17,386 research outputs found

    Observationally-Motivated Analysis of Simulated Galaxies

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    The spatial and temporal relationships between stellar age, kinematics, and chemistry are a fundamental tool for uncovering the physics driving galaxy formation and evolution. Observationally, these trends are derived using carefully selected samples isolated via the application of appropriate magnitude, colour, and gravity selection functions of individual stars; conversely, the analysis of chemodynamical simulations of galaxies has traditionally been restricted to the age, metallicity, and kinematics of `composite' stellar particles comprised of open cluster-mass simple stellar populations. As we enter the Gaia era, it is crucial that this approach changes, with simulations confronting data in a manner which better mimics the methodology employed by observers. Here, we use the \textsc{SynCMD} synthetic stellar populations tool to analyse the metallicity distribution function of a Milky Way-like simulated galaxy, employing an apparent magnitude plus gravity selection function similar to that employed by the RAdial Velocity Experiment (RAVE); we compare such an observationally-motivated approach with that traditionally adopted - i.e., spatial cuts alone - in order to illustrate the point that how one analyses a simulation can be, in some cases, just as important as the underlying sub-grid physics employed.Comment: Accepted for publication in PoS (Proceedings of Science): Nuclei in the Cosmos XIII (Debrecen, Jul 2014); 6 pages; 3 figure

    The needs of people with dementia living at home from user, caregiver and professional perspectives: a cross-sectional survey

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    Few reports have been published about differences in perspectives on perceived needs among community-residing people with dementia, their family caregivers, and professionals. The aim of this study was to compare these perspectives

    Theoretical Analysis of the Nutritional Value of Beet Biscuits (Beta Vulgaris) and Their Consumption and Marketing Trends

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    This study aimed to examine the nutritional value of beet biscuits and the trends in their consumption and marketing. Currently, adults, adolescents and children consume this vegetable without the intervention of any industrial process. To determine the nutritional value of beet biscuits, information from existing research was sought for a detailed comparison of the beet cookie and the stuffed and festival cookies. Based on these analyses, it was concluded that beet cookies have a considerable nutritional value, which provides important health benefits to the people who consume them. Nowadays, the desire to maintain a healthy diet is a trend, due to the risk of illnesses derived from inappropriate eating habits. The biscuit industry was analyzed, showing a growing trend in the marketing of biscuits. The main competitive advantage of beets is the vitamins they offer. Keywords: nutrition, health, consumption, marketing. RESUMEN La presente investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un análisis del valor nutritivo en galletas de remolacha, la tendencia de consumo y comercialización. En la actualidad adultos, adolescentes y niños consumen esta hortaliza, en forma natural, sin la intervención de ningún proceso industrial. Para determinar su valor nutricional se buscó información de investigaciones existentes para un análisis minucioso entre la galleta de remolacha y otras galletas de similares características; esta investigación es de tipo analítica y comparativa, el análisis bibliográfico realizado con información de fuentes secundarias y la comparación nutricional entre ellas permitió definir, que las galletas de remolacha tienen una riqueza nutricional muy considerable, que aporta importantes beneficios a la salud de las personas que las consumen. Actualmente, es tendencia el deseo de mantener una alimentación saludable, mediante la elección de productos sanos, debido a las enfermedades derivadas por hábitos alimentarios inadecuados. Se analizó la industria de la galletería, presentando una predisposición creciente en la comercialización de galletas, por lo que se prioriza las vitaminas que ofrecen los vegetales en esta investigación específica con la remolacha se destaca como principal ventaja competitiva. Palabras claves: nutrición, salud, consumo, comercialización. &nbsp

    Spectroscopic confirmation of the planetary nebula nature of PM1-242, PM1-318 and PM1-333 and morphological analysis of the nebulae

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    We present intermediate resolution long-slit spectra and narrow-band Halpha, [NII] and [OIII] images of PM1-242, PM318 and PM1-333, three IRAS sources classified as possible planetary nebulae. The spectra show that the three objects are true planetary nebulae and allow us to study their physical properties; the images provide a detailed view of their morphology. PM1-242 is a medium-to-high-excitation (e.g., HeII4686/Hbeta ~0.4; [NII]6584/Halpha ~0.3) planetary nebula with an elliptical shape containing [NII] enhanced point-symmetric arcs. An electron temperature [Te([SIII])] of ~10250 K and an electron density [Ne([SII])] of ~2300 cm-3 are derived for PM1-242. Abundance calculations suggest a large helium abundance (He/H ~0.29) in PM1-242. PM1-318 is a high-excitation (HeII4686/Hbeta ~1) planetary nebula with a ring-like inner shell containing two enhanced opposite regions, surrounded by a fainter round attached shell brighter in the light of [OIII]. PM1-333 is an extended planetary nebula with a high-excitation (HeII4686/Hbeta up to ~0.9) patchy circular main body containing two low-excitation knotty arcs. A low Ne([SII]) of ~450 cm-3 and Te([OIII]) of ~15000 K are derived for this nebula. Abundance calculations suggest that PM1-333 is a type I planetary nebula. The lack of a sharp shell morphology, low electron density, and high-excitation strongly suggest that PM1-333 is an evolved planetary nebula. PM1-333 also shows two low-ionization polar structures whose morphology and emission properties are reminiscent of collimated outflows. We compare PM1-333 with other evolved planetary nebulae with collimated outflows and find that outflows among evolved planetary nebulae exhibit a large variety of properties, in accordance with these observed in younger planetary nebula.Comment: Accepted in The Astronomical Journal, 23 pages, 6 figure

    Model Reduction on the Wnt Pathway Leads to Biological Adaptation

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    Complex systems are an unavoidable problem in the field of biology. One of the ways that scientists have tried to overcome this problem is by building mathematical models—manageable representations designed to look at specific physical phenomena. The Wnt Signaling Pathway is a complex system known to regulate cell-to-cell interactions, play a crucial role in Embryonic Development, and has been implicated in the study of cancer. Typically, the Wnt signal is observed through the behavior of a protein called beta-Catenin (β-Catenin). In 2003, Lee et al. built a model of the Wnt pathway which caused β-Catenin to increase over time. However, in 2010, Jensen et al. built a different model of the Wnt pathway which caused β-Catenin to oscillate over time. This project called for model reduction on the Jensen et al. model to identify the phenomenological parameter combinations that determined features of the Wnt oscillations. The method used to reduce the model is called the Manifold Boundary Approximation Method, which is a geometric, parameter-independent method of reducing the model one parameter at a time. Reduction of the model showed that there were 5 variables and 8 parameters which drove the oscillating behavior of the system. After comparing our results to the Lee et al. reduced model of the Wnt pathway done by student Dane Bjork, a minimal model was constructed which predicted a novel class behavior of the Wnt system: biological adaptation

    A long-range and long-life telemetry data-acquisition system for heart rate and multiple body temperatures from free-ranging animals

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    The system includes an implantable transmitter, external receiver-retransmitter collar, and a microprocessor-controlled demodulator. The size of the implant is suitable for animals with body weights of a few kilograms or more; further size reduction of the implant is possible. The ECG is sensed by electrodes designed for internal telemetry and to reduce movement artifacts. The R-wave characteristics are then specifically selected to trigger a short radio frequency pulse. Temperatures are sensed at desired locations by thermistors and then, based on a heartbeat counter, transmitted intermittently via pulse interval modulation. This modulation scheme includes first and last calibration intervals for a reference by ratios with the temperature intervals to achieve good accuracy even over long periods. Pulse duration and pulse sequencing are used to discriminate between heart rate and temperature pulses as well as RF interference

    Normalizing Weak Boson Pair Production at the Large Hadron Collider

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    The production of two weak bosons at the Large Hadron Collider will be one of the most important sources of SM backgrounds for final states with multiple leptons. In this paper we consider several quantities that can help normalize the production of weak boson pairs. Ratios of inclusive cross-sections for production of two weak bosons and Drell-Yan are investigated and the corresponding theoretical errors are evaluated. The possibility of predicting the jet veto survival probability of VV production from Drell-Yan data is also considered. Overall, the theoretical errors on all quantities remain less than 5-20%. The dependence of these quantities on the center of mass energy of the proton-proton collision is also studied.Comment: 11 pages; added references, minor text revisions, version to appear in Phys. Rev.