34 research outputs found

    End terraced family house in Strelice

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    Bakalářská práce je zaměřena na návrh a vypracování projektové dokumentace koncového řadového domu ve Střelicích u Brna na parcele č. 5801/2. Návrh domu respektuje jak územní plán obce, tak i stávající zástavbu. Svým tvarem a hmotou nemá tvořit dominantu, ale jne dotvářet stávající zástavbu. Dům má jedno nadzemní podlaží a vestavěné podkroví, střechu sedlovou, je nepodsklepený. Dům obsahuje 1 bytovu jednotku, je určen pro bydlení 4 členné rodiny.Bachelors thesis is focused on design and elaboration of design documentation of end terraced family house in Strelice u Brna, the parcel number 5801/2. Proposition of house respects both commune plan and current street buildings. It's not supposed to create stress with its shape and size, but complete actual buildings. It has one elevated floor and built-in attic, saddle roof, it is cellar less. House has 1 living unit, it's determinate for 4 member family.

    Evaluation of the Fiscal Decentralization: Case Studies of European Union

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    Fiscal decentralization has been widely discussed at various levels and from various perspectives. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (the OECD), similar to the World Bank, also pays great attention to it. Fiscal decentralization has always been an interesting investigation topic, and the researchers, in addition to considering the future of the economy, study this problem from different perspectives, i.e. geographic, political and others. The effect of fiscal decentralization on the economic development of the state has been investigated by various authors. Three different hypotheses provide the proofs of the positive effect of fiscal decentralization. The main advantage of fiscal federalism are efficient and adequate public services which are provided locally through the mobility of the citizens, voting power and competition between the local governments in the created ecosystem. The potential advantages of the competition among the local government powers are similar to the advantages associated with the competition on the private markets. The paper is focussed on fiscal decentralization of the state. It aims to investigate the theoretical aspect of the impact of fiscal decentralization on the economic development to calculate the index of fiscal decentralization and to evaluate the effect of fiscal decentralization on the economic development in the particular states of the European Union. Thus, Bulgaria and Lithuania have the lowest fiscal decentralization index of EU-13 (0.28), while the Czech Republic has the highest index (0.46). The researchers have proved the effect of fiscal decentralization on the economic development of the EU-13 states to be statistically significant and positive. The originality of this paper is that it introduces a theoretical model for evaluating the fiscal decentralization effect on the economic development and assesses the fiscal decentralization effect on the economic development of the particular EU-13 states


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    During the spring of 2013, a relatively large rockslide with a total area of 96,952 m2 occurred in the eastern part of the Malá Fatra mountains. The anticipated depth of the slip surfaces was from 30 to 40 metres and the volume of moving mass was estimated to be 2,000,000 m3. The maximum movement of the rockslide on the first day in March 2013 was estimated to be 43 m. The front of the rockslide interfered with the projected D1 highway route. The paper presented here offers an analysis of the causes of the rockslide and its activity in association with the potential threat to the proposed highway

    Comparison of the actual costs during removal of concrete layer by high-speed water jets

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    This paper describes the process of possible evaluation of costs of using high speed water jet technology for concrete removal methods. High speed water jet technology is a progressive technology of removing damaged concrete used in civil engineering since the 80's of 20th century. It has been changing and developing since that time. But there is little information in literature devoted to the economic evaluation of this technology. Detailed economic analysis is still missing. This paper aims to compare comprehensively in economic terms the costs of removing concrete using the technology of both continuous oscillating and pulsating oscillating water jets. The research was realized in cooperation with research institutions and industrial companies and was supported by state budget of the Czech Republic and from the European Union. The scheme of cooperation of the University, research institutions, industrial companies and government follows the Triple helix model

    Assessment of the Cement Plate Building Covering Facade

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    Multifunctional facility - Mikulov

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    Diplomová práce je zaměřena na návrh a vypracování prováděcí dokumentace multifunkčního objektu v Mikulově na Moravě, na parcelách č. 6905, 6910 a 6919. Návrh objektu respektuje jak územní plán obce, tak i stávající zástavbu. Svým tvarem a hmotou nemá tvořit dominantu, ale jen dotvářet stávající zástavbu. Objekt má tři nadzemní podlaží, jedno podzemní a pultovou střechu. Objekt obsahuje laboratoře, kanceláře a konferenční místnost, je určen pro výzkumné účely.Diploma thesis is focused on design and elaboration of detailed design of multifuncional object in Mikulov na Morave, the parcel number 6905, 6910 and 6919. Proposition of the object respects both commune plan and current street buildings. It‘s not supposed to create stress with its shape and size, but complete actual buildings. It has three elevated floors, one basement and mono - pitched roof. Object has laboratories, offices and conference room, it‘s determinate for study purpose.