37 research outputs found

    Kvalitet tretiranja pri mehanizovanoj zaštiti uljane repice različitim rasprskivačima

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    Oil seed rape is one of three most important culture on the world. Production and protection of oil seed have some specific according to other cultures. When we speak of mechanization in oil seed production then we think on seed treatment with plant protection products. There is also need for protection against weeds, disease and insect. Sometime we need to protect oil seed rape against rodent using some rodenticide. In some moister condition it can be done desiccation with nonselective herbicide. Efficiency of pesticide application depends from application time and correct use and choice of machine and nozzles for application. This paper work analyze problems in oil seed rape protection from insects meligethes aeneus which cause damages and decrease of yield. Accent is on quality parameters analyses of using different type of nozzles for insecticides application in spring. The most important parameters which was analyze in this paper is leaf coverage. Treating was done with application rate 200 l/ha and three different type of nozzles. The lowest leaf coverage was achieved with standard nozzles Lechler LU12004, 36,79 %. Better coverage was achieved with nozzles IDK 12004, 37,24 % and the best overages was reached with 'Twin Jet' IDKT 04 nozzles. It was a coverage of 44,64 %.Uljana repica je veoma važna uljana kultura. Njena vegetacija počinje krajem leta i početkom jeseni, a završava se obično početkom leta naredne godine. Njeno gajenje i zaštita u odnosu na druge kulture, ima određenih specifičnosti. Mehanizovana hemijska zaštita uljane repice obuhvata uobičajene mere i dopunske mere, koje se sprovode ukoliko to uslovi zahtevaju. Uobičajeno je da se obavlja tretiranje semena repice fungicidima i insekticidima, dok se u prolećnom periodu u toku vegetacije, vrši zaštita od štetočina (sjajnik). Po potrebi izvodi se zaštita od korova, u nekim slučajevima, vrši se tretiranje protiv bolesti fungicidima u toku vegetacije. Ako period sazrevanja uljane repice prate česte kiše, može se sprovesti mehanizovana desikacija. U radu su dati rezultati istraživanja mehanizovane hemijske zaštite repice u toku vegetacije protiv štetočina (sjajnik). Tretiranje je obavljeno sa normom od 200 l/ha i tri vrste rasprskivača na istoj parceli u istim uslovima. Najniža pokrivenost površina, ostvarena je korišćenjem standardnih rasprskivača Lechler LU12004 (crveni) od 36, 79 %, nešto viša sa rasprskivačima IDK od 37,24 %, a značajno viša 44,64 % sa rasprskivačima sa duplim mlazom Twin Jet

    Ispitivanje parametara kvaliteta hibridnog semena suncokreta posle dorade na grubom čistaču

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    In the conditions of market economy and fierce market competition, a priority for oilcrops seed producers and processors is meeting the high requirements of seed quality. Production of sunflower seed, of the required quality, has to be completed in a short period of time, in order to leave sufficient time for a country-wide advertizing campaign and shipment of the entire seed production to end customers. In addition to these time constraints, seed processing has been simultaneously required to keep improving the quality of processed seed. The paper discusses the tests of several seed quality parameters (test weight, thousand seeds weight, pure seeds, germination energy and germination), for four sunflower hybrids (Duško, NS Gricko, NS-H-111, Rimi PR). The policy of the plant is to process hybrid sunflower seed in lots (a maximum weight of 20,000 kg), each lot originating from a single location. The studied period involved one production year. Quality parameters were observed per hybrids for one machine (precleaning maschine). The results of testing showed that the seed of better quality after passage through the precleaning machine, that are better seed quality parameters at the exit of the machine.U tržišnim uslovima privređivanja i ambijentu oštre konkurencije, prioritetan zadatak proizvođača semena uljanih kultura je proizvodnja semenskog materijala koja zadovoljava visoke zahteve kvaliteta proizvoda. Proizvodnju kvalitetnog semena hibridnog suncokreta je potrebno realizovati u veoma kratkom vremenskom periodu, kako bi se na vreme marketinški pokrilo tržište i kompletna proizvodnja semena plasirala do krajnjeg kupca. Pored vremenskog ograničenja dorade, postavljeni su paralelno i zahtevi poboljšanja kvaliteta dorađenog semena. Radom su obuhvaćena ispitivanja više parametara kvaliteta (hektolitarska masa, masa 1000 semena, čistoća, energija klijanja i klijavost semena), za četiri hibrida semena suncokreta (Duško, NS Gricko, NS-H-111 i Rimi PR). Seme hibridnog suncokreta je dorađivano po partijama (max. 20.000 kg) i lokalitetima (mestima proizvodnje). Istraživanje se odnosilo na period u godini proizvodnje, za izabrane hibride. Parametri kvaliteta su posmatrani po hibridima za jednu mašinu (grubi čistač). Rezultati ispitivanja su pokazali da je seme boljeg kvaliteta posle prolaza preko grubog čistača, odnosno da su parametri kvaliteta semena bolji na izlazu iz mašine

    Precipitation frequency in Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX ensembles from 0.44° to convection-permitting resolution: impact of model resolution and convection representation

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    Recent studies using convection-permitting (CP) climate simulations have demonstrated a step-change in the representation of heavy rainfall and rainfall characteristics (frequency-intensity) compared to coarser resolution Global and Regional climate models. The goal of this study is to better understand what explains the weaker frequency of precipitation in the CP ensemble by assessing the triggering process of precipitation in the different ensembles of regional climate simulations available over Europe. We focus on the statistical relationship between tropospheric temperature, humidity and precipitation to understand how the frequency of precipitation over Europe and the Mediterranean is impacted by model resolution and the representation of convection (parameterized vs. explicit). We employ a multi-model data-set with three different resolutions (0.44°, 0.11° and 0.0275°) produced in the context of the MED-CORDEX, EURO-CORDEX and the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study "Convective Phenomena over Europe and the Mediterranean" (FPSCONV). The multi-variate approach is applied to all model ensembles, and to several surface stations where the integrated water vapor (IWV) is derived from Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements. The results show that all model ensembles capture the temperature dependence of the critical value of IWV (IWVcv), above which an increase in precipitation frequency occurs, but the differences between the models in terms of the value of IWVcv, and the probability of its being exceeded, can be large at higher temperatures. The lower frequency of precipitation in convection-permitting simulations is not only explained by higher temperatures but also by a higher IWVcv necessary to trigger precipitation at similar temperatures, and a lower probability to exceed this critical value. The spread between models in simulating IWVcv and the probability of exceeding IWVcv is reduced over land in the ensemble of models with explicit convection, especially at high temperatures, when the convective fraction of total precipitation becomes more important and the influence of the representation of entrainment in models thus becomes more important. Over lowlands, both model resolution and convection representation affect precipitation triggering while over mountainous areas, resolution has the highest impact due to orography-induced triggering processes. Over the sea, since lifting is produced by large-scale convergence, the probability to exceed IWVcv does not depend on temperature, and the model resolution does not have a clear impact on the results

    Investigating the representation of heatwaves from an ensemble of km-scale regional climate simulations within CORDEX-FPS convection

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    Heatwaves (HWs) are high-impact phenomena stressing both societies and ecosystems. Their intensity and frequency are expected to increase in a warmer climate over many regions of the world. While these impacts can be wide-ranging, they are potentially influenced by local to regional features such as topography, land cover, and urbanization. Here, we leverage recent advances in the very high-resolution modelling required to elucidate the impacts of heatwaves at these fine scales. Further, we aim to understand how the new generation of km-scale regional climate models (RCMs) modulates the representation of heatwaves over a well-known climate change hot spot. We analyze an ensemble of 15 convection-permitting regional climate model (CPRCM, ~ 2–4 km grid spacing) simulations and their driving, convection-parameterized regional climate model (RCM, ~ 12–15 km grid spacing) simulations from the CORDEX Flagship Pilot Study on Convection. The focus is on the evaluation experiments (2000–2009) and three subdomains with a range of climatic characteristics. During HWs, and generally in the summer season, CPRCMs exhibit warmer and drier conditions than their driving RCMs. Higher maximum temperatures arise due to an altered heat flux partitioning, with daily peaks up to ~ 150 W/m2^{2} larger latent heat in RCMs compared to the CPRCMs. This is driven by a 5–25% lower soil moisture content in the CPRCMs, which is in turn related to longer dry spell length (up to double). It is challenging to ascertain whether these differences represent an improvement. However, a point-scale distribution-based maximum temperature evaluation, suggests that this CPRCMs warmer/drier tendency is likely more realistic compared to the RCMs, with ~ 70% of reference sites indicating an added value compared to the driving RCMs, increasing to 95% when only the distribution right tail is considered. Conversely, a CPRCMs slight detrimental effect is found according to the upscaled grid-to-grid approach over flat areas. Certainly, CPRCMs enhance dry conditions, with knock-on implications for summer season temperature overestimation. Whether this improved physical representation of HWs also has implications for future changes is under investigation

    The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution, part I: evaluation of precipitation

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    Here we present the first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale horizontal grid spacing over a decade long period. A total of 23 simulations run with a horizontal grid spacing of ∼3 km, driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis, and performed by 22 European research groups are analysed. Six different regional climate models (RCMs) are represented in the ensemble. The simulations are compared against available high-resolution precipitation observations and coarse resolution (∼ 12 km) RCMs with parameterized convection. The model simulations and observations are compared with respect to mean precipitation, precipitation intensity and frequency, and heavy precipitation on daily and hourly timescales in different seasons. The results show that kilometer-scale models produce a more realistic representation of precipitation than the coarse resolution RCMs. The most significant improvements are found for heavy precipitation and precipitation frequency on both daily and hourly time scales in the summer season. In general, kilometer-scale models tend to produce more intense precipitation and reduced wet-hour frequency compared to coarse resolution models. On average, the multi-model mean shows a reduction of bias from ∼ −40% at 12 km to ∼ −3% at 3 km for heavy hourly precipitation in summer. Furthermore, the uncertainty ranges i.e. the variability between the models for wet hour frequency is reduced by half with the use of kilometer-scale models. Although differences between the model simulations at the kilometer-scale and observations still exist, it is evident that these simulations are superior to the coarse-resolution RCM simulations in the representing precipitation in the present-day climate, and thus offer a promising way forward for investigations of climate and climate change at local to regional scales

    The first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale resolution. Part I: Evaluation of precipitation

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    Here we present the first multi-model ensemble of regional climate simulations at kilometer-scale horizontal grid spacing over a decade long period. A total of 23 simulations run with a horizontal grid spacing of ∼ 3 km, driven by ERA-Interim reanalysis, and performed by 22 European research groups are analysed. Six different regional climate models (RCMs) are represented in the ensemble. The simulations are compared against available high-resolution precipitation observations and coarse resolution (∼ 12 km) RCMs with parameterized convection. The model simulations and observations are compared with respect to mean precipitation, precipitation intensity and frequency, and heavy precipitation on daily and hourly timescales in different seasons. The results show that kilometer-scale models produce a more realistic representation of precipitation than the coarse resolution RCMs. The most significant improvements are found for heavy precipitation and precipitation frequency on both daily and hourly time scales in the summer season. In general, kilometer-scale models tend to produce more intense precipitation and reduced wet-hour frequency compared to coarse resolution models. On average, the multi-model mean shows a reduction of bias from ∼ −40 at 12 km to ∼ −3 at 3 km for heavy hourly precipitation in summer. Furthermore, the uncertainty ranges i.e. the variability between the models for wet hour frequency is reduced by half with the use of kilometer-scale models. Although differences between the model simulations at the kilometer-scale and observations still exist, it is evident that these simulations are superior to the coarse-resolution RCM simulations in the representing precipitation in the present-day climate, and thus offer a promising way forward for investigations of climate and climate change at local to regional scales. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Sensitivity study of the planetary boundary layer and microphysical schemes to the initialization of convection over the Arabian Peninsula

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    In this study, we present a five-member Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) physics ensemble over the Arabian Peninsula on the convection-permitting (CP) scale and investigate the ability to simulate convection and precipitation by varying the applied cloud microphysics and planetary boundary layer (PBL) parametrizations. The study covers a typical precipitation event ocurring during summertime over the eastern part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Our results show that the best results are obtained by using water- and ice-friendly aerosols combined with aerosol-aware Thompson cloud microphysics and the Mellor-Yamada-Nakanishi-Niino (MYNN) PBL parametrization. The diurnal cycle of 2-m temperature over the desert is well captured by all members, although a cold bias is present during the morning and evening transition. All members are capable of simulating the correct timing of the onset of convection. Simulations with the MYNN PBL and Thompson scheme produce the highest convective available potential energy (CAPE) and convective inhibition (CIN), associated with stronger mixing inside the PBL, leading to the formation of more dense liquid water clouds. The WDM6 microphysics scheme is not a suitable option, as there are hardly any liquid water clouds; mainly ice clouds are simulated. Precipitation is best captured by applying the MYNN and Thomspon scheme. Although the ensemble size is relatively small, this allows for the provision of cloud probability maps suitable for cloud-seeding applications