142 research outputs found

    Color Effects Associated with the 1999 Microlensing Brightness Peaks in Gravitationally Lensed Quasar Q2237+0305

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    Photometry of the Q2237+0305gravitational lens in VRI spectral bands with the 1.5-m telescope of the high-altitude Maidanak observatory in 1995-2000 is presented. Monitoring of Q2237+0305 in July-October 2000, made at nearly daily basis, did not reveal rapid (night-to-night and intranight) variations of brightness of the components during this time period. Rather slow changes of magnitudes of the components were observed, such as 0.08 mag fading of B and C components and 0.05 mag brightening of D in R band during July 23 - October 7, 2000. By good luck three nights in 1999 were almost at the time of the strong brightness peak of image C, and approximately in the middle of the ascending slope of the image A brightness peak. The C component was the most blue one in the system in 1998 and 1999, having changed its (V-I) color from 0.56 mag to 0.12 mag since August 1997, while its brightness increased almost 1.2 mag during this time period. The A component behaved similarly between August 1998 and August 2000, having become 0.47 mag brighter in R, and at the same time, 0.15 mag bluer. A correlation between the color variations and variations of magnitudes of the components is demonstrated to be significant and reaches 0.75, with a regression line slope of 0.33. A color (V-I) vrs color (V-R) plot shows the components settled in a cluster, stretched along a line with a slope of 1.31. Both slopes are noticeably smaller than those expected if a standard galactic interstellar reddening law were responsible for the differences between the colors of images and their variations over time. We attribute the brightness and color changes to microlensing of the quasar's structure, which we conclude is more compact at shorter wavelengths, as predicted by most quasar models featuring an energizing central source.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, submitted to A&

    Time delays in PG1115+080: new estimates

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    We report new estimates of the time delays in the quadruple gravitationally lensed quasar PG1115+080, obtained from the monitoring data in filter R with the 1.5-m telescope at the Maidanak Mountain (Uzbekistan, Central Asia) in 2004-2006. The time delays are 16.4 days between images C and B, and 12 days between C and A1+A2, with image C being leading for both pairs. The only known estimates of the time delays in PG1115 are those based on observations by Schechter et al. (1997) -- 23.7 and 9.4 days between images C and B, C and A1+A2, respectively, as calculated by Schechter et al., and 25 and 13.3 days as revised by Barkana (1997) for the same image components with the use of another method. The new values of time delays in PG 1115+080 may be expected to provide larger estimates of the Hubble constant thus decreasing a diversity between the H_0 estimates taken from gravitationally lensed quasars and with other methods.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    Основные показатели работы онкологической службы города Москвы в 2016 году

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    Currently, in connection with the epidemiological and demographic crises, there is an increase of the incidence of cancer in the population, which leads to significant social and economic losses.The leading role in the early detection of cancer is assigned to medical organizations that provide primary health care, the diagnostic capabilities of which allow for the timely conduction of various diagnostic and screening programs. Statistical data on the incidence and prevalence of malignant neoplasms are the main basis for the development of measures aimed at reducing morbidity and mortality from malignant neoplasms. At the same time, a critical area is working with a healthy population: carrying out measures for early prevention of oncological diseases on the basis of clinical examination.В настоящее время в связи с эпидемиологическим и демографическим кризисами наблюдается рост заболеваемости населения онкологическими заболеваниями, что приводит к значительным социально-экономическим потерям.Ведущая роль в раннем выявлении онкологических заболеваний отводится медицинским организациям, оказывающим первичную медико-санитарную помощь, диагностические возможности которых позволяют своевременно проводить различного рода диагностические и скрининговые программы. Статистические данные о заболеваемости и распространенности злокачественных новообразований являются основной базой для разработки мероприятий, направленных на снижение показателей заболеваемости и смертности населения от данной патологии. При этом важным направлением является работа со здоровым населением: проведение мероприятий по ранней профилактике онкологических заболеваний на основе диспансеризации

    PG 1115+080: variations of the A2/A1 flux ratio and new values of the time delays

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    We report the results of our multicolor observations of PG 1115+080 with the 1.5-m telescope of the Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan, Central Asia) in 2001-2006. Monitoring data in filter R spanning the 2004, 2005 and 2006 seasons (76 data points) demonstrate distinct brightness variations of the source quasar with the total amplitude of almost 0.4 mag. Our R light curves have shown image C leading B by 16.4d and image (A1+A2) by 12d that is inconsistent with the previous estimates obtained by Schechter et al. in 1997 - 24.7d between B and C and 9.4d between (A1+A2) and C. The new values of time delays in PG 1115+080 must result in larger values for the Hubble constant, thus reducing difference between its estimates taken from the gravitational lenses and with other methods. Also, we analyzed variability of the A2/A1 flux ratio, as well as color changes in the archetypal "fold" lens PG 1115+080. We found the A1/A2 flux ratio to grow during 2001-2006 and to be larger at longer wavelengths. In particular, the A2/A1 flux ratio reached 0.85 in filter I in 2006. We also present evidence that both the A1 and A2 images might have undergone microlensing during 2001-2006, with the descending phase for A1 and initial phase for A2. We find that the A2/A1 flux ratio anomaly in PG 1115 can be well explained both by microlensing and by finite distance of the source quasar from the caustic fold.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 8 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Популяционный раковый регистр. Функциональные возможности, задачи и существующие проблемы

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    Introduction of possibilities ways of using modern information technologies in the organizational and therapeutic activities of medical organizations of the health care system of the Russian Federation(Russia) is one of the most important tools in implementation of the state policy of providing quality medical care to the population. Information systems (IS) allow to monitor and record data on patients with malignant neoplasms, to reflect diagnosis data, treatment, to present various thematic analytical reports, which increases the data analysis efficiency, diagnostic methods effectiveness, which, in turn, provides possibilities for high‑quality treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms and timely monitoring of their condition.Внедрение возможностей использования современных информационных технологий в организационную и лечебную деятельность медицинских организаций системы здравоохранения Российской Федерации (РФ) является одним из важнейших инструментов по реализации государственной политики обеспечения населения качественной медицинской помощью. Информационные системы (ИС) позволяют осуществлять мониторинг и учёт пациентов со злокачественными новообразованиями, отражать данные по диагностике, лечению, представлять различные тематические аналитические отчёты, что повышает оперативность анализа данных, эффективность методов диагностики, что, в свою очередь, позволяет проводить качественное лечение больных злокачественными новообразованиями и осуществлять своевременный контроль за их состоянием

    Magnetic properties of colloidal suspensions of interacting magnetic particles

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    We review equilibrium thermodynamic properties of systems of magnetic particles like ferrofluids in which dipolar interactions play an important role. The review is focussed on two subjects: ({\em i}) the magnetization with the initial magnetic susceptibility as a special case and ({\em ii}) the phase transition behavior. Here the condensation ("gas/liquid") transition in the subsystem of the suspended particles is treated as well as the isotropic/ferromagnetic transition to a state with spontaneously generated long--range magnetic order.Comment: Review. 62 pages, 4 figure


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    Porous silicon (por-Si) has a unique set of physic−chemical properties of characteristics — well-developed surface and consequently, a high sorption activity. In a dependence of the fabrication technique it is possible to form pores and clusters of nanometer size that makes this material rather prospective for elaborations in optoelectronics and sensors production. However, high surface activity stipulates porous silicon instability in the atmosphere. The work is concerned with the study of the influence of por-Si surface treatment in the aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid on the composition and photoluminescence of this material. It was found that this treatment can either enhance and stabilize PL of the material or change spectral position of PL band and also enhance its total intensity in a dependence of the fabrication technique.Пористый кремний обладает уникальным набором физико-химических характеристик — развитой поверхностью и, как следствие, существенной сорбционной активностью. В зависимости от технологии изготовления в нем можно сформировать поры и кластеры нанометровых размеров, что делает этот материал перспективным для разработок в области оптоэлектроники и сенсорики. Однако высокая активность поверхности обуславливает нестабильность пористого кремния при его контакте с атмосферой. Исследовано влияние обработки поверхности пористого кремния в водном растворе полиакриловой кислоты на состав и фотолюминесценцию материала. Установлено, что такая обработка, в зависимости от технологии получения пористого кремния, может усиливать и стабилизировать фотолюминесценцию этого материала или изменять положение полосы фотолюминесценции и значительно увеличивать ее интегральную интенсивность