1,880 research outputs found

    Status of hilsa (Tenualosa ilisha) management in the Bay of Bengal: an assessment of population risk and data gaps for more effective regional management

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    Assessment of country status papers on hilsa fisheries presented at the BOBP – IGO Chittagong, Bangladesh 2010. Assessment of status hilsa management in Bangladesh, India and Myanmar. Brief recommendations of potential follow-up activities that could enhance management. Risk assessment of hilsa in each country with Productivity Susceptibility Analysis (PSA). Summary of new approach to assess ecological risk

    Design of Electromagnetic Cloaks and Concentrators Using Form-Invariant Coordinate Transformations of Maxwell's Equations

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    The technique of applying form-invariant, spatial coordinate transformations of Maxwell's equations can facilitate the design of structures with unique electromagnetic or optical functionality. Here, we illustrate the transformation-optical approach in the designs of a square electromagnetic cloak and an omni-directional electromagnetic field concentrator. The transformation equations are described and the functionality of the devices is numerically confirmed by two-dimensional finite element simulations. The two devices presented demonstrate that the transformation optic approach leads to the specification of complex, anisotropic and inhomogeneous materials with well directed and distinct electromagnetic behavior.Comment: submitted to "Photonics and Nanostructures", Special Issue "PECS VII", Elsevie


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    Tropical anchovies (Encrasicholdno species) are the target of the large baitfishery for the pole-and-line skipjack tuna fleet in eastern Indonesia. Recent studies have shown that the tuna catches are constrained by a lack of bait

    An Experimental Investigation of the Damping of Liquid Oscillations in an Oblate Spheroidal Tank With and Without Baffles

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    An experimental investigation was conducted to determine the damping of the fundamental antisymmetric mode of oscillation of liquids contained in an oblate spheroidal tank. The decay of the fundamental mode was studied for a range of liquid depths in tanks with and without baffles. In the investigation of baffle effects, ring and cruciform baffles of various sizes were fixed at different locations within the tank. Data presented show the variation of the damping factor with tank fullness and with baffle type, width, location, and orientation as well as the effects of the amplitude of the liquid oscillations and of small variations in the liquid kinematic viscosity on the damping factor. The results of the investigation indicate that the addition of ring baffles to the tank results in an increase in the available effective damping when the baffle plane is in a region near the equilibrium liquid surface, and that cruciform baffles are effective in the damping of the fundamental mode in the near-empty tank. No apparent changes in damping for the tanks having ring baffles were observed as the kinematic viscosity of the liquid was varied over a small range


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    Data from the fishing operations of the pole-and-line fishing fleet based in Sorong, IrianJava, eastern Indonesia are examined to assess the status of the fishery in that region

    Polar Bear Conservation in Canada: Defining the Policy Problems

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    Conservation of polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in Canada is based on the goals and principles of the 1973 International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears and Their Habitat, and has long been considered an exemplar of science-based wildlife management. However, accelerating social and ecological changes in the Arctic raise questions about the polar bear management regime’s ability to adapt successfully to new challenges. We apply the analytic framework of the policy sciences to develop a comprehensive orientation to this evolving situation, and we suggest possible ways to define and advance shared goals of stakeholders and other participants. We conclude that the decision process in polar bear management does not sufficiently foster identification and securing of common interests among participants who express multiple, competing perspectives in an arena that has been increasingly fragmented and symbolically charged by issues such as the recent listing of polar bears under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. The fundamental challenge for polar bear conservation in Canada is to design a better decision process so that it can constructively reconcile the various perspectives, demands, and expectations of stakeholders.Au Canada, la conservation des ours polaires (Ursus maritimus) respecte les objectifs et les principes de l’Accord international sur la conservation des ours blancs et leur habitat de 1973, qui est considéré depuis longtemps comme un modèle de gestion de la faune fondée sur la science. Cependant, l’évolution de plus en plus rapide des changements d’ordre social et écologique dans l’Arctique a pour effet de soulever des questions sur l’aptitude du régime de gestion de l’ours polaire à bien s’adapter aux nouveaux défis. Nous utilisons le cadre de référence analytique de la science des politiques pour aboutir à une orientation exhaustive de cette situation en pleine évolution, et nous suggérons des manières possibles de définir et de formuler des objectifs partagés par les parties prenantes et d’autres participants. Nous concluons que le processus de décision en matière de gestion de l’ours polaire n’encourage pas suffisamment l’identification et l’engagement d’intérêts communs entre les participants qui expriment des perspectives multiples et concurrentes dans un domaine de plus en plus fragmenté et symboliquement caractérisé par des enjeux tels que la liste récente d’ours polaires en vertu de la loi américaine sur les espèces en voie de disparition (U.S. Endangered Species Act). Le défi fondamental en ce qui a trait à la conservation des ours polaires au Canada consiste à concevoir un meilleur processus de décision pouvant réconcilier, de manière constructive, les diverses perspectives, exigences et attentes des parties prenantes

    Ni/Bi bilayers: The effect of thickness on the superconducting properties

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    Nickel/Bismuth (Ni/Bi) bilayers have recently attracted attention due to the occurrence of time-reversal symmetry breaking in the superconducting state. Here, we report on the structural, magnetic and electric characterization of thin film Ni/Bi bilayers with several Bi thicknesses. We observed the formation of a complex layered structure depending on the Bi thickness caused by the inter-diffusion of Bi and Ni which leads to the stabilization of NiBi3_{3} at the Bi/Ni interface. The superconducting transition temperature and the transition width are highly dependent on the Bi thickness and the layer structure. Magnetoelectric transport measurements in perpendicular and parallel magnetic fields were used to investigate the temperature-dependent upper critical field within the framework of the anisotropic Ginzburg-Landau theory and the Werthamer Helfand Hohenberg model. For thicker samples, we observed a conventional behavior, similar to that shown by NiBi3_{3} bulk samples, including a small Maki parameter (αM\alpha_{M} = 0), no spin-orbit scattering (λSO\lambda_{SO}= 0) and nearly isotropic coherence length (γ\gamma = ξ⊥\xi_{\perp}(0)/ξ∥\xi_{\parallel}(0) ≈\approx 1). The values obtained for these properties are close to those characterizing NiBi3_{3} single crystals. On the other hand, in very thin samples the Maki parameter increases to about αM\alpha_{M} = 2.8. In addition, the coherence length becomes anisotropic (γ\gamma = 0.32) and spin-orbit scattering (λSO\lambda_{SO}= 1.2) must be taken into account. Our results unequivocally show that the properties characterizing the superconducting state in the Ni/Bi are strongly dependent on the sample thickness.Comment: 16 Pages and 5 figure

    Severity scoring of manganese health effects for categorical regression

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    Characterizing the U-shaped exposure response relationship for manganese (Mn) is necessary for estimating the risk of adverse health from Mn toxicity due to excess or deficiency. Categorical regression has emerged as a powerful tool for exposure-response analysis because of its ability to synthesize relevant information across multiple studies and species into a single integrated analysis of all relevant data. This paper documents the development of a database on Mn toxicity designed to support the application of categorical regression techniques. Specifically, we describe (i) the conduct of a systematic search of the literature on Mn toxicity to gather data appropriate for dose-response assessment; (ii) the establishment of inclusion/exclusion criteria for data to be included in the categorical regression modeling database; (iii) the development of a categorical severity scoring matrix for Mn health effects to permit the inclusion of diverse health outcomes in a single categorical regression analysis using the severity score as the outcome variable; and (iv) the convening of an international expert panel to both review the severity scoring matrix and assign severity scores to health outcomes observed in studies (including case reports, epidemiological investigations, and in vivo experimental studies) selected for inclusion in the categorical regression database. Exposure information including route, concentration, duration, health endpoint(s), and characteristics of the exposed population was abstracted from included studies and stored in a computerized manganese database (MnDB), providing a comprehensive repository of exposure-response information with the ability to support categorical regression modeling of oral exposure data
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