24 research outputs found

    Cooperation of the Librarians of the West-Pomeranian Voivodeship

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    Współpraca w środowisku bibliotekarskim jest jak najbardziej możliwa. Przykładem takiego dobrze rozumianego współdziałania – i to nie tylko między bibliotekami naukowymi, publicznymi, ale również między bibliotekami działającymi w muzeach czy archiwach – jest Zachodniopomorskie Porozumienie Bibliotek. W artykule przedstawiono powstanie porozumienia, wspólne działania oraz wymierne efekty współpracy. Opisano także współpracę wykraczającą poza granice regionu i kraju.Cooperation among libraries is possible. Such cooperation among libraries – and not only among the public scientific ones but also among the ones within archives and museums – is exemplified by the West-Pomeranian Agreement of Libraries. The article presents the way the agreement was achieved, the activities resulting from it, and the effects of the cooperation itself. The article also describes the cooperation over the frontiers and inside the country

    Cooperation of the Librarians of the West-Pomeranian Voivodeship

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    Współpraca w środowisku bibliotekarskim jest jak najbardziej możliwa. Przykładem takiego dobrze rozumianego współdziałania – i to nie tylko między bibliotekami naukowymi, publicznymi, ale również między bibliotekami działającymi w muzeach czy archiwach – jest Zachodniopomorskie Porozumienie Bibliotek. W artykule przedstawiono powstanie porozumienia, wspólne działania oraz wymierne efekty współpracy. Opisano także współpracę wykraczającą poza granice regionu i kraju.Cooperation among libraries is possible. Such cooperation among libraries – and not only among the public scientific ones but also among the ones within archives and museums – is exemplified by the West-Pomeranian Agreement of Libraries. The article presents the way the agreement was achieved, the activities resulting from it, and the effects of the cooperation itself. The article also describes the cooperation over the frontiers and inside the country

    Aktywizacja roli biblioteki jako współkreatora ścieżki edukacyjno-naukowej

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    The turn of 20th century is the period of intensive development of science and technology. The new century brings unparalleled information chaos. It penetrates all the aspects of human life and its negative consequences can be spotted also in education. The borders between various disciplines are becoming blurred, what makes it difficult to decide what to teach and how intensive the process of education should be. The efficiency of university research and education would be higher if there were more or less distinct pathways to choose from. Tracing such pathways and than managing them could become a new function of university libraries

    Badanie potrzeb użytkowników w bibliotekach akademickich z wykorzystaniem programu LIBRA. Raport z badań

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    The article is a report of survey done in range of Tempus Project JEP 1342-98, concerning needs of academic library clients. In the article there was discussed methodology of needs identification, using "Libra" software. There was determined set of needs of various importance hierarchies for users and the satisfaction level with the library services, provided in each of the libraries. There were done comparative analyses of needs among the libraries that took part in the Project. The methodology of analysis of information needs that was presented in the article may be used in the process of library management as a tool of monitoring of library performance


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    The aim of the work is to study the ability and potential of glass formation in Ni-Fe-Cu-P alloys. A series of alloys were produced in arc furnace (i.e. Ni70Fe5Cu5P20, Ni60Fe10Cu10P20, Ni50Fe15Cu15P20, Ni40Fe20Cu20P20, Ni30Fe25Cu25P20, Ni20Fe30Cu30P20). The primary microstructure of the ingots was studied. The ribbons  in as-melt-spun state were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD). The Ni70Fe5Cu5P20, Ni60Fe10Cu10P20 melt-spun alloys were found to be amorphous. For higher copper and iron concentrations crystalline structure was obtained after melt spinning. This correlated with the tendency for the formation of  the Fe-based phases enriched in P and Cu-based poorly alloyed phases which resulted in formation of crystalline microstructure in melt-spun ribbons. For higher concentration of Fe and Cu, microstructures of the alloys contained constituents resultant from tendency for separation in the liquid state. It is observed that formation of the crystalline melt-spun ribbons is caused by attraction of phosphorus by iron and formation of copper-based fcc phase

    The Role of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins in Liquid–Liquid Phase Separation during Calcium Carbonate Biomineralization

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    Some animal organs contain mineralized tissues. These so-called hard tissues are mostly deposits of calcium salts, usually in the form of calcium phosphate or calcium carbonate. Examples of this include fish otoliths and mammalian otoconia, which are found in the inner ear, and they are an essential part of the sensory system that maintains body balance. The composition of ear stones is quite well known, but the role of individual components in the nucleation and growth of these biominerals is enigmatic. It is sure that intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) play an important role in this aspect. They have an impact on the shape and size of otoliths. It seems probable that IDPs, with their inherent ability to phase separate, also play a role in nucleation processes. This review discusses the major theories on the mechanisms of biomineral nucleation with a focus on the importance of protein-driven liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS). It also presents the current understanding of the role of IDPs in the formation of calcium carbonate biominerals and predicts their potential ability to drive LLPS

    The effect of TFE and temperature on the secondary structure of Stm-l.

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    <p>(A) TFE-induces secondary structure formation in Stm-l. Representative spectra recorded in buffer A at 20°C in the absence and presence of increasing concentrations of TFE. (B) TFE-induces changes in the far-UV CD spectrum of Stm-l measured in the absence and presence of increasing concentrations of TFE. The linear plot showing [θ]<sub>222</sub> (squares), [θ]<sub>208</sub> (triangles), and [θ]<sub>200</sub> (circles) as a function of the TFE concentration. (C) Temperature-induced secondary structure formation in Stm-l. Representative far-UV spectra of the protein measured at temperatures increased from 20°C to 80°C (black lines) and decreased (gray lines). (D) Temperature-induced changes in the far-UV CD spectrum of Stm-l ([θ]<sub>222</sub> versus temperature dependence) measured at temperatures increased from 20°C to 80°C (black reversed triangles) and decreased (open triangles) with 1° intervals.</p

    The effect of Stm-l on calcium carbonate mineralization.

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    <p>(A) SEM images of calcium carbonate crystals grown 48 h. Crystals grown in the absence of any protein (a, h, o), in the presence of trypsin at a concentration of 100 µg/mL (b, i, p), and in the presence of Stm-l at the following concentrations: 1 µg/mL (c, j, q), 5 µg/mL (d, k, r), 10 µg/mL (e, l, s), 20 µg/mL (f, m, t), 50 µg/mL (g, n, u). Concentrations of calcium ions were 5 mM (a–g), 10 mM (h–n), or 20 mM (o–u). Asterisks indicate additional, less thermodynamically stable, large spherical vaterite crystals which were present at every calcium ion and protein concentration and in the controls. The scale bar on the upper left corner of each panel represents a 200 µm-distance. (B) 10× magnification of the representative crystals shown on panel (A). The scale bar on the upper left corner of each panel represents a 20 µm-distance. Other details as in (A).</p