146 research outputs found

    Dynamics of a suspended nanowire driven by an ac Josephson current in an inhomogeneous magnetic field

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    We consider a voltage-biased nanoelectromechanical Josephson junction, where a suspended nanowire forms a superconducting weak-link, in an inhomogeneous magnetic field. We show that a nonlinear coupling between the Josephson current and the magnetic field generates a Laplace force that induces a whirling motion of the nanowire. By performing an analytical and a numerical analysis, we demonstrate that at resonance, the amplitude-phase dynamics of the whirling movement present different regimes depending on the degree of inhomogeneity of the magnetic field: time independent, periodic and chaotic. Transitions between these regimes are also discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Fermionic Casimir effect for parallel plates in the presence of compact dimensions with applications to nanotubes

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    We evaluate the Casimir energy and force for a massive fermionic field in the geometry of two parallel plates on background of Minkowski spacetime with an arbitrary number of toroidally compactified spatial dimensions. The bag boundary conditions are imposed on the plates and periodicity conditions with arbitrary phases are considered along the compact dimensions. The Casimir energy is decomposed into purely topological, single plate and interaction parts. With independence of the lengths of the compact dimensions and the phases in the periodicity conditions, the interaction part of the Casimir energy is always negative. In order to obtain the resulting force, the contributions from both sides of the plates must be taken into account. Then, the forces coming from the topological parts of the vacuum energy cancel out and only the interaction term contributes to the Casimir force. Applications of the general formulae to Kaluza-Klein type models and carbon nanotubes are given. In particular, we show that for finite length metallic nanotubes the Casimir forces acting on the tube edges are always attractive, whereas for semiconducting-type ones they are attractive for small lengths of the nanotube and repulsive for large lengths.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Induced fermionic current in toroidally compactified spacetimes with applications to cylindrical and toroidal nanotubes

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    The vacuum expectation value of the fermionic current is evaluated for a massive spinor field in spacetimes with an arbitrary number of toroidally compactified spatial dimensions in presence of a constant gauge field. By using the Abel-Plana type summation formula and the zeta function technique we present the fermionic current in two different forms. Non-trivial topology of the background spacetime leads to the Aharonov-Bohm effect on the fermionic current induced by the gauge field. The current is a periodic function of the magnetic flux with the period equal to the flux quantum. In the absence of the gauge field it vanishes for special cases of untwisted and twisted fields. Applications of the general formulae to Kaluz-Klein type models and to cylindrical and toroidal carbon nanotubes are given. In the absence of magnetic flux the total fermionic current in carbon nanotubes vanishes, due to the cancellation of contributions from two different sublattices of the graphene hexagonal lattice.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, explicit regularization procedure adde

    Helium mixtures in nanotube bundles

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    An analogue to Raoult's law is determined for the case of a 3He-4He mixture adsorbed in the interstitial channels of a bundle of carbon nanotubes. Unlike the case of He mixtures in other environments, the ratio of the partial pressures of the coexisting vapor is found to be a simple function of the ratio of concentrations within the nanotube bundle.Comment: 3 pages, no figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Towards the unified description of light and heavy hadrons in the bag model approach

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    Mass spectra of ground state hadrons containing u-, d-, s-, c-quarks as well as some lightest hadrons containing b-quarks are calculated on the basis of a slightly modified bag model. The center-of-mass motion corrections are incorporated using a wavepacket projection with Gaussian parametrization of the distribution amplitude. We use running coupling constant and also allow the effective quark mass to be scale-dependent. The impact of these modifications on the hadron mass spectrum is investigated. A comparison of the predicted mass values with the experimental data demonstrates that the modified bag model is sufficiently flexible to provide a satisfactory description of light and heavy hadrons (mesons and baryons) in a single consistent framework.Comment: 27 pages, 11 table


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    A utilização de recursos tecnológicos no contexto educacional acessível e inclusivo vem sendo incentivado, e cada vez mais utilizado. Este artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar o Objeto de Aprendizagem (OA) Scrapbook: A arte de decorar álbuns de fotografias. Tal OA foi construído para oferecer a possibilidade de desenvolvimento da arte do scrapbook para aqueles que não possuem materiais ou habilidades artesanais necessárias para a confecção manual do álbum. O OA Scrapbook oferece recursos de acessibilidade para atender necessidades de usuários, como deficiência visual e motora. No decorrer do texto, as etapas de desenvolvimento do OA são descritas, evidenciando a construção e recursos presentes em cada versão do mesmo

    Critical Casimir forces and adsorption profiles in the presence of a chemically structured substrate

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    Motivated by recent experiments with confined binary liquid mixtures near demixing, we study the universal critical properties of a system, which belongs to the Ising universality class, in the film geometry. We employ periodic boundary conditions in the two lateral directions and fixed boundary conditions on the two confining surfaces, such that one of them has a spatially homogeneous adsorption preference while the other one exhibits a laterally alternating adsorption preference, resembling locally a single chemical step. By means of Monte Carlo simulations of an improved Hamiltonian, so that the leading scaling corrections are suppressed, numerical integration, and finite-size scaling analysis we determine the critical Casimir force and its universal scaling function for various values of the aspect ratio of the film. In the limit of a vanishing aspect ratio the critical Casimir force of this system reduces to the mean value of the critical Casimir force for laterally homogeneous ++ and +- boundary conditions, corresponding to the surface spins on the two surfaces being fixed to equal and opposite values, respectively. We show that the universal scaling function of the critical Casimir force for small but finite aspect ratios displays a linear dependence on the aspect ratio which is solely due to the presence of the lateral inhomogeneity. We also analyze the order-parameter profiles at criticality and their universal scaling function which allows us to probe theoretical predictions and to compare with experimental data.Comment: revised version, section 5.2 expanded; 53 pages, 12 figures, iopart clas

    Topological confinement in an antisymmetric potential in bilayer graphene in the presence of a magnetic field

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    We investigate the effect of an external magnetic field on the carrier states that are localized at a potential kink and a kink-antikink in bilayer graphene. These chiral states are localized at the interface between two potential regions with opposite signs

    Exploring the relationship between productive vocabulary knowledge and second language oral ability

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    The current study investigated the extent to which L2 learners’ productive vocabulary knowledge could predict multiple dimensions of spontaneous speech production. A total of 39 EFL participants with varying L2 proficiency levels first completed a productive vocabulary knowledge task (Lex30). Their spontaneous speech, elicited via a series of picture description task, was then assessed for comprehensibility (i.e., ease of understanding), accentedness (i.e., linguistic nativelikeness), and fluency (i.e., speech rate). The findings showed that the productive vocabulary scores significantly correlated with L2 fluency, but not with comprehensibility or accentedness. Such results might indicate that more proficient L2 learners, as indicated by their productive vocabulary scores, might be able to speak spontaneously without too many pauses and repetitions, and at a faster tempo. Finally, future research directions will be discussed with a focus on the relationships between vocabulary knowledge and speaking