53 research outputs found

    Compositional and Quantitative Insights Into Bacterial and Archaeal Communities of South Pacific Deep-Sea Sponges (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida)

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    In the present study, we profiled bacterial and archaeal communities from 13 phylogenetically diverse deep-sea sponge species (Demospongiae and Hexactinellida) from the South Pacific by 16S rRNA-gene amplicon sequencing. Additionally, the associated bacteria and archaea were quantified by real-time qPCR. Our results show that bacterial communities from the deep-sea sponges are mostly host-species specific similar to what has been observed for shallow-water demosponges. The archaeal deep-sea sponge community structures are different from the bacterial community structures in that they are almost completely dominated by a single family, which are the ammonia-oxidizing genera within the Nitrosopumilaceae. Remarkably, the archaeal communities are mostly specific to individual sponges (rather than sponge-species), and this observation applies to both hexactinellids and demosponges. Finally, archaeal 16s gene numbers, as detected by quantitative real-time PCR, were up to three orders of magnitude higher than in shallow-water sponges, highlighting the importance of the archaea for deep-sea sponges in general

    Publisher Correction: Biodiversity, environmental drivers, and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome

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    The original version of the Description of Additional Supplementary Files associated with this Article contained errors in the legends of Supplementary Data 5–8 and omitted legends for the Source Data. The HTML has been updated to include a corrected version of the Description of Additional Supplementary Files; the original incorrect version of this file can be found as Supplementary Information associated with this Correction

    Biodiversity, environmental drivers, and sustainability of the global deep-sea sponge microbiome

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    In the deep ocean symbioses between microbes and invertebrates are emerging as key drivers of ecosystem health and services. We present a large-scale analysis of microbial diversity in deep-sea sponges (Porifera) from scales of sponge individuals to ocean basins, covering 52 locations, 1077 host individuals translating into 169 sponge species (including understudied glass sponges), and 469 reference samples, collected anew during 21 ship-based expeditions. We demonstrate the impacts of the sponge microbial abundance status, geographic distance, sponge phylogeny, and the physical-biogeochemical environment as drivers of microbiome composition, in descending order of relevance. Our study further discloses that fundamental concepts of sponge microbiology apply robustly to sponges from the deep-sea across distances of >10,000 km. Deep-sea sponge microbiomes are less complex, yet more heterogeneous, than their shallow-water counterparts. Our analysis underscores the uniqueness of each deep-sea sponge ground based on which we provide critical knowledge for conservation of these vulnerable ecosystems

    Genome skimming elucidates the evolutionary history of Octopoda

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    11 pages, 5 figures, 3 tables, supplementary data https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ympev.2023.107729Phylogenies for Octopoda have, until now, been based on morphological characters or a few genes. Here we provide the complete mitogenomes and the nuclear 18S and 28S ribosomal genes of twenty Octopoda specimens, comprising 18 species of Cirrata and Incirrata, representing 13 genera and all five putative families of Cirrata (Cirroctopodidae, Cirroteuthidae, Grimpoteuthidae, Opisthoteuthidae and Stauroteuthidae) and six families of Incirrata (Amphitretidae, Argonautidae, Bathypolypodidae, Eledonidae, Enteroctopodidae, and Megaleledonidae) which were assembled using genome skimming. Phylogenetic trees were built using Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference with several alignment matrices. All mitochondrial genomes had the ‘typical’ genome composition and gene order previously reported for octopodiforms, except Bathypolypus ergasticus, which appears to lack ND5, two tRNA genes that flank ND5 and two other tRNA genes. Argonautoidea was revealed as sister to Octopodidae by the mitochondrial protein-coding gene dataset, however, it was recovered as sister to all other incirrate octopods with strong support in an analysis using nuclear rRNA genes. Within Cirrata, our study supports two existing classifications suggesting neither is likely in conflict with the true evolutionary history of the suborder. Genome skimming is useful in the analysis of phylogenetic relationships within Octopoda; inclusion of both mitochondrial and nuclear data may be keyThis work was funded by a Tony Ryan Fellowship and an Irish Research Council postgraduate scholarship (GOIPG/2017/1740) to MT. FÁF-Á was supported by an Irish Research Council–Government of Ireland Postdoctoral Fellowship Award (ref. GOIPD/2019/460) and a JdC-I Postdoctoral Fellowship Grant (ref. IJC2020-043170-I) awarded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union NextGenerationEU/PRTR. This research was supported by the Spanish government through the ‘Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence’ accreditation (CEX2019-000928-S). We are grateful to two anonymous referees for their thoughtful contributionsPeer reviewe

    Seagrass (Zostera muelleri) patch size and spatial location influence infau- nal macroinvertebrate assemblages

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    a b s t r a c t Seagrass landscapes are coastal environments that support diverse and abundant faunal communities. This study investigated infaunal assemblage patterns in fragmented and continuous Zostera muelleri habitat in southeastern New Zealand. Intertidal macroinvertebrate assemblages were examined in fragmented seagrass habitat (containing discrete patches varying in size from 1 to 200 m 2 ) and continuous meadows (>1000 m 2 ), in a small and a large tidal inlet. Community indices differed between seagrass habitat types and the total number of taxa was significantly lower at fragmented seagrass sites in one of the inlets. The total number of individuals and diversity were significantly different between fragmented and continuous seagrass habitat in both inlets, but diversity values showed inconsistent patterns between inlets. Multivariate analysis confirmed that different seagrass habitat types support distinct macrofaunal assemblages in each inlet and position on the shore was identified as the single most important variable explaining dissimilarities in assemblage compositions. These findings confirm the influence of seagrass habitat size on infaunal assemblages and also highlight the importance of spatial position of seagrass habitat in intertidal areas

    Ophiomyxa brevirima H.L. Clark 1915

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    Ophiomyxa brevirima H.L. Clark, 1915 Ophiomyxa australis.—Farquhar, 1895: 199.—Benham, 1909: 101 [Non Ophiomyxa australis Lütken C F, 1869; see Mortensen, 1924 a]. Ophiomyxa brevirima Clark, H.L., 1915 a: 169, pl. 1 (3–4).—Mortensen, 1924: 110–114, fig. 4 (1,3,4), 5, pl. 4 (4–5).—Mortensen, 1936: 242–243.—Fell, 1952: 12.—Fell, 1953: 100.—Fell, 1958: 22.—Fell, 1960 b: 67.—McKnight, 1967 a: 304.—Fenwick & Horning, 1980: 440.—McKnight, 1993 b: 193, 199. Non Ophiomyxa brevirima.—Bell, 1917: 7 [= Astrobrachion constrictum (Farquhar H, 1900); see Mortensen, 1924]. Material Examined.. TAN 1104 / 18, NIWA 72207 (2) Bay of Islands. TAN0906/ 2, NIWA 54392 (1). TAN0906/ 25, NIWA 77839 (1). TAN0906/ 93, NIWA 55598 (1). TAN0906/ 96, NIWA 77838 (1). TAN0906/ 134, NIWA 56146 (5). TAN0906/ 178, NIWA 77772 (1); NIWA 77832 (2); NIWA 57091 (1). TAN0906/ 236, NIWA 57423 (1). TAN0906/ 240, NIWA 77854 (3). East Coast North Island. TAN 1108 / 179, NIWA 77770 (2). TAN 1108 / 197, NIWA 77834 (1). Far North. TAN0906/ 154, NIWA 77837 (1). TAN0906/ 164, NIWA 56811 (4). Otago. TAN 1108 / 148, NIWA 74954 (3). Three Kings Islands. TAN 1105 / 35, NIWA 77835 (3). TAN 1105 / 69, NIWA 77849 (1). West Coast North Island. TAN 1105 / 74, NIWA 73602 (3). TAN 1105 / 88, NIWA 73661 (6). TAN 1105 / 104, NIWA 77833 (2). TAN 1105 / 137, NIWA 77807 (1). Diagnosis. Thin skin on disc and arms obscuring plates, disc usually torn. Oral papillae circular with glassy saw-like serration to proximal edge. Arm spines alternating 3–4, with 4 th spine placed more dorsally on arm. Live colour greenish or yellowish brown with variable blotches of red or orange on disc. Arms variably banded red and greenish or yellowish brown in life, paler banding ventrally. Description. See Mortensen (1925) Distribution. New Zealand (1–1108 m).Published as part of Mills, V. Sadie & O'Hara, Timothy D., 2013, Ophiuroids (Echinodermata; Ophiuroidea) of biogenic habitats on the continental shelf of New Zealand, pp. 401-444 in Zootaxa 3613 (5) on page 429, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.5.1, http://zenodo.org/record/22270

    Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) lepidus

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    Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) lepidus de Loriol, 1893 (Fig. 14) Ophiothrix lepidus de Loriol, 1893: 45 pl. 25 (1).—Koehler, 1898: 103-104.—Rowe, 1989: 288.—McKnight, 1993 a: 187. Ophiothrix lepida.—Clark, H.L., 1915: 281.—Koehler, 1922: 246–248, pls. 36 (5), 100 (3).—Koehler, 1930: 143.—Clark, A.H., 1952 a: 293. Ophiothrix lepidus hawaiiensis Clark, A.H., 1949: 41 –42, fig. 15 a–b. Ophiogymna saltatrix McKnight, 1968: 522 –525, figs. 7, 8.—McKnight, 1975: 71 [synonymised by Rowe, 1989]. Ophiothrix (Acanthophiothrix) lepidus.—Rowe & Gates, 1995: 424. Material Examined. Far North. TAN 1105 / 9, NIWA 72990 (5); NIWA 72990 (5). TAN 1105 / 18, NIWA 73017 (1). Diagnosis. Red disc covered in long thin articulated white spines. Thin, naked radial shields, meet distally, diverging and slight widening proximally. Radial shields white with short longitudinal purple stripe distally. Dorsal arm plates longer than wide with a conspicuous thick dark red stripe on midline. Ventral arm plates longer than wide with a thin faint red stripe along midline. Six very long (5–7 segments long), transparent, hollow, thorny arm spines. Description. See McKnight (1968 b) as Ophiogymna saltatrix. Distribution. New Zealand (79–508 m), Tasman Sea (111–330 m), Indonesia (35–85 m), Philippines (62–90 m), Mauritius, Marshall Islands (122–168 m), Hawaii (as subspecies O. lepidus hawaiiensis A.H. Clark, 1949, 110– 545 m). Remarks. This species has previously been reported in the South-West Pacific Ocean from the Norfolk (Rowe 1989) and Kermadec Ridges (McKnight 1968 as Ophiogymna saltatrix). Here we extend the known distribution to northern New Zealand. This species is similar to the littoral O. purpurea von Martens, 1867 differing only in the shape of the radial shield, which are much longer than wide in O. lepidus. However, the shape of the radial shields can be quite variable in O. purpurea, and H.L. Clark (1938) and Clark & Rowe (1971) have treated the two species as synonyms. Conversely, Rowe (1989) considered them as distinct and synonymised O. saltatrix with O. lepidus. The current specimens have the narrow radial shields indicative of O. lepidus. Whether the specimens found in deep-water off New Zealand are really conspecific with a species described from shallow water around Mauritius needs further investigation.Published as part of Mills, V. Sadie & O'Hara, Timothy D., 2013, Ophiuroids (Echinodermata; Ophiuroidea) of biogenic habitats on the continental shelf of New Zealand, pp. 401-444 in Zootaxa 3613 (5) on pages 433-435, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.5.1, http://zenodo.org/record/22270

    Ophiologimus prolifer Studer 1882

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    Ophiologimus prolifer (Studer, 1882) Ophioscolex prolifer Studer, 1882: 28, pl. 3 (13 a–e).—Clark, H.L., 1915 a: 174. Ophiologimus prolifer.—Martynov, 2010: 70. Material Examined. West Coast North Island. TAN 1105 / 137, NIWA 77767 (2). Comparative Material. Ophiologimus prolifer (Studer, 1882): TAN0905/ 119, Iceberg Seamount, 44 ° 9.49´S, 174 ° 33.3´W to 44 ° 9.69´S, 174 ° 33.14´W, 487–616 m, 28 / 6 / 2009, NIWA 69765 (1). SS 02/ 2007 / 8, Huon Margin, 44 ° 1.837´S, 147 ° 34.776´E to 44 ° 2.135´S, 147 ° 34.912´E, 830–1030 m, 31 / 3 / 2007, MV F 146329 (1). TAN0104/ 333, Pyre Seamount, 42 ° 43.1´S, 179 ° 54.57´W to 42 ° 43.18´S, 179 ° 54.87´W, 1075 – 1008 m, 20 / 4 / 2001, NIWA 43985 (1). TAN0205/ 39, Haungaroa Seamount, 32 ° 35.75´S, 179 ° 36.47´W to 32 ° 36.32´S, 179 ° 36.09´W, 1252 – 1175 m, 17 / 4 / 2002, NIWA 60368 (1). TAN0803/ 69, Macquarie Ridge, Seamount 6, 52° 23.85´S, 160 ° 39.4´E to 52 ° 23.91´S, 160 ° 40.13´E, 451 – 438 m, 9 / 4 / 2008, NIWA 43108 (1). TN 228 /J 2-387 -023, Z 39 Seamount, 44 ° 23.32´S, 147 ° 15.349´E, 1599 m, 26 / 12 / 2008, MV F 168729 (1). Ophiolycus farquhari (McKnight, 2003): NZOI/R 437, off NE coast, 39 ° 35.1´S, 178 ° 25.08´E to 39 ° 35.1´S, 178 ° 23.8´E, 800 – 440 m, 16 / 6 / 1990, holotype, NIWA 3344 (1). Description. Disc to 7 mm dd, 6, rarely 7, arms, fissiparous. Disc covered in small overlapping translucent perforated plates embedded in a thin skin, no spines, plated skin extends onto the basal dorsal arm surface; small radial shields present but generally hidden beneath the skin. Jaw and arms covered in a thin skin that obscures the plates. Oral shields wider than long, proximal margin strongly convex, distal margin weakly convex or lobed, rounded lateral angles; jaw longer than wide, oral plates tumid proximally, 8–10 oral papillae, inner oral papillae small and pointed; 2–3 distal oral tentacle scales, slightly enlarged, rounded to spatulate. Dorsal arm plates thin and perforated, broadly triangular, as wide as long, convex distal and slightly flattened proximal margin, narrowly contiguous at base; ventral arm plates longer than wide, convex distal margin, concave lateral margins around large tentacle pore, broadly contiguous; 3 arm spines, subcylindrical to flattened, bluntly-pointed, sometimes wider at the base, subequal or upper and lowest a little wider and longer than the middle spine, short, less than 1 segment in length, distal upper and middle arm spines modified into hooks with 1–2 small teeth besides the terminal one; 1 oval to spatulate tentacle scale, sculptured longitudinal markings, rarely 2 on basal segments. Colour (dry) yellowish-brown. Distribution. New Zealand (170–1110 m), Macquarie Ridge (438–451 m), SE Australia (830–1640 m), Fiji (294–300 m). Remarks. This species, recently transferred to Ophiologimus and the Ophiomyxidae by Martynov (2010), is reported here for the first time since the type was collected at 1091 m off Barrier Island, north-eastern New Zealand, by the 1875 German Gazelle expedition. It has since been collected from seamounts or other hard substrata on the continental margins. This species is typically 6–7 armed and often shows signs of fissiparity. Several other similar species occur in the south-west Pacific that also have a skin covered disc and distal upper arm spines transformed into hooks. Ophiologimus quadrispinus H.L. Clark, 1925 has five arms, two tentacle scales and three (four basally) blunt arm spines (see O'Hara & Stöhr 2006). Ophiolycus farquhari McKnight, 2003 is very similar to O. quadrispinus but has arm spines that alternate in number from three to two on succeeding arm segments. This species was retained with uncertainty in Ophiolycus by Martynov (2010) but here we re-assign it to Ophiologimus, as re-examination of the type material indicates that it has all the characters of Ophiologimus, including well-developed hooklets on distal arm segments (as developed as O. quadrispinus and O. prolifer) and unbroken dorsal arm plates that persist until the arm tip.Published as part of Mills, V. Sadie & O'Hara, Timothy D., 2013, Ophiuroids (Echinodermata; Ophiuroidea) of biogenic habitats on the continental shelf of New Zealand, pp. 401-444 in Zootaxa 3613 (5) on pages 428-429, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.5.1, http://zenodo.org/record/22270

    Ophiotrichidae Ljungman 1867

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    Family Ophiotrichidae Ljungman, 1867Published as part of Mills, V. Sadie & O'Hara, Timothy D., 2013, Ophiuroids (Echinodermata; Ophiuroidea) of biogenic habitats on the continental shelf of New Zealand, pp. 401-444 in Zootaxa 3613 (5) on page 433, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.5.1, http://zenodo.org/record/22270

    Ophiomyxidae Ljungman 1867

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    Family Ophiomyxidae Ljungman, 1867Published as part of Mills, V. Sadie & O'Hara, Timothy D., 2013, Ophiuroids (Echinodermata; Ophiuroidea) of biogenic habitats on the continental shelf of New Zealand, pp. 401-444 in Zootaxa 3613 (5) on page 427, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.3613.5.1, http://zenodo.org/record/22270
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