210 research outputs found

    Integrating remotely sensed observations of surface water storage with climate forecast for freshwater management: report of senior researcher exchange April-May 2018

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    The India-UK Water Centre (IUKWC) promotes cooperation and collaboration between the complementary priorities of NERC-MoES water security research. This report presents an overview of research exchange undertaken by Dr Vimal Mishra (IIT, Gandhinagar) at Dr Harjinder Sembhi’s lab at University of Leicester, UK. The exchange focused largely on developing a methodology to estimate freshwater storage of lakes in India using the Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) on European Space Agency’s Sentinel 2 mission. Remote sensing has successfully provided the solutions for monitoring water storage in large water bodies, however monitoring changes in storage in smaller water bodies (less than 100,000 m2) remains a challenge. This is mainly because of the coarser resolution achieved by many space-borne sensors. Tracking of storage changes in smaller water bodies can help to understand the risks of water availability, particularly in vulnerable regions, and provide critical information for stakeholders in decision making for freshwater management. This exchange visit aimed to develop a remote sensing based framework to monitor changes in water storage during the dry season in India in a selection of diverse climatic regions located in semi-arid areas of Gujarat and West Bengal. The exchange aimed to utilise long-term climate data records of land surface temperature, developed at the University of Leicester, as well as, novel high-spatial resolution observations from the Sentinel 2 mission

    Healthcare Cost Savings Through Telemedicine Use At Correctional State Facilities

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    Telemedicine offers both soft and hard return on investment, including cost savings avoidance and convenience of access to care. Incarcerated individuals represent a patient population that uniquely benefit from receiving care via telemedicine. They lack access to subspecialty care as prison facilities are located outside of urban areas, which is compounded by security risks, risk to individuals around inmates, and transportation cost to tertiary care facilities. To attend a brief in-office medical visit, an inmate requires hours of administrative support and logistical coordination, including appointment scheduling, transport arrangement and related fuel expense, and guard accompaniment - all at a financial cost to taxpayers. Telemedicine stands as a proven solution to decrease these costs and improve access to the care of inmates. The Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Office of Telemedicine has provided telemedicine visits to more than 45,000 patients over 22 years and encompasses over 15 subspecialties, which have facilitated care to incarcerated patients at 30 Department of Corrections (DOC) sites in Virginia. Cost savings analysis was performed by the VCU Office of Telemedicine for the 2016 fiscal year. The amount saved per telemedicine visit was estimated by calculating officer costs and transportation costs associated with transporting an inmate to an on-site visit. It was found that each telemedicine visit represents a cost avoidance of $800 per visit. There were 2,850 Virginia DOC telemedicine visits in the fiscal year 2016, resulting in over 2 million dollars in estimated cost savings.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/gradposters/1034/thumbnail.jp


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    ABSTRAKKonversi sputum pada fase awal pengobatan merupakan salah satu indikator awal keberhasilan terapi obat anti tuberkulosis (OAT). Nutrisi merupakan faktor penting yang juga mempengaruhi kesembuhan pasien tuberkulosis Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan peningkatan berat badan dengan konversi sputum setelah fase awal pada pasien TB di Rumah Sakit Umum dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh (RSUDZA). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah Cross sectional. Subjek penelitian terdiri atas 92 pasien tuberkulosis di poliklinik DOTS RSUDZA Banda Aceh yang diperoleh dengan metode total sampling terhitung dari Januari sampai dengan Desember 2013. Hasil penelitian dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik Fisher dengan Confident interval 95%. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan p = 0,107 (p > 0,05) yang menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara peningkatan berat badan dengan konversi sputum pada penderita tuberkulosis yang telah mendapatkan OAT fase awal. Diharapkan adanya penelitian yang lebih lanjut mengenai hubungan nutrisi dengan konversi sputum dengan jumlah sampel yang lebih besar dan desain penelitian yang lebih baik. Kata Kunci : Tuberkulosis, Konversi sputum, Berat badan ABSTRACTSputum conversion at the initial phase of treatment is one of the early indicators of the success of anti-tuberculosis drug therapy (OAT). Nutrition is an important factor that also effects the recovery of tuberculosis patients The aim of this study was to determine the relationship of weight gain and sputum conversion after the initial phase of TB patients at the General Hospital dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh (RSUDZA). This research was cross sectional study. Subjects consisted of 92 outpatient DOTS tuberculosis in RSUDZA Banda Aceh obtained with total sampling method starting from January to December 2013. Results were analyzed using Fisher test with 95% confident interval. Statistical test results p= 0,107 (p > 0,05) that showed there is no association between increased weight to conversion of sputum in patients with tuberculosis who have earned OAT initial phase, It is expected that the presence of further reaserh on the relationship of nutrition with sputum convertion with a larger number of sampel and design better research. Keywords: Tuberculosis, Sputum conversion, Weight los

    Dense plasma irradiated platinum with improved spin Hall effect

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    The impurity incorporation in host high-spin orbit coupling materials like platinum has shown improved charge-to-spin conversion by modifying the up-spin and down-spin electron trajectories by bending or skewing them in opposite directions. This enables efficient generation, manipulation, and transport of spin currents. In this study, we irradiate the platinum with non-focus dense plasma to incorporate the oxygen ion species. We systematically analyze the spin Hall angle of the oxygen plasma irradiated Pt films using spin torque ferromagnetic resonance. Our results demonstrate a 2.4 times enhancement in the spin Hall effect after plasma treatment of Pt as compared to pristine Pt. This improvement is attributed to the introduction of disorder and defects in the Pt lattice, which enhances the spin-orbit coupling and leads to more efficient charge-to-spin conversion without breaking the spin-orbit torque symmetries. Our findings offer a new method of dense plasma-based modification of material for the development of advanced spintronic devices based on Pt and other heavy metals

    Global projections of flash drought show increased risk in a warming climate

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    Flash drought, characterized by unusually rapid drying, can have substantial impact on many socioeconomic sectors, particularly agriculture. However, potential changes to flash drought risk in a warming climate remain unknown. In this study, projected changes in flash drought frequency and cropland risk from flash drought are quantified using global climate model simulations. We find that flash drought occurrence is expected to increase globally among all scenarios, with the sharpest increases seen in scenarios with higher radiative forcing and greater fossil fuel usage. Flash drought risk over cropland is expected to increase globally, with the largest increases projected across North America (change in annual risk from 32% in 2015 to 49% in 2100) and Europe (32% to 53%) in the most extreme emissions scenario. Following low-end and medium scenarios compared to high-end scenarios indicates a notable reduction in annual flash drought risk over cropland

    Telerounding: A Scoping Review and Implications for Future Healthcare Practice

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    Telerounding is slated to become an important avenue for future healthcare practice. As utilization of telerounding is increasing, a review of the literature is necessary to distill themes and identify critical considerations for the implementation of telerounding. We provide evidence of the utility of telerounding and considerations to support its implementation in future healthcare practice based on a scoping review. Method: We collected articles from nine scientific databases from the earliest dated available articles to August 2020. We identified whether each article centered on telerounding policies, regulations, or practice. We also organized information from each article and sorted themes into four categories: sample characteristics, technology utilized, study constructs, and research outcomes. Results: We identified 21 articles related to telerounding that fit our criteria. All articles emphasized telerounding practice. Most articles reported data collected from surgical wards, had adult samples, and utilized robotic telerounding systems. Most articles reported null effects or positive effects on their measured variables. Discussion: Providers and patients can benefit from the effective implementation of telerounding. Telerounding can support patient care by reducing travel expenses and opportunities for infection. Evidence suggests that telerounding can reduce patient length of stay. Patients and providers are willing to utilize telerounding, but patient willingness is influenced by age and education. Telerounding does not appear to negatively impact satisfaction or patient care. Organizations seeking to implement telerounding systems must consider education for their providers, logistics associated with hardware and software, scheduling, and characteristics of the organizational context that can support telerounding. Considerations provided in this article can mitigate difficulties associated with the implementation of telerounding

    Intercomparison of regional-scale hydrological models and climate change impacts projected for 12 large river basins worldwide—a synthesis

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    An intercomparison of climate change impacts projected by nine regional-scale hydrological models for 12 large river basins on all continents was performed, and sources of uncertainty were quantified in the framework of the ISIMIP project. The models ECOMAG, HBV, HYMOD, HYPE, mHM, SWAT, SWIM, VIC and WaterGAP3 were applied in the following basins: Rhine and Tagus in Europe, Niger and Blue Nile in Africa, Ganges, Lena, Upper Yellow and Upper Yangtze in Asia, Upper Mississippi, MacKenzie and Upper Amazon in America, and Darling in Australia. The model calibration and validation was done using WATCH climate data for the period 1971–2000. The results, evaluated with 14 criteria, are mostly satisfactory, except for the low flow. Climate change impacts were analyzed using projections from five global climate models under four representative concentration pathways. Trends in the period 2070–2099 in relation to the reference period 1975–2004 were evaluated for three variables: the long-term mean annual flow and high and low flow percentiles Q10 and Q90, as well as for flows in three months high- and low-flow periods denoted as HF and LF. For three river basins: the Lena, MacKenzie and Tagus strong trends in all five variables were found (except for Q10 in the MacKenzie); trends with moderate certainty for three to five variables were confirmed for the Rhine, Ganges and Upper Mississippi; and increases in HF and LF were found for the Upper Amazon, Upper Yangtze and Upper Yellow. The analysis of projected streamflow seasonality demonstrated increasing streamflow volumes during the high-flow period in four basins influenced by monsoonal precipitation (Ganges, Upper Amazon, Upper Yangtze and Upper Yellow), an amplification of the snowmelt flood peaks in the Lena and MacKenzie, and a substantial decrease of discharge in the Tagus (all months). The overall average fractions of uncertainty for the annual mean flow projections in the multi-model ensemble applied for all basins were 57% for GCMs, 27% for RCPs, and 16% for hydrological models.Intercomparison of regional-scale hydrological models and climate change impacts projected for 12 large river basins worldwide—a synthesispublishedVersio