Ontwikkeling en beteekenis der landbouwindustrie in Groningen


Important products of agriculture in the province of Groningen were marketed for industrial processing. The chief products involved were potatoes, straw, sugar- beet and milk. Potato meal and straw board had already become important industries in the previous century. Reasons why, and the way in which, agricultural co-operatives took control of most of this industry and further extended it were examined and described. Financial advantages for members of the co-operatives were shown.Because of some failures in this development, the conditions which must be fulfilled for a successful co-operative factory were analysed. This concerned chiefly the statutes governing the society: the acquirement of capital, the right and the duty to supply raw material, entry and resignation of members, depreciation and the setting aside of reserves, responsibility of members for debts of the society, the management board of the factory and the influence of the members' meeting.Principles governing potato-meal and straw-board factories applied also to beet- processing and dairy factories. The significance of the different industries for the welfare of the province were sketched.</p

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