76 research outputs found


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    In ttc era of globalization currently technology is absolutely necessary to all quarters. Because the rise of the the science of technology it is not separated from the absence of knowledge. One who thriving now technology equipment information such as cell phones and the internet. The benefits of a means of communicotion a cell phone for example able to obtain information easily and faster. The purpose of research to know the influence of capital, labor ond hour of work that affect the business income in HP counter in Central Lebong sub-district Lebong regency. Method used in this reseach is a method of doubled linear regression econometric model. The results of research showed that the variable capital has no effect to business income in HP counter because t test value is smaller than t table namely 1,357 < 2,109. vriable labor has no effect to business income in HP counter because t test value is smaller than t table namely 1,236' 3,238 showed variable capital, labor and hour of work together influential and significant impact the business income in HP counter in Central Lebong sub-district lebong regency


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    This study aims to analyze the factors that influence the demand for electrical energy in households in the city of Bengkulu. With the dependent variable (Y) the demand for electrical energy and the independent variable (X) Income, electricity price/tariff, number of family members. In this study using primary data with a total sample of 100 households in the city of Bengkulu. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression.  From the analysis that has been done the results show that the income variable (X1) has a significant and positive effect on the demand for electricity, electricity prices/tariffs (X2) have a significant and negative effect on the demand for electrical energy and the number of family members (X3) has a significant and positive effect on demand for electrical energy.Keywords: Demand for electrical energy, Electricity price/tariff ,Income, Number of family members


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    Aktivitas Orkes Keroncong Nadakasih memberi dampak positif bagi perkembangan orkes keroncong dan lagu keroncong di Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta dalam upaya melestarikan musik keroncong agar digemari oleh masyarakat dan generasi muda. Memberikan dampak positif bagi perkembangan musik keroncong melalui pertunjukan musik, sarsehan serta aktivitas sosial lainnya, sehingga orkes keroncong Nadakasih tetap berkiprah sebagai orkes keroncong yang memiliki potensi pemain yang cukup baik saat ini. Pelayanan publik secara kronologis mengalami peningkatan dalam membangun bangsa dengan tetap konsisten menyebarkan repertoar musik keroncong sebagai penguatan jati diri bangsa. Kata Kunci: Aktivitas, Orkes Keroncong Nadaksih,Melestarikan Lagu Keroncon


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    Tujuan penelitian ini dimaksudkan sejauh mana fungsi dan makna lagu perjuangan bagian dari pelestarian dan sistem pendidikan karakter agar generasi muda dapat memahami melalui lagu. Sejak awal penelitian lagu perjuangan telah dilakukan sejumlah pengumpulan data kualitatif, hingga penulisan penelitian ini berhasil dihimpun.. Fungsi primer lagu “Bagimu Neg’ri’ memiliki magna nasionalisme sebagai sarana upacara disebut dengan istilah Magenetic Song. Fungsi sekunder lagu “Maju Tak Gentar” disebut dengan istilah Rhetoric Song berisi pesan cinta tanah air. Kata kunci: Lagu Perjuangan, Fungsi dan Makan


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    The main objective of this paper is to analyze function of “heroic” Indonesia songs related to the struggle for Indonesian independence ( from 1945 to 1949) from a historical perspective. Through this analysis it is hoped that the process of the past, particularly the history of music development in Indonesia and the background of the use of the “heroic”Indonesia songs, can be reconstructed. Important aspects of Indonesian songs, as this paper shows, include a constructive function for ceremonies and advice for development. The ceremonial character is shown in the song of “Indonesia Raya”. the national anthem

    Peran Lagu Perjuangan dan Pendidikan Kesadaran Nasionalisme di Indonesia

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    Paper ini membahas peran lagu-lagu perjuangan dan lagu-lagu pendidikan dalam menumbuhkan kesadaran nasionalisme pada masyarakat Indonesia. Kajian fungsi lagu pada masyarakat Indonesia dilakukan melalui pendekatan sosiologi musik dengan menerapkan analisis kontekstual dan konstruktif musikologis. Kajian ini menyimoulkjan bahwa lagu-lagu kebangsaan Indonesia adalah ekspresi para pejuang bangsa yang seara musikologis melodinya dibuat sederhana, menggunakan teks berbahasa Indonesia. Secara sosiologis lagu-lagu tersebut tercipta akibat adanya tekanan dari bangsa penjaja


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    Patriotic songs basically originated from the history of education in Indonesia, starting from intellectual circle and teachers in pre-independence era initiated by the Boedi Oetomo movement (1908), the 1928 Youth Pledge and post 1945 independence. The form and meaning of the patriotic songs, either on vocals or with instruments, take place in ceremonial activities and performance art. According to Alan M. Meriam and RM. Soedarsono, this applies to public school, the Indonesian Air Force, and Gelora Bahana Patria Choir. As for character education, the specialty of Yogyakarta reflects its identity as a city of struggle, city of education and city of arts and culture. According to the theory of transformation, something new, including the arrangements of patriotic songs in the forms of march, hymn, romance for parade, military defile and aubade, is to restore the spirit of nationalism and patriotism. The success of transforming the patriotic songs so as to have new atmosphere is dependent on the various abilities to make the arrangement works, so that they can draw attention from the doers and the listeners and function in ceremony and performance art. In line with the Decree of the Ministry of National Education of 2011 items 10 and 11 regarding the values of nationalism and patriotism, we can realize those values by singing patriotic songs, using Indonesian language as the unifying language, and acknowledging, appreciating and commemorating the services of national heroes


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    Patriotic songs basically originated from the history of education in Indonesia, starting from intellectualcircle and teachers in pre-independence era initiated by the Boedi Oetomo movement (1908), the 1928Youth Pledge and post 1945 independence. The form and meaning of the patriotic songs, either onvocals or with instruments, take place in ceremonial activities and performance art. According to AlanM. Meriam and RM. Soedarsono, this applies to public school, the Indonesian Air Force, and GeloraBahana Patria Choir. As for character education, the specialty of Yogyakarta reflects its identity as acity of struggle, city of education and city of arts and culture. According to the theory of transformation,something new, including the arrangements of patriotic songs in the forms of march, hymn, romancefor parade, military defile and aubade, is to restore the spirit of nationalism and patriotism. The successof transforming the patriotic songs so as to have new atmosphere is dependent on the various abilitiesto make the arrangement works, so that they can draw attention from the doers and the listeners andfunction in ceremony and performance art. In line with the Decree of the Ministry of National Educationof 2011 items 10 and 11 regarding the values of nationalism and patriotism, we can realize those valuesby singing patriotic songs, using Indonesian language as the unifying language, and acknowledging,appreciating and commemorating the services of national heroes

    Orkes Keroncong Nada Kasih di Yogyakarta dan Peranannya dalam Melestarikan Nasionalisme Musik Keroncong

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    This study examines the activities of the Orkes Keroncong (OK) Nada Kasih conducted by Fx Supardi who has given a positive impact on the development of Keroncong music in the Sleman Regency of Yogyakarta. This research reveals how the efforts made by Fx Supardi with his OK Nada Kasih in conserving the keroncong music. To answer these problems, this study utilizes descriptive qualitative methods. This study concludes that the OK Nada Kasih’s programs aim to conserve and develop keroncong music so that it will be favored by the Indonesian community, especially the younger generation. Its program that encompasses public performances, social gatherings, and other social activities has made this band continues to work as the potential keroncong orchestra. By consistently developing as well as disseminating its keroncong music repertoire this band has given a great contribution to public services in strengthening national identity so that public services in developing the nation have chronologically improved. The Penelitian ini mengkaji aktivitas Orkes Keroncong (OK) Nada Kasih pimpinan Fx Supardi yang telah memberikan dampak positif pada perkembangan musik Keroncong di Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini mengungkap bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan Fx Supardi dengan OKNada Kasih-nya dalam melestarikan musik keroncong. Untuk menjawab masalah ini, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa program-program OK Nada Kasih bertujuan untuk melestarikan dan mengembangkan musik keroncong sehingga akan disukai oleh masyarakat Indonesia, terutama generasi muda. Program-programnya yang meliputi pertunjukan publik, pertemuan sosial, dan kegiatan sosial lainnya telah membuat kelompok musik ini terus bekerja sebagai orkestra keroncong yang potensial. Dengan secara konsisten mengembangkan serta menyebarkan repertoar musik keroncongnya, OK Nada Kasih ini telah memberikan kontribusi yang besar terhadap layanan publik dalam memperkuat identitas nasional. Sehubungan dengan itu layanan publik dalam membangun bangsa telah meningkat secara kronologis

    Kajian Pemanfaatan Sludge Ipal Kota Jogjakarta Sebagai Pupuk Organik Yang Ramah Lingkungan

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    KAJIAN PEMANFAATAN SLUDGE IPAL KOTA JOGJAKARTA SEBAGAI PUPUK ORGANIK YANG RAMAHLINGKUNGAN. Telah dilakukan pengkajian kemungkinan pemanfaatan sludge IPAL kota Yogyakarta sebagai pupukorganik ditinjau dari berbagai aspek antara lain kandungan unsur nutrien tanaman, logam berat dan dilakukan upayauntuk mematikan mikroba patogennya. Hasil pengkajian ini diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai bahanpertimbangan untuk menganalisis dampak penggunaan sludge tersebut sebagai pupuk. Sampel sludge diambil dariInstalasi Pengolahan Air Limbah Kota Jogjakarta yang berlokasi di Bantul. Sampel sludge dikeringkan pada suhukamar, dihaluskan dan ditimbang sesuai keperluan jenis analisisnya. Untuk analisis unsur makro dilakukan denganmetode Analisis Pengaktifan Netron Cepat (APNC), sedangkan unsur mikro menggunakan Analisa PengaktifanNetron (APN). Pencacahan cuplikan menggunakan spektrometer gamma dengan detektor Ge(Li). Analisis logamberat Pb, Cd dan Hg dilakukan menggunakan AAS, sedangkan Sm, Th, Sb, Cr dan Co menggunakan APN.Sedangkan upaya untuk mematikan mikroba patogen dilakukan dengan irradiasi sampel menggunakan irradiatorCo-60 dengan variasi dosis 5, 10, 15, 20 dan 25 kGy. Pengamatan mikrobiologis dilakukan di LaboratoriumMikrobiologi, Fakultas Biologi UGM yang meliputi , bakteria total, Escheria coli, Streptococcus dan Salmonella. Darihasil analisis dapat diketahui bahwa kandungan unsur hara makro rerata yaitu N sebesar 4,10 ± 0,007 ppm, Psebesar 640,51 ± 14,34 ppm dan K sebesar 3,04 ± 0,06 ppm, sedangkan unsur mikro yang meliputi unsur Mg =79,31 ± 6,48 ppm, Zn = 599,8 ± 42,2 ppm, Cu = 16,13 ± 0,4 ppm, Ca = 117,6 ± 9,20 ppm dan Fe = 4,35 ± 0,18 %.Sedangkan kisaran kandungan logam berat yang meliputi Pb = 73,27 – 125,65 ppm, Cd = 1,44 – 2,59 ppm, Hg tidakterdeteksi. Selain itu, Sm = 0,04 –18,68 ppm, Th = 2,20 – 6,37 ppm; Sb = 1,06 – 76,37 ppm, Cr = 1,94 – 51,40 ppmdan Co = 0,57 – 84,03 ppm. Adapun populasi bakteri yang terbesar adalah Salmonella sp, kemudian Streptococcusdan yang terakhir Escheria coli. Dari hasil analisis tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa sludge IPAL kota Yogyakartadapat dimanfaatkan sebagai pupuk organik dengan perlakuan khusus agar unsur Cu, Fe dan Zn tidak melebihi nilaikritis sehingga menghambat pertumbuhan tanaman, sedangkan kandungan berbagai logam berat masih dinilaicukup aman. Adapun dosis efektif untuk menekan populasi bateri total adalah 25 kGy, sedangkan untuk Salmonellasp sebesar 20 kGy dan Escheria coli adalah 15 kGy. Kandungan logam berat di dalam sludge yang tertinggi adalahtimbal (Pb) yaitu sebesar 125,65 pp
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