140 research outputs found

    A gender geography of intentional homicide within and outside of the family: Male and female murders in Europe, the US and Canada (2003–15):

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    Using the most recent and unpublished international data provided by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, we discuss the geography of male and female homicides in Europe, the US and Canada during the period 2003–15. We observe declining trends in mortality for both male and female homicide in most of these countries. For within-family homicides, geographical differences are much less pronounced compared with those occurring outside the family, especially if the victim is a woman and the perpetrator is the partner or former partner. Only for men is the risk of being the victim of a homicide committed by a family member greater where the risk of being killed by someone outside the family is also higher

    k-Anonymity on Graphs using the Szemerédi Regularity Lemma

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    Graph anonymisation aims at reducing the ability of an attacker to identify the nodes of a graph by obfuscating its structural information. In k-anonymity, this means making each node indistinguishable from at least other k-1 nodes. Simply stripping the nodes of a graph of their identifying label is insufficient, as with enough structural knowledge an attacker can still recover the nodes identities. We propose an algorithm to enforce k-anonymity based on the Szemerédi regularity lemma. Given a graph, we start by computing a regular partition of its nodes. The Szemerédi regularity lemma ensures that such a partition exists and that the edges between the sets of nodes behave quasi-randomly. With this partition to hand, we anonymize the graph by randomizing the edges within each set, obtaining a graph that is structurally similar to the original one yet the nodes within each set are structurally indistinguishable. Unlike other k-anonymisation methods, our approach does not consider a single type of attack, but instead it aims to prevent any structure-based de-anonymisation attempt. We test our framework on a wide range of real-world networks and we compare it against another simple yet widely used k-anonymisation technique demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach

    Economic Uncertainty and Fertility in Europe: Narratives of the Future

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    Background: In the last decade fertility rates have declined in most European countries, and explanations have tended to focus on the rise of economic uncertainty after the Great Recession. The empirical demographic tradition operationalized the forces of economic uncertainty through objective indicators of individuals’ labor market situation; for example, holding a temporary contract or being unemployed. However, contemporary European fertility trends are not comprehensively captured by these traditional indicators and statistical models, because fertility decisions are not a mere “statistical shadow of the past”. Objective: We propose a novel framework on economic uncertainty and fertility. This framework proffers that the conceptualization and operationalization of economic uncertainty needs to take into account that people use works of imagination, producing their own “narrative of the future” – namely, imagined futures embedded in social elements and their interactions. Narratives of the future allow people to act according to or in spite of the uncertainty they face, irrespective of structural constraints and their subjective perceptions. Contribution: In this reflection we suggest that the focus of contemporary fertility studies should partly shift to assessing how people build their narratives of the future. To this end, we propose several methodological strategies to empirically assess the role of narratives for fertility decisions. Future studies should also take into account that personal narratives are shaped by the “shared narratives” produced by several agents of socialization, such as parents and peers, as well as by the narratives produced by the media and other powerful opinion formers

    Can Embeddings Analysis Explain Large Language Model Ranking?

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    Understanding the behavior of deep neural networks for Information Retrieval (IR) is crucial to improve trust in these effective models. Current popular approaches to diagnose the predictions made by deep neural networks are mainly based on: i) the adherence of the retrieval model to some axiomatic property of the IR system, ii) the generation of free-text explanations, or iii) feature importance attributions. In this work, we propose a novel approach that analyzes the changes of document and query embeddings in the latent space and that might explain the inner workings of IR large pre-trained language models. In particular, we focus on predicting query/document relevance, and we characterize the predictions by analyzing the topological arrangement of the embeddings in their latent space and their evolution while passing through the layers of the network. We show that there exists a link between the embedding adjustment and the predicted score, based on how tokens cluster in the embedding space. This novel approach, grounded in the query and document tokens interplay over the latent space, provides a new perspective on neural ranker explanation and a promising strategy for improving the efficiency of the models and Query Performance Prediction (QPP)

    FM22 (Frozen Mitochondria bioassay): an animal alternative bioassay for toxicity measures for water soluble samples.

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    Several methods have been proposed, using responses of whole organisms. The problem, however, is not only strictly scientific, but also involves cost, resources and time. For example, assay with organisms require expensive testing facilities and long operational times are necessary for toxicity measurements. In order to evaluate potential compound toxicity (acute and sub-chronic), we standardized a bioassay using mitochondria of beef hearth, and their applicability and sensitivity was verified. In respect to other based on mitochondria tests, this bioassay (called FM22) showed unquestionable advantages: i) to freeze mitochondria at -22 °C instead of the classical -80 °C, ii) to perform a very big quantity of biological test using always the same mitochondria pool (avoiding differences from age, sex, or health status depending on different organisms); iii) to identify quickly a tested compounds IC50, easily comparable. FM22 end point is the inhibition of mitochondrial respiratory chain and this event is quantified by oxygen monitoring. The oxygen consumption was measured by a Clark electrode that was interfaced to a PC to collect test analysis data (1200 in 20 Macro, identifiedmin run). A piecewise regression, through an Excel the break point in the oxygen consumption and calculated the toxicity. Blank tests were carried out to verify the oxygen consumption linear fitting. Toxicity tests were performed using pure/mix organic and inorganic compounds, elutriates from sea- and fresh-water sediment, sewage, dissolved burned compound sub-products. The FM22 test was a good predictor of toxicity for water and soluble samples; the bioassay is easy, low cost and rapid, then usable for routine tests or like a part of a battery of ecotoxicological tests

    Studio di trattabilitĂ  di un sito contaminato da arsenico mediante Pteris vittata

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    Il presente studio riporta i risultati di una sperimentazione in campo riguardante la fattibilità dell’impiego della specie vegetale Pteris vittata L. per il fitorimedio di un suolo contaminato da arsenico, la Rotonda di San Giuliano a Mestre (VE), caratterizzata da particolari condizioni microambientali e pedologiche. La felce P. vittata ù, infatti, una nota iperaccumulatrice di arsenico ed ù particolarmente indicata per la fitoestrazione, essendo molto efficiente nella traslocazione di As verso le parti aeree; ù una pianta perenne, versatile, resistente, con un’elevata velocità di crescita ed un esteso network di radici e peli radicali. Il sito in esame presenta un suolo di natura limo-argillosa e carenza di sostanza organica umificata. Di conseguenza si ha formazione di crepe e croste superficiali nei periodi secchi, mentre in quelli piovosi si ha rigonfiamento del suolo, perdita di porosità, ristagno d’acqua e l’instaurarsi di condizioni asfittiche locali. Le analisi chimiche condotte sul suolo hanno evidenziato un inquinamento superficiale da arsenico diffuso in tutta l’area, con valore di circa 45 mg∙kg-1, e hanno messo in luce che tutto il contenuto di arsenico ù associato agli ossidi/idrossidi di Fe e Mn e quindi potenzialmente biodisponibile in condizioni riducenti. La sperimentazione in campo si ù svolta tra l’estate e l’autunno 2007. Nonostante le difficoltà di crescita e sopravvivenza delle piante, dovute alle caratteristiche avverse del suolo e accentuate dalle particolari condizioni microambientali, P. vittata ha mostrato un’elevata capacità di accumulare arsenico. Infatti, a fronte di concentrazioni iniziali pari a circa 4 mg∙kg-1, dopo 105 giorni le concentrazioni misurate nelle fronde erano comprese tra 200 e 900 mg∙kg-1 p.s. con fattori di bioaccumulo compresi tra 4.8 e 20 e fattori di traslocazione circa uguali a 10. I risultati hanno evidenziato la necessità di stabilizzare la struttura del suolo nei riguardi degli sbalzi idrici e migliorare la resistenza di P. vittata mediante l’ottimizzazione delle pratiche agronomiche, anche attraverso l’eventuale utilizzo di piante micorrizate

    Phytoremediation potential of the arsenic hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata: preliminary results from a field study

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    Phytoextraction is a promising technique for the remediation of soils contaminated by metals and metalloids and is proposed as a green alternative to conventional remediation methods. This paper reports the preliminary results of a field study carried out to evaluate the potential of the fern Pteris vittata for the phytoremediation of arsenic polluted sites. P. vittata is a known arsenic hyperaccumulator and its properties have been assessed in a number of studies, mainly at laboratory or glasshouse scale, while few field investigations are reported in the literature. The experimental activity was planned to compare and evaluate the effect of different conditions on plant growth and on as uptake by P. vittata. The study area is located in northeastern Italy. During the experimental period, pedoclimatic conditions were shown to affect strongly plant growth as well as As bioaccumulation. The results of two consecutive field trials confirm the phytoextraction ability of P. vittata under field conditions, but indicate also that the optimization of agronomic practices is crucial for the success of a phytoextraction application at fullscale. The inoculation of ferns with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi seems to have a positive influence on plant growth, while its role on phytoextraction efficiency still remains unclear

    Marsh macrophyte responses to inundation anticipate impacts of sea-level rise and indicate ongoing drowning of North Carolina marshes

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    In situ persistence of coastal marsh habitat as sea level rises depends on whether macrophytes induce compensatory accretion of the marsh surface. Experimental planters in two North Carolina marshes served to expose two dominant macrophyte species to six different elevations spanning 0.75 m (inundation durations 0.4ñ€“99 %). Spartina alterniflora and Juncus roemerianus exhibited similar responsesñ€”with production in planters suggesting initial increases and then demonstrating subsequent steep declines with increasing inundation, conforming to a segment of the ecophysiological parabola. Projecting inundation levels experienced by macrophytes in the planters onto adjacent marsh platforms revealed that neither species occupied elevations associated with increasing production. Declining macrophyte production with rising seas reduces both bioaccumulation of roots below-ground and baffle-induced sedimentation above-ground. By occupying only descending portions of the parabola, macrophytes in central North Carolina marshes are responding to rising water levels by progressive declines in production, ultimately leading to marsh drowning
