21 research outputs found


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    目的:群馬県訪問看護事業所における医療処置及び人工呼吸器装着者の事故発生状況,安全対策への取組を明らかにし,地域における安全対策の体制整備を検討する. 方法:群馬県の訪問看護事業所の管理者421人を対象に自記式質問紙調査を実施した.有効回答は67人(15.9%),記述統計量を算出し,自由記述は類似性に基づき整理した. 結果:医療処置の事故は訪問看護提供時間内に14件(n=31),影響度はレベル3以下,人工呼吸療法に関する事故は介護者在宅時が11件(n=25),影響度はレベル4が1件(4.0%),レベル5が3件(12.0%)であった.発生時の対応は,介護職のケア時間に発生した事故の検討47.4%,地域の多機関で話し合う30.6%であった. 結論:人工呼吸器装着者の安全対策は,介護者のみの時間の療養者・家族が行う対策が重要であり,支援チーム,地域の多機関での事故に関する情報共有・検討が課題である.Purpose: This study examined the development of local safety measure systems by clarifying the incidence of accidents in medical procedures and among users of ventilators, as well as initiatives for safety measures at home-visit nursing stations in Gunma Prefecture. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to 421 administrators of home-visit nursing stations in Gunma Prefecture and valid responses were obtained from 67 respondents (15.9%). Each item was subject to descriptive statistics and open-ended answers were organized based on similarities. Results: The respondents reported 14 (45.2%) medical procedure accidents that occurred during home-visit nursing hours with an impact level on patients of 3 or lower, and 11 (44.0%) ventilation therapy accidents that occurred while the caregiver was home, one of which had an impact level of 4 (4.0%) and three of which had an impact level of 5 (12.0%). Measures taken to address accidents were investigations into accidents that occurred during care hours by care workers in 47.4% of cases and discussions among various local agencies in 30.6% of cases. Conclusions: Regarding safety measures for users of ventilators, measures carried out by the patient and their family while only the caregiver was home were important. In the future, it is necessary to address the sharing and review of information on accidents among support teams and various local agencies.報


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    目的:全国及び群馬県の訪問看護ステーション(以下,ST)の経営状況と事業所特性及び地域特性,経営管理との関連を明らかにし,比較検討する. 方法:全国2,000人及び群馬県163人のST管理者を対象とし,自記式質問紙調査を実施した.有効回答は全国473人,群馬県55人で,経営状況と各項目との関連はχ2検定及びKruskal-Wallis検定を,さらに経営状況を目的変数とするロジスティック回帰分析を行った. 結果:全国では,看護師常勤・看護師非常勤・事務職員非常勤の従業者数,1人1日平均訪問回数,北海道・東北地域,収支のモニタリングが黒字に関連していた.群馬県では関連がみられず,全国に比して赤字のST割合が多く,経営管理の得点が低かった. 結論:経営状況の改善には,ST規模の拡大やST管理者の収支のモニタリングに焦点を当てた行動の有効性が示唆された.群馬県では,経営管理に関する分析の強化が必要である.Objectives: The financial status of home-visit nursing stations (STs) was analyzed in relation to business office characteristics, local community characteristics and business management, and the results between Gunma Prefecture and all prefectures in Japan were compared. Methods: A self-administered questionnaire survey was completed by 163 ST managers in Gunma Prefecture and 2000 ST managers from all over Japan. Valid responses were collected from 55 managers from Gunma Prefecture and 473 managers from all over Japan. The association between management status with each variable was analyzed by the chisquare test and Kruskal-Wallis test. In addition, logistic regression analysis was carried out with the status of management as the dependent variable. Results: For STs all prefectures in Japan, profitable business (black-ink balance) was associated with the number of employees (full-time nurses, part-time nurses and part-time clerical staff), the mean number of care receiver homes visited daily by each nurse, the district (Hokkaido/Tohoku) and revenue/expenditure balance monitoring. In Gunma Prefecture, the percentage of red-ink operation STs was higher and the score for business management was lower than in all prefectures in Japan. Conclusions: These results suggest that management actions focusing on expansion of the scale of STs and on revenue/ expenditure balance monitoring by ST managers are effective in improving the status of management. In Gunma Prefecture, reinforcement of how to analyze business management is needed.原

    Data from: Relationships between resprouting ability, species traits, and resource allocation patterns in woody species in a temperate forest

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    Many woody plants resprout to restore above-ground biomass after disturbances or to survive in stressful environments. Resprouting requires carbohydrate storage, but the general relationship between resource allocation patterns and resprouting ability remains unclear because it can be influenced by the disturbance regime to which species have adapted. We studied deciduous broadleaved trees that coexist in a Japanese cool-temperate forest to investigate the relationships among the biomass and total non-structural carbohydrate (TNC) allocation patterns of saplings, resprouting ability and functional traits. The study species comprised 16 single-stemmed species that only resprout when above-ground biomass loss occurs and eight multi-stemmed species that resprout regardless of whether above-ground damage occurs or not. Single-stemmed species with better juvenile resprouting ability had larger roots, whereas multi-stemmed species with better juvenile resprouting ability did not necessarily depend on below-ground reserves. Species that retain their ability to resprout until a larger size had a higher root TNC content as saplings, suggesting that they can survive major disturbances such as fire and coppicing by resprouting supported by TNC stored in their roots. Species with shade-tolerant traits (i.e. low foliar nitrogen indicating low photosynthetic capacity, high wood density indicating high defensive investment) had small below-ground TNC reserves irrespective of resprouting types. On the other hand, multi-stemmed species with high wood density and high LMA (indicating high photosynthetic capacity) had small above-ground TNC reserves. Contrary to our hypothesis, a species’ maximum size did not relate to the size of its below-ground reserves. By considering the differences in resprouting types, we suggest more complex control of resprouting than was formerly proposed. Variation in the resprouting ability of single-stemmed species was based on a trade-off between below-ground reserves for resprouting and shade-tolerant traits. However, multi-stemmed species can vigorously resprout irrespective of the size of its below-ground reserves. Their multi-stemmed architecture, well-defended wood, high photosynthetic capacity or large above-ground carbohydrate reserves seem to respectively contribute to their persistence. Such variation in the resprouting strategy based on a trade-off between shade tolerance and resource storage would promote species coexistence under a range of disturbance regimes and light environments