108 research outputs found

    Dubravko Škiljan: Dinamika jezičkih struktura, Studentski centar Sveučilišta, Zagreb, 1976, str. 159

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    Milorad Radovanović, Sociolingvistika, Književna zajednica Novog Sada, Dnevnik, Novi Sad, 1986, str. 304.

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    Josip Matešić, Frazeološki rječnik hrvatskoga ili srpskog jezika, Školska knjiga, Zagreb, 1982, стр. 808

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    Pomološke osobine perspektivnih sejanaca maline sa žutom bojom ploda

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    From over a 100 seedlings obtained by open pollination of Meeker's yellow raspberry clone, 10 seedlings with yellow fruit were selected at the Experimental Station 'Radmilovac' of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade. Phenological characteristics, as well as physical, chemical and sensorial fruit properties were investigated during the period 2007-2008 in selected seedlings and standard cultivar Meeker. Results showed that all examined seedlings expressed later flowering and maturing time than the standard cultivar. The best results of physical fruit properties had the standard cultivar, whereas for the majority of the chemical fruit characteristics selected seedlings showed much better results. Seedling 5 had the highest soluble solid content (15.3 %), while the highest vitamin C content was recorded in the fruits of seedlings 9 (51.04 mg/100g), 10 (51.92 mg/100g), and 17 (50.16 mg/100g). The highest values of the sensorial fruit quality achieved seedling 17 (18.9).Od preko 100 sejanaca dobijenih slobodnim oprašivanjem žutog klona sorte Miker izdvojeno je 10 sa žutom bojom ploda koji su kolekcionisani na Oglednom dobru 'Radmilovac' Poljoprivrednog Fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu. U periodu 2007- 2008. godina kod izdvojenih sejanaca i standardne sorte Miker, pored fenoloških, ispitivane su fiziČke, hemijske i senzoricke osobine ploda. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da su svi ispitivani sejanci kasnije počinjali fenofaze cvetanja i zrenja u odnosu na sortu standard. Najbolje razultate fizičkih osobina ploda ispoljila je sorta standard, dok su prema većini hemijskih osobina izdvojeni sejanci bili daleko bolji od standardne sorte. Sejanac 5 se odlikuje najvišim sadržajem rastvorljive suve materije (15,3 %), a u pogledu sadržaja vitamina C najviše vrednosti su registrovane kod sejanaca 9 (51,04 mg/100g), 10 (51,92 mg/100g) i 17 (50,16 mg/100g). Najvišu senzoricku ocenu kvaliteta ploda imao je sejanac 17 (18,9)

    Genetički parametri komponenti prinosa i pomoloških osobina kod sejanaca maline

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    Over a three-year period yield components and pomologic properties were studied in 20 raspberry seedlings obtained by open pollination of Meeker's yellow clone. The primary goals of this research were to determine its variability components, coefficients of genetic and phenotypic variation and coefficient of heritability in a broader sense. The analysis of the components of total variance evidenced that higher proportion of genotypic variance was found with fruit shape index (30.84%) and sucrose content (35.61%). The results revealed that genotypic coefficient of variation were less than its corresponding estimates of phenotypic coefficient of variation for all traits which indicated significant role of environment in the expression of these characters. The values of heritability coefficients, in a broader sense, were high except for number of flowers per inflorescens (9.47%), titratable acidity (6.38%) and inverted sugar content (28.88%). Nine characters had h2 in interval from 50 to 80% but for fruit weight and fruit length was greater than 80% which implies the high potential of genetic improvement in those traits.Komponente prinosa i pomološke osobine kod 20 sejanaca dobijenih slobodnom oplodnjom žutog klona sorte Miker ispitivano je tokom perioda od tri godine. Primarni cilj ovih ispitivanja bilo je da se utvrde komponente varijabilnosti, koeficijenti genetičke I fenotipske varijacije i heritabilnost u širem smislu. Analizom komponenti ukupne varijabilnosti ustanovljeno je da su geneticke razlike medu sejancima u velikom procentu uslovile varjabilnost indeksa oblika ploda (30.84%) i sadržaja saharoze (35.61%). Kod svih osobina takođe je utvrđeno da su koeficijenti genetičke varijacije bili manji u odnosu na fenotipske koeficijente varijacije što ukazuje na značajan uticaj spoljašnjih faktora u ekspresiji ovih osobina. Vrednosti koeficijenta heritabilnosti u širem smislu su bili visoki osima za broj cvetova po cvasti (9.47%), ukupnim kiselinama (6.38%) i sadržaju invertnih šećeria (28.88%). Devet osobina imalo je h2 u intervalu od 50 do 80%, dok jeza masu i dužinu ploda bio veći od 80% što pokazuje visok potencijal za poboljšanje ovih osobina

    Relationship between Carcass Weight, Skatole Level and Sensory Assessment in Fat of Different Boars

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the carcass weight and the level of skatole in boar back fat samples with descriptive sensory profiles ( trained sensory panel) immediately after heating the fat samples ( warm). A weak correlation was found between the carcass weight and skatole level in fat ( P > 0.05). Between skatole levels in the fat of boars, whose carcass weight was below 70 kg, and of those with the carcass weight equal or above 70 kg, there was a statistically significant difference ( P (lt) 0.05). The average content of skatole in the fat tissue of the boars (lt) 70 kg, ( 0.18 +/- 0.09 mg/kg fat, respectively) was below the commonly used respective thresholds for tainted meat ( 0.20 mg/kg fat), 53% of the samples showed the values of (lt) = 20 mg/kg, and 73% of the samples the values of (lt) = 25 mg/kg. In the group >= 70 kg ( 0.40 +/- 0.39 mg/kg fat, respectively), 80% of the samples revealed the values of >= 20 mg/kg, and 66% of the samples the values of >= 25 mg/kg. Our results show that a positive, compelling and statistically highly significant correlation exists between the skatole level and the sensory assessment of skatole intensity in fat

    Genetički resursi u svinjarstvu - Moravka

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    Objective of the paper was to present characteristics of native/autochthonous pig breed Moravka, reared in the previous century, as well as results relating to activities such as collection, selection, identification and production performance of investigated heads in 2004. Moravka is one of three pig breeds in Serbia included in the programme of preservation of animal genetic resources.U našoj zemlji su evidentirane tri autohtone rase svinja: mangulica, moravka i resavka. Moravka i resavka su dve autohtone rase svinja koje su u opasnosti da nestanu, te su obuhvaćene programom očuvanja i održivog korišćenja. U radu su prikazane karakteristike autohtone rase svinja moravka gajene u prošlom veku (Tabela 1 i 2) kao i rezultati rada na sakupljanju, odabiranju, identifikaciji i proizvodnim osobinama grla rase moravka od 2004. godine (Tabela 3 i 4). Prosečna telesna masa krmača (u jednom zapatu) starosti od 3 do 5 godina, bila je 77,67 kg a visina grebena 63,83 cm. Krmače su oprasile prosečano 7,20 prasadi sa variranjem od 5 do 14. U tovu od 31,92 do 94,33 kg prosečan dnevni prirast je bio 385g/dan a konverzija hrane 3,74 kg kukuruza za kilogram prirasta telesne mase. Prosečan dnevni prirast je bio najveći izmedju 3. i 4. merenja (514 g/dan) što odgovara uzrastu od 253 do 283 dana

    Carcass Quality and Fatty Acids Profile of the Fatteners of Swallow-Belly Mangalitsa Breed Reared in Outdoor System

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    The objective of this study was to determine carcass quality of fatteners of Swallow-belly Mangalitsa breed reared in outdoor system. In m. longissimus dorsi (MLD) samples chemical composition, cholesterol content and fatty acids profile was determined. The study included 22 castrated males reared in the oak forest from the early spring to late autumn, with minimal corn harvest (approx. 0.5 kg per day). During the winter, the fatteners were kept in wooden stables and fed with cereals (corn and barley mixture in a ratio of 70:30, approx. 3 kg per day). The data was carried out by statistical package SAS 9.1.3 (SAS Inst. Inc., 2002-2003) and basic statistical parameters are showed (Mean±SD). At the end of fattening, the pigs were about one year old, and slaughtered at 92.0±16.7 kg live body weight. The average lean content in the carcasses was 35.9±2.8 %, while the content of intermuscular fat in MLD was 6.2±1.2 %. In the MLD samples average content of proteins, water, fat and ash were 20.7±0.5 %, 70.4±0.5 %, 7.7±0.5 % and 1.0±0.1 %, respectively. Average cholesterol content was 41.4±3.8 mg/100g. Shares of saturated fatty acids (ΣSFA) in MLD fat was 35.6±1.2 %, monounsaturated fatty acids (ΣMUFA) was 56.6±1.8 % and polyunsaturated fatty acids (ΣPUFA) was 6.9±1.2%. Within ΣSFA the most common was palmitic acid (C16:0, 24.7±0.6 %), wile within ΣMUFA it was oleic acid (C18:1c-9, 46.9±1.1 %) and within ΣPUFA it was linoleic acid (C18:2n-6, 5.6±1.0 %). ΣPUFA and ΣSFA ratio was 0.2±0.0, while omega-6 and omega-3 ratio was 25.1±5.6. Showed ratios are not desirable from the nutritional aspect of human diet

    Uticaj rase, oca i pola na kvalitet polutki svinja

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    Investigation of quality variability of pig carcass was carried out on 1443 fatlings (gilts and barrows). They were progenies of 22 (Farm A) and 12 sires (Farm B), 5 breeds-crossbreds (Swedish Landrace, Large White, Duroc Hampshire, Duroc x Hampshire). Animals were fed with standardized feed mixture semi ad libitum. The quality of carcass sides was determined on the slaughter-line according to Regulation (1985). Investigation included following traits: weight of warm carcass (MTP, kg), meat in carcass sides (KMP, kg and SMP, %), total mass and ratio of leg+shoulder+loin (MFO, kg and UFO, %). Obtained results were processed using several models (Harvey, 1990) which included sire genotype, sire, sex progeny and mass of warm carcass (regression effect). All investigated traits varied under the influence of sire genotype (P lt 0.01) on farm B. The effect of sire genotype was significant (P lt 0.01) on KMP and SMP on the Farm A. All traits of carcass quality varied under the influence of sires. Gilts had higher KMP, SMP, MFO and UFO compared to male castrated heads. Difference in Total Breeding Value between best and worst boar was 10.41 (Farm A) and 11.24 index point (Farm B).Ispitivanje uticaja genetskih i negenetskih faktora (genotip oca, otac i pol) na osobine kvaliteta polutki, obavljeno je u 1443 tovljenika koji su vodili poreklo od 5 genotipova očeva. Tovljenici su proizvedeni na dve farme svinja (farma A i B). Dobijeni podaci su obrađeni metodom najmanjih kvadrata (Harvey,1990). Prosečna masa toplih polutki tovljenika sa farme A i B je bila 85,78 i 82,59 kg. Genotip očeva uticao je (P lt 0,01) na variranje svih ispitivanih osobina potomaka na farmi B. Međutim, na farmi A genotip očeva nije uticao (P>0,05) na variranje dnevnog prirasta toplih polutki, ukupnu masu i udeo francuske obrade polutki. Ostale ispitivane osobine (DSL+DSK KMP i SMP) su varirale (P lt 0,01) između genotipova nerasta. Takodje, očevi su uticali na variranje osobina svojih potomaka. Nisu ustanovljena statistički značajna variranja samo osobine DPP između ženskih i muških kastriranih grla (P>0,05). Sve osobine kvaliteta trupa zavisile su od mase toplih polutki (P lt 0,01). Razlika UPV između najboljeg i najlošijeg nerasta na farmi A je bila 10,41 a na farmi B je bila 11,24 indeksnih poena