40 research outputs found

    Complex Animation in 3D Studio Max

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    Tato práce má za úkol obeznámit čtenáře s uceleným postupem pro vznik komplexní počítačové animace za pomoci 3D modelovacího a animačního softwaru 3ds Max. Provede ho celým postupem od tvorby modelů, přes jejich texturování a skinování až po pozdější animaci se zaměřením na složitější prvky. Kromě praktických příkladů práce popisuje i potřebné teoretické znalosti k jednotlivým problémům, které zároveň v praxi ukáže. Čtenář by měl mít po přečtení této práce představu o tom, jak podobná animace vzniká.The goal of this project is to inform a reader about compact workflow of creating complex computer animation using 3D modelling and animation software 3ds Max. It guides him through the whole process from creating models, texturing and skinning them, to animation pointed at more difficult parts of the animation process. Beside the practical examples, this paper includes necessary theoretical explanation of particular problems. After reading this paper, the reader should be well acquainted with the compact process of creating the complex animation.

    Animation in 3D Studio

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    Tato práce má za úkol seznámit čtenáře s možnostmi animace postavy. V teoretické části se zabývá snímkovou animací, přímou a inverzní kinematikou a také technikou ragdoll. Cílem projektu je vytvořit komplexní animaci v programu 3D Studio Max za pomoci některých technik popsaných v teoretické části.The goal of this project is to inform readers about options of character animation. In theoretical part we discuss key-frame animation, forward and inverse kinematics and also the ragdoll technique. The aim of this work is to create a complex animation using 3D Studio Max with some of previously mentioned techniques.

    First records of Melanagromyza cuscutae Hering, 1958 (Diptera: Agromyzidae) from Slovakia and its new host plant

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    The occurrence of Melanagromyza cuscutae Hering was observed in the agroecosystems of Slovakia. These findings were the first records of the species in Slovakia. Four dodder species were recorded at Slovakian cropland during the study. From those, Cuscuta europaea, C. lupuliformis and C. campestris served as hosts for M. cuscutae. There was no infestation of C. epitkymum. Larvae fed within flower heads of C. europaea and C. lupuliformis but within the stems of C. campestris, where gall formation occurred. C. campestris was recorded as a host of M. cuscutae for the first time

    New records of Agromyzidae (Diptera) from Switzerland and an updated checklist

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    Here, we investigate about 5500 previously unidentified specimens from the collection of Gerhard Bächli. A total of 108 agromyzid species were added to the fauna of Switzerland. Consequently, the species richness of the Swiss agromyzids was increased to 395 species. The checklist of Agromyzidae of Switzerland was updated, and the complete list presented in appendix

    Optimizacija ultra-širokopojasnih dipol-antena

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    This paper describes optimization of the planar ultra wideband dipole antennas, which are optimized for perfect matching and perfect impulse radiation characteristics. The optimization of the dipole shapes starts from the classical wideband dipoles, especially from elliptical and diamond shapes. These wideband dipoles have been analyzed and optimized with unsatisfactory parameters performance. This paper proposes two optimized dipole structures fulfilling required parameters. Designed antennas could be used as an impulse-shaping filter for forming of transmitted UWB impulse.Ovaj rad opisuje optimizaciju planarnih ultra-širokopojasnih dipol antena, koje su optimizirane za savršenu prilagodbu impedancije i savršena obilježja zračenja impulsa. Optimizacija oblika dipola počinje na klasičnim širokopojasnim dipolima, posebno onih eliptičnog oblika i oblika kristala dijamanta. Ti su širokopojasni dipoli analizirani i optimizirani s nezadovoljavajućim performancama parametara. Stoga su u ovom radu predložene dvije optimirane dipole strukture zadovoljavajućih performanca. Projektirane se antene mogu upotrijebiti kao filtri za oblikovanje impulsa u ultra širokom pojasu frekvencija

    First record of alien pest Ophiomyia kwansonis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Europe and its phytosanitary significance

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    U jesen 2011. g. pronađene su mine na listovima graničice (Hemerocallis spp.) u Ljubljani, Slovenija. Mine su bile zapažene na lišću više kultivara vrsta Hemerocallis fulva, H. lilioasphodellus i nekim drugim Hemerocallis vrstama. Sakupljeni minirani listovi s ličinkama uzgajani su u laboratoriju i izašla imaga determinirana su kao Ophiomyia kwansonis. Godine 2012. mine su nađene na lokaciji Veliko Trebeljevo (23 km zračne udaljenosti od Ljubljane), Šmihel u blizini Pivke (50 km od Ljubljane), arboretum Volčji Potok – Radomlje (20 km od Ljubljane) i u Podturnu kod Dolenjskih Toplica (54 km od Ljubljane). Imaga štetnika nađena su na domaćinu od svibnja nadalje. Muha je autohtona na Tajvanu i u Japanu, odakle je unešena u Sjedinjene Američke Države i determinirana 2011. godine. U novim staništima lisni miner graničice ponaša se kao strana vrsta, štetna za vrste roda Hemerocallis, pa predviđamo njeno brzo širjenje u Europi. U radu se daje i osvrt na fitosanitarni značaj O. kwansonis za ukrasne vrste graničica, kao i za autohtone šumske zajednice u kojima se pojavljuje H. lilioasphodellus u Sloveniji i mogućnosti za usporenje njezinog širenja. Ovo je prvo izvješće o pojavi O. kwansonis u Sloveniji i Europi.The daylily leafminer Ophiomyia kwansonis (Diptera: Agromyzidae) was found in autumn 2011 at 4 localities in Ljubljana (2 private gardens, public park Tivoli and Botanical garden of University of Ljubljana) (locations: X=101090, Y=459525; X=100891, Y=461620; X=101037, Y=461344; X=99737, Y=462774). In 2012 it was found in the next six new locations: two in Ljubljana (Rimska road and Koseze), in the village Veliko Trebeljevo approx. 25 km air distance from Ljubljana, near the village Šmihel by Pivka, approx. 50 km from Ljubljana, Podturn near Dolenjske Toplice approx. 54 km from Ljubljana and arboretum Volčji Potok near Radomlje approx. 20 km from Ljubljana (locations: X=100496, Y=461632; X=103238, Y=459190; X=96365, Y=480155; X=56886, Y=436145; X=117053, Y=469814; X=66391, Y=503581). The adults were found on the daylilly plants from the end of May till October, when our observation ceased. This is the first report of O. kwansonis in Slovenia and in Europe as a pest of Hemerocalis spp. Its larvae bore longitudinal, whitish, meandering tunnels in the leaves of Hemerocallis plants (ophionoms), weakening them and reducing their ornamental value. Natural distribution of the species is Japan and Taiwan and in 2006 it was noticed in the United States of America where it is still spreading. The fly was not identified until 2011 and thus no legislative measures to prevent its spread were put in place. According to the observations from the USA O. kwansonis is a pest that causes economic damage in different species and ornamental varieties of Hemerocallis. Our preliminary and unsystematic observations show, that in Slovenia, due to the air distance spread of more than 70 km, the suppression of O. kwansonis is not possible any more. The introduction and the spread of this new pest again confirms the inefficiency of the phytosanitary system of the USA and of the European Union. To the authors knowledge no official measures against the pest were put into force in the EPPO region nor in the European phytosanitary system by the middle of October 2012, although the EPPO and SCPH were informed about the confirmation of the determination by the dipterologist dr. Michael von Tschirnhaus on 6th July 2012. Daylily trade is the probable pathway of the pest since hibernation occurs mostly underground in the lower parts of withered leaves, which are attached to dormant stolons in trade. Pest status of Ophiomyia kwansonis officially declared by the NPPO of Slovenia is: Transient: non-actionable

    Minimizacija izobličenja impulsa zračenih ugodenom proreznom Vivaldijevom antenom za UWB primjene

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    The paper deals with the optimization of the Vivaldi antenna, which is suitable for the measurement of impulse radiation characteristics. In case of particular ultra wideband applications (i.e. radar, positioning, etc.), it is crucial to know the transient responses of antennas. The optimization process searches for the Vivaldi antenna shape. The optimization accomplishes three required parameters — good matching, minimal distortion and smaller antenna dimensions. The parametric study and the manual step-by-step method were used in the process of antenna optimization. The main part of the paper presents the impulse distortion minimization by the feeding transition design and the overall obtained results, which are compared with the measured characteristics.Riječ je o optimizaciji Vivaldijeve antene, koja je prikladna za mjerenje karakteristika zračenja impulsa. U odredenim UWB (ultraširokopojasnim) (npr. radari, pozicioniranje i dr.) ključno je poznavati tranzijentne odzive antena. Oblik Vivaldijeve antene dobiva se procesom optimizacije. Optimizacijom se postižu tri potrebna svojstva: dobra prilagodba, minimalna izobličenja i manje dimenzije antene. U procesu optimizacije rabi se automatsko variranje parametara i metoda korak po korak. Glavni dio rada prikazuje proces minimiziranja izobličenja impulsa primjenom prijelaza u pobudnoj strukturi te ukupne rezultate koji su usporedeni s izmjerenim karakteristikama

    Pendulum Energy Harvester with Amplifier

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    This paper presents a new principle of inductive vibration power harvester. Harvester is a pendulum that uses energy capacitor which is the mass. The mass is connected to the pendulum via a gearbox to achieve greater movement of the pendulum that generates an electromagnetic voltage. The harvester is developed at a very low frequency (1-10 Hz) which uses the rectified magnetic fluxes. Magnets are statically placed in the harvester case, and relative motion is carried out by the coil. Magnets are static, and the coil moves due to the weight ratio of magnets which the steel leads of the magnetic flux and the coil itself. This paper is focused on a harvester with a mechanical amplifier with the proposed technique is brings the plow harvester access with an auxiliary force. The experimental results indicate that the optimal results of the harvester with an accumulator for the resonant zone are 3.75 Hz, 7 Hz, and 10 Hz