37 research outputs found

    Основи екології української літературної мови: проблеми, можливості, перспективи

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    У статті розглянуто поняття «екологія» та вихід його значення за межі природи, охарактеризовано термін «екологія мови», зокрема в аспекті соціо- та психолінгвістики. Автор висвітлює еволюцію методологічних положень еколінгвістики, аналізує лінгвістичні праці та найактуальніші проблеми, пов’язані з екологією української літературної мови. (The article is devoted to concept «ecology» and exit of its value outside nature. Term «ecology of language », in particular in the sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic aspects, has been characterized. The author describes the evolution of methodological positions of ecolinguistics, analyzes linguistic works and most actual problems related to ecology of literary Ukrainian language.

    Mitotic checkpoint inactivation at anaphase onset

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    The mitotic checkpoint prevents chromosome segregation until all chromosomes have reached bi-polar orientation and come under tension on the mitotic spindle. Once this is achieved, the protease separase is activated to cleave the chromosomal cohesin complex and trigger anaphase. Cohesin cleavage releases tension between sister chromatids, however the mitotic checkpoint fails to respond to this apparent tension defect. The aim of this study was to understand why the mitotic checkpoint remains silent when sisters lose tension due to cohesin cleavage in anaphase. We showed in budding yeast that loss of sister chromatid cohesion at anaphase onset could re-activate the mitotic checkpoint. This is normally prevented by separase-dependent activation of the Cdc14 phosphatase. Cdc14 in turn downregulates the mitotic checkpoint by dephosphorylation of Sli15/INCENP, part of the conserved Aurora B kinase complex and proposed tension sensor at the kinetochores. Consequent relocation of Sli15/INCENP from centromeres to the central spindle during anaphase is a distinctive feature of the Aurora B kinase complex. Our results imply the existence of a conserved mechanism of mitotic checkpoint inactivation in anaphase. Dephosphorylation of Sli15/INCENP and its spatial separation from kinetochores prevent the checkpoint from re-engaging when tension between sister chromatids is lost in anaphase

    Особливості впровадження технології блокчейн в банківському секторі

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    Метою даного дослідження є розкриття особливостей й необхідності запровадження технології Блокчейн в банківському секторі і висвітлення його впливу на фундаментальні показники витрат

    Cdk1 inactivation terminates mitotic checkpoint surveillance and stabilizes kinetochore attachments in anaphase

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    Two mechanisms safeguard the bipolar attachment of chromosomes in mitosis. A correction mechanism destabilizes erroneous attachments that do not generate tension across sister kinetochores [1]. In response to unattached kinetochores, the mitotic checkpoint delays anaphase onset by inhibiting the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/CCdc20) [2]. Upon satisfaction of both pathways, the APC/CCdc20 elicits the degradation of securin and cyclin B [3]. This liberates separase triggering sister chromatid disjunction and inactivates cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (Cdk1) causing mitotic exit. How eukaryotic cells avoid the engagement of attachment monitoring mechanisms when sister chromatids split and tension is lost at anaphase is poorly understood [4]. Here we show that Cdk1 inactivation disables mitotic checkpoint surveillance at anaphase onset in human cells. Preventing cyclin B1 proteolysis at the time of sister chromatid disjunction destabilizes kinetochore-microtubule attachments and triggers the engagement of the mitotic checkpoint. As a consequence, mitotic checkpoint proteins accumulate at anaphase kinetochores, the APC/CCdc20 is inhibited, and securin reaccumulates. Conversely, acute pharmacological inhibition of Cdk1 abrogates the engagement and maintenance of the mitotic checkpoint upon microtubule depolymerization. We propose that the simultaneous destruction of securin and cyclin B elicited by the APC/CCdc20 couples chromosome segregation to the dissolution of attachment monitoring mechanisms during mitotic exit

    Protein Phosphatase 1 inactivates Mps1 to ensure efficient Spindle Assembly Checkpoint silencing

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    Faithfull genome partitioning during cell division relies on the Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC), a conserved signaling pathway that delays anaphase onset until all chromosomes are attached to spindle microtubules. Mps1 kinase is an upstream SAC regulator that promotes the assembly of an anaphase inhibitor through a sequential multi-target phosphorylation cascade. Thus, the SAC is highly responsive to Mps1, whose activity peaks in early mitosis as a result of its T-loop autophosphorylation. However, the mechanism controlling Mps1 inactivation once kinetochores attach to microtubules and the SAC is satisfied remains unknown. Here we show in vitro and in Drosophila that Protein Phosphatase 1 (PP1) inactivates Mps1 by dephosphorylating its T-loop. PP1-mediated dephosphorylation of Mps1 occurs at kinetochores and in the cytosol, and inactivation of both pools of Mps1 during metaphase is essential to ensure prompt and efficient SAC silencing. Overall, our findings uncover a mechanism of SAC inactivation required for timely mitotic exit.We thank Geert Kops (UMC, Utrecht, The Netherlands), Thomas Maresca (University of Massachu-setts Amherst, USA) and Christian Lehner (University of Zurich, Switzerland) for antibodies, con-structs and fly stocks. We thank Carla Sofia Lopes (i3S, IBMC, University of Porto) and all the members of the Sunkel laboratory for critical and helpful discussions. This article is a result of the project Norte-01-0145-FEDER-000029 - Advancing Cancer Research: From basic knowledge to application, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). MO is supported by a fellowship from the GABBA PhD program from the University of Porto, PD/BD/105746/2014. JB is supported by an FCT PhD grant SFRH/BD/87871/2012. CC is sup-ported by an FCT investigator position and funding (IF/01755/2014). HM is funded by PRECISE and CODECHECK grants from the European Research Council, FLAD Life Science 2020, and the Louis-Jeantet Young Investigator Career Award

    Cell division: control of the chromosomal passenger complex in time and space

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    The Komplex System and Structure of Syntactic Sentence Categories

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    Стаття продовжує цикл праць автора з проблем категорійної граматики української мови. Розкрито особливості міжкатегорійної взаємодії між одиницями мовної системи, показано сутність категорійних значень, роль синтаксичних категорій у реалізації семантико-синтаксичних та власне комунікативних значень у структурі речення. Теоретично обґрунтовано сутність понять система та структура синтаксичних категорій, показано складну взаємодію та перетин категорійних функцій мови. Показано також комплексний вплив та ієрархію трирівневих категорійних функцій у реченні та міжкатегорійну взаємодію. The article continues the series of publications of the author on the problems of categorical grammar of the Ukrainian language. Peculiarities of inter-category interaction between the units of language system are disclosed, the essence of categorical meanings is shown as well role of syntactic categories in the realization of semantico-syntactic, normative syntactic and particularly communicative meanings in the sentence structure. The notions of the system and structure of syntactic categories are theoretically grounded, complex interactionand overlapping on categorical functions of language are outlined. Complex character and hierarch of the three-level categorical functions in sentence are also shown

    T. G. Shevchenko «Was Born to Light up the Whole of Ukraine» (Oles Gonchar)

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    У статті досліджено деякі особливості поетичних творів Т. Шевченка, зокрема тих, у яких поет звер- тається до релігії, окреслює коло вічних проблем людства на тлі своєї епохи. Показано геніальність нашого Шевченка у вимірах сучасної України, розкрито деякі вічні проблеми долі та слави поета в умовах заблокованої культури. The article inquires into some peculiarities of Shevchenko’s poetical works, namely those in which the poet appeals to religion, discloses the realm of eternal problems of humanity on the background of his epoch. The genius of our Shevchenko is shown in the dimensions of modern Ukraine and certain eternal problems of fate and glory of the poet under conditions of blocked culture are investigated

    Lesіa Ukrainka: “Powerful Will Seizemy Weapon...” (an Attempt of Contextological Analysis)

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    Стаття продовжує цикл праць автора з лінгвотекстології поетичних творів Лесі Українки. Показано лінгвостильові особливості деяких поетичних творів, розкрито виражальні мовні засоби, лінгвосинергетику, вагу поетичного слова славетної Лесі Українки. Прокоментовано глибину світських і світлих думок Лесі Українки як справжньої національно свідомої дочки України. Показано, як вона, через сумніви і страждання, полемізуючи з Музою, шукає своє місце в «сіянні перелогу» для розвою України, як вона усвідомлює своє місце у стосун- ках із Музою, високу місію поета, яку вона вкладає у вуста музи-порадниці: «співаймо поважно Про те, як одважно герой умира на війні». The article continues the series of publi- cations of the author on linguistic textologies of Lesіa Ukrainka’s poetry. Linguistic and stylistic peculiarites of some poetical works are outlined, expressive language means, linguistic synergy and the value of famous Lesіa Ukrainka’s poetical word are disclosed. The article provides the research of the profundity of Lesіa Ukrainka’s mundane and serene thoughts as the nationally conscious daughter of Ukraine. It explicates how the poetress, through doubt and suffering, polemizes with Muse, seeks her role in “sowing the fallow” for Ukraine to prosper,realizes her role in the relationship with Muse and the higher calling of the poet which is disclosed in the words uttered by Muse-the adviser: “...let’s dignifiedly sing how courageously the hero in the war is dying”. A century later today, these words are prophetic sounding and urgent