40 research outputs found

    Steve and the Picket Fence: Evidence of Feedback-Unstable Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction

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    This paper aims to extend the understanding of Strong Thermal Emission VelocityEnhancement (STEVE) and the Picket Fence related to strong subauroral ion drifts (SAID). Wenumerically demonstrated that precipitating energetic electrons are critical for the structuring of the PicketFence. It is created by feedback-unstable magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions driven by the SAIDelectric field when the Hall conductance created by energetic (≥1 keV) electrons exceeds the Pedersenconductance. We show that thermal excitation of the red-line emission in STEVE is inhibited by inelasticcollisions with molecular nitrogen. Suprathermal (≤500 eV) electrons coming from the turbulentplasmasphere appear to be the major source. We also show that the chemiluminescencent and radiativeattachment reactions do not explain the short-wavelength part of the STEVE continuum and argue thataccounting for vibrational excitation may resolve the problem. Atmosphere\u27s upwelling due to enhancedion-neutral drag leads to the increased abundance of molecular components relative to atomic oxygen

    Ionospheric Feedback and ULF Quarter-Waves

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    This paper presents results from the numerical investigation of nonlinear feedback interactions between ULF field-aligned currents (FACs) and the ionospheric plasma in the global magnetospheric resonator with a non-symmetrical distribution of the plasma density in the conjugate hemispheres. The density asymmetry is enhanced by the introduction of the ionospheric valley in the hemisphere where the plasma density is already lower. The main result from this study is that in the non-symmetrical resonator, the ionospheric feedback mechanism, driven by the electric field with the maximum amplitude of 50 mV/m, develops nonlinear, intense, small-scale upward currents with a characteristic quarter-wavelength structure along the ambient magnetic field. The frequency of these waves is two times less than the fundamental frequency of the symmetrical resonator. The ionospheric valleys, which are depletions of the plasma density between the ionospheric E and F regions, enhance this effect, by reducing the effective ionospheric conductivity. This effect is important for the interpretation of ground, satellite, and sounding rocket observations of ULF waves and FACs in the auroral and subauroral geospace

    Toward the Unified Theory of SAID-Linked Subauroral Arcs

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    We present a unified approach to subauroral arcs within intense subauroral ion drifts (SAID), which explains the observed transition of a precursor Stable Auroral Red (SAR) arc into Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement (STEVE). This approach is based on the short-circuiting concept of fasttime SAID as an integral part of a magnetospheric voltage generator between the innermost boundaries of the freshly injected plasma sheet electrons and ring current ions. Here, enhanced plasma turbulence rapidly heats the bulk plasma and accelerates suprathermal non-Maxwellian “tails.” Heat and suprathermal electron transport rapidly elevate the ionospheric electron temperature—the source of a bright SAR arc. Through a substorm, the density altitude profile within the evolving ionospheric SAID channel transforms into a “fresh” F-region trough with the E-region valley. The ionospheric feedback instability within the depleted-density SAID channel generates small-scale, field-aligned currents with parallel electric fields sufficient to produce the suprathermal electron population, exciting the STEVE and Picket Fence emissions. This approach also explains the inner electromagnetic structure of intense SAID, which is consistent with fine optical structures in STEVE and Picket Fence

    On the Existence of Ionospheric Feedback Instability in the Earth’s Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System

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    The ionospheric feedback instability (IFI) has been considered one of the main generation mechanisms for large-amplitude ultralow frequency waves and small-scale field-aligned currents in the auroral and subauroral regions for more than 40 years. Sydorenko and Rankin (2017, https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GL073415) have recently challenged the very existence of the IFI for any realistic geophysical conditions in the Earth\u27s ionosphere-magnetosphere system. Because this conclusion contradicts numerous theoretical, numerical, and experimental works successfully used IFI to explain and predict results from observations for more than four decades, it deserves special attention. We show that this conclusion is mainly based on the specific ionospheric density profile and boundary conditions used in two runs of simulations presented in Sydorenko and Rankin (2017), and the generalization of this result is not justified. The effect of the collisions between ionospheric ions and neutrals on the development of the instability has been well studied since 1981, and these studies demonstrate that it does not prevent the development of the instability. Furthermore, excellent agreement of the theoretical and numerical results with observations verify without doubt the IFI existence and significance in the Earth\u27s magnetosphere-ionosphere system

    Ultralow Frequency Electrodynamics of Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interactions Near the Plasmapause During Substorms

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    Ultra low frequency (ULF) electromagnetic waves have been regularly observed by the CRRES, Cluster, and Van Allen Probes satellites near the plasmapause during substorms. Frequently, the small-scale waves are detected together with a large-scale quasi-stationary electric field collocating with mesoscale plasma flows penetrating into the plasmasphere. These observations suggest that the plasmapause plays an important role in the conversion of the kinetic energy of energetic particles moving toward the Earth from the reconnection site in the magnetotail into a large-scale electric field. The field penetrates along the magnetic field into the ionosphere and generates small-scale, shear Alfvén waves and field-aligned currents. These waves can form a standing pattern between the hemispheres, and under certain conditions, they can be amplified by interactions with the ionosphere. This scenario is verified in the paper by reproducing with simulations structure and amplitude of the ULF waves observed by the Van Allen Probe-A satellite near the plasmapause on 17 March 2015. The simulations are based on the reduced two-fluid MHD model describing generation of ULF Alfvén waves and field-aligned currents by the ionospheric feedback instability driven by the large-scale electric field. Simulations demonstrate good, quantitative agreement between spatial structure, frequency, and amplitude of the simulated waves and the observations

    The evolving paradigm of the subauroral geospace

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    An assessment of the status quo of fast subauroral flows—subauroral ion drifts (SAID) and subauroral polarization streams (SAPS), is presented. For a few decades, their development has been interpreted in terms of the voltage and current magnetospheric generators based largely on the drift motion of test particles. Recent multispacecraft observations revealed serious flaws in the generator paradigm and called for a new generation mechanism of fast-time subauroral flows and ring current (RC) injections. A novel model includes them in the overarching problem of the penetration of magnetotail plasma flow bursts (MPFs) into the plasmasphere and the substorm current wedge (SCW) development. SAID are created near the plasmapause, where inbound MPFs are short-circuited by the cold plasma. This stops the MPF’s electrons and forms the “dispersionless” plasma sheet (PS) boundary. The SAID electric field—the inherent part of the short-circuiting loop—stops the inward-moving MPF’s ions. In turn, SAPS are an integral part of the two-loop SCW system, or SCW2L, where the downward (R2) current emerges in response to the upward (R1) current in the SCW’s “head.” The meridional Pedersen current, which connects the R1 and R2 currents, leads to SAPS that ultimately drive the fast-time RC injections on the duskside

    Artificial Aurora Experiments and Application to Natural Aurora

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    A review is given of the effects observed during injections of powerful electron beams from sounding rockets into the upper atmosphere. Data come from in situ particle and wave measurements near a beam-emitting rocket and ground-based optical, wideband radiowave, and radar observations. The overall data cannot be explained solely by collisional degradation of energetic electrons but require collisionless beam-plasma interactions (BPI) be taken into account. The beam-plasma discharge theory describes the features of the region near a beam-emitting rocket, where the beam-excited plasma waves energize plasma electrons, which then ignite the discharge. The observations far beneath the rocket reveal a double-peak structure of artificial auroral rays, which can be understood in terms of the beam-excited strong Langmuir turbulence being affected by collisions of ionospheric electrons. This leads to the enhanced energization of ionospheric electrons in a narrow layer termed the plasma turbulence layer (PTL), which explains the upper peak. Similar double-peak structures or a sharp upper boundary in rayed auroral arcs have been observed in the auroral ionosphere by optical, radar, and rocket observations, and called Enhanced Aurora. A striking resemblance between Enhanced and Artificial Aurora altitude profiles indicates that they are created by the above BPI process which results in the PTL

    Ionizing wave via high-power HF acceleration

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    Recent ionospheric modification experiments with the 3.6 MW transmitter at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) facility in Alaska led to discovery of artificial ionization descending from the nominal interaction altitude in the background F-region ionosphere by ~60 km. This paper presents a physical model of an ionizing wavefront created by suprathermal electrons accelerated by the HF-excited plasma turbulence

    Steve and the Picket Fence: Evidence of Feedback-Unstable Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Interaction

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    This paper aims to extend the understanding of Strong Thermal Emission VelocityEnhancement (STEVE) and the Picket Fence related to strong subauroral ion drifts (SAID). Wenumerically demonstrated that precipitating energetic electrons are critical for the structuring of the PicketFence. It is created by feedback-unstable magnetosphere-ionosphere interactions driven by the SAIDelectric field when the Hall conductance created by energetic (≥1 keV) electrons exceeds the Pedersenconductance. We show that thermal excitation of the red-line emission in STEVE is inhibited by inelasticcollisions with molecular nitrogen. Suprathermal (≤500 eV) electrons coming from the turbulentplasmasphere appear to be the major source. We also show that the chemiluminescencent and radiativeattachment reactions do not explain the short-wavelength part of the STEVE continuum and argue thataccounting for vibrational excitation may resolve the problem. Atmosphere\u27s upwelling due to enhancedion-neutral drag leads to the increased abundance of molecular components relative to atomic oxygen