantoon. Nykyiset liikennesuunnittelun ja päätöksenteon työkalut eivät pysty vastaamaan edellä kuvattujen tekijöiden aiheuttaman siirtymän tuomiin haasteisiin. Tarvitaan uusia keinoja, joiden avulla murrosta voidaan tarkastella ja hallita pitkällä aikavälillä. Uusien keinojen tunnistamiseksi projektissa hyödynnettiin iteratiivista prosessia, jossa skenaarioiden kehittämisen kanssa kulki rinnakkain niiden esittämien potentiaalisten vaikutusten kvantitatiivinen arviointi. Liikkumisen palveluiden mahdollistaman kestävyyssiirtymän hallinta vaatii myös ajattelu- ja toimintatapojen muutosta hallinnossa. Hankkeessa tunnistettiin viisi toimenpidekokonaisuutta, joilla hallinto voi kehittää kyvykkyyksiään ja menetelmiään sekä koko hallintokulttuuria entistä oppivampaan ja ennakoivampaan suuntaan ja edistää koko liikennealan yhteistyötä.Tämä julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa. (tietokayttoon.fi) Julkaisun sisällöstä vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikä tekstisisältö välttämättä edusta valtioneuvoston näkemystä

    Navigability assessment of large-scale redesigns in nine public transport networks: Open timetable data approach

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    Redesigns of public transport networks are complex undertakings requiring a careful balancing of several conflicting perspectives (e.g., user requirements vs system performance) and aims (e.g., increasing spatial coverage, increasing frequency). Current assessment tools omit an explicit focus on navigability, often identified as a key aspect of the user perspective. For understanding the multidimensional perspective of navigability, this research introduces an assessment framework with both system and journey-level measures. The system-level measures provide an overview of redesigns based on static network representations. The journey-level measures are based on journey trajectories generated with a customized routing algorithm, assessing the distributive effects of the redesign. The framework is applied to public transport networks from nine cities with recently implemented redesigns, namely Amsterdam, Auckland, Austin, Baltimore, Columbus, Helsinki, Houston, Indianapolis, and Wellington. Results indicate that the redesigns have improved navigability both from a system-level and user perspective in general. However, in some cases, improvements in navigability come at the cost of increased travel time and number of transfers. Furthermore, the results suggest that the redesigns have differing emphasis within the regions, for different times of day, and for different aspects of network structure. The results are discussed both from the perspective of the case findings and for drawing more general planning and policy recommendations. Finally, this research provides a basis for further transdisciplinary approaches, encouraging connections between transport modeling and complex networks approaches

    Governance cultures and sociotechnical imaginaries of self-driving vehicle technology: Comparative analysis of Finland, UK and Germany

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    As an emerging technology, the potential deployment of self-driving vehicles (SDVs) in cities is attributed with significant uncertainties and anticipated consequences requiring responsible governance of innovation processes. Despite a growing number of studies on policies and governance arrangements for managing the introduction of SDVs, there is a gap in understanding about country-specific governance strategies and approaches. This chapter addresses this gap by presenting a comparative analysis of SDV-related policy documents in Finland, UK, and Germany, three countries which are actively seeking to promote the introduction of SDVs and which have distinct administrative traditions. Our analytical framework is based on the set of premises about technology as a complex sociotechnical phenomenon, operationalized using governance cultures and sociotechnical imaginaries concepts. Our comparative policy document analysis focuses on the assumed roles for SDV technology, the identified domains and mechanisms of governance, and the assumed actors responsible for steering the development process. The results highlight similarities in pro-automation values across three different countries, while also uncovering important differences outside the domain of traditional transport policy instruments. In addition, the results identify different types of potential technological determinism, which could restrict opportunities for responsiveness and divergent visions of mobility futures in Europe. Concluding with a warning against further depolitization of technological development and a dominant focus on economic growth, we identify several necessary directions for further developing governance and experimentation processes.</p

    Driving a sustainable road transportation transformation

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    Strategies to sustainably transform road transformation often focus on electrification and environmental benefits. However, transportation is also intricately linked to socio-economic aspects of sustainable development and electrification poses its own challenges