85 research outputs found

    A novel-iterative simulation method for performance analysis of non-coherent FSK/ASK systems over rice/rayleigh channels using the wolfram language

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    In this paper, a new approach in solving and analysing the performances of the digital telecommunication non-coherent FSK/ASK system in the presence of noise is derived, by using a computer algebra system. So far, most previous solutions cannot be obtained in closed form, which can be a problem for detailed analysis of complex communication systems. In this case, there is no insight into the influence of certain parameters on the performance of the system. The analysis, modelling and design can be time-consuming. One of the main reasons is that these solutions are obtained by utilising traditional numerical tools in the shape of closed-form expressions. Our results were obtained in closed-form solutions. They are resolved by the introduction of an iteration-based simulation method. The Wolfram language is used for describing applied symbolic tools, and Schematic Solver application package has been used for designing. In a new way, the probability density function and the impact of the newly introduced parameter of iteration are performed when errors are calculated. Analyses of the new method are applied to several scenarios: Without fading, in the presence of Rayleigh fading, Rician fading, and in cases when the signals are correlated and uncorrelated


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    The aim of the study is to determine and develop the social competences of elementary school age pupils in physical education classes, through workshops. The center of the author's interest is an introduction with opinions and behavioral patterns according to differences, based on defined criteria and indicators of measurement. It is pointed out that there is the necessity of taking active roles by all participants of the school community in acquiring new competencies in order to cultivate and respect the principles of differences in classes of physical education. The study offers new experience about utilization of the workshop method, forms, and techniques, as well as the possibilities of raising awareness and behavior change when it comes to discriminatory behavior of pupils through physical culture. This also provides the opportunity for further examination of the workshop method in order to implement it in the teaching of physical education

    Architect Petar J. Popović (1873-1945)

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    Дисертација има за циљ да осветли живот и рад архитекте Петра Ј. Поповића (1873-1945), једног од најзначајнијих српских градитеља почетком двадестог века. Осим сагледавања Поповићевог рада у оквиру архитектонске и конзерваторско - рестаураторске делатности, приказане су и његове активности у области просвете, науке, урбанизма, историографије и хералдике. Пажња је усмерена и ка његовом раду у Министарству грађевина, са посебним нагласком на период Првог светског рата. Разматран је и Поповићев рад на Техничком факултету као и његов значај за континуирани развој и опстанак национаног стила на архитектонској сцени у првој половини двдесетог века. Дисертација је базирана углавном на грађи из заоставштине Петра Ј. Поповића али и на до сада необјављеној архивској грађи, изводима из периодике, дневне штампе и историографске литературе. У уводном поглављу изнети су предмет и циљеви истраживања са прегледом коришћене грађе, извора и литературе. Друго поглавља је посвећено Поповићевој биографији, у оквиру које је обрађен и период његовог школовања на Техничком факултету Велике школе у Београду. У трећем поглављу је након краћег приказа архитектонских токова у Србији крајем XIX и почетком XX века изложен целокупан градитељски опус Петра Ј. Поповића. Извршена је појединачна анализа свих дела. Грађевине су најпре разврстане типски, на профане, сакралне и меморијалне објекте, а у оквиру сваког од ових потпогавља поређане су хронолошки. Четврто поглавље посвећено је сагледавању Поповићевог деловања у оквиру конзерваторско-рестаураторске делатности. Свеобухватан и детаљан приказ његовог ангажовања у овој области, представља покушај да се укаже на значај Поповићевог доприноса очувању и обнови српске средњовековне градитељске баштине као и унапређењу и развоју конзерваторске делатности. У петом поглављу је обрађен Поповићев рад на Техничком факултету у Београду и допринос научно – публицистичкој делатности. Шесто поглавље говори о различитим уметничким активностима Петра Ј. Поповића. У претпоследњем, седмом поглављу, изнети су закључци, док су коришћени извори и литература приказани у последњем осмом поглављу.The dissertation aspire to reveal the life and practice of Peter J. Popovic (1873- 1945), one of the most important Serbian architects at the beginning of the twentieth century. In addition of considering Popović's opus in the framework of architecture, conservation and restoration, his activities on the educational, scientific, urbanistic, historiographical and heraldical field are also important and shown. Attention is paid to his work at the Ministry of Construction, with a special emphasis on the period of the First World War. Popović's work at the Technical Faculty was discussed as well as his importance for the continuous development and survival of national style on the architectural scene in the first half of the twentieth century. The dissertation is based mostly on the material from the legacy of Peter J. Popović, but also to the unpublished archival material, periodical and daily newspapers and historiography. The introductory chapter represents the research subject and tasks with an overview of the used materials, sources and literature. The second chapter is dedicated to Popović's biography, within was studied the period of his education at the Faculty of Technical Science in Belgrade. After a brief depiction of architectural flows in Serbia at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century, the third chapter reveals the entire architectural opus of Petar J. Popović. All parts of it are individually analysed and performed. The buildings are classified by type on profane, sacral and memorial objects, but within each of these subsections they are chronologically processed. The fourth chapter is devoted to the Popović's commitment to conservation and restoration domain. A comprehensive and detailed presentation of his engagement in this field is an attempt to point out the importance of Popović's contribution to the preservation and restoration of Serbian medieval architecture heritage, as well as to the promotion and development of the Serbian conservation activity. In the focus of the fifth chapter is Popović's activity at the Faculty of Technical Sciense in Belgrade as well as his contribution on the scientific and publicist field. He was very active in various artistic areas and that is the point of the chapter sixth while the next one, chapter seventh, summarizes the research and defines conclusions about this topic. All the sources and literature used in dissertation are listed in the last eight chapter

    Development of integrated management systems in SMEs in Serbia

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    Due to processes occurring on the global market, enterprises have to pay more attention to meeting users\u27 requirements. Namely, market competition has influenced a change in the enterprise\u27s strategy and its orientation towards acustomer, as an imperative of its business operations. In recent years, a process of integrating various management systems has been occurring, giving rise to the networking of several international standards aimed at creating the enterprise capable of meeting all customers\u27 needs on the market. Conforming to the changes on the market, the sector of small and medium enterprises must comply with new business conditions, which is a considerable effort for the entire enterprise. Namely, market requirements for safe and sound food, permanent enhancement of production processes, measurement of customers\u27 satisfaction, concern for the environment, social accountability, etc., stand for just a part of characteristics that SMEs have to possess in order to survive on the market. Therefore, to solve these issues successfully,a solution for smes may be in setting up clusters as a way to strengthen this sector in the process of business internationalization

    Reasoning with linguistic preferences using NPN logic

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    Negative-positive-neutral logic provides an alternative framework for fuzzy cognitive maps development and decision analysis. This paper reviews basic notion of NPN logic and NPN relations and proposes adaptive approach to causality weights assessment. It employs linguistic models of causality weights activated by measurement-based fuzzy cognitive maps' concepts values. These models allow for quasi-dynamical adaptation to the change of concepts values, providing deeper understanding of possible side effects. Since in the real-world environments almost every decision has its consequences, presenting very valuable portion of information upon which we also make our decisions, the knowledge about the side effects enables more reliable decision analysis and directs actions of decision maker

    Oksidativni mehanizmi toksičnosti metala

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    Mechanisms of metal toxicity have not been fully understood. It was proven in the last decades that certain metals induce increased generation of free radicals, which react lipids, proteins and nucleic acids in the organism inducing tissue-damaging effects and cell death. Metals such as iron copper, chromium, etc. undergo redox cycling and directly catalyze production of free radicals, while mercury, nickel, lead and some others act indirectly by inhibition of antioxidative mechanisims. This paper presents basic understanding of free radicals, their influence on the organism and antioxidative system. Particular attention is given to oxidative mechanisms in which iron, copper, chromium, mercury and lead play role in generation of free radicals and oxidative stress, contrary to zinc which has a significant role in antioxidative cell protection.Mehanizmi toksičnosti metala su još uvek nedovoljno proučeni. Poslednjih decenija dokazano je da određeni metali indukuju i povećanu produkciju slobodnih radikala koji reaguju sa lipidima, proteinima i nukleinskim kiselinama organizma, što rezultira različitim oštećenjima, pa i smrću ćelija. Metali sa promenljivom valencom, kao što su gvožđe, bakar, hrom i dr. direktno katalizuju produkciju slobodnih radikala u reakcijama redoks-ciklusa, dok kadmijum, živa, nikl, olovo i neki drugi metali deluju indirektno tako što inhibiraju antioksidativne mehanizme organizma. U radu su izneta osnovna saznanja o slobodnim radikalima, njihovom dejstvu na organizam i antioksidativnom sistemu organizma. Posebno su obrađeni oksidativni mehanizmi kojima metali gvožđe, bakar, hrom, kadmijum, živa i olovo ostvaruju ulogu u nastanku slobodnih radikala i oksidativnog stresa za razliku od cinka koji ima značajnu ulogu u antioksidativnoj zaštiti ćelija

    Introduction to non-contact temperature measurement procedures using the Python programming language

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    Learning temperature measurement procedures is extremely important for students of the technical professions. The previous practice was mostly based on the study of contact methods of measurement, however, due to the progress of technology, there is a need for a more detailed introduction to non-contact temperature measurement procedures, such as thermovision. When studying thermovision, in addition to the thermovision camera, the software supplied with it is also used to analyze the obtained thermograms. However, in most cases this software is not suitable for use in a teaching process. Due to this, the paper presents a solution based on the use of a different type of software compared to the traditionally used software during the introduction to thermovision procedures. The entire code for the software was developed in the Python programming language using elements of computer vision, image analysis and other capabilities that Python offers through its various modules. The entire environment intended for learning was implemented using virtualization techniques. An adequate virtual machine was implemented using free software and open source software.Publishe

    Influence of peripartum dietary energy supplementation on some blood biochemical parametars in dairy cows

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    The aim of this study was to determine the influence of an energy supplement on the basis of propylene glycol on the values of metabolic profile parameters in periparturient cows. Fifteen days before calving, 40 cows were selected and divided into two groups: control (n=20) and experimental (n=20). From day 15 before to day 30 after calving, the experimental group of cows received an energy supplement based on propyleneglycol added in food ("OSIMOL“, Veyx-Pharma GmbH, Germany). Blood samples were taken 15 days before and 10 days after calving. Concentrations of glucose and betahydroxybutyric acid (BHBA) were determined immediately after blood was taken. Concentrations of total protein, albumin, urea and total bilirubin were determined in the blood serum. There was no significant difference in the average values of the measured parameters between the control and the experimental group of cows. After parturition glycemia in cows of the control group was lower than physiologically acceptable (x=1.93±0.43 mmol/L), and glucose in cows of the experimental group was at the upper physiological limit (x=3.13±0.33 mmol/L) and signicantly higher (p<0.001) than in the control group. The concentration of BHBA in cows that received the energy supplement („OSIMOL“) was 0.40±0.12 mmol/L, while in the control group of cows it was significantly higher (p<0.001) and stood at 0.88 ±0.39 mmol/L. Furthermore, the concentration of total bilirubin in the cows of the experimental group was within the physiological range (x = 4.09± 1.42 μmol/L), while in the cows of the control group it was significantly higher (p<0.05) and stood at 10.19±5.16 μmol/l