
Introduction: Cancer is a disease caused by uncontrolled growth of tissue in the human body, refractory and fatal. Globally, cancer incidence rates around 5-20% and as the leading cause of death, including heart disease and stroke. Patients suffering from cancer in addition to suffer physically also suffer from social, psychological and even spiritual. Therefore, prevention of cancer in an integrated and holistic should involve the entire community, because of the needs of cancer patients is very complex, the need to be free of pain, need to be considered, and the need for psychological support. To help cancer patients overall serious efforts are needed and the role of the family is very important. It is necessary to empower the family. The aim of this study was to determine the model of the empowerment of the family in care in families with cancer by using a nursing model Callgari. Methods: This research uses experimental research design quasy Pre-post test design. The research sample as many as 11 people, samples taken from a population of cancer patients with a family in Puskesmas Kalijudan Surabaya. Technique purposive sampling of respondents who met the inclusion criteria. Data captured demographic, assessment Calgary, knowledge, attitudes, practices in the treatment of cancer in the family. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test and Mann Whitney with significance level ≤0,05. Results: The result showed that of statistical tests Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test showed an increase in knowledge, attitudes, practices keluraga in care with family members of cancer patients before dans esudah be approached intervention model family with the value of each knowledge p=0.001, attitude p = 0.001, the practice of p = 0.001 , Calgary family interventions effectively improve the knowledge, attitudes, practices family to perform maintenance on the members of cancer patients. Discussion: The first level of health care nurses can facilitate the family to cooperate with the doctors who treat people with cancer to monitor the development of the health condition of people with cancer.. Keywords: Calgary model, childhood asthma, asthma contro

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