511 research outputs found

    Higgs rare decays at ATLAS and CMS

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    More than a decade has passed since the start of the operation of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN and the discovery of the Higgs boson by the ATLAS and CMS Collaborations. The so far observed Higgs boson decay modes cover around 90% of the total Higgs boson width. The rare and yet unobserved Higgs boson decay channels could potentially be affected by the new physics, beyond the Standard Model. It is then crucial to search for these experimentally challenging decay modes in order to have a more complete characterisation of the Higgs boson physics sector. This was enabled with LHC Run 2 data having both increase in the Higgs production rate, with increased energy, and also the increase in the recorded luminosity. Both ATLAS and CMS have refined and advanced their analysis techniques, contributing further to increase in Higgs analyses sensitivity.LHCP2022 : Virtual, Online : 16-20 May 202

    CMS: Jet and missing ET reconstruction

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    The performance of jet and missing transverse energy (MET) reconstruction at the CMS experiment in LHC Run 2 data will be shown. The efficiencies of the reconstruction at the High Level Trigger will be discussed first, followed by the performance of the pileup mitigation techniques used in the jet and MET selection. The jet energy scale corrections used at the CMS experiment will be described, as well as the MET cleaning and reconstruction performance. The conclusions will be outlined with respect to the performance of jet and MET objects, with prospects for future studies. © Copyright owned by the author(s) under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)

    Motives and Characteristics of Highly Qualified Labor Force Migration: Case Study of Serbia

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    The emigration of highly qualified labour from the countries of Eastern Europe is one of the worst effects of transitional and post-transitional period. It discredits the educational system of Eastern European countries, but also creates long-term problems in the development of the economy and all other sectors of society. The difference in earnings between immigrant countries of Western Europe and North America and the countries of emigration is the dominant motive for migration. But other motives are also not irrelevant. This paper is an initial part of a wider research of the international movement of labour which should provide guidance to the countries of emigration to mitigate  the consequences of this process. Student surveys in Eastern European countries, their thoughts and plans, will provide information on the motives of emigration. On the other hand, by surveying the experiences of young highly educated workforce who has already emigrated, a true picture of experiences and the expected and achieved intentions will be obtained. Finally, certain questions in the questionnaire will also give an answer to the question, which would be new moments that would encourage young experts not to leave the country, or to return those who emigrated. Keywords: International migration, brain drain, state measures, retaining talen

    Highlights of results by CMS

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    A selection of the most recent results from the CMS Collaboration at CERN is presented in this overview. The CMS detector status and performance in the LHC Run 2 are outlined. The results of Standard Model physics studies, the studies of the Higgs boson production and properties, as well as a selection of the results of beyond Standard Model searches and an observation of a new excited beauty baryon are presented and discussed. All the results outlined in this overview are found to be in a good agreement with the Standard Model of particle physics. The activities of the CMS Collaboration during the Long Shutdown 2, status and plans for the incoming LHC Run 3, as well as preparation for the HL-LHC are also presented. © 2021 CERN. All rights reserved

    Impact of climatic factors to the percentage of young in the population of brown hare (Lepus europaeus P) in the Bačka district

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    Climatic factors, especially temperature and precipitations, greatly affect the dynamics of the hare number and population. Climatic factors directly affect the physiological and reproductive processes of both individuals and entire populations, or indirectly, through the availability of food, competition with other species, predators and other. The age structure of the hare population at the end of the period of reproduction is an important indicator of the population growth that is used for planning the level of explotation of the hare population (hunting). The rational use of the hare's population is one of the most important protection procedures and it should be well monitored and controlled by the hunting professionals. We used the average monthly temperature and the sum of monthly precipitations in the hare reproductive period (March-September) during ten years (2000 - 2009), together with the percent of young in the hare population, on the territory of Bačka, for multiple regression (stepwise) analysis. Results of the regression analysis show an association between the percentage of young hares and the influence of climatic factors. The average temperature and sum of precipitation in June, are the strongest predictor of the percent of young in the hare’s population in Bačka. According to the coefficient of determination (R2=0.50) climatic parameters account for 50% of variance in the percentage of young hares in Bačka. The regression correlation coefficient of all factors was R=0.70, which is on the border line between medium and high correlation

    Molecular mechanisms of the antioxidative effect of centaury (Centaurium erythraea Rafn) extract in the experimental model of diabetes in rats

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    Kičica se u Srbiji tradicionalno koristi za lečenje različitih oboljenja, uključujući i dijabetes. Cilj ovog rada bio je rasvetljavanje mehanizama antioksidativnog i protektivnog dejstva ekstrakta kičice (EK) koji doprinose očuvanju strukture i funkcije β-ćelija pankreasa i ublažavanju komplikacija u dijabetesu. Efekti EK analizirani su na eksperimentalnom modelu dijabetesa pacova izazvanom streptozotocinom (STZ) kao i na Rin-5F β-ćelijama izloženim oksidativnom stresu primenom vodonik peroksida, natrijum nitroprusida ili STZ-a. EK je ispoljio antidijabetogeno dejstvo uočeno kao sniženje nivoa glukoze/glikohemoglobina, poboljšanje lipidnog statusa i povećanje nivoa insulina u cirkulaciji dijabetičnih pacova što se može pripisati detektovanom uticaju EK na oc uvanje strukture Langerhansovih ostrvaca i povec anju mase β-c elija koje produkuju insulin. ntioksidativni efekat EK na β-c elije ogledao se u redukovanju oksidativnih os tec enja, modulisanju aktivnosti i ekspresije enzima antioksidativne zaštite (C T, SOD, GPx i GR) i uravnotežavanju aktivnosti redoks-senzitivnih faktora (NFκB, Nrf-2, Sp1, FOXO3 ) uključenih u regulaciju transkripcije gena za antioksidativne enzime. Dodatni doprinos EK boljem preživljavanju β-ćelija i sekreciji/ekspresiji insulina ostvaren je finim promenama u aktivnosti Akt, ERK i p38 kinaza kao i PDX-1 i MafA proteina. Pored toga, antioksidativni efekat EK kod dijabetičnih životinja ogledao se u zaštiti eritrocita, jetre i bubrega od gliko-oksidativnih oštećenja što je doprinelo poboljšanju njihovih funkcionalnih parametara. Opisani efekti EK ukazuju na značaj daljeg razjašnjavanja mehanizama antioksidativnog i protektivnog dejstva EK i njegovih komponenti u cilju potencijalnog terapijskog delovanja u dijabetesu.Centaury is traditionally used in Serbia for treating different diseases, including diabetes. This study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms of the antioxidant and protective effects of the centaury extract (CE) that preserve the structure and function of pancreatic β-cells and alleviate diabetic complications. The effects of the CE were analyzed on the experimental model of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats and in Rin-5F β-cells exposed to oxidative stress after exposure to hydrogen peroxide, sodium nitroprusside or STZ. The CE exhibited an anti-diabetic effect, observed as a decrease in hyperglycemia and glycohemoglobin concentration, an improved lipid status, and as increased insulin level in the circulation of diabetic rats. These effects can be attributed to the detected impact of the CE on the preservation of the structure of the islets of Langerhans, and on the increase in insulin producing β-cell mass. The antioxidant effect of the CE on β-cells was manifested as a reduction in oxidative damage, changed activities and expression of antioxidant enzymes, CAT, SOD, GPx and GR, and as a readjustment of the activities of redox-sensitive factors, NFκB, Nrf-2, Sp1, FOXO3A, involved in the regulation of gene transcription of antioxidant enzymes. Additional contributions of the CE to improved β-cell survival and insulin secretion/expression were achieved by the fine-tuning of the activities of Akt, ERK and p38 kinases and transcription regulators, PDX-1 and MafA. The antioxidant effect of the CE in diabetic animals was also reflected on increased protection of erythrocytes, liver and kidneys from glyco-oxidative damage, which contributed to the improvement of their functional parameters in diabetic rats. The described effects of the CE point to the importance of further clarification of the mechanisms of the antioxidant and general protective effects of the CE and its components in view of its potential use for therapeutic intervention in diabetes

    New Media - Strategy of Revitalizing or Graphic Arts Relativization

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    Upliv novih medija (najprije onih utemeljenih na digitalnim postupcima proizvodnje i distribucije slike) u umjetničko stvaralaštvo imao je osjetan efekt, posebno na grafičku umjetnost. Novi mediji u grafičkoj umjetnosti donose autohtone proizvodne i distribucijske procese, bez presedana u povijesti. Demokratičnost umnoživosti tradicionalnog grafičkog medija, jednom ograničena kapacitetom manualnog tiska, danas visokotehnološkim (digitalnim) sredstvima dostiže nivo apsolutne demokratičnosti i „elektronske utopije“. Ako je otisak kao multioriginal krajnji produkt grafike, onda je grafika danas, zahvaljujući novim medijima, više nego živa u vrijeme „jedinstvenih kopija“ – hiper multiplikacija i simulacija. Ovaj rad ima za cilj razmotriti nerazriješenu problemsku etapu intriga i konflikata o statusu i ulozi novih medija u grafičkoj umjetnosti.The influence of new media (first those based on digital methods of production and distribution of images) into artistic creations were mainly affirmative effect, especially on graphic art. New Media in the graphic arts bring indigenous production and distributional processes, unprecedented in history. Democracy of multiplaying traditional graphic media, one limited by the capacity of manual printing, high-tech today (digital) means reaches a level of absolute democracy and “electronic utopia.” If the fingerprint as multioriginal end product graphics, then the graphics today, thanks to the new media, more than alive during the “single copy” - hyper multiplication and simulation. This paper aims to discuss unresolved a problem-solving phase of intrigue and conflict on the status and role of new media in the graphic arts

    The CMS Particle Flow Algorithm

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    The event reconstruction at the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is predominantly based on the Particle Flow algorithm. This algorithm for a global event description uses the information from all subdetector systems, unlike the previous, traditional approaches that were focused on the localized information in each subdetector. These traditional methods use the raw information (tracks, hits), while the Particle Flow algorithm completely reconstructs the event by identifying and reconstructing the comprehensive list of final-state particles (photons, electrons, muons, charged and neutral hadrons), resulting in superior reconstruction of jets, missing transverse energy, tau leptons, electrons and muons. This approach also allows for efficient identification and mitigation of the pileup effect. The concept and performance of the Particle Flow algorithm, together with the prospects for its development in the context of the upgraded CMS detector, are presented in this overview. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2018

    Molecular mechanisms of the antioxidative effect of centaury (Centaurium erythraea RAFN), extract in the experimental model of diabetes in rats

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    Kičica se u Srbiji tradicionalno koristi za lečenje različitih oboljenja, uključujući i dijabetes. Cilj ovog rada bio je rasvetljavanje mehanizama antioksidativnog i protektivnog dejstva ekstrakta kičice (EK) koji doprinose očuvanju strukture i funkcije β-ćelija pankreasa i ublažavanju komplikacija u dijabetesu. Efekti EK analizirani su na eksperimentalnom modelu dijabetesa pacova izazvanom streptozotocinom (STZ) kao i na Rin-5F β-ćelijama izloženim oksidativnom stresu primenom vodonik peroksida, natrijum nitroprusida ili STZ-a. EK je ispoljio antidijabetogeno dejstvo uočeno kao sniženje nivoa glukoze/glikohemoglobina, poboljšanje lipidnog statusa i povećanje nivoa insulina u cirkulaciji dijabetičnih pacova što se može pripisati detektovanom uticaju EK na oc uvanje strukture Langerhansovih ostrvaca i povec anju mase β-c elija koje produkuju insulin. ntioksidativni efekat EK na β-c elije ogledao se u redukovanju oksidativnih os tec enja, modulisanju aktivnosti i ekspresije enzima antioksidativne zaštite (C T, SOD, GPx i GR) i uravnotežavanju aktivnosti redoks-senzitivnih faktora (NFκB, Nrf-2, Sp1, FOXO3 ) uključenih u regulaciju transkripcije gena za antioksidativne enzime. Dodatni doprinos EK boljem preživljavanju β-ćelija i sekreciji/ekspresiji insulina ostvaren je finim promenama u aktivnosti Akt, ERK i p38 kinaza kao i PDX-1 i MafA proteina. Pored toga, antioksidativni efekat EK kod dijabetičnih životinja ogledao se u zaštiti eritrocita, jetre i bubrega od gliko-oksidativnih oštećenja što je doprinelo poboljšanju njihovih funkcionalnih parametara. Opisani efekti EK ukazuju na značaj daljeg razjašnjavanja mehanizama antioksidativnog i protektivnog dejstva EK i njegovih komponenti u cilju potencijalnog terapijskog delovanja u dijabetesu.Centaury is traditionally used in Serbia for treating different diseases, including diabetes. This study aimed to elucidate the mechanisms of the antioxidant and protective effects of the centaury extract (CE) that preserve the structure and function of pancreatic β-cells and alleviate diabetic complications. The effects of the CE were analyzed on the experimental model of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats and in Rin-5F β-cells exposed to oxidative stress after exposure to hydrogen peroxide, sodium nitroprusside or STZ. The CE exhibited an anti-diabetic effect, observed as a decrease in hyperglycemia and glycohemoglobin concentration, an improved lipid status, and as increased insulin level in the circulation of diabetic rats. These effects can be attributed to the detected impact of the CE on the preservation of the structure of the islets of Langerhans, and on the increase in insulin producing β-cell mass. The antioxidant effect of the CE on β-cells was manifested as a reduction in oxidative damage, changed activities and expression of antioxidant enzymes, CAT, SOD, GPx and GR, and as a readjustment of the activities of redox-sensitive factors, NFκB, Nrf-2, Sp1, FOXO3A, involved in the regulation of gene transcription of antioxidant enzymes. Additional contributions of the CE to improved β-cell survival and insulin secretion/expression were achieved by the fine-tuning of the activities of Akt, ERK and p38 kinases and transcription regulators, PDX-1 and MafA. The antioxidant effect of the CE in diabetic animals was also reflected on increased protection of erythrocytes, liver and kidneys from glyco-oxidative damage, which contributed to the improvement of their functional parameters in diabetic rats. The described effects of the CE point to the importance of further clarification of the mechanisms of the antioxidant and general protective effects of the CE and its components in view of its potential use for therapeutic intervention in diabetes

    The Rare-Earths influences on doped BaTiO3-Ceramics Microstructure and Electric Characteristics

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    The influence of rare-earth additive content on microstructure and electric properties of doped BaTiO3 ceramics is investigated. The concentration of Er2O3 and Yb2O3 in the doped samples range from 0.01 to 1.0at % . The samples are prepared by the conventional solid state reaction, and sintered at 1320° and 1350°C in air atmosphere for 4 hours. SEM analysis shows that all samples are characterized by polygonal grains. The uniform and homogeneous microstructure with grain size ranged from 20 to 45μm is the main low doped samples characteristics. For the samples doped with the higher dopant concentration (0.5 and 1.0 at%) the average grains size is ranged from 5 to 10μm. Dielectric measurements are carried out as a function of temperature up to 180°C at different frequencies. The low doped samples display the high value of dielectric permittivity at room temperature. A nearly flat permittivity-temperature response is obtained in specimens with higher additive content. The Curie temperature of doped samples were ranged from 126 to 130°C. The Curie constant for all series of samples decrease with increment of dopant concentration and the lowest values is mesured from samples doped with 0.01 wt% of aditive. The obtained value of γ pointed out that the specimens have almost sharp phase transition. Also, the specific electrical resistance is measured in function of temperature at the different frequencies from 100Hz to 1MHz. With increasing additives concentration, the electrical resistance decreases to the concentration of 0.5 at% and then increases