275 research outputs found

    Lokalizacija glavnih i pomoćnih otvora na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu prvih donjih molara

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    Introduction. Understanding the morphology of the root canal system, and especially its apical third, represents the basic precondition for the successful treatment of diseased pulp and the apical endodontium. Aim. The aim of this study was to precisely locate the main and ancillary foramina in the mesial and distal first lower molars. Method. One hundred extracted first lower molars, originating from persons of both sexes and three different age groups, were used in the study. Results. The analysis of the sampled molars’ apical third was carried out using a binocular magnifier and a digital X-ray scanner (Trophy). The results showed that the main mesial and distal root foramina were located mostly on the distal surface. The ancillary mesial and distal root foramina were located at the lingual end, in most cases. Statistical analysis demonstrated the congruence of results achieved using the binocular magnifier and digital x-ray in 100% of cases if the main foramen is located on the very top of the mesial root (χ2 =17.23; p lt 0.001), and in 92.9% of cases if the main foramen is localised on the very top of the distal root of the first lower molar (χ2 =12.07; p lt 0.001). Conclusion. The most common localisation of the main foramina for all age categories and in both mesial and distal roots is on the distal surface of the root. The greatest number of ancillary foramina was observed in the youngest age category, while they were localised most often on the lingual side of the mesial and distal root.Uvod Poznavanje morfologije korenskog kanalskog sistema zuba, a naročito njegove apeksne trećine, predstavlja osnovni preduslov za uspešno lečenje obolele pulpe i apeksnog endodoncijuma. Cilj rada Cilj rada je bio da se odredi tačna lokalizacija glavnih i pomoćnih otvora na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu prvih donjih stalnih molara. Metod rada Ispitano je 100 ekstrahovanih prvih donjih molara osoba oba pola, podeljenih u tri starosne kategorije. Analiza apeksne trećine uzoraka je urađena pomoću binokularne lupe i digitalnog rendgenografskog aparata (Trophy). Rezultati Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je najčešća lokalizacija glavnih otvora na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu bila na distalnoj strani. Pomoćni otvori na mezijalnom i distalnom korenu su najčešće bili lokalizovani na lingvalnoj strani korena. Statistička analiza je pokazala podudarnost rezultata dobijenih primenom binokularne lupe i digitalne rendgenografije kod 100% ispitanih zuba ako je glavni otvor lokalizovan na samom vrhu mezijalnog korena (χ2=17,23; p lt 0,001), odnosno kod 92,9% zuba kada je glavni otvor na samom vrhu distalnog korena prvog donjeg molara (χ2=12,07; p lt 0,001). Zaključak Najčešća lokalizacija glavnih otvora i kod mezijalnog i kod distalnog korena je na distalnoj površini korena u svim starosnim kategorijama. Najveći broj pomoćnih otvora uočen je u najmlađoj starosnoj kategoriji, a najčešće su bili lokalizovani na lingvalnoj strani mezijalnog i distalnog korena

    A Review of Empirical Research on Contemporary Needs and Conditions in Housing in the Context of Flexibility

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    This paper presents the results of a previous empirical research on users’ needs and living conditions in multi-family housing units in the city of Niš,based on a German study of flexible housing named “Flexible Wohnungen”. The research involved the interviewing of tenants about different aspects of living in multifamily housing, with particular reference to the flexible housing programme and its implementation in practice. By systematising and comparing the achieved results with the results of foreign research, certain conclusions can be made on the universal housing needs and current living conditions in the city of Niš


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    In times of radical social transformations, the demand for flexibility of space can be identified as one of the strategic priorities of maintaining the urban environment. In the context of social, economic and environmental sustainability, housing must imply an integrated ability to respond to programme changes, which can be achieved through the concept of flexibility. By identifying and applying certain design principles, it is possible to prevent the problem of functional obsolescence and unsuitability of the living environment that modern cities are facing. The apartment as an immediate living environment is the most direct indicator of the degree of adaptability of the physical surrounding to modern human needs. The analysis of basic design principles, using an example of flexible apartment, examines the spatial correlations and laws of the relationship between elements of the plan, which provides the basis for the authors to draw the conclusions about the reality of applying this concept in practice

    Klon kao metafora Drugog u romanu „Ne daj mi nikada da odem“ Kazua Išigura

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    In the tradition of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818) and Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932), Kazuo Ishiguro’s novel Never Let Me Go (2005) employs human cloning as a complex metaphor for personal identity and social relations. Unlike these classics of the literary dystopia, the novel’s anxieties are not generated by the relationship between the human being and biotechnology, more specifically, the possibility of the creation of post human life forms in the near future, which can easily be assumed from the centrality of the metaphor of cloning both in the novel and the contemporary socio/ cultural context. Its deepest anxieties concern eff ective ways of surveillance and social control by “a Leviathan”, which Darko Suvin associates with any kind of “collective, politico-economic and ideological hegemony” (Suvin 2009: 226), and the novel identifies with the contemporary age of biocapitalism and neoliberalism. The concept of biopolitics as deployed in the theories of Giorgio Agamben and Michael Foucault and Darko Suvin’s ideas about the hegemony of a “new Leviathan” are used as the framework within which the novel will be read as Ishiguro’s critique of utilitarianism and the rising instrumentalisation of life.Napisan u tradiciji distopijskih romana, poput Frankenštajna (1818) M. Šeli ili Vrlog novog sveta (1932) O. Hakslija, Ne daj mi nikada da odem (Never Let Me Go, 2005) Kazua Išigura koristi temu ljudskog kloniranja kao višeznačnu metaforu za lični identitet i društvene odnose. Za razliku od pomenutih klasika distopije, međutim, glavne strahove ovde ne generiše odnos čoveka i (bio)tehnologije, odnosno eventualna mogućnost stvaranja postljudskog života u bliskoj budućnosti, što bi se lako dalo pretpostaviti na osnovu centralnosti metafore kloniranja i aktuelnosti teme genetskog inženjeringa za savremeni društveno-kulturni kontekst. Najveću zabrinutost rađaju efi kasniji načini nadzora i discipline čoveka od strane „Levijatana“, kako Darko Suvin naziva bilo koju „kolektivnu, političko-ekonomsku kao i ideološku hegemoniju“ (Suvin 2009: 226), a koju roman povezuje sa savremenim dobom postindustrijskog biokapitalizma i neoliberalizma. Promišljanja Đorđa Agambena i Mišela Fukoa o biomoći/biopolitici, kao i stavovi pomenutog Darka Suvina o novom Levijatanu savremenog doba, biće upotrebljeni kao okvir u kojem se Išigurov roman čita kao kritika utilitarizma i rastuće instrumentalizacije života

    Definisanje i primena metode vrednovanja fleksibilnosti prostorne organizacije stana u višeporodičnim stambenim objektima

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    Standardization of housing in compliance with sustainable development represents a great challenge for contemporary architectural practice, particularly in less developed social environments, which is still founded methodologically on inherited social models. Sustainable housing that could with its physical properties address the changeable needs of society in the long-term should be based on the concept of flexibility and the principal of a free choice. Contemporary social conditions require wide diversification of programmes in a space-user relation, especially within the framework of the narrowest housing environment, i.e. a flat. The right to equality and self-system of value within the physical framework of the flat represent a material aspect of socially responsible acting and the measure of a social sustainability of the environment. The particular research in a certain way represents the method of evaluating internal flexibility of the flat in multi-family residential buildings and explores the potentials for its application in practice. The aim of the research is to improve the methodology of planning and designing through the affirmation of flexible housing models that will, ultimately, provide a functional and social sustainability of the urban setting. The reference framework of the research, spatial aspects and criteria for evaluation of flexibility underlie the methodological procedure. Specific aspects of flexibility relate to the dispositional, structural and formal determinants of the plan. The evaluation criteria relate to the spatial performances that indicate the degree of freedom achieved in the interior space. By processing and analysing the results of the evaluation, certain spatio-physical principles that directly affect the flexibility and utility value of the flat are determined. Implementation of the defined method is demonstrated on the example of contemporary residential architecture in the city of Niš and aims to identify the characteristics of the local design and construction methodologies in the context of flexibility. In order to evaluate the current housing needs, a research of housing conditions and satisfaction of users in the city of Niš was conducted. Using the results of theoretical and empirical studies, the general principles of flexible design are defined and recommendations for improving the quality of housing are formulated

    Dental status of institutionalized persons with special needs who live in Special institution “Srce u jabuci” in Pancevo

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    Introduction. Dental status of most people with special needs is not satisfactory. Many of them are edentulous or toothless, with acute extensive caries lesions present, high DMFT index and severe periodontal disease. The objective of this study was to examine the dental status of mentally impaired persons who live in the special institution “Srce u jabuci” in Pancevo. Material and Methods. Clinical examination was performed on 114 institutionalized patients (68 male and 46 female), age 22 to 71 years. Patients were divided in two groups; the first group consisted of 71 persons who had a moderate mental disorder (F71), while the second group included 43 respondents with severe mental retardation (F72). Oral examination revealed: the number of present teeth, caries lesions, the presence of restorations, the number of extracted teeth, the presence of residual roots, fractures and the presence and number of fixed restorations. Results. The mean DMFT of total examined teeth was 20.33±7.63. The greatest percentage found for extracted teeth (63.76%): in the first group 63.23%, and in the second 64.06%. The percentage of teeth that had caries lesions of all examined teeth was 33.48%, while the lowest percentage was for restored teeth (2.76%). In majority of examined people, initial caries, deep caries, or tooth with the exposed pulp (K1 - 51.74% K2 - 40.35%, K3 - 51.75%) were not found. A high percentage of examined people had more than 10 extracted teeth (52.63%). Most of them did not have any restoration in the mouth (81%) and only three persons had fixed denture. Conclusion. Dental status of institutionalized mentally impaired persons showed high prevalence of extracted teeth, significant presence of carious lesions and small percentage of restored teeth with inadequate oral hygiene

    Uticaj dodavanja organskog selena na proizvodne karakteristike fazana

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    The effect of organic selenium as feed additive contained in the feed was investigated, applied in concentrations of 0.3 and 0.4 mg Se/kg mixture on production characteristics pheasant. The study was conducted on a total of 45 common pheasant individuals Phasianus colchicus, six weeks old, divided into three equal groups of 15 individuals for 60 days. The control pheasants group was fed with a standard mixture without addition of selenium during the experiment, while the mixture of group I contained 0.15 g/kg and pheasants group II had 0.20 g/kg additives with organic selenium. The results showed that different amounts of organic selenium presence in pheasants' feed had a positive effect on analyzed productivity indicators of pheasants' growth rate, both their final body weight and weight gain (p (lt) 0.05). Among examined groups of pheasant, gained differences in average feed conversion and total production index were not statistically significant (p> 0.05). The best production results were achieved by individual II group, which also had the highest selenium content in muscle tissue of the pectoral muscles, drumstick and thigh (p (lt) 0.05).Na osnovu sprovedenih istraživanja može se zaključiti da je upotreba organskog selena kao dodatka smešama za ishranu fazana imala povoljan učinak na ispitivane proizvodne rezultate i sadržaj selena u mišićnom tkivu i jetri. Najbolje proizvodne rezultate je postigla II grupa fazana u čijoj hrani je upotrebljen organski selen u koncentraciji od 0,4 mg/kg. Nešto niže vrednosti proizvodnih pokazatelja su ostvarili fazani I grupe, čija je smeša sadržavala 0,3 mg/kg selena, dok su najniže vrednosti ispitivanih parametara ustanovljene u K grupi. Rezultati ovog istraživanja pokazuju da fazani osim statusa lovne divljači mogu imati veliki značaj u proizvodnji kvalitetnog mesa sa značajnim sadržajem antioksidanta selena koji bi doprineo prevenciji raznih oboljenja imunog sistema i poboljšanja zdravlja ljudi. Takođe, sa ekonomske tačke gledišta optimatizacijom smeša za ishranu fazana koje sadrže selen može se racionalizovati konverzija hrane i ujedno smanjiti troškovi ishrane

    XP-endo shaper (XPS) - efikasnost u čišćenju apeksne trećine kanala

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    Introduction The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of new rotary NiTi instrument XP endo SHAPER (XPS) used with conventional irrigation protocol on the root canal cleaning in the apical area. Material and methods The research was conducted in vitro on 40 extracted single-rooted teeth divided into the four groups. Instrumentation in the first group was performed using iRa Ce NiTi rotary instruments, in the second group the same instruments were used plus XP endo FINISHER (XPF) for smear layer removal. In the third group, canal instrumentation was done using new instrument XPS, and in the fourth XPS instruments plus XPF was used. During the instrumentation 2% NaOCl solution was used for rinsing canals. The SEM analysis of the cleaning quality in the apical third of the canal was performed on longitudinal root cross-sections and standardized microphotography with a 2000x magnification. Results The thickest smear layer in the apical third was recorded in the first group (iRa Ce) NiTi instruments (2.12), and somewhat less in the group with the new XPS instrument (1.95). An identical and somewhat smaller amount of smear layer was registered in the second and fourth groups where XPF was used with the final irrigant (1.64) (p lt 0.001). Conclusion The application of only one instrument (XPS) in the canal enabled efficient cleaning of a very complex apical third. Cleaning was more efficient when XPF was used with final irrigant after the canal instrumentation.Uvod Cilj ovog rada je bio da se SEM analizom proceni efikasnost čišćenja apeksne trećine kanala korena primenom novog rotirajućeg NiTi instrumenta XPS uz protokol konvencionalne irigacije. Materijal i metode rada Istraživanje je realizovano u in vitro uslovima na 40 ekstrahovanih jednokorenih zuba podeljenih u četiri grupe. Instrumentacija kanala u prvoj grupi je izvedena setom iRa Ce NiTi rotirajućih instrumenata, a u drugoj je nakon instrumentacije ovim setom za uklanjanje razmaznog sloja korišćen XPF. U trećoj grupi je instrumentacija kanala realizovana novim instrumentom XPS, a u četvrtoj je posle završene instrumentacije takođe korišćen XPS. Irigacija kanala korena u svim grupama je sprovedena 2% rastvorom NaOCl primenom konvencionalnog protokola. SEM analiza kvaliteta čišćenja apeksne trećine kanala je realizovana na uzdužnim presecima korenova i standardizovanim mikrofotografijama na uveličanju od 2000 puta. Rezultati Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da je najviše razmaznog sloja u apeksnoj trećini zabeleženo u grupi gde je instrumentacija realizovana setom iRa Ce NiTi instrumenata (2,12), a nešto manje u grupi sa novim instrumentom XPS (1,95). Identična i nešto manja količina razmaznog sloja je registrovana u drugoj i četvrtoj grupi, gde je posle završene instrumentacije korišćen XPF (1,64) (p lt 0,001). Zaključak Primena samo jednog instrumenta (XPS) u instrumentaciji kanala obezbeđuje efikasno čišćenje vrlo kompleksne apeksne trećine. Ovo čišćenje je značajno efikasnije posle primene XPF nakon završene instrumentacije kanala

    Multifunctional Public Open Spaces for Sustainable Cities: Concept and Application

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    The idea that multifunctional open spaces support sustainable urban development has been widely accepted in theory and intensively used in practice of urban planning and design. It is based on the assumption that multifunctional spaces bring a wider spectrum of environmental, social and economic benefits to urban areas. And yet, multifunctionality of space is still a vague and diffuse concept that needs further clarifications. Besides that, different academic disciplines understand and use this concept in different ways. This makes the application of the concept difficult to assess and manage in relation to different aspects of urban sustainability. Through the literature review, this paper analyses and compares how the concept of multifunctionality is used in various spatial disciplines (urban planning and design, landscape architecture) in order to better understand and relate its different dimensions, applications and expected benefits for sustainable development. Based on this, a new, relational and multidimensional conceptualisation of the multifunctionality of public open spaces is proposed for analysis and assessment of urban design solutions. It is further applied and discussed in relation to students projects from “Ecological urban design studio” from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Architecture, as visions for development of multifunctional public open spaces in modernist mass housing area of “Sava Blocks” in New Belgrade, Serbia.Ideja da je mutlifunkcionalnost otvorenih prostora važna za urbanu održivost se sve vise naglašava u teoriji i sve češće primenjuje u praksi urbanog planiranja i dizajna. Pretpostavlja se da multifunkcionalni prostori mogu da pruže širi spektar ekoloških, društvenih i ekonomskih koristi. Međutim, sam concept multifunkcionalnosti nije dovoljno teoretski elaboriran. Dodatno, različite akademske discipline konceptualizuju i koriste ovaj concept na različite načine. Usled toga je otežana procena kako multifunkcionalni otvoreni prostori stvarno doprinose održivom urbanom razvoju i kako ih razvijati sa tim ciljem. Ovim radom se, na osnovu pregleda literature, analiziraju i porede načini konceptualizacije i primene koncepta multifunkcionalnosti prostora u različitim displinama prostornog razvoja ( urbanističko planiranje i dizajn, pejzažno planiranje i arhitektura) kako bi se razumele i uspostavile veze između različitih dimenzija multifunkcionalnosti i očekivanih koristiod primene koncepta za održivi urbani razvoj. Na tim osnovama se definiše nova relacijska i multidimenzionalna konceptualizacija (multi)funkcionalnosti javnih otvorenih prostora kao analitički okvir za vrednovanje doprinosa projekata urbanog dizajna održivom razvoju. Primena novog analitičkog okvira se demonstrira i diskutuje na primeru studentskih projekata sa studija “Ekološki urbani dizajn” sa Univerziteta u Beogradu- Arhitektonskog fakultet, kao vizija razvoja multifunkcionalnih javnih otvorenih prostora modernističkog kompleksa “Savskih blokova” u Novom Beogradu u Srbiji

    Efficiency of XP endo Shaper (XPS) and irrigation protocol on the quality of cleaning the apical third of root canal: SEM study

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    Background/Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of new rotary NiTi instrument XP-endo SHAPER (XPS) used with two irrigation protocols on the root canal cleaning in the apical area. Material and Methods: The research was conducted on 30 single-rooted teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons which were divided into the two groups. Instrumentation of the canals was conducted with XPS instrument and 2% solution of NaOCl was used as irrigant. Instrumentation in the first group was performed using a conventional continuous irrigation, in the second group, protocol of final irrigation was performed intermittently in 3 cycles. The SEM analysis of the apical third of the canal was performed on longitudinal root cross-section standardized photomicrography with a magnification of 2000X. Results: Results showed that a thicker smear layer was observed in the first group and with continuous irrigation protocol (2,10) in relation to the intermittent irrigation protocol in 3 cycles (1,96), but without significant differences. The walls of the root canal in the apical third of the samples of the second group were slightly cleaner (73.3%) in comparison with the teeth of the first group (64, 7%), but also without significant differences. Conclusions: The use of XPS and 2% solution of NaOCl in the root canal enables efficient cleaning of the apical third of tooth. The final irrigation protocol in three cycles improves the efficiency of the smear layer removal in the apical segment of the canal