46 research outputs found

    Education Package Reduce Physical and Psychological Complaint in Cervical Cancer Patient with Chemotherapy

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    Introduction : Patient with cervix cancer who receives chemotherapy experience problems in physical or psychological. Physical complaints such as nausea, vomiting and fatigue. Psychological responses such as anxiety and depression can be reduced by providing education about the care package for themselves at home. The education package at the gynecology ward RSU Dr. Soetomo Surabaya has been developed which contains about nutrition, activity, psychological aspects and progressive muscle relaxation exercise. The objective of this study explore the relationship of the educational package with physical and psychological complaints of cervical cancer patients with chemotherapy. Method : This research use cross-sectional design. The sampling technique used total population. The sample was taken from those suitable with inclusion criteria, with the total sample 25 patients. Data were collected by using a questionnaire. Data analysis using the T test and chi-squere. Result : Results showed that there are differences level of nausea, vomiting, fatigue and the entry psychological response to the respondents before and after intervention (p<0.05). The results showed that there is relationship between age with anxiety (p=0,032), relationship between the status of work with fatigue (p=0,003) and relationship between the frequency of chemotherapy with fatigue (p=0,015). Analysis : It can be concluded that education package can reduce physical and psychological complaint in serviks cancer patient with chemoteraphy. Discussion : Implications the results of this research is the educational package can be developed as part of the nursing care of cervical cancer patients with chemotherapy to reduce physical and psychological complaints

    Commitment for Anaemia Prevention is Associated with Adherence to Iron Supplementation and Iron Intake Among Pregnant Women

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    Anaemia during pregnancy is still a major problem in the world which can affect the health of the mother and foetus. The commitment of pregnant women to improve adherence to iron supplementation and eating iron-rich foods can prevent iron deficiency anaemia.This study aimed to identify the correlation between of commitment for anaemia prevention with adherence to iron supplementation and iron intake. Design: The study was a cross-sectional study with a population sample of 125 pregnant women who attended antenatal care at five community health centres in Surabaya. The study was conducted from August to October 2017.The statistical test results showed the commitment statements, “I maintain personal hygiene by frequently washing hands”had the highest score (4.38 ± 0.67) and “ Itake iron supplements regularly even if it causes nausea” had the lowest score (4.05 ± 0.84). Of the four statements about adherence to iron supplementation, “I take iron supplements regularly every day” had the highest score (4.35 ± 0.86) while ‘I take iron supplements along with orange juice or vitamin C drinks’ had the lowest score of 1.52 ± 0.87. There was a significant association between commitment for anaemia prevention and adherence to iron supplementation during pregnancy (r = 0.227; p = 0.011) and between commitment for anaemia prevention and iron intake (r = 0.432; p <0.001). Health workers need to conduct health education about the prevention of anaemia in every pregnant woman who attends antenatal care. Keywords: Commitment, Anaemia prevention, Adherence Iron Supplementation, Iron Intak


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    Introduction: Performance assessment instrument will be problematic when it is not representative in describing the competency because it is not obvious indicators and inappropriate performance standard to nursing’s task. The purpose of this study is to develop nurses’ performance assessment instrument based on the web from multi sources assessment inpatient unit at SMC Hospital. Methods: This study had two phases. The first phase was an explanatory overview of the performance assessment system using questionnaires completed by 53 respondents of nurses, selected by purposive sampling. Instrument development based on FGD with six decision makers in the hospital. Validity was tested by Pearson Product Moment Correlation and reliability of instrument’s was tested by alpha Cronbach. The second phase was socialization and instrument test to observe the quality of instrument using a questionnaire by 47 respondents and recommendations made by 8 participants of FGD. The samples were selected by purposive sampling technique. Performance assessment system was moderate at 58.49%. All questions which aimed to measure the performance of nurses were valid and reliable. The quality of nurses’ performance assessment instruments based on the web was a good category, which was functionality: 81.60; reliability: 78.16; efficiency: 80.85; usability: 81.70 and portability: 81.70. Results: The result was a web-based assessment format, scoring with Likert scale, resource assessment by the direct supervisor which was a multisource evaluator, the development of performance graph, and confidentiality of data on the database server. Discussion: Recommendations for hospital is to make policy based on the final value of the performance assessment by the supervisor which was multisource feedback and it needs a global writing on a form of performance assessment result


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    Background: Labor pain and anxiety are closely interrelated with each other. Pain and anxiety together canincrease level of cortisol, may result in a decrease uterine contractions so that the risk of causing prolonged labor.The purpose of this study were to examine the effect of music therapy in pain, anxiety, and cortisol level in primigravida during active phase of first stage labor.Method: This study was an experimental research approach with pre-test post-test design at Delivery room Puskesmas Jagir Surabaya. Research subjects of this study was recruited using simple random sampling who was included inclusion criterias. Research subjects in this study was of 32 people who were then divided into two groups, 16 mothers into intervention group and 16 mothers into control group. Data were collected by using observation with VAS and VAAPS, also took venous blood sampling for laboratory test of cortisol serum. Data were analyzed by using paired t-test and independent t-test. Result: The results showed that: 1) Score of VAS in intervention group was less than control group (p= 0,000), 2) Score of VAAPS in intervention group was less than control group (p=0,000), 3) There was no significant differences cortisol level between intervention group and control group (p=0,305). Discussion:Music therapy could reduce pain and anxiety, but could not reduce levelof cortisol in primigravida during active phase of first stage labor.Further research, music therapy should be given since the beginning of third trimester so that primigravida more prepared for childbirth. Keywords: labor, pain, anxiety, cortisol, music therap


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    Introduction : Psychological problems commonly experienced by pregnant women especially primigravidae are anxiety and fear. Prenatal classes is used to manage anxiety and low self-efficacy in pregnant women. However, it is still not enough. This study aimed to prove the efficacy of CBT for reducing anxiety and increasing self-efficacy in third trimester primigravidae. Method: This is a pre-experimental study with the one group pretest posttest design approach. The population was all third trimester primigravidae at Kendangsari Mother and Child Hospital, Surabaya. Samples were third trimester primigravidae who experienced anxiety, answered self-efficacy questionnaire, met the inclusion criteria and willing to be a research subject. Sample size was 10. The statistical test used to determine the influence of independent variable toward dependent variables was Wilcoxon Signed Rank test. Result : CBT could lower the anxiety level (p= 0.007), CBT could improve self-efficacy (p= 0.007) in third trimester primigravidae. Discussion : CBT has been able to reduce anxiety. In the process, CBT encourages clients against their negative thoughts and figure out how more positive thoughts could change the level of anxiety becoming lower. CBT in the process turns client’s mind into more positive thought that will be resulted in changing feelings (affection), so that positive behaviors implemented could reduce anxiety level. Declining anxiety level individual could control the situation, produce positivethings and increase self-efficacy. Keywords: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, Anxiety, Self-Efficac


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    Latar belakang: Kepuasan kebutuhan psikologis akan meningkatkan komitmen dalam melakukan perilaku kesehatan. Objektif: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan model perilaku pencegahan anemia dengan determinasi diri dalam perawatan ibu hamil. Metode: Desain penelitian tahap satu yaitu analitik observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Sampel sebanyak 130 wanita hamil yang memeriksakan kehamilan di puskesmas pada 5 wilayah Surabaya. Desain penelitian tahap dua yaitu quasy experiment. Sampel sebanyak 30 ibu hamil yang memeriksakan kehamilan di puskesmas Tanah Kali Kedinding Surabaya. Variabel independen dari penelitian ini adalah model perilaku pencegahan anemia dengan determinasi diri. Varibel dependen dalam penelitian ini adalah perilaku pencegahan anemia dan kadar hemoglobin. Hasil dan Kebaruan: Terdapat pengaruh model perilaku pencegahan anemia kehamilan dengan determinasi diri terhadap perilaku pencegahan anemia dan kadar hemoglobin (p= 0,013; p= 0,040). Temuan baru dalam penelitian ini adalah model perilaku pencegahan anemia dengan determinasi diri. Peningkatan tujuan masa hamil dapat meningkatkan kepuasan kebutuhan psikologis yaitu otonomi, kompetensi dan keterikatan. Peningkatan kepuasan kebutuhan psikologis akan meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan anemia dan kadar hemoglobin. Kesimpulan: model perilaku pencegahan anemia kehamilan dengan determinasi diri dapat meningkatkan perilaku pencegahan anemia dan kadar hemoglobin. Peningkatan perilaku pencegahan anemia melalui kecukupan energi, karbohidrat, protein, vitamin C dan zat besi; kepatuhan minum tablet zat besi dan pencegahan cacingan yang dilakukan secara bersama dapat meningkatkan kadar hemoglobin ibu hamil

    Tingkat Pengetahuan Penderita Hipertensi tentang Kepatuhan Berobat

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    This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge of hypertensive patients about medication adherence. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with a cross-sectional approach. The results showed that most of the 37 research samples were aged 51-65 years (59.4%), women (54.1%), a high education level (14%), self-employed (35.1%) stage two hypertension at the time of visit (86 .48%), many sufferers have a lack of knowledge (56.8%), and patients are not compliant in treatment (74.1%). In conclusion, most hypertension sufferers who seek treatment at the Internal Medicine Outpatient Unit at the Guido Valadares Nacional Hospital Dili Timor Leste have a poor level of knowledge, and most are also disobedient to their hypertension treatment. Keywords: Hypertension, Compliance, Level of Knowledg


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    Introduction: Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled growth of tissue in the human body, refractory and fatal. Globally, cancer incidence rates around 5-20% and as the leading cause of death, including heart disease and stroke. Patients suffering from cancer in addition to suffer physically also suffer from social, psychological and even spiritual. Therefore, prevention of cancer in an integrated and holistic should involve the entire community, because of the needs of cancer patients is very complex, the need to be free of pain, need to be considered, and the need for psychological support. To help cancer patients overall serious efforts are needed and the role of the family is very important. It is necessary to empower the family. The aim of this study was to determine the model of the empowerment of the family in care in families with cancer by using a nursing model Callgari. Methods: This research uses experimental research design quasy Pre-post test design. The research sample as many as 11 people, samples taken from a population of cancer patients with a family in Puskesmas Kalijudan Surabaya. Technique purposive sampling of respondents who met the inclusion criteria. Data captured demographic, assessment Calgary, knowledge, attitudes, practices in the treatment of cancer in the family. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and Mann Whitney with significance level ≀0,05. Results: The result showed that of statistical tests Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed an increase in knowledge, attitudes, practices keluraga in care with family members of cancer patients before dans esudah be approached intervention model family with the value of each knowledge p=0.001, attitude p = 0.001, the practice of p = 0.001 , Calgary family interventions effectively improve the knowledge, attitudes, practices family to perform maintenance on the members of cancer patients. Discussion: The first level of health care nurses can facilitate the family to cooperate with the doctors who treat people with cancer to monitor the development of the health condition of people with cancer.. Keywords: Calgary model, childhood asthma, asthma contro


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    Introduction: Postpartum women expect to have a good sleep quality with short sleep duration. Good quality sleep can reduce the risk of postpartum blues. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of progressive muscle relaxation exercise in improving sleep quality postpartum women. Method: This research used Quasy- Experimental method with purposive sampling technique. Samples were taken from 12 villages in the district Kandat. There were 19 respondents in each treatment group and the control. Independent variable in this study was a progressive muscle relaxation exercise. The dependent variable was the quality of sleep in postpartum women. Data was collected by questionnaire PSQI. Analysis on the data in each group used the Wilcoxon test. Comparative analysis for the 2 groups used the Mann Whitney test. This study used a significance of α= 0.05. Result: Wilcoxon test analysis results showed that there were changes in sleep quality in the treatment group (p = 0,003). Whereas the control group did not change (p = 0,157). Mann Whitney test results showed that compared with the control group, there was an increase in the quality of sleep in the treatment group (p = 0.000). Conclusion: The results of this study concluded that progressive muscle relaxation exercises can used as an effort to improve the quality of sleep for postpartum women. Progressive muscle relaxation is an alternative interventions to solve the issue of maternal postpartum sleep quality. Key words: postpartum, relaxation, quality of sleep, PSQI, PM


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    Introduction: Adolescence is a stage of transition from children to adulthood. Lack of knowledge about free sex prevention can increase free sex behavior in the future among adolescence. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of peer group discussion to improve adolescent’s knowledge and attitude about free sex prevention on 8thgrade student’s at SMP Panca Jaya Surabaya. Method: This study was used quasy experimental design. Population were all of adolescence 8th grade and through multistage random method derived A 8th grade and D 8th grade as affordable population. 50 respondent involved, taken according to purposive sampling, devided into 27 respondent on experiment group and 23 respondent on control group. The independent variable of this research was peer group discussion and dependent variable were knowledge and attitude. Data were collected by questionnaires and analyze using Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test and Mann Whitney U Test with significant level α=<0,05. Result: Wilcoxon signed rank test showed that peer group discussion had effect on adolescent’s knowledge (p= 0,022) but not on attitude (p=0,157). Mann Whitney U Test showed there was difference result between experiment group and control group on knowledge (p=0,022) but the result is not significant on attitude (p=0,424). Conclusion: It can be concluded that peer group discussion can be used as a method of health education in providing information about free sex prevention in adolescence especially to increase their knowledge. Nurses should do preventive action to decrease free sex cases in adolescence. Key word: Peer group discussion, adolescence, free sex prevention behavio