316 research outputs found


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    The public procurement problem is a special problem of supplier selection that requires strict adherence to the principles of non-discrimination, free competition, and transparency in the contract awarding procedures. It is a very complex multi-criteria problem, which requires the engagement of several decision-makers (experts). The public procurement problem requires the usage of different types of conflicting criteria, the combination of different models (methods and techniques) of decision-making, as well as the modeling of different forms of uncertainty, inaccuracy, and subjectivity of decision-makers, which can represent a rather complex, difficult, and lengthy decision-making process. Therefore, the paper proposes a methodology for improving the tender process that focuses on heterogeneous preference structures of information (preference ordering, utility values, fuzzy (additive) preference relations, multiplicative preference relations, and linguistic preference relations) and an adaptive consensus approach for subjectively determining the weight of criteria and evaluation and selection of alternative bids. The Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) method is used for the final ranking of bidders. The proposed methodology enables obtaining a more objective and measurable value during subjective decision-making as well as minimizing the risk of unscrupulous, incompetent, and irresponsible decision-making, which is shown in the given example

    Relation between Kinetic Friction Coefficient and Angular Acceleration during Motion Initiated by Dynamic Impact Force

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    The paper presents theoretical and experimental analyses of the kinetic friction coefficient of a ball bearing in conditions of rotational motion initiated by dynamic impact force. A method has been developed and a measurement system allows the measurement of a kinetic coefficient of friction through the measurement of the angular acceleration. This paper considers the friction caused by rotational motion initiated by the force impact impulse. After the external force (impact impulse) stops acting, the motion continues, and the loaded bearing (i.e. the zone of the bearing in which the frictional resistance forces act) exhibits a broad spectrum of velocities, from the maximum value at the moment of motion initiation to the zero value when motion stops, where the whole measuring system acts as a rotary encoder. Experimental results indicate a high dependency between angular velocity and friction coefficient, similar to functional dependency. This paper proves that kinetic friction coefficient can be reliably measured using the measurements of angle change and angular velocity. Analysed method has high potential in the diagnostics of energy loss in the tribo-mechanical systems

    Design and Implementation of Efficient Integrated System for Physical Medicine with Centralized Management over Computer Network

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    The cabinets for physical therapy are provided with various de-vices which shorten the time needed for patients’ recovery and healing. Atypical physical medicine cabinet has tens of stand-alone devices for differentpurposes. These are the devices which perform biostimulation using diady-namic or interferential electrical currents, ultrasound waves, vacuum impulses,electromagnetic fields, etc. The aim of this paper is to present hardware andsoftware components, and developed network protocol for integrated system ofdevices for physical medicine, based on the existing products of Elektromedic-ina company, with key feature that allows the devices to be centrally managedand monitored. This paper addresses the system’s architecture, user interfacesboth for devices and centralized server console, network protocol for communi-cation between devices and centralized management station, the scheduler, andthe therapy procedure within the system. It will be shown that the efficiency ofthe integrated system, measured in the time-per-patient and patients-per-day,compared with the efficiency of regular physical therapy cabinet is increasedby more than 20%


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    In these investigations, the yield stability of 14 winter bread wheat genotypes were analyzed. The experimental part of the trial was performed at three locations (Kragujevac, Kruševac and Sombor) during 2013/2014. AMMI analysis of variance for grain yield showed that all sources of variation (genotype, environment, their interaction) had a significant effect on the expression of this complex trait. In the total variation of the experiment, the largest contribution had genotype/enviroment interaction, and genotype had the least. The most stable genotypes have been identified, which can be considered as a desirable genotypes, widely adapted to different agroecological conditions.Publishe

    Zuclopenthixol decanoate in pregnancy: Successful outcomes in two consecutive off springs of the same mother

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    Introduction. Almost all individual antipsychotics are classified into the intermediate pregnancy risk category as no or limited data exist about human pregnancy outcomes. We presented the case of zuclopenthixol decanoate using in two successive pregnancies of the same woman, which had not been published in the available peer-reviewed literature. Case report. A middle-age female subject who suffered from schizophrenia received zuclopenthixol decanoate injection during her two consecutive pregnancies. About four and a half months before diagnosis of the first pregnancy (~3.5 years after psychosis emergence), zuclopenthixol decanoate (400 mg every other week, im injection) was introduced to the treatment protocol (due to previous non-compliance with halo-peridol and risperidone). A significant clinical improvement was achieved and the dose during pregnancy was reduced to 200 mg once monthly and maintained to date. In both pregnancies the women gave birth to healthy girls who have been developing normally until now, at their ages of 6 months and of 3.5 years. During pregnancy and after giving birth to children the mothers' psychiatric status and her social functioning were significantly improved and are still stable. Close monitoring of the mother's health, a multidisciplinary approach to both her treatment and the monitoring of pregnancies as well as the complete compliance with the prescribed drug protocol were likely to be crucial for the therapeutic success. Conclusion. A favorable outcome of the present case suggests that the zuclopenthixol decanoate is a rational therapeutic option for pregnant women suffering from psychosis when the expected benefit exceed the potential risk, but a definitive evidence for its safety requires large, controlled studies

    Exercise Attenuates Anabolic Steroids-Induced Anxiety via Hippocampal NPY and MC4 Receptor in Rats

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of chronic administration of nandrolone-decanoate (ND) or testosterone-enanthate (TE) in supraphysiological doses and a prolonged swimming protocol, alone and in combination with ND or TE, on anxiety-like behavior in rats. We investigated the immunohistochemical alterations of the hippocampal neuropeptide Y (NPY) and melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) neurons, as a possible underlying mechanism in a modulation of anxiety-like behavior in rats. Both applied anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) induced anxiogenic effect accompanied with decreased serum and hippocampal NPY. The exercise-induced anxiolytic effect was associated with increased hippocampal NPY expression. ND and TE increased the number of MC4R, while the swimming protocol was followed by the reduction of MC4R in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. However, NPY/MC4R ratio in hippocampus was lowered by AASs and elevated by exercise in all hippocampal regions. An augmentation of this ratio strongly and positively correlated to increased time in open arms of elevated plus maze, in the context that indicates anxiolytic effect. Our findings support the conclusion that alterations in both hippocampal NPY and MC4R expression are involved in anxiety level changes in rats, while their quantitative relationship (NPY/MC4R ratio) is even more valuable in the estimation of anxiety regulation than individual alterations for both NPY and MC4R expression in the hippocampus

    Practical experience with Nebelung: the runtime support for transactional memory and OpenMP

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    Transactional Memory (TM) is a key future technology for emerging many-cores. On the other hand, OpenMP provides a vast established base for writing parallel programs, especially for scientific applications. Combining TM with OpenMP provides a rich, enhanced programming environment and an attractive solution to the many-core software productivity problem. In this paper, we discuss the runtime environment for supporting our combined TM and OpenMP framework. Through motivating examples, we briefly illustrate how the combined TM/OpenMP can facilitate writing parallel programs. We then discuss issues in runtime environment design. In another contribution, we introduce a set of applications that we specifically developed for our combined TM/OpenMP framework. Using those applications, we show how we can use the rich features provided by TM such as retry to support efficient TM/OpenMP programs. We also include an initial performance analysis of the runtime using the applications.Postprint (published version

    The Impact of Hippocampal Sex Hormones Receptors in Modulation of Depressive-Like Behavior Following Chronic Anabolic Androgenic Steroids and Exercise Protocols in Rats

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate alterations in depressive-like behaviors in rats following chronic administration of a supraphysiological dose of anabolic androgenic steroids (AASs) as well as exposure to a prolonged exercise protocol. The role of hippocampal sex hormones receptors in the modulation of depressive-like behavior was also assessed. A total of 48 male Wistar albino rats were divided into six groups: control, exercise (1 h/day, five consecutive days), nandrolone-decanoate (ND, 20 mg/kg/week, in a single dose), exercise plus ND, testosterone-enanthate (TE, 20 mg/kg/week, in a single dose), and exercise plus TE. After the 6-week protocols were complete, the rats underwent behavioral testing in the tail suspension test (TST). Rats were sacrificed for the collection of blood samples, to determine sex hormones levels, and isolation of the hippocampus, to determine [androgen receptors (AR) and estrogen receptors α (ERα)] expression. ND and TE treatment induced significant depressive-like behavior, opposing the antidepressant effect of exercise. Chronic TE administration elevated testosterone (T) and dihydrotestosterone (DHT) serum levels, and this was augmented by exercise. In contrast, ND and exercise alone did not alter T or DHT levels. There were no changes in serum estradiol levels in any of the groups. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that exercise reduced AR immunoreactivity in all hippocampal regions and increased the ERα expression in the CA1, dentate gyrus (DG), and total hippocampal sections, but not in the CA2/3 region. AASs administration increased AR expression in all hippocampal regions, although not the total hippocampal section in the TE group and did not significantly decrease ERα. The hippocampal AR/ERα expression index was lowered while parvalbumin (PV)-immunoreactivity was enhanced by exercise. AASs administration increased the AR/ERα index and reduced PV-immunoreactivity in the hippocampus. The number of PV-immunoreactive neurons negatively correlated with the antidepressant effects and the AR/ERα ratio. Our results suggest a potential role of the numerical relationship between two sex hormones receptors (stronger correlation than for each individual receptor) in the regulation of depressive-like behavior via the hippocampal GABAergic system in rats, which allow better understanding of the hippocampal sex hormones receptors role in modulation of depressive-like behavior