118 research outputs found

    Nutrición en el envejecimiento

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    Estudio de la respuesta de la hormona del crecimiento a diversos estímulos adrenérgicos en una población de edad media-alta

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    Internet y las Ciencias de la Salud

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    Bibliographical novelties

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    Quality of Life and Aging

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    Texto dispoñible en galego e españolAínda que nos últimos tempos, e sobre todo nas sociedades desenvolvidas, asistimos a un espectacular avance na “cantidade” de anos vividos, non ocorreu o mesmo se nos referimos á cantidade de anos vividos libres de enfermidade ou de discapacidade, é dicir, á “calidade” deses anos. A calidade de vida (CV) é un constructo multidimensional que se vai ver afectado por factores físicos, psicolóxicos e sociais, denominándose CV relacionada coa saúde (CVRS) unicamente cando nos referimos aos compoñentes propios da saúde como aspecto físico ou clínico. A vellez non é a mellor época para gozar da saúde na súa máis ampla acepción xa que, froito do avellentamento, a probabilidade de presentar enfermidades crónicas e invalidantes se incrementa. A dependencia é un dos factores máis distorsionador da percepción do estado de benestar, polo que calquera actuación que logre frear a súa chegada contribuirá a mellorar a CV; outras medidas serán de natureza económica ou social. Dada a importancia dos factores subxectivos sobre a CV, non deberemos esquecer que a súa avaliación vai depender en gran parte da percepción que o suxeito teña delesAunque en los últimos tiempos, y sobre todo en las sociedades desarrolladas, hemos asistido a un espectacular avance en la “cantidad” de años vividos, no ha ocurrido lo mismo si nos referimos a la cantidad de años vividos libres de enfermedad o de discapacidad, es decir, a la “calidad” de esos años. La calidad de vida (CV) es un constructo multidimensional que va a verse afectada por factores físicos, psicológicos y sociales, denominándose CV relacionada con la salud (CVRS) únicamente cuando nos referimos a los componentes propios de la salud como aspecto físico o clínico. La vejez no es la mejor época para disfrutar de la salud en su más amplia acepción ya que, fruto del envejecimiento, la probabilidad de presentar enfermedades crónicas e invalidantes se incrementa. La dependencia es uno de los factores más distorsionador de la percepción del estado de bienestar, por lo que cualquier actuación que logre frenar su llegada contribuirá a mejorar la CV; otras medidas serán de naturaleza económica o social. Dada la importancia de los factores subjetivos sobre la CV, no deberemos de olvidar que su evaluación va a depender en gran parte de la percepción que el sujeto tenga de ellosIn recent years, particularly in developed societies, we have witnessed a spectacular advanced in the “amount” of lived years, but the same cannot be stated if we refer to the “quality” of those years, i.e. the amount of years lived free of illness or disability. The quality of life (QOL) is a multidimensional construct that will be affected by physical, psychological and social factors and we call Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) when we refer to common health components only, such as physical or clinical aspects. Old age is not the best time to enjoy health in its wider meaning, as the probability to suffer chronic and disabling diseases increases with age. Dependence is one of the most distorting factors in the welfare perception so that any action aimed to delay it will contribute to improve QOL. Other measures to be taken will be of economical or social nature. Due to the importance of subjective factors on the QOL, we should not forget that their assessment will largely depend on the person’s own perceptionS

    El medio y la salud

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    Depressive symptoms and other factors associated with poor self-rated health in the elderly: gender differences

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    [Abstract] Aim: The main objective of this study was to identify determinants of poor self-rated health. We hypothesized that poor self-rated health reflects not only health, but also physical, functional, psychological and social factors. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional analysis of a representative Spanish population sample of 600 subjects aged 65 years and older. Self-rated health status was measured and dichotomized into good (excellent and good) and poor (fair and poor). Univariate and multiple logistic regression analyses were used to determine these independent variables modifying poor self-rated health. Results: Of the participants, 43.9% perceived their health as poor. Depressive symptoms were a factor that showed the strongest relation to poor self-rated health (odds ration [OR] 5.06), even when distributed by sex (women, OR 4.70 and men, OR 5.19), followed by the need for caregiver support 24 h a day in both the total population (OR 3.67) and women (OR 3.53), but having a connective tissue disease was the second strongest factor in men (OR 2.07). When depressive symptoms and the need for caregiver support were present, the likelihood for poor self-rated health was 91.5% in the total population and 94.4% in women. In men, the likelihood reached 78.4% in the presence of depressive symptoms and connective tissue disease. Conclusions: Self-rated health is a multidimensional construct, which includes physical, psychological, functional and social variables. To recognize and intervene on the different factors involved, especially depressive symptoms, caregiver support and connective tissue disease, may contribute to improving self-rated health and ultimately the welfare for this group

    Multisensory stimulation for people with dementia: a review of the literature

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    [Abstract] The use of multisensory stimulation in people with dementia is becoming increasingly popular in the last decades. The aim of this review is to analyze the therapeutic effectiveness of multisensory stimulation in people with dementia. We made a search on Medline and Web of Science databases referred to all researches published from the year 1990 to 2012, which used multisensory stimulation techniques in people with dementia. The revision of the 18 articles which fulfilled the inclusion/exclusion criteria seems to prove evidence that multisensory stimulation environments produce immediate positive effects on the behavior and mood of people with dementia. Based on the above, we think it can be a useful nonpharmacological intervention on neuropsychological symptoms though, in any case, it would be necessary to start more reliable protocols from the methodological point of view in order to establish its long-term effectiveness

    Supervisión nocturna, diurna y comunicación: tres nuevos ítems para valorar la carga asistencial del paciente con deterioro cognitivo

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    [Resumen] Fundamentos: Introducir tres ítems en un cuestionario de valoración funcional a fin de valorar más eficazmente la carga asistencial del paciente con deterioro cognitivo. Métodos: Diseñamos un cuestionario basado en los de utilizaci ón común, a los que se le añadió la capacidad de comunicaci ón, y la necesidad de supervisión nocturna y diurna. Este estudio se validó sobre una muestra de 60 sujetos diagnosticados de Alzheimer. Resultados: Encontramos una elevada correlación inter-items, una fiabilidad del 91%, y una validez concurrente con el Katz y el Barthel del 95%. Conclusión: El cuestionario es útil y fiable para evaluar la dependencia funcional en pacientes con deterioro cognitivo y de acuerdo con ella establecer y organizar los servicios y cubrir las necesidades encontradas.[Abstract] Fundaments: To introduce three items in a questionnaire of functional assessment in order to valorise more efficiently caregiver s burden of patients with cognitive impairment. Methods: we designed a questionnaire based on the classic ones, to which we added three items, such as the communicative ability, the necessity of daily supervision and the necessity of supervision during the night. In order to give validity to the instrument, a prospective field work is carried out on a sample of 60 patients with Alzheimer s Disease. Results: We obtained elevated correlation inter-items, reliability of 91% and concurrent validity of 95%.Elevated correlation inter-items, reliability: 91%; concurrent validity: 95%. Conclusion: It is at the same time an useful and reliable instrument for the aims of evaluation of the necessities of the elderly people which favors the planning of the services to offer