2,886 research outputs found

    First-passage theory of exciton population loss in single-walled carbon nanotubes reveals micron-scale intrinsic diffusion lengths

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    One-dimensional crystals have long range translational invariance which manifests as long exciton diffusion lengths, but such intrinsic properties are often obscured by environmental perturbations. We use a first-passage approach to model single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) exciton dynamics (including exciton-exciton annihilation and end effects) and compare it to results from both continuous-wave and multi-pulse ultrafast excitation experiments to extract intrinsic SWCNT properties. Excitons in suspended SWCNTs experience macroscopic diffusion lengths, on the order of the SWCNT length, (1.3-4.7 um) in sharp contrast to encapsulated samples. For these pristine samples, our model reveals intrinsic lifetimes (350-750 ps), diffusion constants (130-350 cm^2/s), and absorption cross-sections (2.1-3.6 X 10^-17 cm^2/atom) among the highest previously reported.and diffusion lengths for SWCNTs.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A new tunnel assessment procedure integrating smoke dispersion and evacuation models

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    International audienceThis paper focuses on a new risk assessment procedure for tunnel. This procedure is based on the coupling between smoke dispersion models and evacuation models. It has been developed inside the UPGRADE procedure put in place in the UPTUN project. The method is based on two heat and mass flow (HMF) models for the calculation of tenability conditions due to a fire event: NewVendis for the 1D calculation and the global equilibrium of the tunnel network and FASIT for the calculation in the vicinity of the fire. Tenability conditions are used as input data for the evacuation calculation carried out by the evacuation model CRISP . All results (smoke dispersion and evacuation) are then combined in tenability diagrams which are a superposition of HMF tenability conditions and users' location in the tunnel. This kind of presentation can then be used to help understand injuries or people casualties and to take efficient safety measures to increase safety level in tunnel

    A position sensitive phoswich hard X-ray detector system

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    A prototype position sensitive phoswich hard X-ray detector, designed for eventual astronomical usage, was tested in the laboratory. The scintillation crystal geometry was designed on the basis of a Monte Carlo simulation of the internal optics and includes a 3mm thick NaI(T1) primary X-ray detector which is actively shielded by a 20 mm thick CsI(T1) scintillation crystal. This phoswich arrangement is viewed by a number two inch photomultipliers. Measured values of the positional and spectral resolution of incident X-ray photons are compared with calculation

    Spatially generalizable representations of facial expressions: Decoding across partial face samples

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    A network of cortical and sub-cortical regions is known to be important in the processing of facial expression. However, to date no study has investigated whether representations of facial expressions present in this network permit generalization across independent samples of face information (e.g. eye region Vs mouth region). We presented participants with partial face samples of five expression categories in a rapid event-related fMRI experiment. We reveal a network of face sensitive regions that contain information about facial expression categories regardless of which part of the face is presented. We further reveal that the neural information present in a subset of these regions: dorsal prefrontal cortex (dPFC), superior temporal sulcus (STS), lateral occipital and ventral temporal cortex, and even early visual cortex, enables reliable generalization across independent visual inputs (faces depicting the 'eyes only' versus 'eyes removed'). Furthermore, classification performance was correlated to behavioral performance in STS and dPFC. Our results demonstrate that both higher (e.g. STS, dPFC) and lower level cortical regions contain information useful for facial expression decoding that go beyond the visual information presented, and implicate a key role for contextual mechanisms such as cortical feedback in facial expression perception under challenging conditions of visual occlusion

    Sensor-steered fire simulation

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    A sensor-linked modelling tool for live prediction of uncontrolled compartment fires, K-CRISP, has been developed in order to facilitate emergency response via novel systems such as FireGrid. The modelling strategy is an extension of the Monte-Carlo fire model, CRISP, linking simulations to sensor inputs which controls evolution of the parametric space in which new scenarios are generated, thereby representing real-time “learning” about the fire. CRISP itself is based on a zone model representation of the fire, with linked capabilities for egress modelling and failure prediction for structural members, thus providing a major advantage over more detailed approaches in terms of flexibility and practicality, though with the conventional limitations of zone models. Large numbers of scenarios are required, but computational demands are mitigated to some extent by various procedures to limit the parameters which need to be varied. HPC (high performance computing) resources are exploited in “urgent computing” mode. The approach adopted for steering is shown to be effective in directing the evolution of the fire parameters, thereby driving the fire predictions towards the measurements. Moreover, the availability of probabilistic information in the output assists in providing potential end users with an indication of the likelihood of various hazard scenarios. The best forecasts are those for the immediate future, or for relatively simple fires, with progressively less confidence at longer lead times and in more complex scenarios. Given the uncertainties in real fire development the benefits of more detailed model representations may be marginal and the system developed thus far is considered to be an appropriate engineering approach to the problem, providing information of potential benefit in emergency response

    The impact of deliberate reflection with WISE-MD modules on surgical clerkship students\u27 critical thinking: a prospective, randomized controlled pilot study

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    Purpose: Critical thinking underlies several Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)-defined core entrustable professional activities (EPAs). Critical-thinking ability affects health care quality and safety. Tested tools to teach, assess, improve, and nurture good critical-thinking skills are needed. This prospective randomized controlled pilot study evaluated the addition of deliberate reflection (DR), guidance with Web Initiative in Surgical Education (WISE-MD) modules, to promote surgical clerks\u27 critical-thinking ability. The goal was to promote the application of reflective awareness principles to enhance learning outcomes and critical thinking about the module content. Participants and methods: Surgical clerkship (SC) students were recruited from two different blocks and randomly assigned to a control or intervention group. The intervention group was asked to record responses using a DR guide as they viewed two selected WISE-MD modules while the control group was asked to view two modules recording free thought. We hypothesized that the intervention group would show a significantly greater pre- to postintervention increase in critical-thinking ability than students in the control group. Results: Neither group showed a difference in pre- and posttest free-thought critical-thinking outcomes; however, the intervention group verbalized more thoughtful clinical reasoning during the intervention. Conclusion: Despite an unsupported hypothesis, this study provides a forum for discussion in medical education. It took a sponsored tool in surgical education (WISE-MD) and posed the toughest evaluation criteria of an educational intervention; does it affect the way we think? and not just what we learn, but how we learn it? The answer is significant and will require more resources before we arrive at a definitive answer

    Why Are There So Many Digital Identities?

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    This article analyses why people have so many digital identities and offers suggestions to reduce the numbers to more reasonable levels.  Digital identity thinking has been dominated by the objective of general-purpose reusable identity as a response to the unwieldy profusion of identifiers that came with expanding ecommerce. The notion of reusable digital identity is somewhat intuitive, energised by the mental model of humans exercising a virtual self in cyberspace. Many user interfaces are constructed to exhibit an intentional stance suggestive of humans having a digital counterpart making our digital actions more lifelike and comprehensible. In some nations, there is a precedent for national identity, which makes general-purpose digital identity culturally more logical, even appealing. In common law countries, however, the market for reusable digital identity is still not mature. To date, there is no solid business case for general purpose reusable identity - largely because it proves costlier than expected to reengineer transactional identifiers to align (or federate) with an intuitive singular digital identity. Thus, individuals must manage many siloed, special purpose identifiers, account names, passwords, and piecemeal authenticators. If transactional identifiers go hand in hand with transaction systems, then there will likely remain a need for about as many identifiers as there are transactional services. Recent technology developments, especially in cryptographic verifiable credentials and mobile digital wallets, may provide ways to automate the management of multiple identifiers and achieve the desired usability anticipated from singular identity without disrupting the forces that have led to transaction specific identification

    GPs’ role in caring for children and young people with life-limiting conditions: a retrospective cohort study

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    Background: GPs are rarely actively involved in healthcare provision for children and young people (CYP) with life-limiting conditions (LLCs). This raises problems when these children develop minor illness or require management of other chronic diseases. Aim: To investigate the association between GP attendance patterns and hospital urgent and emergency care use. Design and setting: Retrospective cohort study using a primary care data source (Clinical Practice Research Datalink) in England. The cohort numbered 19 888. Method: CYP aged 0–25 years with an LLC were identified using Read codes (primary care) or International Classification of Diseases 10 th Revision (ICD-10) codes (secondary care). Emergency inpatient admissions and accident and emergency (A&E) attendances were separately analysed using multivariable, two-level random intercept negative binomial models with key variables of consistency and regularity of GP attendances. Results: Face-to-face GP surgery consultations reduced, from a mean of 7.12 per person year in 2000 to 4.43 in 2015. Those consulting the GP less regularly had 15% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 10% to 20%) more emergency admissions and 5% more A&E visits (95% CI = 1% to 10%) than those with more regular consultations. CYP who had greater consistency of GP seen had 10% (95% CI = 6% to 14%) fewer A&E attendances but no significant difference in emergency inpatient admissions than those with lower consistency. Conclusion: There is an association between GP attendance patterns and use of urgent secondary care for CYP with LLCs, with less regular GP attendance associated with higher urgent secondary healthcare use. This is an important area for further investigation and warrants the attention of policymakers and GPs, as the number of CYP with LLCs living in the community rises
