34 research outputs found

    The Body under Discussion: the concern of pregnant women about the time after childbirth

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    Em meio a tantas transformações sociais envolvendo questões de gênero, faz-se necessário compreender quais são as inquietações que atravessam as mulheres, na contemporaneidade, em relação à maternidade. Assim, esse estudo objetivou investigar o imaginário de futuro das gestantes em relação ao momento após o parto. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais com 10 gestantes, mediadas pelo Procedimento de Desenhos-Estórias com Tema, segundo o tema “uma mulher após o parto”. Após cada entrevista, foi redigida, pela entrevistadora, uma narrativa transferencial sobre o encontro vivido. O conjunto dos 10 desenhos-estórias e das 10 narrativas transferenciais foi analisado psicanaliticamente e organizado segundo a Teoria dos Campos. Foi identificado o campo “Mãe, porém magra”, a partir do qual as participantes manifestaram sobretudo a preocupação com a aparência de seus corpos, após o nascimento do bebê, seguindo a lógica do culto ao corpo na contemporaneidade. Paralelamente, pode-se pensar que essa preocupação estética do coletivo investigado esteja também ligada a uma inquietação de vir a ter a própria corporeidade reduzida à maternidade. Conclui-se que, na atualidade, a mulher sente-se cobrada em diferentes esferas, apesar de aparentar ter maior autonomia do que outrora, o que denota a necessidade de maiores investigações e intervenções junto a esse grupo social.Amidst so many social transformations involving gender issues, it is required to understand what are the concerns that go through women, contemporarily, in relation to motherhood. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the imaginary future of pregnant women in relation to the time after childbirth. Individual interviews were conducted with 10 pregnant women, mediated by the Drawing-and-Story Procedure with a Theme, according to the theme “a woman after childbirth”. After each interview, the interviewer wrote a transferential narrative about the encounter. The set of the 10 drawing-stories and the 10 transferential narratives was analyzed psychoanalytically and organized according to the Theory of Fields. The field "Mother, but thin" was identified, from which the participants expressed their concern about the appearance of their bodies, after the baby's birth, following the logic of the cult of the body in contemporaneity. At the same time, one can think that this aesthetic concern of the investigated collective is also related to a concern about having their own corporeality reduced to maternity. It is concluded that, nowadays, women feel overwhelmed in different spheres, although they seem to have more autonomy than before, which denotes the need for further investigations and interventions with this social group

    Desenhos estórias em encontros terapêuticos na clínica da maternidade

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    This study aimed at investigating the therapeutic potential of a different feature developed to attend teenager pregnants, in an attempt to develop clinical practices in institutions through psychoanalytical and phenomenologically configured researches. It was realized six therapeutic encounters with a teenager pregnant, "Rosinha", in which we used the Drawing-and-Story Procedure of Trinca, according to the presented paradigm in the Squiggle Game. After each encounter, psychoanalytical narratives were written, and were presented to the group of researchers in which this study was developed, with the intention to apprehend the occurrence of mutative experiences, in the context of psychological fields. We could observe patient development when she was able to recognize her hate to pregnancy, leaving behind the stereotype of ideal mother to turn on in a commonly devoted mother.El actual trabajo tiene como objetivo investigar el potencial terapéutico de un protocolo clinico especial para la atención a las adolescentes embarazadas, fruto de un conjunto de esfuerzos de desarrollo de clínicas prácticas en la institución, apartir de investigaciones psicoanalítica utilizando como referencial teórico a la fenomenologia. Fueron realizadas seis reuniones terapeuticas con una adolescente embarazada, la "Rosita", en el cual fue realizado el uso adaptado de la prueba del dibujo de las historia por Trinca, según el paradigma del juego de garabato por Winnicott. Después de la realización de cada reunión, fueron elaboradas las narraciones psicoanalíticas, presentadas más adelante al grupo de investigación, con intención de detectar la ocurrencia de experiencias "mutativas" / cambiantes, en el contexto de los campos psicologico-existenciales inesperados. Se pudo observar transformaciones objetivas de la paciente en la medida que conseguia reconocer su odio frente al actual embarazo, abandonando el estereotipo de la madre idealizada y asumiendo un papel común devoto de ser madre.Le présent travail a comme objectif d’enquêter sur le potentiel thérapeutique d’un cadre clinique différencié avec la participation d’adolescentes gestantes, qui s’inscrit dans un ensemble d’efforts de développement de pratiques cliniques en institution, à partir de recherches psychanalytiques phénoménologiquement configurées. Ont été réalisées six rencontres thérapeutiques avec une adolescente enceinte, « Rosinha », avec lesquelles nous avons fait une utilisation appropriée de la Procédure Dessins Historiques de Trinca, selon le paradigme du Jeu de la Griffonnage de Winnicott. Après la réalisation de chaque rencontre, on a élaboré des récits psychanalytiques, présentés ultérieurement au groupe de recherche, dans l’intention de détecter la présence d’expériences mutationnistes, dans le contexte des champs psychologico-expérimental émergents. Nous avons pu observer le changement de la patiente dans la mesure où elle a pu reconnaître sa haine concernant cette grossesse, en abandonnant le stéréotype de mère idéalisée pour devenir une mère dévouée commune.O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar o potencial terapêutico de um enquadre clínico diferenciado, para atendimento a gestantes adolescentes, inscrevendo-se num conjunto de esforços de desenvolvimento de práticas clínicas em instituição, a partir de pesquisas psicanalíticas fenomenologicamente configuradas. Foram realizados seis encontros terapêuticos com uma adolescente grávida, a "Rosinha", nos quais fizemos um uso adaptado do Procedimento Desenhos-Estórias de Trinca, segundo o paradigma do Jogo do Rabisco de Winnicott. Após a realização de cada encontro, foram elaboradas narrativas psicanalíticas, apresentadas posteriormente ao grupo de pesquisa, no intuito de detectar a ocorrência de experiências mutativas, no contexto dos campos psicológico-vivenciais emergentes. Pudemos observar o desabrochar da paciente na medida em que pôde reconhecer o seu ódio em relação àquela gravidez, abandonando o estereótipo de mãe idealizada para tornar-se uma mãe devotada comum

    Influence of the distance of the curing light source and composite shade on hardness of two composites

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    This study evaluated the influence of curing tip distance, shade and filler particle size on Vickers microhardness (VHN) of composite resins. Two composites were tested: Filtek Z250 microhybrid (3M ESPE; shades A1 and A3.5) and Filtek Supreme nanofilled (3M ESPE; shades A1B and A3.5B). For each resin, 42 specimens (5 mm in diameter and 2 mm height) were prepared being 21 for each shade. The specimens were exposed using a 20-second exposure to a quartz-tungsten-halogen light source with an irradiance of approximately 560 mW/cm², at the following distances: 0 mm (surface contact), 6 mm and 12 mm from composite surface. Effectiveness of cure of different resins, shades and curing distances was determined by measuring the top and bottom hardness (VHN) of specimens using a digital microhardness tester (load: 50 g; dwell time: 45 seconds) 24 hours following curing. The hardness ratio was calculated by dividing VHN of the bottom surface by VHN of top surface. Three-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (

    Qual é o lugar do aluno com deficiência? O imaginário coletivo de professores sobre a inclusão escolar

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    This study aimed to make a psychoanalytic investigation of the collective imaginary of Higher Education Professors regarding school inclusion. A group interview was carried out with 12 faculty members of Language and Pedagogy Programs for the collective imaginary approach. For that, the Thematic Story-Drawing Procedure was used as mediator-dialogical resource. Each professor individually produced drawings and stories on the theme "inclusion student". Through this clinical material, analyzed through the psychoanalytic method, four unconscious psychological fields were collected: "his mother's boy", "(un)capacities", "where's Wally?" and "the pain and the pleasure". In this set, such fields indicated that school inclusion is experienced with anxiety by professors, whose collective imaginary conceives that the student with a deficiency must be cared for by his(er) mother. Thus, it is understood that school inclusion demands, in addition to technical information, space to care for the emotional aspect of these professionals.Este trabajo intentó la investigación psicoanalítica del imaginario colectivo de profesores de universidad sobre la inclusión escolar. Realizamos una entrevista grupal para abordaje de la personalidad colectiva, con doce (12) profesores de los cursos de Letras y de Pedagogía, mientras la cual utilizamos el procedimiento dibujos-cuentos con tema como recurso mediador dialógico, con los profesores haciendo, individualmente, dibujos y cuentos sobre el tema "un alumno de inclusión". A partir del material, analizado de acuerdo con el método psicoanalítico, captamos cuatro campos psicológicos no conscientes: "el niño de su madre", "(in)capacidades", "¿donde está Wally?" y "la dolor y la delicia". Los campos revelaron que la inclusión escolar despierta angustia en los profesores que, en su imaginario, conciben que el alumno con deficiencia deba ser cuidado por su madre. Partir de ahí, es comprendido que la inclusión exige, además de las informaciones técnicas, un espacio de cuidado emocional a eses profesionales.Este trabalho objetivou a investigação psicanalítica do imaginário coletivo de professores de ensino superior sobre inclusão escolar. Foi realizada uma entrevista grupal para abordagem da pessoalidade coletiva, com 12 docentes dos cursos de Letras e de Pedagogia. Para tal, utilizou-se o Procedimento Desenhos-Estórias com Tema como recurso mediador-dialógico, cabendo a cada professor produzir, individualmente, desenhos e histórias sobre o tema "aluno de inclusão". A partir deste material, analisado à luz do método psicanalítico, foram captados quatro campos psicológicos não conscientes: "o menino de sua mãe", "(in)capacidades", "onde está Wally?" e "a dor e a delícia". Em seu conjunto, tais campos revelaram a angústia despertada pelo processo de inclusão escolar nos professores que, em seu imaginário, concebem que o aluno com deficiência deve ser cuidado por sua mãe. Desse modo, compreende-se que o processo de inclusão demanda, além de informações técnicas, um espaço de cuidado emocional a estes profissionais

    A mãe, o filho e a síndrome de Down

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo investigar, psicoanaliticamente, las vivencias de las madres en la creación y la educación de sus hijos con síndrome de Down. La investigación consistió en la realización de entrevista abierta individual con cuatro madres. Después de cada encuentro, narraciones psicoanalíticas fueron escritas con el intuito de captar los campos psicológicos vivénciales, a partir de los cuales fuera posible observar eventuales movimientos de superación de disociaciones. Encontramos dos campos: "El desaparecimiento del hijo perfecto" y "Lo que será de mi hijo cuando yo no estuviere más acá?". El cuadro general evidencia que las madres entrevistadas desarrollaran estrategias de sobrevivencia emocional diversas, que permitió a ellas mantener, por un largo período, en el estado de preocupación materna primaria especial.O presente estudo objetivou investigar, psicanaliticamente, as experiências de mães na criação e educação de filhos com síndrome de Down. A pesquisa consistiu na realização de entrevista aberta individual com quatro mães. Após cada encontro, foram redigidas narrativas psicanalíticas visando apreender os campos psicológico-vivenciais, no contexto dos quais se tornam visíveis eventuais movimentos de superação de dissociações. Foram encontrados dois campos: "O desaparecimento do filho perfeito" e "O que será de meu filho quando eu não mais estiver aqui?". O quadro geral encontrado evidencia que as mães entrevistadas desenvolveram estratégias de sobrevivência emocional diversas, o que lhes permitiu se manterem, por um longo período, no estado de preocupação materna primária especial.The objective of this study was a psychoanalytic investigation about mother experiences in raising and educating children with Down syndrome. The procedures consisted of individual open interviews with four different mothers. After each meeting a psychoanalytic narrative was written with the purpose of apprehending areas of life-related psychology in the context of which the eventual behavior of overcoming dissociation becomes evident. Two areas were found: "The loss of the perfect child" and "What's going to happen to my child once I am no longer here?" The results showed that the mothers who were interviewed had developed different emotional survival strategies which helped them to maintain a special primary maternal preoccupation for a longer period of time

    Gene Transfer to Chicks Using Lentiviral Vectors Administered via the Embryonic Chorioallantoic Membrane

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    The lack of affordable techniques for gene transfer in birds has inhibited the advancement of molecular studies in avian species. Here we demonstrate a new approach for introducing genes into chicken somatic tissues by administration of a lentiviral vector, derived from the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), into the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) of chick embryos on embryonic day 11. The FIV-derived vectors carried yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) or recombinant alpha-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) genes, driven by the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter. Transgene expression, detected in chicks 2 days after hatch by quantitative real-time PCR, was mostly observed in the liver and spleen. Lower expression levels were also detected in the brain, kidney, heart and breast muscle. Immunofluorescence and flow cytometry analyses confirmed transgene expression in chick tissues at the protein level, demonstrating a transduction efficiency of ∼0.46% of liver cells. Integration of the viral vector into the chicken genome was demonstrated using genomic repetitive (CR1)-PCR amplification. Viability and stability of the transduced cells was confirmed using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (dUTP) nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay, immunostaining with anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen (anti-PCNA), and detection of transgene expression 51 days post transduction. Our approach led to only 9% drop in hatching efficiency compared to non-injected embryos, and all of the hatched chicks expressed the transgenes. We suggest that the transduction efficiency of FIV vectors combined with the accessibility of the CAM vasculature as a delivery route comprise a new powerful and practical approach for gene delivery into somatic tissues of chickens. Most relevant is the efficient transduction of the liver, which specializes in the production and secretion of proteins, thereby providing an optimal target for prolonged study of secreted hormones and peptides

    CRISIS AFAR: an international collaborative study of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and service access in youth with autism and neurodevelopmental conditions

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    BackgroundHeterogeneous mental health outcomes during the COVID-19 pandemic are documented in the general population. Such heterogeneity has not been systematically assessed in youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and related neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD). To identify distinct patterns of the pandemic impact and their predictors in ASD/NDD youth, we focused on pandemic-related changes in symptoms and access to services.MethodsUsing a naturalistic observational design, we assessed parent responses on the Coronavirus Health and Impact Survey Initiative (CRISIS) Adapted For Autism and Related neurodevelopmental conditions (AFAR). Cross-sectional AFAR data were aggregated across 14 European and North American sites yielding a clinically well-characterized sample of N = 1275 individuals with ASD/NDD (age = 11.0 ± 3.6 years; n females = 277). To identify subgroups with differential outcomes, we applied hierarchical clustering across eleven variables measuring changes in symptoms and access to services. Then, random forest classification assessed the importance of socio-demographics, pre-pandemic service rates, clinical severity of ASD-associated symptoms, and COVID-19 pandemic experiences/environments in predicting the outcome subgroups.ResultsClustering revealed four subgroups. One subgroup-broad symptom worsening only (20%)-included youth with worsening across a range of symptoms but with service disruptions similar to the average of the aggregate sample. The other three subgroups were, relatively, clinically stable but differed in service access: primarily modified services (23%), primarily lost services (6%), and average services/symptom changes (53%). Distinct combinations of a set of pre-pandemic services, pandemic environment (e.g., COVID-19 new cases, restrictions), experiences (e.g., COVID-19 Worries), and age predicted each outcome subgroup.LimitationsNotable limitations of the study are its cross-sectional nature and focus on the first six months of the pandemic.ConclusionsConcomitantly assessing variation in changes of symptoms and service access during the first phase of the pandemic revealed differential outcome profiles in ASD/NDD youth. Subgroups were characterized by distinct prediction patterns across a set of pre- and pandemic-related experiences/contexts. Results may inform recovery efforts and preparedness in future crises; they also underscore the critical value of international data-sharing and collaborations to address the needs of those most vulnerable in times of crisis