133 research outputs found

    Frequency synthesizer for integrated FMCW radar sensors in the millimeter-wave band

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    Primene prenosivih beskontaktnih radarskih senzora kratkog dometa, koji daju informacije o prisustvu, položaju i relativnoj brzini, prakticno su neprebrojive. Ovi radarski sistemi ne samo da imaju potencijal da poboljšaju kvalitet usluga u mnogim oblastima, vec se ocekuje da budu pokretac mnogih inovativnih rešenja ubuduce...Applications of portable short-range noncontact radar sensors, which provide information on presence, position, and relative speed, are virtually countless. These radar systems not only have the potential to improve the service quality in numerous existing fields, but are also expected to be the driving force for many novel applications in the near future..

    Izbori za Evropski parlament - od nacionalnih izbora drugog reda do evropeizovanog drugorazrednog takmičenja

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    By analyzing the case of the 2019 European Parliament elections, the article examines the hypothesis about the second-order character of elections to the European Parliament. Moving within the theoretical framework that has been developing since the first direct EP elections in 1979, we critically examine the conditions in which the last electoral cycle took place and we look for the novelties that could have impacted the changing of this prevalent paradigm. Although we find certain changes that contribute to the 'Europeanization' of these elections, we conclude that the most previous hypotheses are still valid confirming that we are still dealing with the secondorder electoral contest. The last European Parliament elections, as well as the subsequent European chief executive election process, brought new circumstances that could even contribute to maintaining the second-order character of the EP elections.Rad nastoji da ispita tezu o drugorazrednom značaju izbora za Evropski parlament na primeru izbora iz 2019. godine. Oslanjajući se na teorijski okvir za posmatranje izbora za Evropski parlament kao drugorazredne nacionalne izborne arene, koji se razvijao od prvih neposrednih izbora 1979. godine, kritički se preispituju uslovi u kojima se odvijao poslednji izborni ciklus i novine koje su mogle uticati da se ovakva slika o izborima promeni. Autori zaključuju da je do određenih promena došlo, pre svega u pravcu "evropeizovanja" ovih izbora, međutim, da je još uvek validna većina pretpostavki da se radi o drugorazrednom izbornom takmičenju. Prilikom izbora iz 2019, kao i naknadne procedure izbora šefa izvršne vlasti Evropske unije, došlo je do novih okolnosti koje bi čak mogle i doprineti da se drugorazredni karakter izbora za Evropski parlament nastavi

    Quantification of thioacetamide-induced liver necrosis using fractal analysis

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    Introduction: The liver is particularly susceptible to the toxicity from numerous chemical agents, because of its central role in the detoxification. Thioacetamide-induced liver injury is used as an animal model of acute hepatic failure. Fractal analysis is a mathematical method used to measure the complexity of natural objects and can be represented solely using one parameter - the fractal dimension. Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate whether fractal analysis could be used to determine and quantify the hepatotoxic effect of thioacetamide on rat liver. Material and methods: Adult male Wistar rats were randomized into two groups: experimental group undergoing treatment with thioacetamide (600 mg/kg i.p.) and control group undergoing treatment with saline. Tissue samples were stained with hematoxylin & eosin (H&E) and Masson's trichrome protocol. Graphic processing and fractal analysis were performed using the ImageJ software. Two fractal dimensions were calculated: the fractal dimension of liver parenchyma (Dpar) and the fractal dimension of liver sinusoids (Dsin). Results: Dpar value was significantly lower in the experimental group, as compared to the control, both samples stained with H&E and Masson's trichrome (p < 0.0001). Dsin value was significantly higher in the experimental group, in tissue samples stained with H/E (p < 0.0001). Additionally, we calculated the Dpar/Dsin ratio, which was significantly lower in the experimental group, in tissue samples stained with both H&E and Masson's trichrome protocol. Conclusion: These results show that fractal analysis could prove as a useful, easy and low-cost method in the detection and quantification of thioacetamide-induced liver necrosis

    Analiza različitih modela utezanja AB zidova složenih poprečnih preseka prema Evrokodu 8

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    Predmet rada predstavlja analiza dva različita modela dimenzionisanja i utezanja krajeva armiranobetonskih zidova složenih poprečnih preseka, koji se sastoje od spojenih odnosno ukrštenih pravouganoih segmenata. U prvom modelu, zidovi su razmatrani kao integralni elementi složenog preseka sa rebrima i flanšama, prema uputstvima Evrokoda 8. U drugom modelu, zidovi su tretirani kao skupovi nezavisnih pravougaonih delova. Analizirani su zidovi „I” i „T” poprečnih preseka, uzimajući u obzir uticaj momenta nosivosti na zahtevani nivo duktilnosti zidova. Razlika u pomenutim modelima, sa aspekta oblikovanja detalja za lokalnu duktilnost, ogleda se u rasporedu, dužini i zahtevanim nivoima utezanja ivičnih elemenata armiranobetonskih zidova


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    Newborn size at birth is an important indicator of fetal health, neonatal health, infant survival and childhood morbidity. The aim of our study was to assess and identify factors that significantly influence birth weight, length, and head circumference by performing a post hoc analysis of the data collected during the retrospective-prospective observational cohort study which was conducted at the Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics at the University Clinical Centre Kragujevac, Serbia. The influence of potential factors on birth weight, length, and head circumference was evaluated by multiple linear regression analysis. The study included 320 pregnant women and 332 newborns. Four factors had a significant negative effect on birth weight: smoking, twin pregnancy, use of methyldopa and corticosteroids during pregnancy. Smoking, twin pregnancy and corticosteroid use also had a significant negative effect on birth length. Negative effect on fetal head circumference at birth had smoking, use of corticosteroids and antibiotics during pregnancy. Maternal height and gestational age at birth showed a positive influence on fetal anthropometric measurements. Clinicians should pay attention to pregnant women with lower body height, twin pregnancy, who smoke and use corticosteroids, methyldopa and antibiotics

    Entrepreneurial University as Contemporary Paradigm of 21st Century

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    This manuscript is presenting some of the activities of University in Belgrade, as the largest academic institution in Serbia, in development of the adequate conditions for technology transfer and connections between research, industry and SMEs. The activities of the Center for technology transfer are additionally described by its representatives and introduced in the manuscript. Also, some activities of Technical faculty in Bor, in developing the entrepreneurial way of thinking of young population in the region of Eastern Serbia, are also discussed

    Galectin-3 in critically ill patients with sepsis and/or trauma: A good predictor of outcome or not?

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    Severe sepsis and/or trauma complicated with multiple organ dysfunction syndrome are leading causes of death in critically ill patients. The aim of this prospective, observa-tional, single centre study was to assess the prognostic value of galectin-3 regarding outcome in critically ill patients with severe trauma and/or severe sepsis. The outcome measure was hospital mortality. In total, 75 critically ill patients who were admitted to the intensive care unit of the tertiary university hospital were enrolled in a prospective observational study. Blood samples were collected upon fulfilling Sepsis-3 criteria and for a trau-matized Injury Severity Score > 25 points. Levels of galectin-3 were significantly higher in nonsur-vivors on the day of enrolment – Day 1 (p<0.05). On Day 1, the area under the curve (AUC) for the galectin-3 for lethal outcome was 0.602. At a cut-off level of 262.82 ng/mL, the sensitivity was 53%, and the specificity was 69.7%, which was objectively determined by a Youden index of 0.20. The discriminative power of galectin-3 in predicting outcome was statistically significant. Galectin-3 on Day 1 is a fairly good predictor of lethal outcome

    Behaviour and design of bolted connectors with mechanical coupler: an overview

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    The construction industry is one of the most important parts of economic development of society but it also has a very negative impact on the environment. Using the three concepts of circular economy: reuse, reduce and recycle, it is possible to decrease its negative impact. The steel-concrete composite structures and prefabricated structures enable, environmentally beneficial, circular life-cycle of buildings. For structural performance during the lifecycle, it is very important to have an adequate connection between the steel and reinforced concrete members. Different types of connectors have been widely used in composite structures. Demountable ones are advantageous in terms of reuse. In the last few years, the innovative demountable steel-concrete bolted connector with mechanical coupler has been proposed. There are two types of these bolted connectors depending on the type anchorage i.e., with the rebar anchor or with the second bolt. This paper gives an overview of previous research of bolted connectors with mechanical coupler capacity under static load. Influence of key parameters on the shear behaviour of the connector was observed: concrete compressive strength, connector dimensions and concrete edge distance. The shear and tension resistances of individual parts of the commercially available connectors were determined using recommendations of design codes and technical documentation. In case of the connector loaded in tension, it was concluded that the resistance is governed by the resistance of the rebar anchor. In case of the connector loaded in shear, design recommendations were also compared with the previous experimental tests. It was concluded that the shear resistance highly depends on the connection layout and concrete strength

    Aseizmičko projektovanje i izvođenje ojačanja zidova, međuspratnih konstrukcija i temelja nadograđenih zidanih zgrada

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    Design and construction of masonry building extension in seismic active regions, based on fundamental principles is considered in this paper. Basic principles of modeling, design and construction of elements, as well as the principal methods of foundations, vertical and horizontal elements strengthening is presented. It is concluded that masonry buildings extension issues are not entirely covered by technical norms. It is essential to comprehend and analyze existing structural system and building condition before reaching the structure extension decision, and to apply engineering principles in design and construction procedures.U radu se razmatra projektovanje i izvođenje nadogradnje zidanih objekata u seizmičkim područjima, polazeći od osnovnih principa. Navedeni su osnovni principi modeliranja, proračuna i konstruisanja elemenata, kao i osnovni načini ojačanja temelja, vertikalnih i horizontalnih elemenata konstrukcije. Konstatovano je da problematika nadogradnje, način i obim ojačanja elemenata zidanih konstrukcija nije u potpunosti definisana tehničkom regulativom. Prilikom donošenja odluke o mogućnosti nadogradnje zidanih objekata neophodno je sagledati i analizirati postojeći konstrukcijski sistem i stanje objekta, a prilikom izvođenja nadogradnje i ojačanja primeniti inženjerske principe pri postupaku projektovanja i izgradnje

    Maligna kataralna groznica (Coryza gangraenosa bovum)

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    Malignant catarrhal fever is a disease of cattle and other ruminants, which most often has a lethal outcome. The disease occurs sporadically and is very difficult to control. At a private mini cattle farm, the occurrence of malignant catarrhal fever was suspected on the grounds of anaemnestic data and results of clinical examinations. The owner said that, in addition to cattle, he also breeds sheep in a separate facility, but said these animals had not been in contact with the diseased cow. In the course of the disease, the characteristic symptoms developed so that the clinical diagnosis set earlier was subsequently confirmed. In addition to constantly elevated body temperature, changes in the eyes were observed very soon (congested blood vessels and capillaries of the white sclera with keratitis on both sides). In addition to photofobia and a copious discharge from the nasal cavities, the discharge was at first seromucous and later became mucopurrulent. In the later course of the disease, there was progressive loss of weight and exhaustion of the animal. Since therapy included, in addition to other medicines, also a glucocorticosteroid preparation, the animal aborted its fetus on the fifth day. A pathological-anatomical examination did not reveal any changes on the fetus. In spite of the applied therapy, the medical condition deteriorated from day to day, and the animal expired on the eighth day of the disease.Maligna kataralna groznica je oboljenje goveda i drugih preživara, koje se najčešće završava uginućem. Bolest se pojavljuje sporadično i veoma se teško kontroliše. Na privatnoj mini-farmi goveda na osnovu anamnestičkih podataka i rezultata kliničkog pregleda postavljena je sumnja na malignu kataralnu groznicu. Vlasnik je izjavio da pored goveda u posebnom objektu gaji ovce, ali kako je on naveo one nisu bile u kontaktu sa obolelom životinjom. U toku bolesti je došlo do razvoja karakterističnih simptoma tako da je prethodno postavljena klinička dijagnoza potvrđena. Pored stalno povišene telesne temperature, veoma brzo su uočene i promene na očima (kongestija krvnih sudova i kapilara beonjača sa obostranim keratitisom). Pored fotofobije i obilnog suženja, iz nosnih otvora slivao se u početku seromukozan, a kasnije i mukopurulentan iscedak. U kasnijem razvoju bolesti došlo je do progresivnog mršavljenja i iscrpljenosti životinje. Pošto je u terapiji, pored drugih lekova, korišćen preparat glukokortikosteroida, životinja je petog dana pobacila plod. Patološkoanatomskim pregledom nisu uočene promene na plodu. Uprkos primenjenoj terapiji, zdravstveno stanje životinje se pogoršavalo iz dana u dan i osmog dana bolovanja ona je uginula