1,284 research outputs found

    Fitness and the Elderly

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    Statistics show the American population is aging at an explosive rate. The correlation between fitness and the aging process is once again becoming a ripe area for study. Previous studies show that fitness can improve quality of life and health for the elderly. A new defined category of seniors known as the young-old has emerged. This category is comprised of seniors that range in age from 55- 65. This study focuses on the relationship between routine exercise and quality of life issues for the young-old. Subjects for this study were 15 retired military soldiers. Subjects were asked to complete a survey which measured frequency of exercise and overall status of health. The results revealed that as the frequency of exercise decreases among the young-old, the potential for health problems increase. A discussion of this study and its results are given

    B759: Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) Phenology in Maine

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    Spring phenology of balsam fir in Maine was investigated during 1978. Multiple regression models based on climatic and geographic factors were developed for predicting fir phenology and accounted for a maximum of 52.6% of the observed phenological variation. Generalized maps depicting observed and expected phenology patterns are also presented.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/aes_bulletin/1013/thumbnail.jp

    Clear detection of dusty torus signatures in a Weak-Line Radio Galaxy: the case of PKS 0043-42

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    We report the clearest detection to date of dusty torus signatures in a Weak-Line Radio Galaxy (WLRG). The deep Spitzer InfraRed Spectrograph (IRS) rest-frame mid-infrared (MIR) spectrum of the WLRG PKS 0043-42 (z=0.116) shows a clear spectral turnover at wavelengths longer than ~20 micron suggestive of warm dust, as well as a 9.7 micron silicate absorption feature. In addition, the hard X-ray results, based on Chandra data, strongly support a picture in which PKS 0043-42 has a torus and accretion disc more typical of Strong-Line Radio Galaxies (SLRGs). The MIR and X-ray spectra are markedly different from those of other WLRGs at similar redshifts, and here we show that the former can be successfully fitted with clumpy torus models with parameters characteristic of Type-2 AGN tori: close to edge-on (i=74 deg) and relatively broad (torus angular width=60 deg), with an outer radius of 2 pc, hydrogen column density ~1.6x10^(23) cm^(-2), and AGN bolometric luminosity ~1.6x10^(44) erg s^(-1). The presence of a compact torus in PKS 0043-42 provides evidence that this WLRG is fuelled by cold, rather than hot, gas accretion. We suggest that WLRGs are a diverse population, and PKS 0043-42 may represent a type of radio galaxy in which the AGN activity has been recently re-triggered as a consequence of intermittent gas supply, or in which the covering factor of the Narrow-Line Region (NLR) clouds is relatively low.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, 1 table. Accepted by MNRA

    A representative survey of the dynamics and energetics of FRII radio galaxies

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    We report the first large, systematic study of the dynamics and energetics of a representative sample of Fanaroff–Riley type II (FR II) radio galaxies with well-characterized group/cluster environments. We used X-ray inverse-Compton and radio synchrotron measurements to determine the internal radio-lobe conditions, and these were compared with external pressures acting on the lobes, determined from measurements of the thermal X-ray emission of the group/cluster. Consistent with previous work, we found that FR II radio lobes are typically electron dominated by a small factor relative to equipartition, and are overpressured relative to the external medium in their outer parts. These results suggest that there is typically no energetically significant proton population in the lobes of FR II radio galaxies (unlike for FR Is), and so for this population, inverse-Compton modelling provides an accurate way of measuring total energy content and estimating jet power. We estimated the distribution of Mach numbers for the population of expanding radio lobes, finding that at least half of the radio galaxies are currently driving strong shocks into their group/cluster environments. Finally, we determined a jet power–radio luminosity relation for FR II radio galaxies based on our estimates of lobe internal energy and Mach number. The slope and normalization of this relation are consistent with theoretical expectations, given the departure from equipartition and environmental distribution for our sample

    Interpreting radiative efficiency in radio-loud AGNs

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    Author submitted version of unrefereed Nature Astronomy comment. Version in journal format available at https://rdcu.be/KH6WRadiative efficiency in radio-loud active galactic nuclei is governed by the accretion rate onto the central black hole rather than directly by the type of accreted matter; while it correlates with real differences in host galaxies and environments, it does not provide unambiguous information about particular objects.Non peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Morphological classification of radio galaxies: Capsule Networks versus Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Next-generation radio surveys will yield an unprecedented amount of data, warranting analysis by use of machine learning techniques. Convolutional neural networks are the deep learning technique that has proven to be the most successful in classifying image data. Capsule networks are a more recently developed technique that use capsules comprised of groups of neurons, that describe properties of an image including the relative spatial locations of features. The current work explores the performance of different capsule network architectures against simpler convolutional neural network architectures, in reproducing the classifications into the classes of unresolved, FRI and FRII morphologies. We utilise images from a LOFAR survey which is the deepest, wide-area radio survey to date, revealing more complex radio-source structures compared to previous surveys, presenting further challenges for machine learning algorithms. The 4- and 8-layer convolutional networks attain an average precision of 93.3% and 94.3% respectively, compared to 89.7% obtained with the capsule network, when training on original and augmented images. Implementing transfer learning achieves a precision of 94.4%, that is within the confidence interval of the 8-layer convolutional network. The convolutional networks always outperform any variation of the capsule network, as they prove to be more robust to the presence of noise in images. The use of pooling appears to allow more freedom for the intra-class variability of radio galaxy morphologies, as well as reducing the impact of noise

    Shocks, Seyferts and the SNR connection: a Chandra observation of the Circinus galaxy

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    We analyse new Chandra observations of the nearest (D=4 Mpc) Seyfert 2 active galaxy, Circinus, and match them to pre-existing radio, infrared and optical data to study the kpc-scale emission. The proximity of Circinus allows us to observe in striking detail the structure of the radio lobes, revealing for the first time edge-brightened emission both in X-rays and radio. After considering various other possible scenarios, we show that this extended emission in Circinus is most likely caused by a jet-driven outflow, which is driving shells of strongly shocked gas into the halo of the host galaxy. In this context, we estimate Mach numbers M=2.7-3.6 and M=2.8-5.3 for the W and E shells respectively. We derive temperatures of 0.74 (+0.06, -0.05) keV and 0.8-1.8 keV for the W and E shells, and an expansion velocity of ~900-950 km/s. We estimate that the total energy (thermal and kinetic) involved in creating both shells is ~2x10^55 erg, and their age is ~10^6 years. Comparing these results with those we previously obtained for Centaurus A, NGC 3801 and Mrk 6, we show that these parameters scale approximately with the radio power of the parent AGN. The spatial coincidence between the X-ray and edge-brightened radio emission in Circinus resembles the morphology of some SNR shocks. This parallel has been expected for AGN, but has never been observed before. We investigate what underlying mechanisms both types of systems may have in common, arguing that, in Circinus, the edge-brightening in the shells may be accounted for by a B field enhancement caused by shock compression, but do not preclude some local particle acceleration. These results can be extrapolated to other low-power systems, particularly those with late type hosts.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, and 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Ap

    Very Large Baseline Array observations of Mrk 6 : probing the jet-lobe connection

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    We present the results of high-resolution VLBI (very long baseline interferometry) observations at 1.6 and 4.9 GHz of the radio-loud Seyfert galaxy, Mrk 6. These observations are able to detect a compact radio core in this galaxy for the first time. The core has an inverted spectral index (α1.6 4.9 = +1.0 ± 0.2) and a brightness temperature of 1 × 108 K. Three distinct radio components, which resemble jet elements and/or hotspots, are also detected. The position angles of these elongated jet elements point not only to a curved jet in Mrk 6, but also towards a connection between the AGN and the kpc-scale radio lobes/bubbles in this galaxy. Firmer constraints on the star formation rate provided by new Herschel observations (SFR <0.8 M⊙ yr-1) make the starburst-wind-powered bubble scenario implausible. From plasma speeds, obtained via prior Chandra X-ray observations, and ram pressure balance arguments for the interstellar medium and radio bubbles, the north-south bubbles are expected to take 7.5 × 106 yr to form, and the east-west bubbles 1.4 × 106 yr. We suggest that the jet axis has changed at least once in Mrk 6 within the last ≈107 yr. A comparison of the nuclear radio-loudness of Mrk 6 and a small sample of Seyfert galaxies with a subset of low-luminosity FR I radio galaxies reveals a continuum in radio properties.Peer reviewe