475 research outputs found

    Multi labelled transition systems: a semantic framework for nominal calculi

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    Action Labelled transition systems (LTS) have proved to be a fundamental model for describing and proving properties of concurrent systems. In this paper, Multiple Labelled Transition Systems (MLTS) are introduced as generalizations of LTS that permit dealing also with systems features that are becoming more and more important when considering languages and models for network aware programming. MLTS permit describing not only the actions systems can perform but also system's resources usage and their handling (creation, revelation ...) of names. To show adeguacy of our proposal we show how MLTS can be used to describe the operational semantics of one of the most studied calculus for mobility: the asynchronous [pi]-calculus

    Amino acid racemization dating of marine shells: a mound of possibilities

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    Shell middens are one of the most important and widespread indicators for human exploitation of marine resources and occupation of coastal environments. Establishing an accurate and reliable chronology for these deposits has fundamental implications for understanding the patterns of human evolution and dispersal. This paper explores the potential application of a new methodology of amino acid racemization(AAR) dating of shell middens and describes a simple protocol to test the suitability of different molluscanspecies. This protocol provides a preliminary test for the presence of an intracrystalline fraction of proteins(by bleaching experiments and subsequent heating at high temperature), checking the closed system behaviour of this fraction during diagenesis. Only species which pass both tests can be considered suitable for further studies to obtain reliable age information. This amino acid geochronological technique is also applied to midden deposits at two latitudinal extremes: Northern Scotland and the Southern Red Sea.Results obtained in this study indicate that the application of this new method of AAR dating of shells has the potential to aid the geochronological investigation of shell mounds in different areas of the world

    Amino acid racemization dating of marine shells: a mound of possibilities

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    Shell middens are one of the most important and widespread indicators for human exploitation of marine resources and occupation of coastal environments. Establishing an accurate and reliable chronology for these deposits has fundamental implications for understanding the patterns of human evolution and dispersal. This paper explores the potential application of a new methodology of amino acid racemization(AAR) dating of shell middens and describes a simple protocol to test the suitability of different molluscanspecies. This protocol provides a preliminary test for the presence of an intracrystalline fraction of proteins(by bleaching experiments and subsequent heating at high temperature), checking the closed system behaviour of this fraction during diagenesis. Only species which pass both tests can be considered suitable for further studies to obtain reliable age information. This amino acid geochronological technique is also applied to midden deposits at two latitudinal extremes: Northern Scotland and the Southern Red Sea.Results obtained in this study indicate that the application of this new method of AAR dating of shells has the potential to aid the geochronological investigation of shell mounds in different areas of the world

    Rate-Based Transition Systems for Stochastic Process Calculi

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    A variant of Rate Transition Systems (RTS), proposed by Klin and Sassone, is introduced and used as the basic model for defining stochastic behaviour of processes. The transition relation used in our variant associates to each process, for each action, the set of possible futures paired with a measure indicating their rates. We show how RTS can be used for providing the operational semantics of stochastic extensions of classical formalisms, namely CSP and CCS. We also show that our semantics for stochastic CCS guarantees associativity of parallel composition. Similarly, in contrast with the original definition by Priami, we argue that a semantics for stochastic π-calculus can be provided that guarantees associativity of parallel composition

    Specifying and Analysing SOC Applications with COWS

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    COWS is a recently defined process calculus for specifying and combining service-oriented applications, while modelling their dynamic behaviour. Since its introduction, a number of methods and tools have been devised to analyse COWS specifications, like e.g. a type system to check confidentiality properties, a logic and a model checker to express and check functional properties of services. In this paper, by means of a case study in the area of automotive systems, we demonstrate that COWS, with some mild linguistic additions, can model all the phases of the life cycle of service-oriented applications, such as publication, discovery, negotiation, orchestration, deployment, reconfiguration and execution. We also provide a flavour of the properties that can be analysed by using the tools mentioned above

    Implementing a distributed mobile calculus using the IMC framework

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    In the last decade, many calculi for modelling distributed mobile code have been proposed. To assess their merits and encourage use, implementations of the calculi have often been proposed. These implementations usually consist of a limited part dealing with mechanisms that are specific of the proposed calculus and of a significantly larger part handling recurrent mechanisms that are common to many calculi. Nevertheless, also the "classic" parts are often re-implemented from scratch. In this paper we show how to implement a well established representative of the family of mobile calculi, the distributed [pi]-calculus, by using a Java middleware (called IMC - Implementing Mobile Calculi) where recurrent mechanisms of distributed and mobile systems are already implemented. By means of the case study, we illustrate a methodology to accelerate the development of prototype implementations while concentrating only on the features that are specific of the calculus under consideration and relying on the common framework for all the recurrent mechanisms like network connections, code mobility, name handling, etc

    An Introduction to Pervasive Interface Automata

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    Pervasive systems are often context-dependent, component based systems in which components expose interfaces and offer one or more services. These systems may evolve in unpredictable ways, often through component replacement. We present pervasive interface automata as a formalism for modelling components and their composition. Pervasive interface automata are based on the interface automata of Henzinger et al, with several significant differences. We expand their notion of input and output actions to combinations of input, output actions, and callable methods and method calls. Whereas interfaces automata have a refinement relation, we argue the crucial relation in pervasive systems is component replacement, which must include consideration of the services offered by a component and assumptions about the environment. We illustrate pervasive interface autmotata and component replacement with a small case study of a pervasive application for sports predictions

    Tree morphisms and bisimulations

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    A category of (action labelled) trees is defined that can be used to model unfolding of labelled transition systems and to study behavioural relations over them. In this paper we study five different equivalences based on bisimulation for our model. One, that we called resource bisimulation, amounts essentially to three isomorphism. Another, its weak counterpart, permits abstracting from silent actions while preserving the tree structure. The other three are the well known strong, branching and weak bisimulation equivalence. For all bisimulations, but weak, canonical representatives are constructed and it is shown that they can be obtained via enriched functors over our categories of trees, with and without silent actions. Weak equivalence is more problematic; a canonical minimal representative for it cannot be denned by quotienting our trees. The common framework helps in understanding the relationships between the various equivalences and the results provide support to the claim that branching bisimulation is the natural generalization of strong bisimulation to systems with silent moves and that resource and weak resource have an interest of their own

    Model driven testing based on test history

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    We consider software systems consisting of a set of components running as a sequential process. We model such software systems as a special class of transition systems. The difference with existing approaches is that we propose a test procedure based on the structure of the model and the prior test history that can be used for exhaustive testing in an efficient way. On top of that we provide a statistical stopping rule, that is independent of the underlying way of walking through the system, which allows us to stop earlier with a certain statistical reliability.</p