13 research outputs found

    Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 12

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    In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1

    Improvement of a real-time lamp protocol for the detection of Xylella fastidiosa in Philaenus spumarius and Neophilaenus campestris

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    Trabajo presentado en la 2nd European conference on Xylella fastidiosa (how research can support solutions), celebrada en Ajaccio el 29 y 30 de octubre de 2019.The epidemic spread of Xylella fastidiosa (Xf) in southern Italy, with very important economic repercussions for the olive tree industry, makes it advisable to use methodologies for early monitoring of potential tree infection before symptom development in host plants, such as the use of spy insects. This approach is based on the use of molecular tests to detect the presence of Xf, among which the real-time LAMP. In this work, a commercial kit (Enbiotech, Italy) based on this technique, was assayed for detection of Xf in Philaenus spumarius and Neophilaenus campestris specimens in different demarcated areas in Europe. Spiked samples were tested using the entire insect and bulk insect heads artificially inoculated with serial dilutions (from 106 to 100 CFU) of a strain of X. fastidiosa subsp. pauca ST53, isolated from an olive tree in Apulia. In order to exclude the loss of sensitivity due to the presence of inhibitors in the reaction, spiked samples were also tested using the insect heads macerated in the extraction buffer provided by the kit. The lowest bacterial dilution was always detected. Approximately 525 individuals of P. spumarius were sampled in late summer in an infected olive grove in Lecce (Italy) and tested by this assay. The total incidence of infection ranged from 13% to 16%, using single entire insects or single heads, respectively. This incidence was confirmed with bulk heads to assess the diagnostic sensitivity of the real-time LAMP test; with a progressive increase in bacterial detection observed by analysing a higher number of heads. Finally, heads of approximately 280 P. spumarius and N. campestris, collected in an infected almond grove in Alicante (Spain), are being analysed to determine the infection prevalence using the commercial kit and the real-time-PCR of Harper et al. (2010, erratum 2013), to compare the sensitivity of both techniques


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    A method for checking the braking capacity of a vehicle (10), said vehicle (10) comprising a body(11), at least one wheel (15), a braking system arranged to reduce the speed of the or each wheel (15), said braking system comprising an interface device arranged to operate the braking system. The method comprises the steps of arranging the vehicle (10) in a working area (100) comprising at least one rotating roller (110) and a control unit, arrangement of body (11) in a predetermined position and associating each wheel (15) to at least one rotating roller (110) by a constraint of rolling friction, actuating the or each rotating roller (110) to put in rotation at least one wheel (15) to it associated until a predetermined speed ω is reached, actuating the braking system, by the interface device (20), for reducing the predetermined speed ω of the or each wheel (15) put in rotation, detecting the tangential force between each wheel (15) and at least one rotating roller (110) to it associated. Furthermore, downstream of the step of actuating the or each rotating roller (110), a step is provided of locking the vehicle (10) in such a way that the body (11) is maintained substantially in the predetermined position also in case of forces applied to the body (11), said step of locking carried out by means of lock means

    Ground Source Heat Pumps. An overview on the potential in Adriatic area and the Balkans

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    The Handbook resumes all the activities developed within LEGEND Project in the framework of low enthalpy geothermal applications to existent public buildings in the Adriatic area. The activities have focused on many different aspects, such as geological and geotheraml potential, awareness raising, supply chain, environmental life cycle aspects and administrative barriers. The volume has been presented at LEGEND Final Conference, held in Ferrara on December 12th, 2014