282 research outputs found

    Muito além do negacionismo: desinformação durante a pandemia de Covid-19

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    An analysis of an archive formed by editorials from two of the most important Brazilian newspapers during the first two years of the Covid-19 pandemic identified the predominance of a framing that attributed decisions of the Bolsonaro government to a denial of science. Based on historical and sociological sources, this paper discusses what this normative framing about science and health ignored, especially how the extreme-right adapted use of the paradigm of disinformation created by the tobacco industry to the new mediatic ecosystem. The paper concludes that the journalistic framing of science denialism emphasized criticisms that accused the state of incompetence, giving less visibility to the role of the federal Unified Healthcare System during the health emergency.Un análisis de un archivo formado por editoriales de dos de los periódicos brasileños más importantes durante los dos primeros años de la pandemia de Covid-19 identificó el predominio de un enfoque que atribuía decisiones del gobierno de Bolsonaro a la negación de la ciencia. A partir de fuentes históricas y sociológicas, este artículo analiza qué este enfoque normativo sobre ciencia y salud ha ignorado, en especial, cómo la extrema derecha adaptó el uso del paradigma de la desinformación creado por la industria tabacalera al nuevo ecosistema mediático. El artículo concluye que el enfoque periodístico del negacionismo científico enfatizó las críticas que acusaban al estado de incompetencia, haciendo menos visible el papel del Sistema Único de Salud federal durante la emergencia sanitaria.  A análise de um arquivo formado por editoriais de dois dos mais importantes jornais brasileiros durante os dois primeiros anos da pandemia de Covid-19 identificou a predominância de um enquadramento que atribuiu as decisões do governo Bolsonaro ao negacionismo científico. A partir de fontes históricas e sociológicas, este artigo discute o que ficou de fora desse enquadramento normativo sobre ciência e saúde, em especial como a extrema-direita adaptou para o novo ecossistema midiático o uso do paradigma da desinformação criado por indústrias cancerígenas. O artigo conclui que o enquadramento jornalístico do negacionismo priorizou críticas à incompetência do Estado, dando menor visibilidade ao papel do Sistema Único de Saúde na urgência sanitária

    Inclusive Education and Distributed Leadership: A Qualitative Research Study of Primary Schools in New South Wales (Australia) and Slovakia

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    This thesis explores how research participants perceive and understand the concepts of inclusive education, distributed leadership and their relationship in practice in two public primary schools: one in New South Wales (Australia) and one in Slovakia. These two schools were identified by external informants as good practice examples of inclusive education. To explore participants’ understanding of these concepts, their relationship and how they manifest in practice in the two schools, the study used qualitative research methods based on interviews and group discussions collected through ethnographic procedures. The thesis scrutinises the research problem of whether practising distributed leadership in any way hinders, assists or is irrelevant to practices of inclusive education in the two schools through two theoretical paradigms: organisational and socio-political. When looking through the prism of the organisational paradigm, the thesis exposes two main understandings of inclusive education, distributed leadership and their relationship, which offer two different answers to the research problem of this thesis. In the first understanding, practising distributed leadership principally neither assists nor hinders achieving goals of inclusive education. The concept of inclusive education is narrowly seen as a set of goals that target students exclusively, and not adult school stakeholders, while distributed leadership is only seen as a set of processes with no specific goal. In the second understanding, distributed leadership is constructed as an indispensable component of inclusive education. This understanding broadens the target group of inclusive education from exclusively students to all school stakeholders, and extends distributed leadership beyond its narrow frame of only including processes to also encompass democratic goals and inclusive values as well. The thesis exposes that both perspectives are held in the researched schools, which may influence how inclusive education and distributed leadership are practised across the sites. In contrast, when looking through the prism of the socio-political paradigm, the thesis reveals that research participants presented a limited understanding of inclusion, while positioning the main problem either in individual children or schools as organisations. This thesis discusses particular wider social and political conditions or contexts of the two researched primary schools which may significantly constrain and shape their practices of inclusion and distributed leadership and also how these practices relate to each other

    Inclusive Education and Distributed Leadership: A Qualitative Research Study of Primary Schools in New South Wales (Australia) and Slovakia

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    This thesis explores how research participants perceive and understand the concepts of inclusive education, distributed leadership and their relationship in practice in two public primary schools: one in New South Wales (Australia) and one in Slovakia. These two schools were identified by external informants as good practice examples of inclusive education. To explore participants’ understanding of these concepts, their relationship and how they manifest in practice in the two schools, the study used qualitative research methods based on interviews and group discussions collected through ethnographic procedures. The thesis scrutinises the research problem of whether practising distributed leadership in any way hinders, assists or is irrelevant to practices of inclusive education in the two schools through two theoretical paradigms: organisational and socio-political. When looking through the prism of the organisational paradigm, the thesis exposes two main understandings of inclusive education, distributed leadership and their relationship, which offer two different answers to the research problem of this thesis. In the first understanding, practising distributed leadership principally neither assists nor hinders achieving goals of inclusive education. The concept of inclusive education is narrowly seen as a set of goals that target students exclusively, and not adult school stakeholders, while distributed leadership is only seen as a set of processes with no specific goal. In the second understanding, distributed leadership is constructed as an indispensable component of inclusive education. This understanding broadens the target group of inclusive education from exclusively students to all school stakeholders, and extends distributed leadership beyond its narrow frame of only including processes to also encompass democratic goals and inclusive values as well. The thesis exposes that both perspectives are held in the researched schools, which may influence how inclusive education and distributed leadership are practised across the sites. In contrast, when looking through the prism of the socio-political paradigm, the thesis reveals that research participants presented a limited understanding of inclusion, while positioning the main problem either in individual children or schools as organisations. This thesis discusses particular wider social and political conditions or contexts of the two researched primary schools which may significantly constrain and shape their practices of inclusion and distributed leadership and also how these practices relate to each other

    Figuras do desvio: o artista na obra de Thomas Mann

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    O artista na obra de Thomas Mann é um desviante da ordem burguesa. Este texto esmiúça as relações entre o típico protagonista do autor alemão e as reflexões filosóficas e científicas sobre o gênio na virada do século XIX para o XX. Exploramos a forma como Mann utilizou criativamente as teorias sexológicas e criminológicas sobre a anormalidade do artista na criação de alguns de seus personagens mais famosos: Hanno Buddenbrook, Tonio Kröger, Gustav von Aschenbach e Adrian Leverkühn. Palavras-chave: Thomas Mann; artista; degeneração; Naturalismo; desvio social

    A filosofia da história no Doutor Fausto

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    Há uma “filosofia da história” implícita na obra de Thomas Mann. Este artigo pretende fornecer elementos para compreender esta filosofia que tem raízes em Schopenhauer e Nietzsche, mas que também deve muito às descobertas da psicanálise e ao aprofundado conhecimento de mitologia do escritor alemão.There is a “philosophy of history” in Thomas Mann’s works. This article intends to give elements to the comprehension of this philosophy linked, since the beggining, to Schopenhauer and Nietzsche, but also related to psychoanalysis’ discoveries and to Mann’s profound knowledge of mythology

    Reflexões sobre normalidade e desvio social

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    The article shows how our society has created one of the oppositions that structures it. It starts with a historic reconstruction of the normalization process to introduce the powerful social-scientific movement of Eugenics and the heredity theory behind it. We analyze the social category of the abnormal as a product of discourses and social practices, in short, historically. The article also presents few considerations about the polarity normality and pathology in contemporary society. The focus is on the persistence of the theories that naturalize individual differences and social disparities.O texto expõe como se instituiu uma das oposições fundamentais na organização de nossa sociedade. A partir da reconstrução histórica do processo de normalização chegamos ao movimento sócio-científico da Eugenia e a poderosa teoria da hereditariedade sob o qual ela se assentava. A categoria social dos anormais é analisada como produto de discursos e práticas sociais, portanto, historicamente. Por fim, apresentamos algumas considerações sobre a polaridade normalidade e patologia na sociedade contemporânea e a persistência de teorias que visam naturalizar diferenças individuais e desigualdades sociais

    Feminismo y derechos humanos

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