16,606 research outputs found

    Normalizing Weak Boson Pair Production at the Large Hadron Collider

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    The production of two weak bosons at the Large Hadron Collider will be one of the most important sources of SM backgrounds for final states with multiple leptons. In this paper we consider several quantities that can help normalize the production of weak boson pairs. Ratios of inclusive cross-sections for production of two weak bosons and Drell-Yan are investigated and the corresponding theoretical errors are evaluated. The possibility of predicting the jet veto survival probability of VV production from Drell-Yan data is also considered. Overall, the theoretical errors on all quantities remain less than 5-20%. The dependence of these quantities on the center of mass energy of the proton-proton collision is also studied.Comment: 11 pages; added references, minor text revisions, version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Periodically rippled graphene: growth and spatially resolved electronic structure

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    We studied the growth of an epitaxial graphene monolayer on Ru(0001). The graphene monolayer covers uniformly the Ru substrate over lateral distances larger than several microns reproducing the structural defects of the Ru substrate. The graphene is rippled with a periodicity dictated by the difference in lattice parameter between C and Ru. The theoretical model predict inhomogeneities in the electronic structure. This is confirmed by measurements in real space by means of scanning tunnelling spectroscopy. We observe electron pockets at the higher parts of the ripples.Comment: 5 page

    Economic Impact of Quinoa Consumption in the Diet of University Students Case: ESPOCH Agroindustry Career

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    Quinoa is an ancestral plant, originally cultivated in the Andes. It is a product with exceptional nutritional value and it has been important in the socio-economic evolution of the Andean population. Food is considered a natural, ecological and economic product. Since quinoa has the same amount of protein as meat, it can complement people’s daily food at a very low cost. The objective of this work was to carry out market research to determine the knowledge of university students about the protein value of quinoa in their diet and its purchasing power. The design was semi-experimental and descriptive. The study population was students of the Agroindustry degree of the Faculty of Livestock Sciences of the Higher Polytechnic School of Chimborazo. Data were collected through a questionnaire, which contained ten open and closed questions. 192 people were surveyed. Data were also collected through direct observations in the food laboratory. The results indicated a high level of ignorance of the benefits of quinoa. A lack of knowledge about quinoa can result in smaller economic benefits for those who produce this high protein food, which in most cases are indigenous communities. Keywords: economic, consumption, quinoa, incidence. Resumen El presente trabajo, tiene por objetivo realizar una investigación de mercado, para determinar el conocimiento de los estudiantes universitarios, sobre el valor proteico de la quinua en su alimentación y el poder adquisitivo de la misma. El diseño es de tipo semi experimental y descriptiva. La población en estudio, son estudiantes de la carrera de Agroindustria de la Facultad de Ciencias Pecuarias de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo; para la recolección de datos se utilizó la técnica de la encuesta, apoyado en el cuestionario de la encuesta, como instrumento, la cual contiene diez preguntas abiertas y cerradas, basados en los objetivos de la investigación, se consideró una muestra de 192 personas, con la finalidad de obtener datos importantes que han sido analizados y explicados de forma descriptiva en el proceso, así mismo la observación directa que se realizó en el laboratorio de alimentos, mediante pruebas que se realizaron. La quinua es una planta ancestral, cultivada originariamente en los Andes, producto con excepcional valor nutritivo, e importante evolución socio económica de la población Andina. Alimentariamente es considerado un producto natural, ecológico y económico, ya que tiene la misma cantidad de proteína como la carne, puede complementar el alimento diario de cada persona a un costo muy bajo. Los resultados obtenidos, permitieron identificar el nivel de desconocimiento de los beneficios de la quinua, dando como resultado el mínimo impacto económico en quienes producen este alimento proteico, que, en la mayoría de los casos, son comunidades indígenas que buscan emprender. Palabras clave: economía, consumo, quinua, incidencia

    A comparison of various approaches to the exponential random graph model:A reanalysis of 102 student networks in school classes

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    This paper describes an empirical comparison of four specifications of the exponential family of random graph models (ERGM), distinguished by model specification (dyadic independence, Markov, partial conditional dependence) and, for the Markov model, by estimation method (Maximum Pseudolikelihood, Maximum Likelihood). This was done by reanalyzing 102 student networks in 57 junior high school classes. At the level of all classes combined, earlier substantive conclusions were supported by all specifications. However, the different specifications led to different conclusions for individual classes. PL produced unreliable estimates (when ML is regarded as the standard) and had more convergence problems than ML. Furthermore, the estimates of covariate effects were affected considerably by controlling for network structure, although the precise specification of the structural part (Markov or partial conditional dependence) mattered less. (C) 2007 Elsevier BX All rights reserved

    A non-resonant dark-side solution to the solar neutrino problem

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    We re-analyse spin-flavour precession solutions to the solar neutrino problem in the light of the recent SNO CC result as well as the 1258--day Super-Kamiokande data and the upper limit on solar anti-neutrinos. In a self-consistent magneto-hydrodynamics approach the resulting scheme has only 3 effective parameters: Δm2\Delta m^2, μB\mu B_\perp and the neutrino mixing angle θ\theta. We show how a rates-only analysis for fixed μB\mu B_\perp slightly favours spin-flavour precession (SFP) solutions over oscillations (OSC). In addition to the resonant solution (RSFP for short), there is a new non-resonant solution (NRSFP) in the ``dark-side''. Both RSFP and NRSFP lead to flat recoil energy spectra in excellent agreement with the latest SuperKamiokande data. We also show that in the presence of a neutrino transition magnetic moment of 101110^{-11} Bohr magneton, a magnetic field of 80 KGauss eliminates all large mixing solutions other than the so-called LMA solution.Comment: 12 pages, 3 postscript figures, using elsart.cls. Published versio

    Determination of surface resistance and magnetic penetration depth of superconducting YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thin films by microwave power transmission measurements

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    A novel waveguide power transmission measurement technique was developed to extract the complex conductivity of superconducting thin films at microwave frequencies. The microwave conductivity was taken of two laser ablated YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thin films on LaAlO3 with transition temperatures of approx. 86.3 and 82 K, respectively, in the temperature range 25 to 300 K. From the conductivity values, the penetration depth was found to be approx. 0.54 and 0.43 micron, and the surface resistance (R sub s) to be approx. 24 and 36 micro-Ohms at 36 GHz and 76 K for the two films under consideration. The R sub s values were compared with those obtained from the change in the Q-factor of a 36 GHz Te sub 011-mode (OFHC) copper cavity by replacing one of its end walls with the superconducting sample. This technique allows noninvasive characterization of high transition temperature superconducting thin films at microwave frequencies

    Continuous spectra in high-harmonic generation driven by multicycle laser pulses

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    We present observations of the emission of XUV continua in the 20-37 eV region by high harmonic generation (HHG) with 44-7 fs7\ \mathrm{fs} pulses focused onto a Kr gas jet. The underlying mechanism relies on coherent control of the relative delays and phases between individually generated attosecond pulse, achievable by adjusting the chirp of the driving pulses and the interaction geometry. Under adequate negative chirp and phase matching conditions, the resulting interpulse interference yields a continuum XUV spectrum, which is due to both microscopic and macroscopic (propagation) contributions. This technique opens the route for modifying the phase of individual attosecond pulses and for the coherent synthesis of XUV continua from multicycle driving laser pulses without the need of an isolated attosecond burst.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Physical Review

    Millimeter wave transmission studies of YBa2Cu3O7-delta thin films in the 26.5 to 40.0 GHz frequency range

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    Millimeter wave transmission measurements through YBa2Cu3O(7-delta) thin films on MgO, ZrO2 and LaAlO3 substrates, are reported. The films (approx. 1 micron) were deposited by sequential evaporation and laser ablation techniques. Transition temperatures T sub c, ranging from 89.7 K for the Laser Ablated film on LaAlO3 to approximately 72 K for the sequentially evaporated film on MgO, were obtained. The values of the real and imaginary parts of the complex conductivity, sigma 1 and sigma 2, are obtained from the transmission data, assuming a two fluid model. The BCS approach is used to calculate values for an effective energy gap from the obtained values of sigma sub 1. A range of gap values from 2 DELTA o/K sub B T sub c = 4.19 to 4.35 was obtained. The magnetic penetration depth is evaluated from the deduced values of sigma 2. These results are discussed together with the frequency dependence of the normalized transmission amplitude, P/P sub c, below and above T sub c