82 research outputs found

    Elastographic presentation of medullary thyroid carcinoma

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    Aim of the study was to evaluate the elastographic appearance of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) by a retrospective evaluation of 18 nodules histologically proven as MTC. Free-hand qualitative elastography was performed using Hitachi Logos EUB 7500. The elasticity score (ES), was assessed based on a colour elastogram, the blue colour being correlated with hard tissue, red colour with soft tissue, and green with intermediate hardness. Nodules were classified into four classes. A alleged diagnosis of malignancy was assigned to nodules with ES3 or 4 and a presumptive diagnosis of benignity was assigned to nodules with an ES1 or 2. More than half (55.6 %) of MTCs have a low-intermediate grade of elasticity. The hardest lesions (ES4) were those with ultrasonographic features highly suspicious for malignancy. In conclusion, most of MTCs present an elastographic pattern of benignity. Therefore, qualitative elastography does not add useful information in pointing out MTC on the basis of its hardness. Our data suggest a marginal role for this technique in MTC evaluation


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    The goal of this article is to broadly discuss being a woman in Sciences and the search for gender equity, especially in the areas of Computing, and Information and Communication Technology - digital woman. In such a context, this article refutes the stereotype of the multitasking woman as the ideal professional, which has caused mental and physical illness. The method used is bibliographic and qualitative research. The article also includes provocative calls to action and conclusions, so that gender equity in academic careers can be truly achieved.O objetivo deste artigo é discutir amplamente o ser mulher na Academia Científica e a busca por equidade de gênero, em especial nas áreas de Computação e de Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação - a mulher digital. Para isso, o artigo refuta o estereótipo da mulher multitarefa como a profissional ideal, o que tem provocado doenças mentais e físicas. O método utilizado é pesquisa bibliográfica e qualitativa. O artigo também inclui chamadas para ação e conclusões provocadoras, para que a equidade de gênero nas carreiras acadêmicas possa ser atingida de fato.&nbsp

    Daiara Tukano e as artes indígenas contemporâneas: demarcação, representatividade e resiliência

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    This study’s objective is to investigate the work of Daiara Tukano (1982-), indigenous artist from the Tukano tribe (Amazonas), in its technical and semantic aspects, as well as the context of the Indigenous Contemporary Arts, creating a path between ancestral culture and contemporary expression. The bibliographical review and qualitative analysis were made choosing mainly indigenous speech and texts. Consequently, that brings to the center of the academic discussion the cultures, knowledges and art works of the indigenous arts, contributing to their democratization and deconstruction of bias and stereotypes. It was found that through her re-anthropophagic art, Tukano is contributing to the demarcation of spaces, to the emancipation of the indigenous speech and standpoint and to the construction of a new social imaginary of indigenous people.Este estudo tem como objetivo investigar a obra de Daiara Tukano (1982-), artista indígena do povo Tukano (Amazonas), em seu aspecto técnico e semântico, dentro do contexto das Artes Indígenas Contemporâneas, traçando um caminho entre cultura ancestral e expressão contemporânea. Foi utilizada a revisão bibliográfica, além de uma análise qualitativa, nas quais procurou-se privilegiar as publicações e falas dos próprios indígenas. Espera-se trazer para o centro da discussão acadêmica as culturas, saberes e obras de artes indígenas, de modo a contribuir para sua democratização e para a desconstrução de preconceitos e estereótipos. Constatou-se que a obra reantropofágica de Tukano potencializa a criação de alianças, a demarcação dos espaços, a emancipação do discurso e do lugar de fala de indígenas e a construção de um imaginário social adequado acerca dessas populações.&nbsp

    Collaboration-Aware Hit Song Prediction

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    In a streaming-oriented era, predicting which songs will be successful is a significant challenge for the music industry. Indeed, there are many efforts in determining the driving factors that contribute to a song’s success, and one potential solution could be incorporating artistic collaborations, as it allows for a wider audience reach. Therefore, we propose a multi-perspective approach that includes collaboration between artists as a factor for hit song prediction. Specifically, by combining online data from Billboard and Spotify, we tackle the problem as both classification and hit song placement tasks, applying five different model variants. Our results show that relying only on music-related features is not enough, whereas models that also consider collaboration features produce better results

    Temporal Success Analyses in Music Collaboration Networks: Brazilian and Global Scenarios

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    Collaboration is a part of the music industry and has increased over recent decades; but little do we know about its effects on success and evolution. Our goal is to analyze how success has evolved over collaboration networks and compare its global scenario to a local, thriving one: the Brazilian music industry. Specifically, we build collaboration networks from data collected from Spotify's Global and Brazilian daily charts, analyze them and identify collaboration profiles in such networks. Analyses over their topological characteristics reveal collaboration patterns mapped into four different profiles: Standard, Niche, Ephemeral and Absent, where the two first have a higher level of success. Furthermore, we do deeper by evaluating the temporal evolution of such profiles through case studies: pop and k-pop globally, and pop and forró in Brazil. Overall, our findings emphasize the importance of collaboration profiles in assessing success, and show differences between the global and Brazilian scenarios

    Temporal Success Analyses in Music Collaboration Networks: Brazilian and Global Scenarios

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    Collaboration is a part of the music industry and has increased over recent decades; but little do we know about its effects on success and evolution. Our goal is to analyze how success has evolved over collaboration networks and compare its global scenario to a local, thriving one: the Brazilian music industry. Specifically, we build collaboration networks from data collected from Spotify's Global and Brazilian daily charts, analyze them and identify collaboration profiles in such networks. Analyses over their topological characteristics reveal collaboration patterns mapped into four different profiles: Standard, Niche, Ephemeral and Absent, where the two first have a higher level of success. Furthermore, we do deeper by evaluating the temporal evolution of such profiles through case studies: pop and k-pop globally, and pop and forró in Brazil. Overall, our findings emphasize the importance of collaboration profiles in assessing success, and show differences between the global and Brazilian scenarios

    NUMAPE/UEM: uma experiência possível de Advocacy feminista

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    Anais do 35º Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul - Área temática: Direitos Humanos e JustiçaApresenta-se o NUMAPE/UEM, – Núcleo Maria da Penha –, projeto de extensão que se situa no contexto de atendimento a mulheres em situação de violência doméstica e de gênero na cidade de Maringá-PR. Descreve-se como a atuação do Núcleo é pautada pela perspectiva do advocacy feminista. Coloca-se como tal atuação é feita, pormenorizando-se a dinâmica dos atendimentos e papel das integrantes do Núcleo. Assim, o NUMAPE/UEM integra a rede de atendimento às mulheres em situação de violência doméstica do município de Maringá/PR, prestando um serviço especializado e voltado para as particularidades desses casos, além de atender outras demandas de violência de gênero, inclusive recebendo-as da comunidade acadêmica. Foram mais de 180 (cento e oitenta) mulheres atendidas pelo NUMAPE/UEM desde o início de suas atividades. A inserção das acadêmicas, profissionais e coordenadoras no campo de estudos de gênero marca o entendimento que perpassa os atendimentos às mulheres, o que o diferencia 1 de outras assistências jurídicas gratuitas do município. Sua implementação é mais um passo para efetivação integral da Lei Maria da Penha no município de Maring