6 research outputs found

    Carbon-doped high mobility two-dimensional hole gases on (110) faced GaAs

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    Carbon-doped high mobility two-dimensional hole gases grown on (110) oriented GaAs substrates have been grown with hole mobilities exceeding 10^6 cm^2/Vs in single heterojunction GaAs/AlGaAs structures. At these high mobilities, a pronounced mobility anisotropy has been observed. Rashba induced spin-splitting in these asymmetric structures has been found to be independent on the transport direction

    Carbon doped symmetric GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells with hole mobilities beyond 10^6 cm^2/Vs

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    Utilizing a novel carbon doping source, we prepared two-dimensional hole gases in a symmetric quantum well structure in the GaAs/AlGaAs heterosystem. Low temperature hole mobilities up to 1.2 x 10^6 cm^2/Vs at a density of 2.3 x 10^11 cm^-2 were achieved on GaAs (001) substrates. In contrast to electron systems, the hole mobility sensitively depends on variations of the quantum well width and the spacer thickness. In particular an increase of the quantum well width from an optimal value of 15 nm to 18 nm is accompanied by a 35 % reduction of the hole mobility. The quality of ultrahigh-mobility electron systems is not affected by the employed carbon doping source

    Surface brightness fluctuation spectrum: a new probe of evolved stars in unresolved stellar populations

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    The surface brightness fluctuation (SBF) method measures spatial fluctuations due to the most luminous stars in a galaxy. Besides being useful for distance measurements, it also provides diagnostic power to investigate the contribution of the brightest stars to the underlying unresolved stellar population. We apply the SBF technique to every wavelength layer in integral field spectroscopy data obtained with the MUSE instrument. This yields the first SBF spectrum of a galaxy. SBF spectra combine the sensitivity of SBF to luminous stars with the physical information content of spectra. We show that the SBF spectrum of the S0 galaxy NGC 5102 is dominated by spectra of M-type giants (red giant branch, asymptotic giant branch, and red supergiant stars). We build the first stellar population synthesis tool that predicts SBF spectra. Through comparison of integrated spectra from our new tool with published model spectra, we confirm that it is mathematically correct. We use the integrated spectrum and a bootstrap method to derive an ensemble of (degenerate) star formation histories of NGC 5102. We compute a model SBF spectrum for each star formation history. Given that some models do not reproduce the observed SBF spectrum well, we are able to obtain additional constraints on the star formation history, leading to marginally reduced uncertainties on the mean age and metallicity. This result is confirmed by modelling mock spectra with different star formation histories

    Anomalous temperature dependence of commensurabilit oscillations in one two dimensional lateral superlattices

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    Two-dimensional electron systems were laterally modulated using the method of in situ interferometric illumination. Magnetotransport measurements on 1D and 2D modulated systems revealed a phase change of the commensurability oscillations depending on temperature. This behaviour is surprising and cannot be explained by existing theories

    Dominant dark matter and a counter-rotating disc: MUSE view of the low-luminosity S0 galaxy NGC 5102

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    The kinematics and stellar populations of the low-mass nearby S0 galaxy NGC 5102 are studied from integral field spectra taken with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). The kinematic maps reveal for the first time that NGC 5102 has the characteristic 2 sigma peaks indicative of galaxies with counter-rotating discs. This interpretation is quantitatively confirmed by fitting two kinematic components to the observed spectra. Through stellar population analysis we confirm the known young stellar population in the centre and find steep age and metallicity gradients. We construct axisymmetric Jeans anisotropic models of the stellar dynamics to investigate the initial mass function (IMF) and the dark matter halo of the galaxy. The models show that this galaxy is quite different from all galaxies previously studied with a similar approach: even within the half-light radius, it cannot be approximated with the self-consistent mass-follows-light assumption. Including an NFW dark matter halo, we need a heavy IMF and a dark matter fraction of 0.37+-0.04 within a sphere of one effective radius to describe the stellar kinematics. The more general model with a free slope of the dark matter halo shows that slope and IMF are degenerate, but indicates that a light weight IMF (Chabrier-like) and a higher dark matter fraction, with a steeper (contracted) halo, fit the data better. Regardless of the assumptions about the halo profile, we measure the slope of the total mass density to be -1.75+-0.04. This is shallower than the slope of -2 of an isothermal halo and shallower than published slopes for more massive early type galaxies.Comment: 20 pages, 20 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA