192 research outputs found

    Waardering van landbouwgronden

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    Ontwikkeling en beteekenis der landbouwindustrie in Groningen

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    Important products of agriculture in the province of Groningen were marketed for industrial processing. The chief products involved were potatoes, straw, sugar- beet and milk. Potato meal and straw board had already become important industries in the previous century. Reasons why, and the way in which, agricultural co-operatives took control of most of this industry and further extended it were examined and described. Financial advantages for members of the co-operatives were shown.Because of some failures in this development, the conditions which must be fulfilled for a successful co-operative factory were analysed. This concerned chiefly the statutes governing the society: the acquirement of capital, the right and the duty to supply raw material, entry and resignation of members, depreciation and the setting aside of reserves, responsibility of members for debts of the society, the management board of the factory and the influence of the members' meeting.Principles governing potato-meal and straw-board factories applied also to beet- processing and dairy factories. The significance of the different industries for the welfare of the province were sketched.</p

    Combination of simulation and model-checking for the analysis of autonomous vehicles’ behaviors: A case study

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    International audienceAutonomous vehicles’ behavioural analysis represents a major challenge in the automotive world. In order to ensure safety and fluidity of driving, various methods are available, in particular, simulation and formal verification. The analysis, however, has to cope with very complex environments depending on many parameters evolving in real time. In this context, none of the aforementioned approaches is fully satisfactory, which lead us to propose a combined methodology in order to point out suspicious behaviours more efficiently. We illustrate this approach by studying a non deterministic scenario involving a vehicle, which has to react to some perilous situation

    Gastrointestinal and eating problems in SCN1A-related seizure disorders

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    Objective: Our study aimed to describe the prevalence and characteristics of gastrointestinal and eating problems in Dravet syndrome (DS) and other SCN1A-related seizure disorders and to determine the association between the occurrence of gastrointestinal and eating problems and core features of DS. Methods: Gastrointestinal and eating problems were assessed with a questionnaire in a Dutch cohort of participants with an SCN1A-related seizure disorder. Associations between the number of gastrointestinal and eating problems and core features of DS, seizure severity, level of intellectual disability, impaired mobility, behavioral problems, and use of anti-seizure medication, were explored by multivariate ordinal regression analyses. Symptoms were divided into the categories dysphagia-related, behavioral, and gastrointestinal, and were assessed separately. Results: One hundred sixty-nine participants with an SCN1A-related seizure disorder, of whom 118 (69.8%) with DS and 51 (30.2%) with Generalized Epilepsy with Febrile Seizures Plus / Febrile Seizures (GEFS+/FS), the non-DS phenotype, were evaluated. Gastrointestinal and eating problems were highly prevalent in DS participants, 50.8% had more than three symptoms compared to 3.9% of non-DS participants. Of participants with DS, 17.8% were fully or partly fed by a gastric tube. Within the three different symptom categories, the most prevalent dysphagia-related symptom was drooling (60.7%), distraction during mealtimes (61.4%) the most prevalent behavioral symptom, and constipation and loss of appetite (both 50.4%) the most prevalent gastrointestinal symptoms. DS participants who use a wheelchair (odds ratio (OR) 4.9 95%CI (1.9–12.8) compared to walking without aid), who use ≄3 anti-seizure medications (ASM) (OR 5.9 95%CI (1.9–18.2) compared to <3 ASM) and who have behavioral problems (OR 3.0 95%CI (1.1–8.1) compared to no behavioral problems) had more gastrointestinal and eating problems. Conclusion: Gastrointestinal and eating problems are frequently reported symptoms in DS. Distinguishing between symptom categories will lead to tailored management of patients at risk, will improve early detection, and enable a timely referral to a dietitian, behavioral expert, and/or speech therapist, ultimately aiming to improve the quality of life of both patients and caregivers

    "It doesn't do any harm, but patients feel better": a qualitative exploratory study on gastroenterologists' perspectives on the role of antidepressants in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Background: Interest in psychological factors in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) has increased in recent years. It has even been proposed that treating psychological co-morbidities with antidepressants may control disease activity and improve quality of life. Despite this, there is no data on gastroenterologists' attitudes to, and experiences with, antidepressant therapy in patients with IBD. Methods: We conducted semi-structured interviews with 18 gastroenterologists associated with metropolitan teaching hospitals. Qualitative content analysis was used to examine their responses. Results: Seventy-eight percent of gastroenterologists had treated IBD patients with antidepressants for pain, depression and/or anxiety, and insomnia. Antidepressants were reported to be useful in improving psychosocial well-being, quality of life, and self-management of the disease by patients. However, in this group of gastroenterologists, there appears to be skepticism towards psychological disorders themselves or antidepressant therapy having a central role in either the causation of IBD or its clinical course. Nevertheless, these gastroenterologists were receptive to the idea of conducting a trial of the role of antidepressants in IBD. Conclusion: While the majority of specialists have treated IBD patients with antidepressants, there is considerable skepticism with regard to efficacy of antidepressive therapy or the role of psychological factors in the outcome of IBD patients.Antonina A Mikocka-Walus, Deborah A Turnbull, Nicole T Moulding, Ian G Wilson, Jane M Andrews and Gerald J Holtman

    Long-term sediment decline causes ongoing shrinkage of the Mekong megadelta, Vietnam

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    Since the 1990s the Mekong River delta has suffered a large decline in sediment supply causing coastal erosion, following catchment disturbance through hydropower dam construction and sand extraction. However, our new geological reconstruction of 2500-years of delta shoreline changes show that serious coastal erosion actually started much earlier. Data shows the sandy coast bounding river mouths accreted consistently at a rate of +2 to +4 km2/year. In contrast, we identified a variable accretion rate of the muddy deltaic protrusion at Camau; it was < +1 km2/year before 1400 years ago but increased drastically around 600 years ago, forming the entire Camau Peninsula. This high level of mud supply had sharply declined by the early 20th century after a vast canal network was built on the delta. Since then the Peninsula has been eroding, promoted by the conjunction of mud sequestration in the delta plain driven by expansion of rice cultivation, and hysteresis of long-term muddy sedimentation that left the protrusion exposed to wave erosion. Natural mitigation would require substantial increases in sediment supply well above the pre-1990s levels
