62 research outputs found

    The Effect of a DNA Repair Gene on Cellular Invasiveness: Xrcc3 Over-Expression in Breast Cancer Cells

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    Over-expression of DNA repair genes has been associated with resistance to radiation and DNA-damage induced by chemotherapeutic agents such as cisplatin. More recently, based on the analysis of genome expression profiling, it was proposed that over-expression of DNA repair genes enhances the invasive behaviour of tumour cells. In this study we present experimental evidence utilizing functional assays to test this hypothesis. We assessed the effect of the DNA repair proteins known as X-ray complementing protein 3 (XRCC3) and RAD51, to the invasive behavior of the MCF-7 luminal epithelial-like and BT20 basal-like triple negative human breast cancer cell lines. We report that stable or transient over-expression of XRCC3 but not RAD51 increased invasiveness in both cell lines in vitro. Moreover, XRCC3 over-expressing MCF-7 cells also showed a higher tumorigenesis in vivo and this phenotype was associated with increased activity of the metalloproteinase MMP-9 and the expression of known modulators of cell-cell adhesion and metastasis such as CD44, ID-1, DDR1 and TFF1. Our results suggest that in addition to its' role in facilitating repair of DNA damage, XRCC3 affects invasiveness of breast cancer cell lines and the expression of genes associated with cell adhesion and invasion

    ThƩories carcƩrales et leurs applications Ơ la prison des Plaines de QuƩbec, 1863-1877

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    QuĆ©bec UniversitĆ© Laval, BibliothĆØque 201

    Revue d'histoire du Bas-Saint-Laurent, vol. 20 (1)

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    Ɖditorial: Et voici le cinquantiĆØme -- Olivar Asselin: les contraintes du savoir au SĆ©minaire de Rimouski -- Une seigneurie en bois debout -- ƀ Matane, au Pied-de-la-CĆ“te -- Vieux Ć©crits : Deux tĆ©moignages de madame AdĆØle Lepage -- Critique d'un document: Le premier voyage de Jacques Cartier ou Jacques Cartier entre les lignes -- OĆ¹ Jacques Cartier a-t-il plantĆ© sa croix? -- La vie scolaire pistoloise rĆ©vĆ©lĆ©e par les rapports des inspecteurs des Ć©coles -- SociĆ©tĆ© nationale de l'Est du QuĆ©bec -- Chroniques rimouskoises : Des Rimouskois investissent au Bic et Ć  Pointe-au-PĆØre -- L'Ć©trange sĆ©pulture du docteur Gauvreau -- Patrimoine : Un Ć©difice Ć  bureaux pas ordinaire -- Nouvelles brĆØves -- Des livres Ć  lire

    L'Estuaire, vol. 21 (1)

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    Ɖditorial -- Chroniques rimouskoises: Le manoir des seigneurs Lepage -- Des curĆ©s et des villages -- La diffusion du modĆØle d'exploitation des pĆŖches de la Charles Robin and Company en GaspĆ©sie au XIXe siĆØcle -- Les Ć©lus municipaux Ć  Pointe-au-PĆØre de 1905 Ć  1970 : la passion du pouvoir -- Les territoires des MalĆ©cites -- Le maĆ®tre des lieux : Antoine-Alexandre Comeau (1801-1884) -- Vieux Ć©crits: Un voyage de MontrĆ©al Ć  Kamouraska en 1840 -- Nouvelles brĆØves -- Des livres Ć  lire

    hMSC production in disposable bioreactors with regards to GMP and PAT

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    Reactor concepts for human mesenchymal stem cell (hMSC) production are introduced. Thereby, special interest is laid on the realization of these concepts as disposables fulfilling the GMP and PAT requirements. The specialty of the hMSC production process is the cell itself being the product. This results in completely different process requirements compared to e.g. protein production in mammalian cells. Thus, great attention has to be given to the shear sensitivity of the cells. The cultivation and the harvest of the cells have to be very gentle to neither influence cell viability nor cell differentiability. Further, the production process should not cause any undesirable cell changes. For hMSC production, cell harvest is the main challenging process step. The reactor concepts should be suitable for hMSC production for clinical trials as ATMPs. Therefore, disposable systems are especially applicable. The review describes more detailed bone marrow-derived hMSC production in a disposable stirred tank reactor as promising reactor concept

    Embryonic and induced pluripotent stem cells: understanding, creating, and exploiting the nano-niche for regenerative medicine.

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    Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have the capacity to differentiate into any specialized cell type of the human body, and therefore, ESC/iPSC-derived cell types offer great potential for regenerative medicine. However, key to realizing this potential requires a strong understanding of stem cell biology, techniques to maintain stem cells, and strategies to manipulate cells to efficiently direct cell differentiation toward a desired cell type. As nanoscale science and engineering continues to produce novel nanotechnology platforms, which inform, infiltrate, and impinge on many aspects of everyday life, it is no surprise that stem cell research is turning toward developments in nanotechnology to answer research questions and to overcome obstacles in regenerative medicine. Here we discuss recent advances in ESC and iPSC manipulation using nanomaterials and highlight future challenges within this area of research
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