1,851 research outputs found

    The performance of a capacitance-wire wave recorder

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    Effect of rejection on electrophysiologic function of canine intestinal grafts: Correlation with histopathology and na-k-ATPase activity

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    To investigate whether electrophysiologic changes can detect the early onset and progress of intestinal rejection, changes in in vitro electrophysiologic function, intestinal histopathology, and Na-K-ATPase activity were studied in dogs. Adult mongrel dogs of both sexes, weighing 18-24 kg, were used for auto and allo small bowel transplantation. The entire small bowels, except for short segments at the proximal and distal ends, were snitched between a pair of dogs (allograft). Animals receiving intestinal autotransplantation were used as controls. AIIograji recipients were sacrificed 3, 4, 5, 7, or 9 days after transplantation, and autograft recipients were sacrificed 3, 7, or 14 days afier transplantation. Immunosuppression was not used. Electrophysiologic measurements were done with an Ussing chamber. Histological analysis was performed blindly using whole thickness sections. Na-K-ATPase activity in the mucosal tissue, which is said to regulate the potential difference, was also measured. Potential difference, resistance, and Na-K-ATPase activity of the allografi intestine decreased with time and were significantly lower 7 and 9 days after transplantation compared to host intestine, normul intestine, and graft intestine of controls (autograft). Potential difference, resistance, and Na-K-ATPase activity of the native intestinal tissue and the autografts did not decrease with time. Detection of histologically mild rejection of the intestine, which is important for appropriate immunosup-pressive treatment in clinical cases, could not be achieved based on electrophysiology or Na-K-ATPase activity. Deterioration of electrophysiologic function during rejection correlated with the histological rejection process and Na-K-ATPase activity; however, electrophysiology my not be a reliable tool for monitoring grafrs, since it cannot detect early intestinal rejection. © 1995 Informa UK Ltd All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted

    Lidar System Model for Use With Path Obscurants and Experimental Validation

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    When lidar pulses travel through a short path that includes a relatively high concentration of aerosols, scattering phenomena can alter the power and temporal properties of the pulses significantly, causing undesirable effects in the received pulse. In many applications the design of the lidar transmitter and receiver must consider adverse environmental aerosol conditions to ensure the desired performance. We present an analytical model of lidar system operation when the optical path includes aerosols for use in support of instrument design, simulations, and system evaluation. The model considers an optical path terminated with a solid object, although it can also be applied, with minor modifications, to cases where the expected backscatter occurs from nonsolid objects. The optical path aerosols are characterized by their attenuation and backscatter coefficients derived by the Mie theory from the concentration and particle size distribution of the aerosol. Other inputs include the lidar system parameters and instrument response function, and the model output is the time-resolved received pulse. The model is demonstrated and experimentally validated with military fog oil smoke for short ranges (several meters). The results are obtained with a lidar system operating at a wavelength of 0.905 μm within and outside the aerosol. The model goodness of fit is evaluated using the statistical coefficient of determination whose value ranged from 0.88 to 0.99 in this study

    Ozone loss derived from balloon-borne tracer measurements in the 1999/2000 Arctic winter

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    Balloon-borne measurements of CFC11 (from the DIRAC in situ gas chromatograph and the DESCARTES grab sampler), ClO and O3 were made during the 1999/2000 Arctic winter as part of the SOLVE-THESEO 2000 campaign, based in Kiruna (Sweden). Here we present the CFC11 data from nine flights and compare them first with data from other instruments which flew during the campaign and then with the vertical distributions calculated by the SLIMCAT 3D CTM. We calculate ozone loss inside the Arctic vortex between late January and early March using the relation between CFC11 and O3 measured on the flights. The peak ozone loss (~1200ppbv) occurs in the 440-470K region in early March in reasonable agreement with other published empirical estimates. There is also a good agreement between ozone losses derived from three balloon tracer data sets used here. The magnitude and vertical distribution of the loss derived from the measurements is in good agreement with the loss calculated from SLIMCAT over Kiruna for the same days

    The Pi-puck Ecosystem : Hardware and Software Support for the e-puck and e-puck2

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    This paper presents a hardware revision of the Pi-puck extension board that now includes support for the e-puck2. This Raspberry Pi interface for the e-puck robot provides a feature-rich experimentation platform suitable for multi-robot and swarm robotics research. We also present a new expansion board that features a 9-DOF IMU and XBee interface for increased functionality. We detail the revised Pi-puck hardware and software ecosystem, including ROS support that now allows mobile robotics algorithms and utilities developed by the ROS community to be leveraged by swarm robotics researchers. We also present the results of an illustrative multi-robot mapping experiment using new long-range Time-of-Flight distance sensor modules, to demonstrate the ease-of use and efficacy of this new Pi-puck ecosystem

    Surveying the views of pupils attending supplementary schools in England

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    This report is the first part of a wider research project intended to evaluate the role of supplementary school in supporting pupils’ educational progress. This study reports on the first phase of this research An attitude survey to find out what young people think about mainstream and supplementary education, about the core subjects of reading and mathematics, about themselves as learners and about their reasons for attending supplementary school.. Pupil questionnaires were sent to all schools who were successful in being awarded grants from the support service. Schools were asked to administer the questionnaires to ten nominated pupils within the school, although they could give the questionnaire to more than 10 pupils if they chose. Questionnaires were returned from a total of 772 pupils attending 63 supplementary schools in four major cities in England. This is the first study to systematically explore the attitudes of pupils attending supplementary school in England and is the largest ever study of supplementary schools and their pupils

    The Herschel-ATLAS data release 2. Paper II. Catalogs of far-infrared and submillimeter sources in the fields at the south and north Galactic poles

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    The Herschel Astrophysical Terahertz Large Area Survey (H-ATLAS) is a survey of 660 deg2 with the PACS and SPIRE cameras in five photometric bands: 100, 160, 250, 350, and 500 μm. This is the second of three papers describing the data release for the large fields at the south and north Galactic poles (NGP and SGP). In this paper we describe the catalogs of far-infrared and submillimeter sources for the NGP and SGP, which cover 177.1 deg2 and 303.4 deg2, respectively. The catalogs contain 118,908 sources for the NGP field and 193,527 sources for the SGP field detected at more than 4σ significance in any of the 250, 350, or 500 μm bands. The source detection is based on the 250 μm map, and we present photometry in all five bands for each source, including aperture photometry for sources known to be extended. The rms positional accuracy for the faintest sources is about 2.4 arcsec in both R.A. and decl. We present a statistical analysis of the catalogs and discuss the practical issues—completeness, reliability, flux boosting, accuracy of positions, accuracy of flux measurements—necessary to use the catalogs for astronomical projects

    13C-assisted metabolic flux analysis to investigate heterotrophic and mixotrophic metabolism in Cupriavidus necator H16

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    Introduction. Cupriavidus necator H16 is a gram-negative bacterium, capable of lithoautotrophic growth by utilizing hydrogen as an energy source and fixing carbon dioxide (CO2) through Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle. The potential to utilize synthesis gas (Syngas) and the prospects of rerouting carbon from polyhydroxybutyrate synthesis to value-added compounds makes C. necator an excellent chassis for industrial application. Objectives. In the context of lack of sufficient quantitative information of the metabolic pathways and to advance in rational metabolic engineering for optimized product synthesis in C. necator H16, we carried out a metabolic flux analysis based on steady-state 13C-labelling. Methods. In this study, steady-state carbon labelling experiments, using either D-[1-13C]fructose or [1,2-13C]glycerol, were undertaken to investigate the carbon flux through the central carbon metabolism in C. necator H16 under heterotrophic and mixotrophic growth conditions, respectively. Results. We found that the CBB cycle is active even under heterotrophic condition, and growth is indeed mixotrophic. While Entner-Doudoroff (ED) pathway is shown to be the major route for sugar degradation, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle is highly active in mixotrophic condition. Enhanced flux is observed in reductive pentose phosphate pathway (redPPP) under the mixotrophic condition to supplement the precursor requirement for CBB cycle. The flux distribution was compared to the mRNA abundance of genes encoding enzymes involved in key enzymatic reactions of the central carbon metabolism. Conclusion. This study leads the way to establishing 13C-based quantitative fluxomics for rational pathway engineering in C. necator H16