11 research outputs found

    Use of arthroscopy in the treatment of fragmented medial coronoid process of the ulna: case report in a dog

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    The term elbow dysplasia (ED) describes the state of the elbow joint caused by abnormal development.The most common lesions found in the elbow joint are the fragmented medial coronoid process (FMCP) of the ulna, the osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) of the medial portion of the humeral condyle, the isolated processus anconeus (IPA) and articular incongruity (AI). The treatment for FMCP can be conservative or srrgical. Surgical techniques are varied but, usually, aim at removing the affected pieces of cartilage and, or, bone from the elbow joint. This paper reports the success of the arthroscopic technique in the treatment of FMCP in a dog.O termo displasia de cotovelo (DC) descreve um estado anormal da articulação úmero-rádio-ulnar, causada por desenvolvimento inadequado da mesma. As lesões mais comumente encontradas são fragmentação do processo coronóide medial (FPCM) da ulna, osteocondrite dissecante (OCD) da porção medial do côndilo umeral, não união do processo ancôneo (NUPA) e incongruência articular (IA). O tratamento para FPCM pode ser conservativo ou cirúrgico. As técnicas cirúrgicas empregadas são variadas, mas em geral se baseiam na remoção de "flaps" cartilaginosos ou ósseos da articulação. Este trabalho relata o êxito do tratamento da FPCM da ulna utilizando-se a técnica de artroscopia

    Diagnostic ultrasonography of the shoulder in dogs – scan techniques and common findings

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    A determinação da origem de claudicação e dor das estruturas do ombro de cães é considerada desafio diagnóstico. A ultrassonografia é importante ferramenta diagnóstica capaz de fornecer informações detalhadas de estruturas músculo-tedíneas, de forma dinâmica e a baixo custo. Sua acurácia diagnóstica para lesões do ombro é comparável à da ressonância magnética, no entanto, nota-se que a técnica ainda é subestimada e subutilizada na rotina ortopédica de pequenos animais no Brasil. O presente trabalho tem o intuito de compilar dados da literatura e explorar o exame ultrassonográfico para o diagnóstico de anormalidades na região da articulação do ombro em cães. Foram revisadas as manobras de varredura dos tendões dos músculos bíceps braquial, supraespinhoso, infraespinhoso, redondo menor, cabeça umeral e plexo braquial. Foram descritos os padrões ultrassonográficos normais e os achados que caracterizam diferentes enfermidades dessa região.Determining the origin of lameness and pain in dog shoulder structures is considered a diagnostic challenge. Ultrasonography is an important diagnostic tool, capable of dynamically providing detailed information on muscle-tendon structures at a low cost. Its diagnostic accuracy for shoulder injuries is comparable to that of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); however, the technique is still underestimated and underused in orthopedic examinations of small animals in Brazil. This study aimed to compile the literature data and explore the findings of ultrasound examinations for the diagnosis of abnormalities in the shoulder joint region of dogs. Scanning maneuvers of the tendons of the biceps brachii, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, humeral head, and brachial plexus muscles were reviewed. The normal ultrasonographic patterns and findings that characterize different illnesses in this region were described

    Supraspinatus tendinosis in dogs / <br> Tendinose do supra-espinhoso em cães

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    Supraspinatus tendinosis was recently reported in dogs but it is a well-documented disorder in human beings, specie in which is considered the cause of pain and dysfunction in 51% of cases of shoulder problems. It can cause pain and lameness or be asymptomatic in dogs. The clinical relevance in canine specie is unclear and seems to be underestimated. The aim of this paper is to review the possible etiologies involved in this tendinopathy, the main diagnostic methods applied and actual options of therapies in veterinary medicine. Simultaneously, call the clinicians attention to this disorder as differential diagnosis for forelimb pain and lameness diseases.<p><p>A tendinose do supra-espinhoso é uma desordem recentemente relatada em cães e bem documentada em seres humanos, espécie na qual representa 51% das causas de alteração na articulação do ombro. Em cães, a afecção pode levar à dor na articulação acometida e claudicação ou permanecer assintomática. O significado clínico do problema ainda não foi definido na espécie canina e parece ser subestimado. O objetivo deste trabalho é discorrer sobre as possíveis etiologias desta tendinopatia e principais métodos diagnósticos, bem como abordar as terapias mais aplicadas atualmente em medicina veterinária, atentando ao clínico sobre as características da doença e a importância de incluí-la no diagnóstico diferencial de causas de dor e claudicação do membro anterior em cães

    Multiple infestation of Dioctophyme renale in dogs with leishmaniasis in Uruguaiana, RS - Report of five cases

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    ABSTRACT. Mistieri M.L. de A., Pascon J.P. da E. & dos Santos F.P. [Multiple infestation of Dioctophyme renale in dogs with leishmaniasis in Uruguaiana, RS - Report of five cases.] Infestação múltipla de Dioctophyme renale em cães portadores de leishmaniose em Uruguaiana, RS - Relato de cinco casos. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinária, 36(2):195-198, 2014. Universidade Federal do Pampa, BR 472, Km 592, Caixa Postal 118, Uruguaiana, RS 97500-970, Brasil. Email: [email protected] Dioctophyme renale is a parasite of different animal species, including human beings. The parasite life cycle can be complex, involving intermediate hosts, definitive hosts and paratenic hosts, represented by different species of frog, rat and fish, specially. The domestic dogs are considered unusual and terminal hosts because they commonly present single parasite, enabling its reproduction and the cycle maintenance. This report presents a multiple infestation of D. renale (male and female specimens) in five of nine dogs that underwent to euthanasia due to leishmaniasis. It was noticed two to eight parasites in each affected dog, summing 27 specimens, 12 males measuring between 9.0 and 21.5 cm in length and 15 females with 23.5 to 42.0 cm. In all dogs, the right kidney was completely destroyed. Actual epidemiological studies are necessary to check the real prevalence of the dioctophimosis in the region of Uruguaiana and the determination of the local parasite cycle. Deficient sanitary and hygiene conditions are commonly observed in the progression of D. renale and Leishmania sp. infections. It is possible that those conditions are the link between both disorders in the studied dogs

    Feline Demodicosis by Demodex cati

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    Background: Feline demodicosis is considered an uncommon dermatopathy in cats that is mainly caused by the mite Demodex cati, but in few cases D. gatoi may be involved. Although the clinical aspects and pathogeny of feline demodicosis are not completely understood, its clinical expression is believed to be associated with the presence of primary immunosuppressive agents. Thus, the aim of this study is to report the diagnosis and treatment of an infested cat by D. cati, associated with mixed intestinal parasitic infection. Case: An approximately 1-year-old male short hair cat which was grown in a rural area was presented at the Veterinary Hospital of the Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa) in Uruguaiana, Rio Grande do Sul. The cat had alopecia, itching, excoriations on neck and head, and softened feces as clinical signs. Performed skin scrapings revealed eggs, larvae and adult forms of D. cati. In order to fnd possible immunosuppressive agents, exams for detection of feline immunodefciency virus (FIV) and feline leukemia virus (FeLV) were also performed. They revealed, however, negative results for FIV and FeLV infections. Moreover, coproparasitologic analysis revealed the presence of the intestinal parasites Trichuris sp., Ancylostoma sp., and Spirometra mansonoides. Thus, it was decided to proceed the treatment utilizing 0.2 mg/kg of moxidectin subcutaneously every four days and weekly shower with antiseptic shampoo containing 0.15% triclosan. In addition, it was prescribed oral doses of febendazol (50 mg/kg/day) for four days. After 20 days of treatment, the skin lesions had decreased signifcantly and the skin scrapings were negative for D. cati. In this way, the showers with 0.15% triclosan was suspended. Nevertheless, the treatment with moxidectin was maintained for more fours weeks until totalclinical healing was achieved with hair growth and absence of skin lesions. Furthermore, after the treatment with febendazol the animal feces had reached a normal consistency and new coproparasitologic analysis revealed negative results for the presence of intestinal parasites. Discussion: The diagnosis of Demodex cati was based on clinical history, physical examination (alopecia, excoriation in the head and neck) and microscopic visualization of the mite in skin scrapings. The treatment used with moxidectin, acaricidal quite safe and effective, widely used in treatment of canine demodicosis, but no reports about the use in cats. The mite D. cati is considered normal resident of cat’s skin, and the pathogenesis of demodicosis is still unknown. It is known that the playback exacerbated mite can present with skin lesions is commonly associated with immunosuppression states. The presence of three different intestinal parasites (Spirometra mansonoides, Trichuris sp., and Ancylostoma sp.) might have been essential for an immunosuppressive status of the cat and clinical development of demodicosis. Thus, this report supports the hypothesis that a primary immunosuppressive agent is necessary for clinical development of feline demodicosis. Nevertheless, further researches are necessary in order to determine the prevalence of feline demodicosis and correlate the presence of cestodes and development of this disease. In addition, this report highlights the therapeutic success utilizing na association of moxidectin and topic treatment with the treatment of possible immunosuppressive agents.Keywords: dermatopathy, imunossuppression, cat, therap

    Hemilaminectomia no tratamento de osteocondromatose vertebral em gato

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    O termo osteocondromatose refere-se a anormalidades proliferativas benignas de tecido cartilaginoso que acomete ossos de origem endocondral. Esta condição pode ser solitária ou múltipla e, neste último caso, é referida como exostose múltipla cartilaginosa (EMC). em felinos, é caracterizada pelo surgimento em animais adultos e por apresentar desenvolvimento progressivo. A osteocondromatose pode ser silenciosa e o paciente poderá apresentar sinais clínicos quando o desenvolvimento das exostoses resultar em compressão de estruturas vitais, como a medula espinhal. em felinos, a enfermidade não possui tratamento conhecido devido ao seu caráter recidivante. Este trabalho relata o êxito da aplicação de hemilaminectomia no tratamento de osteocondromatose vertebral em gato.Osteochondromatosis refers to benign proliferations of cartilaginous tissue ocurring in bones with endochondral development. This condition may be solitary or multiple and, in this case, is known as Multiple Cartilaginous Exostosis (MCE). In felines, usually occurs in adult animals and has progressive development. This disease can be silent until vital structures are not affected. No treatment is known in cats because of the high risk of recidives. This report shows the success of hemilaminectomy in the treatment of vertebral osteochondromatosis in a cat


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    A relação entre os animais e os seres humanos, iniciada há muitos anos, evidencia a interdependência entre humanidade e animais. Esta proximidade levou à quantidade enorme de indivíduos errantes presentes em centros urbanos, minando os preceitos básicos de bem-estar animal e culminando em inúmeros problemas à saúde pública. Este quadro é agravado pela falta de orientação sobre os princípios da guarda responsável de animais em muitos municípios brasileiros. Dentro deste contexto, atualmente a cidade de Uruguaiana - RS enfrenta grave problema de saúde pública devido ao elevado número de animais errantes. O presente trabalho objetivou promover a conscientização sobre a posse responsável de animais, de crianças de 05 a 08 anos de idade, neste município. Foram realizadas apresentações teatrais educativas, com uso de fantoches, em nove escolas abrangendo cerca de 930 crianças de instituições públicas de ensino. Antes e depois das apresentações foram entregues às crianças questionários objetivos a fim de avaliar seu aprendizado. Os resultados foram então tabulados e analisados pelo Teste das proporções (95% de probabilidade). Notou-se que 89,5% das crianças possuem animais de estimação. Antes da apresentação teatral, 80% delas responderam que o melhor lugar para manter os animais era em casa, após a apresentação, este número de se elevou para 91% (p=0,007). Sobre o alimento ideal para o animal, apenas 89% responderam ser a ração; após a visita do projeto, este número se elevou para 99,5% após (p=0,000). Antes da apresentação, 81,5% responderam que procurariam ajuda se o animal estivesse necessitado, e após, a proporção permaneceu em 80,5%, não apresentando diferença estatística. Cerca de 62% das crianças consideravam o animal seu melhor amigo, após as peças de teatro, 87,5% passaram a fazer tal consideração (p=0,001). Com relação à higiene, 97% das crianças lavavam as mãos após brincar com o animal de estimação; após as palestras, 100% responderam que o faziam (p=0,023).  Assim, constatou-se que o método utilizado nas apresentações se mostrou eficaz nas questões avaliadas. Foi possível observar melhora no modo de pensar das crianças em relação aos animais. Acredita-se que a médio e longo prazo, este projeto poderá auxiliar na melhoria do bem estar animal e da saúde pública do município de Uruguaiana.The relationship of animals and humans has begun many centuries ago and highlights the interdependence of humankind and some animal species. This proximity leaded to a large amount of stray dogs, cats and horses in urban centers, mining the basic precepts of welfare and causing public health problems. It can be worse in cities where concepts of animal welfare and zoonosis are not known by the population. Uruguaiana faces a critical public health situation due to the huge number of stray animals. “Best Friend” Project was created in 2010 and since then aimed to promote responsible ownership of animals, focusing on children aged 5 to 8 years old. The project worked with a theater of puppets and the performances were made in nine public schools, for 930 children. Multiple choice questions were answered by the children before and after the acting performances, in order to access their learning. The results were tabulated and analyzed by using Proportions Test (95% probability). It was observed that 89.5% of children owned pets. Before the presentation, 80% answered that the best place to keep their pet was at home, after the presentation this proportion increased to 91% (p=0.007). When inquired about the ideal food to pets, only 89% referred to commercial feed; after the project visit, the proportion increased to 99.5% (p=0.000). When asked if they would look for professional help if their pet was sick, before and after the presentation, children answered similarly (81.5% answered positively before and 80.5% after) not revealing statistical difference. Around 62% of the children considered their pet as a best friend, after the lectures 87.5% of them recognize their pet as a friend (p=0.001). It was also inquired if the children washed their hands after playing with their pet; before the educational activities of Best Friend Project 97% answered positively; after them, 100% (p=0.023). According to the evaluations, the method applied proved to be effective, improving children’s way of thinking concerning their pet maintenance. The authors believe that “Best Friend” project actions would be useful on animal welfare and public health improvements in Uruguaiana in the future.La relación entre animales y seres humanos, iniciada a muchos años atrás, evidencia la interdependencia entre humanidad y animales. Esta proximidad llevo a cantidades enormes de individuos errantes presente en centros urbanos, minando los preceptos básicos de bien estar animal y trayendo inúmeros problemas a la salud pública. Este cuadro es agravado por la falta de orientación sobre los principios de la guardia responsable de animales en muchos municipios brasileños. Dentro de este contexto, actualmente la ciudad de Uruguayana enfrenta graves problemas de salud pública debido al elevado número de animales errantes. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo promover la concientización sobre la pose responsable de animales en niños de 05 a 08 años de edad, en el municipio de Uruguayana RS Brasil, y fueron utilizadas presentaciones teatrales con títeres en nueve escuelas cubriendo cerca de 930 niños de instituciones publica de enseñanza. Antes y después de las presentaciones se entregaron cuestionarios a los niños, con el fin de evaluar su aprendizaje. Los resultados fueron anotados y analizados por el test de las proporciones (95% de probabilidad). Los resultados muestran que el 89,5% de los niños posen animales de estimación; Antes de la presentación el 80% de los niños respondieron que el mejor lugar para mantener a los animales era en casa, y luego de la presentación, este número se elevó al 91% (p=0.007). Sobre el alimento ideal para animales, apenas el 89% respondió que fuera la ración animal, y luego de la visita del proyecto, este número se elevó al 99,5% (p=0.000). Antes de la presentación, 81,5% respondieron que buscarían ayuda si el perro estuviera necesitando, y luego de la presentación, apenas el 80,5% respondió esto no presentando diferencia estadística. Cerca de 62% de los niños consideraba el animal su mejor amigo, luego de las charlas el 87% pasaron a considerar lo mismo (p=0.001). Con relación a la higiene, 97% de los niños lavaban las manos luego de jugar con el animal de estimación. Luego de las charlas, el 100% pasaron a hacerlo (p=0.023). Así constatamos que el método utilizado en las presentaciones es eficaz en las cuestiones evaluadas fue posibleobservar mejoras en el modo de pensar de los niños con relación a los animales. Se cree que a medio y largo plazo, este proyecto podrá auxiliar en la mejora del bien estar animal y de la salud pública del municipio de Uruguayana


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    A relação entre os animais e os seres humanos, iniciada há muitos anos, evidencia a interdependência entre humanidade e animais. Esta proximidade levou à quantidade enorme de indivíduos errantes presentes em centros urbanos, minando os preceitos básicos de bem-estar animal e culminando em inúmeros problemas à saúde pública. Este quadro é agravado pela falta de orientação sobre os princípios da guarda responsável de animais em muitos municípios brasileiros. Dentro deste contexto, atualmente a cidade de Uruguaiana - RS enfrenta grave problema de saúde pública devido ao elevado número de animais errantes. O presente trabalho objetivou promover a conscientização sobre a posse responsável de animais, de crianças de 05 a 08 anos de idade, neste município. Foram realizadas apresentações teatrais educativas, com uso de fantoches, em nove escolas abrangendo cerca de 930 crianças de instituições públicas de ensino. Antes e depois das apresentações foram entregues às crianças questionários objetivos a fim de avaliar seu aprendizado. Os resultados foram então tabulados e analisados pelo Teste das proporções (95% de probabilidade). Notou-se que 89,5% das crianças possuem animais de estimação. Antes da apresentação teatral, 80% delas responderam que o melhor lugar para manter os animais era em casa, após a apresentação, este número de se elevou para 91% (p=0,007). Sobre o alimento ideal para o animal, apenas 89% responderam ser a ração; após a visita do projeto, este número se elevou para 99,5% após (p=0,000). Antes da apresentação, 81,5% responderam que procurariam ajuda se o animal estivesse necessitado, e após, a proporção permaneceu em 80,5%, não apresentando diferença estatística. Cerca de 62% das crianças consideravam o animal seu melhor amigo, após as peças de teatro, 87,5% passaram a fazer tal consideração (p=0,001). Com relação à higiene, 97% das crianças lavavam as mãos após brincar com o animal de estimação; após as palestras, 100% responderam que o faziam (p=0,023).  Assim, constatou-se que o método utilizado nas apresentações se mostrou eficaz nas questões avaliadas. Foi possível observar melhora no modo de pensar das crianças em relação aos animais. Acredita-se que a médio e longo prazo, este projeto poderá auxiliar na melhoria do bem estar animal e da saúde pública do município de Uruguaiana.The relationship of animals and humans has begun many centuries ago and highlights the interdependence of humankind and some animal species. This proximity leaded to a large amount of stray dogs, cats and horses in urban centers, mining the basic precepts of welfare and causing public health problems. It can be worse in cities where concepts of animal welfare and zoonosis are not known by the population. Uruguaiana faces a critical public health situation due to the huge number of stray animals. “Best Friend” Project was created in 2010 and since then aimed to promote responsible ownership of animals, focusing on children aged 5 to 8 years old. The project worked with a theater of puppets and the performances were made in nine public schools, for 930 children. Multiple choice questions were answered by the children before and after the acting performances, in order to access their learning. The results were tabulated and analyzed by using Proportions Test (95% probability). It was observed that 89.5% of children owned pets. Before the presentation, 80% answered that the best place to keep their pet was at home, after the presentation this proportion increased to 91% (p=0.007). When inquired about the ideal food to pets, only 89% referred to commercial feed; after the project visit, the proportion increased to 99.5% (p=0.000). When asked if they would look for professional help if their pet was sick, before and after the presentation, children answered similarly (81.5% answered positively before and 80.5% after) not revealing statistical difference. Around 62% of the children considered their pet as a best friend, after the lectures 87.5% of them recognize their pet as a friend (p=0.001). It was also inquired if the children washed their hands after playing with their pet; before the educational activities of Best Friend Project 97% answered positively; after them, 100% (p=0.023). According to the evaluations, the method applied proved to be effective, improving children’s way of thinking concerning their pet maintenance. The authors believe that “Best Friend” project actions would be useful on animal welfare and public health improvements in Uruguaiana in the future.La relación entre animales y seres humanos, iniciada a muchos años atrás, evidencia la interdependencia entre humanidad y animales. Esta proximidad llevo a cantidades enormes de individuos errantes presente en centros urbanos, minando los preceptos básicos de bien estar animal y trayendo inúmeros problemas a la salud pública. Este cuadro es agravado por la falta de orientación sobre los principios de la guardia responsable de animales en muchos municipios brasileños. Dentro de este contexto, actualmente la ciudad de Uruguayana enfrenta graves problemas de salud pública debido al elevado número de animales errantes. El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo promover la concientización sobre la pose responsable de animales en niños de 05 a 08 años de edad, en el municipio de Uruguayana RS Brasil, y fueron utilizadas presentaciones teatrales con títeres en nueve escuelas cubriendo cerca de 930 niños de instituciones publica de enseñanza. Antes y después de las presentaciones se entregaron cuestionarios a los niños, con el fin de evaluar su aprendizaje. Los resultados fueron anotados y analizados por el test de las proporciones (95% de probabilidad). Los resultados muestran que el 89,5% de los niños posen animales de estimación; Antes de la presentación el 80% de los niños respondieron que el mejor lugar para mantener a los animales era en casa, y luego de la presentación, este número se elevó al 91% (p=0.007). Sobre el alimento ideal para animales, apenas el 89% respondió que fuera la ración animal, y luego de la visita del proyecto, este número se elevó al 99,5% (p=0.000). Antes de la presentación, 81,5% respondieron que buscarían ayuda si el perro estuviera necesitando, y luego de la presentación, apenas el 80,5% respondió esto no presentando diferencia estadística. Cerca de 62% de los niños consideraba el animal su mejor amigo, luego de las charlas el 87% pasaron a considerar lo mismo (p=0.001). Con relación a la higiene, 97% de los niños lavaban las manos luego de jugar con el animal de estimación. Luego de las charlas, el 100% pasaron a hacerlo (p=0.023). Así constatamos que el método utilizado en las presentaciones es eficaz en las cuestiones evaluadas fue posibleobservar mejoras en el modo de pensar de los niños con relación a los animales. Se cree que a medio y largo plazo, este proyecto podrá auxiliar en la mejora del bien estar animal y de la salud pública del municipio de Uruguayana

    Evaluation of “best friend” project on pet responsible ownership

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    The relationship of animals and humans has begun many centuries ago and highlights the interdependence of humankind and some animal species. This proximity leaded to a large amount of stray dogs, cats and horses in urban centers, mining the basic precepts of welfare and causing public health problems. It can be worse in cities where concepts of animal welfare and zoonosis are not known by the population. Uruguaiana faces a critical public health situation due to the huge number of stray animals. “Best Friend” Project was created in 2010 and since then aimed to promote responsible ownership of animals, focusing on children aged 5 to 8 years old. The project worked with a theater of puppets and the performances were made in nine public schools, for 930 children. Multiple choice questions were answered by the children before and after the acting performances, in order to access their learning. The results were tabulated and analyzed by using Proportions Test (95% probability). It was observed that 89.5% of children owned pets. Before the presentation, 80% answered that the best place to keep their pet was at home, after the presentation this proportion increased to 91% (p=0.007). When inquired about the ideal food to pets, only 89% referred to commercial feed; after the project visit, the proportion increased to 99.5% (p=0.000). When asked if they would look for professional help if their pet was sick, before and after the presentation, children answered similarly (81.5% answered positively before and 80.5% after) not revealing statistical difference. Around 62% of the children considered their pet as a best friend, after the lectures 87.5% of them recognize their pet as a friend (p=0.001). It was also inquired if the children washed their hands after playing with their pet; before the educational activities of Best Friend Project 97% answered positively; after them, 100% (p=0.023). According to the evaluations, the method applied proved to be effective, improving children’s way of thinking concerning their pet maintenance. The authors believe that “Best Friend” project actions would be useful on animal welfare and public health improvements in Uruguaiana in the future.</p