9 research outputs found
Greenhouse gas emission scenarios in nine key non-G20 countries: An assessment of progress toward 2030 climate targets
- Author
- Amador-Jiménez
- Andrusevych
- Badrane
- Cayamanda
- Cerra
- Chaichaloempreecha
- Chepeliev
- Clarke
- Climate Action Tracker
- Climate Ambition Summit 2020
- Congress of the Philippines
- Crippa
- Daly
- den Elzen
- Department of Energy
- Department of Energy of the Philippines
- Department of Finance
- Enerdata
- Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit
- Fair
- Fekete
- Forsell
- Fricko
- Friedlingstein
- Ghadaksaz
- Government of Colombia
- Government of Iran
- Government of Morocco
- Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Government of Ukraine
- Government of Ukraine
- Grantham Research Institute and Sabin Center
- Gusti
- Gütschow
- Havlík
- Höhne
- Keramidas
- Kerimray
- Le Quéré
- Le Quéré
- López-Feldman
- Meinshausen
- Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine
- Ministry of Energy of Chile
- Ministry of Energy of Chile
- Ministry of Energy of Chile
- Ministry of Energy of Chile
- Ministry of Energy of Chile
- Ministry of Energy of Thailand
- Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
- Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia
- Ministry of Mines and Energy of Colombia
- Ministry of the Environment of Chile
- Ministry of the Environment of Chile
- Misila
- Mondal
- Moshiri
- Mosnier
- Mykhailenko
- National Climate Change Office of Iran
- National Department of Planning of Colombia
- NewClimate Institute
- Nieves
- Olivier
- Pearson
- Presidencia de la República de Colombia
- Reuters
- Roelfsema
- Roelfsema
- Rogelj
- Rondeau
- Savitsky
- Stehfest
- Stiebert
- Thailand Board of Investment
- Tubiello
- U.S. Energy Information Administration
- Universidad de los Andes
- Vale
- Vermeulen
- World Bank
- World Bank Group
- Yetano Roche
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Impact of a carbon tax on the Chilean economy: A computable general equilibrium analysis
- Author
- Adams
- Argandona
- Armington
- Banco Central de Chile
- Beausejour
- Bianchi
- Brantes
- Breisinger
- Bustamante
- Böhringer
- Concha
- Consejo Minero
- Dellink
- Dessus
- Devarajan
- Flannery
- Hepburn
- HidroAysen
- José Miguel García Benavente
- Lofgren
- MAPSChile
- Markandya
- Ministry of Energy
- Ministry of Energy
- Ministry of Energy
- O'Ryan
- Paltsev
- Pizarro
- RenewableUK
- Siriwardana
- Sloman
- Tringas
- Wissema
- Xuanming
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
A column generation approach for solving generation expansion planning problems with high renewable energy penetration
- Author
- Albadi
- Angela Flores-Quiroz
- Batlle
- Benders
- Dantzig
- Ela
- Energy Centre of the University of Chile and Chilean Ministry of Energy
- Fitzpatrick
- Golbon Zakeri
- Jin
- Kamalinia
- Lannoye
- Li
- Ma
- North American Electrical Reliability Corporation
- Palmintier
- Perez-Arriaga
- Pina
- Restrepo
- Rodrigo Moreno
- Rodrigo Palma-Behnke
- Rousseau
- Shortt
- Singh
- Suazo-Martínez
- Vanderbeck
- Vanderbeck
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Development of highly accurate global polygonal drainage basin data
- Author
- CSME-Center for Study of Man and Environment
- Department of Surveyor (in Zimbabwe)
- Döll
- ECNM-Editorial Committee of National Map
- Editorial Bruno
- EMA-Ethiopian Mapping Authority
- EMS AB-Esselte Map Service AB
- Fekete
- FSGCR-Federal Service of Geodesy and Cartography of Russia
- Goulding
- Graham
- Graphosman
- Hamon
- Jenson
- JICA-Japan International Cooperation Agency
- Khan
- Lehner
- LNGD-Laos National Geographic Department
- Masutani
- MGI-Military Geographic Institute (in Chile)
- Mitchell
- MME-Ministry of Mining and Energy (in Brazil)
- NDMP-National Department of Mineral Production (in Brazil)
- ODAP-The Office for the Department of Agricultural Production
- Oki
- Renssen
- Shobunsha
- Snelgrove
- Survey of Kenya
- Times Books
- Vennetier
- VHS-Vietnam Hydrometeorological Service
- Vörösmarty
- Vörösmarty
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Solar PV Planning Toward Sustainable Development in Chile: Challenges and Recommendations
- Author
- A Galetovic
- A Van Buuren
- C D�az
- C D�az
- C F Basa�es
- C Sener
- Carlos Silva
- Chile Endesa
- Cne/Gtz
- D Perez
- Dfl Law
- E Saavedra
- Energia Ministero De
- F Haugwitz
- F Woolf
- G Makrides
- G R Timilsinaa
- I H Rowlands
- J C Araneda
- J Thygesen
- J Zeballos
- L Rom�n
- L Susskind
- M Frondel
- M Pollitt
- M S Arellano
- Mining Ministry Of Chile
- Oscar
- P Joskow
- P Pastene
- P Varas
- R Energy Speiser
- R M Tokman
- R Wiser
- S Jay
- S Jay
- S Leyton
- S Nasirov
- Shahriyar Nasirov
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2015
- Field of study
Energy poverty risk mapping methodology considering the user's thermal adaptability: The case of Chile
- Author
- Alexis Pérez-Fargallo
- Ambrose
- American Society of Heating Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers
- Baker
- Baker
- Bhatia
- Bienvenido-Huertas
- Bienvenido-Huertas
- Boardman
- Boso
- Bouzarovski
- Braubach
- Brunner
- Bustamante
- Calvo
- Carlos Rubio-Bellido
- Carlucci
- Chilean Energy Ministry
- Chilean Energy Ministry
- Chilean National Statistics Institute
- Chilean National Statistics Institute
- Chévez
- David Bienvenido-Huertas
- Day
- Escobar
- European Comission
- European Committee for Standardization
- Fabbri
- Filippín
- Florio
- Fossati
- García Ochoa
- González-Eguino
- Gouveia
- Hartigan
- Heindl
- Hills
- Ibarloza
- International Energy Agency (IEA)
- Ketchen
- Legendre
- Liddell
- Liddell
- Love
- López-Pérez
- Maureen Trebilcock
- Middlemiss
- Miniaci
- Mirza
- Moore
- Morrison
- Mumford
- Nadimi
- Nadimi
- Nussbaumer
- Piai Paiva
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Pérez-Fargallo
- Pérez-Fargallo
- Pérez-Fargallo
- Rademaekers
- Reyes
- Romero
- Rosenow
- Rubio-Bellido
- Scarpellini
- Schueftan
- Schuessler
- Sehnbruch
- Shonali Pachauri
- Silvero
- Simoes
- Snell
- Sorensen
- Sánchez-Guevara Sánchez
- Thomson
- Thomson
- United Nations Development Program
- Walker
- Walker
- White
- Zabaloy
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits
- Author
- Alice Tianbo Zhang
- Amir Jina
- Andrew Hultgren
- Andrew W Wood
- Antonio Gasparrini
- Arvid Viaene
- Ashwin Rode
- Bridget Thrasher
- C Panel
- C Panel
- Chile Ministry Of Health
- Claudia Tebaldi
- D J Rasmussen
- D J Rasmussen
- E A Bright
- Fortunat Joos
- Frank C Curriero
- G Table
- Garth Heutel
- Gary S Becker
- Gary Solon
- Hee Kwon Seo
- Iiasa Energy
- Ishan Nath
- James Rising
- Jiacan Yuan
- Justin Sheffield
- Justin Sheffield
- Justin Simcock
- K C Samir
- Karl E Taylor
- Karl E Taylor
- Katharine L Ricke
- Kelly McCusker
- Kenji Matsuura
- Kevin M Murphy
- Keywan Riahi
- Keywan Riahi
- M Meinshausen
- Matthew Collins
- Maximilian Auffhammer
- Michael D Mastrandrea
- Michael Delgado
- Michael Greenstone
- N
- Nicholas Stern
- Nicola Gennaioli
- O&apos
- Olivier Geoffroy
- Olli Seppanen
- Orley Ashenfelter
- Peter A Hancock
- R Park
- Richard G Newell
- Richard J Millar
- Richard J Millar
- Rob Dellink
- Robert E Kopp
- Robert E. Kopp
- Robert Rohde
- Robert Rohde
- Robert S Pindyck
- Robin Burgess
- Solomon Hsiang
- Solomon Hsiang
- Solomon Hsiang
- Solomon Hsiang
- Steven C Sherwood
- Steven Sherwood
- Tamma Carleton
- Timothy D Mitchell
- Trevor Houser
- Van Vuuren
- W Viscusi
- William D Nordhaus
- Wolfram Schlenker
- Wolfram Schlenker
- Yuming Guo
- Yuyu Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2018
- Field of study
The Health Benefits of Solar Power Generation: Evidence from Chile
- Author
- A Galetovic
- A Gupta
- A J Chauhan
- B A Franklin
- B Guidetti
- B Sergi
- C L Carlson
- D Abel
- D Millstein
- D S Callaway
- D T Kaffine
- E Arceo
- E Baker
- E Guallar
- E Spiller
- G Barbose
- G Barrows
- G Hoek
- G Pershagen
- H Fell
- H Fell
- H Fell
- J A Burney
- J A Casey
- J A Casey
- J A Cullen
- J Cullen
- J Currie
- J Currie
- J Currie
- J Currie
- J Haas
- J J Buonocore
- J Kopas
- J Linn
- J Linn
- J M Wooldridge
- J M Wooldridge
- J Orehek
- J S Holladay
- J Schwartz
- J Schwartz
- J T Salonen
- K Coneus
- K Novan
- K Siler-Evans
- K Y Chay
- K Y Chay
- L Trasande
- M Jacques-Coper
- M L Bell
- M L Bell
- M Neidell
- Ministry Of Energy
- N M Rivera
- N Z Muller
- O Edenhofer
- P Kline
- P Ruiz-Rudolph
- Programa Chile Sustentable
- R C Mu�oz
- R D Brook
- R Rondanelli
- R Wiser
- S Banzhaf
- S C Anenberg
- S K Thakrar
- T F Bateson
- T F Stocker
- T W Clarkson
- W J Gauderman
- W Schlenker
- X Lu
- Y Chen
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2021
- Field of study
Photovoltaic energy in South America: Current state and grid regulation for large-scale and distributed photovoltaic systems
- Author
- Abierta
- Administración Nacional de Usinas Transmisiones Eléctricas
- Administración Nacional de Usinas y Trasmisiones Eléctricas
- Agencia de Regulación y Control de Electricidad
- Agencia de Regulación y Control de Electricidad
- Agencia de Regulación y Control de Electricidad
- Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica
- Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica
- Al-Shetwi
- Alfeu J. Sguarezi Filho
- Ankit
- Anzalchi
- Autoridad de Fiscalización de Electricidad y Tecnología Nuclear
- Autoridad de Fiscalización y Control Social de Electricidad
- Bellini
- Bellini
- Bellini
- Buiatti
- Buiatti
- Cabrera-Tobar
- Comisión Nacional de Energía
- Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
- Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica
- Comisión Nacional de Energía de Chile
- Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico
- Consejo Nacional de Operación
- Consejo Nacional de Operación
- Coviello
- de Energia
- de Energia
- de Hacienda
- de Hacienda
- de Hacienda
- de Industria
- de Minas y Energía
- Dhimish
- Empresa de Pesquisa Energética
- Empresa Nacional de Electricidad
- Empresa Provincial de la Energía de Santa Fe
- ENDE Corporación
- Energia
- Energía Provencial Sociedad del Estado
- Ente Provincial Regulador de la Electricidad - Provincia de Rio Negro
- Ente Provincial Regulador Eléctrico - Provincia de Medonza
- Ente Regulador de Servicios Públicos - Provincia de Salta
- Fabiano Fragoso Costa
- Ferroukhi
- Generadoras de Chile
- Gloria Milena Vargas Gil
- Gullì
- Hassaine
- Jäger-Waldau
- Karasu
- Karasu
- Kerekes
- Kim
- Kjaer
- Kumar
- Li
- Magazine
- Marinopoulos
- Minero-Energética
- Ministerio de Energia y Minas
- Ministerio de Minas y Energia
- Ministerio de Minas y Energia
- Ministry of Energy and Mining Presidency of the Nation
- Nacional de Electricidad
- Nacional de Electricidad
- National Atomic Energy Commission
- Obi
- Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico
- Operador Nacional do Sistema Elétrico
- Peláez-Samaniego
- Rafael Bittencourt Aguiar Cunha
- Rajesh
- Ramírez-Sagner
- Renato Machado Monaro
- República de Colombia - Gobierno Nacional
- Sampaio
- Schaube
- Shah
- Shen
- Silvio Giuseppe Di Santo
- Singh
- Solargis
- Solón
- Stilpen
- Superintendencia de Electricidad y Combustibles
- Suryadevara
- Tarafdar Hagh
- Uno
- Vargas
- Vazquez
- Voglitsis
- Washburn
- Wu
- XM
- Yang
- Zeb
- Zurita
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study