1,647 research outputs found

    The «Rank-Size» Model As A Tool To Assess And Forecast Sustainable Development Of The System Of Cities In A Region

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    The article deals with the most serious problems of formation and development of the system of cities in the territory of the Russian Federation. The analysis of dynamic changes of city systems using the law "rank-size"is carried out. The author comes to the conclusion that the specific failure of the policy of urban alignment in formulating strategies for economic development of regions in the second half of the twentieth century indicates the need for large-scale approaches to solving the problem of balanced growth of urban systems that ensure sustainable economic development of regions and the country as a whole

    Принципы редактирования художественного перевода

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    У публікації досліджено принципи роботи редактора над художнім перекладом, узагальнено та систематизовано результати вивчення поняття еквівалентності друготвору, вперше розмежовано поняття міжмовних «відповідностей» і «трансформацій» та подано власну авторську класифікацію їх як видів та способів лексичної апроксимації.The author investigates the principles of editing the literary translation, gives general and systematized results of studying the notion of equivalence of the secondary text, and differentiates the notions of linguistic «correspondences» and «transformations». The article includes the author’s classification of aspects and means of lexical approximation.В публикации исследованы принципы работы редактора над художественным переводом, обобщены и систематизированы результаты изучения понятия эквивалентности вторичного источника, впервые размежевано понятие межъязыковых «соответствий» и «трансформаций» и подано собственную авторскую классификацию их как видов и способов лексической аппроксимации

    Sustainable import substitution in Russia : institutional conditions and efficiency imperatives

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    The article is devoted to the essence and relevance of import substitution as an effective strategy of Russian economy’s development within the sanctions’ constraint of Western countries. Authors scoped out the institutional features of sustainable import substitution as an object of the study. Authors highlighted the set of objective factors verifying the economic viability of import substitution and potential threats of these measures as well. Authors arranged the evaluation and analytical tools for studying the dependence on imports’ level in the context of certain industries, goods, and spheres of activity. Moreover, authors clarified the pattern for estimating the need for import substitution in a certain business entity, suggested the institutional conditions and determinants facilitating the best performance of import substitution in Russia. Special attention is given to the viability of choosing the appropriate model, developing tools, and mechanisms for implementing a comprehensive program of import substitution in Russia in the context of a multi-level policy including the following ones: enterprise - industry (cluster) – country’s economy. As a result, authors concluded that the policy of preemptive emerging markets-oriented import substitution aimed at improving the global economic security of Russian economy is crucial for a sustainable balanced development.peer-reviewe

    RNase T1 mimicking artificial ribonuclease

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    Recently, artificial ribonucleases (aRNases)—conjugates of oligodeoxyribonucleotides and peptide (LR)4-G-amide—were designed and assessed in terms of the activity and specificity of RNA cleavage. The conjugates were shown to cleave RNA at Pyr-A and G–X sequences. Variations of oligonucleotide length and sequence, peptide and linker structure led to the development of conjugates exhibiting G–X cleavage specificity only. The most efficient catalyst is built of nonadeoxyribonucleotide of unique sequence and peptide (LR)4-G-NH2 connected by the linker of three abasic deoxyribonucleotides (conjugate pep-9). Investigation of the cleavage specificity of conjugate pep-9 showed that the compound is the first single-stranded guanine-specific aRNase, which mimics RNase T1. Rate enhancement of RNA cleavage at G–X linkages catalysed by pep-9 is 108 compared to non-catalysed reaction, pep-9 cleaves these linkages only 105-fold less efficiently than RNase T1 (kcat_RNase T1/kcat_pep-9 = 105)

    System Approach Principles in the Cognitive Studies of Language: Relevance and Implementation

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    The article deals some essential guidelines of cognitive linguistics and correspondent methods of language research from the point of view of a system approach to the studied object.В статье проводится анализ сущностных установок и связанных с ними методов когнитивной лингвистики с точки зрения системного подхода к изучаемому объекту