309 research outputs found

    Liquid-Phase Chemical Sensing Using Lateral Mode Resonant Cantilevers

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    Liquid-phase operation of resonant cantilevers vibrating in an out-of-plane flexural mode has to date been limited by the considerable fluid damping and the resulting low quality factors (Q factors). To reduce fluid damping in liquids and to improve the detection limit for liquid-phase sensing applications, resonant cantilever transducers vibrating in their in-plane rather than their out-of-plane flexural resonant mode have been fabricated and shown to have Q factors up to 67 in water (up to 4300 in air). In the present work, resonant cantilevers, thermally excited in an in-plane flexural mode, are investigated and applied as sensors for volatile organic compounds in water. The cantilevers are fabricated using a complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) compatible fabrication process based on bulk micromachining. The devices were coated with chemically sensitive polymers allowing for analyte sorption into the polymer. Poly(isobutylene) (PIB) and poly(ethylene-co-propylene) (EPCO) were investigated as sensitive layers with seven different analytes screened with PIB and 12 analytes tested with EPCO. Analyte concentrations in the range of 1−100 ppm have been measured in the present experiments, and detection limits in the parts per billion concentration range have been estimated for the polymer-coated cantilevers exposed to volatile organics in water. These results demonstrate significantly improved sensing properties in liquids and indicate the potential of cantilever-type mass-sensitive chemical sensors operating in their in-plane rather than out-of-plane flexural modes

    Observing non-classical crystallisation processes in gypsum via infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy

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    The nature of crystallisation processes is of major interest, as they are among the most frequently occurring reactions associated with a variety of relevant processes in chemistry, biochemistry, and geochemistry. In this study, an innovative approach towards fundamentally understanding crystallisation pathways in a seemingly simple system-gypsum-has been developed via infrared spectroscopic techniques. Specifically, infrared attenuated total reflection spectroscopy (IR-ATR) was instrumental in revealing detailed information on inter- and intramolecular interactions during gypsum crystallization via subtle changes in the vibrational spectra of the involved reactants. When applying D2O as an isotope marker, it was shown that isotopically labelled water may serve as a viable spectroscopic probe during mid-infrared (3-15 µm) studies providing unique insight into the crystallization process at molecular-level detail. In addition, it was revealed that H2O and D2O give rise to distinctly different reaction kinetics during the crystallization process

    Portable infrared laser spectroscopy for on-site mycotoxin analysis

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    Mycotoxins are toxic secondary metabolites of fungi that spoil food, and severely impact human health (e.g., causing cancer). Therefore, the rapid determination of mycotoxin contamination including deoxynivalenol and aflatoxin B(1) in food and feed samples is of prime interest for commodity importers and processors. While chromatography-based techniques are well established in laboratory environments, only very few (i.e., mostly immunochemical) techniques exist enabling direct on-site analysis for traders and manufacturers. In this study, we present MYCOSPEC - an innovative approach for spectroscopic mycotoxin contamination analysis at EU regulatory limits for the first time utilizing mid-infrared tunable quantum cascade laser (QCL) spectroscopy. This analysis technique facilitates on-site mycotoxin analysis by combining QCL technology with GaAs/AlGaAs thin-film waveguides. Multivariate data mining strategies (i.e., principal component analysis) enabled the classification of deoxynivalenol-contaminated maize and wheat samples, and of aflatoxin B(1) affected peanuts at EU regulatory limits of 1250 μg kg(−1) and 8 μg kg(−1), respectively

    Towards enhanced optical sensor performance:SEIRA and SERS with plasmonic nanostars

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    We report the preparation and characterization of plasmonic chip-based systems comprising self-assembled gold nanostars at silicon substrates that enable concomitantly enhanced Raman (surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy; SERS) and mid-infrared (surface enhanced infrared reflection or absorption spectroscopy; SEIRA) spectral signatures. The high-aspect-ratio structure of gold nanostars provides an increased number of hot spots at their surface, which results in an electric field enhancement around the nanomaterial. Gold nanostars were immobilized at a silicon substrate via a thin gold layer, and α-ω-dimercapto polyethylene glycol (SH-PEG-SH) linkers. The Raman and IR spectra of crystal violet (CV) revealed a noticeable enhancement of the analyte vibrational signal intensity in SERS and SEIRA studies resulting from the presence of the nanostars. Enhancement factors of 2.5 × 10 3 and 2.3 × 10 3 were calculated in SERS considering the CV bands at 1374.9 cm -1 and 1181 cm -1 , respectively; for SEIRA, an enhancement factor of 5.36 was achieved considering the CV band at 1585 cm -1

    Substrate-Integrated Hollow Waveguides (iHWG) for Infrared (IR) and Raman Gas Sensing: Volume 2

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    Hollow Waveguide Gas Sensor for Mid-Infrared Trace Gas Analysis

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    A hollow waveguide mid-infrared gas sensor operating from 1000 cm{sup -1} to 4000 cm{sup -1} has been developed, optimized, and its performance characterized by combining a FT-IR spectrometer with Ag/Ag-halide hollow core optical fibers. The hollow core waveguide simultaneously serves as a light guide and miniature gas cell. CH{sub 4} was used as test analyte during exponential dilution experiments for accurate determination of the achievable limit of detection (LOD). It is shown that the optimized integration of an optical gas sensor module with FT-IR spectroscopy provides trace sensitivity at the few hundreds of parts-per-billion concentration range (ppb, v/v) for CH{sub 4}