982 research outputs found

    Ecology, biogeography and taxonomy of the genus Lactarius in Croatia

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    U ovom radu prikazana je biogeografija, taksonomija i ekologija gljiva iz roda Lactarius (mliječnice) u Hrvatskoj. Opisana je građa, karakteristike plodiÅ”ta, uloga. značaj i način života. Rasplodna tjeleÅ”ca su važna za njihovu determinaciju. Dat je pregled najčeŔćih vrsta mliječnica u Hrvatskoj, te je uz svaku čestu vrstu prezentirana fotografija njihovih plodiÅ”ta. Izdvojene su i ugrožene vrste koje se nalaze u Crvenom popisu gljiva Hrvatske. Također, dat je pregled vrsta koje se upotrebljavaju za hranu (koriste u ishrani). Rod Lactarius predstavnik je razreda Agaricomycetes koji pripada odjeljku Basidiomycota. PlodiÅ”ta vrsta iz ovog roda karakterizira prisutnost jedinstvenih mliječnih hifa, prema kojima ove gljive nose naziv mliječnice. Do danas je u Hrvatskoj zabilježeno 67 vrsta iz ovog roda Å”to čini oko 60% svih vrsta poznatih u Europi.In this seminar I present structure, lifecycle, biogeography, taxonomy, ecology, and ecological role of the mushrooms of the genus Lactarius in Croatia. Attributes of fruiting bodies important for their determination are described. An overview of the most common Lactarius species is given, accompanied by the photographs of the abovementioned. Endangered species from the Red list of fungi in Croatia are, as well, singled out. Also, a review of the species used in nutrition is given. The genus Lactarius represents a common member of the class Agaricomycetes, phylum Basidiomycota. Its distinctive criterion (mark) being forming of the fruiting bodies with its unique, lactiferous hyphae, after which the entire genus acquired its common name milk-caps. There are 67 species of the genus recorded in Croatia, which represents about 60% of all known European species

    Treći stručni seminar o obrazovanju Ā»Higher Education and World of Work ā€“ Changing Relationships and New ChallengesĀ«

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    Treći stručni seminar o obrazovanju Ā»Higher Education and World of Work ā€“ Changing Relationships and New Challenges

    Odnos između antioksidacijskih aktivnosti, prvog elektrokemijskog oksidacijskog potencijala i spinskih populacija atomskih orbitala radikala flavonoida

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    I have shown that by averaging antioxidant activity (AA) values measured by different methods it is possible to obtain an excellent correlation (R2=0.960) between the first electrochemical oxidation potential, Ep1, and AA. Separate correlations using the AA values obtained with each of the four methods [R2 were 0.561 for diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 0.849 for Folin Ciocalteu reagent (FCR), 0.848 for the ferric-reducing ability of plasma (FRAP), and 0.668 for the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC)] were all worse, and in some cases not useful at all, such as the one for DPPH. Also, the sum of atomic orbital spin populations on the carbon atoms in the skeleton of radicals (s(C) Ī£ AOSPRad), calculated with the semi-empirical parameterisation method 6 (PM6) in water, was used to correlate both Ep1 and AA, yielding R2=0.926 and 0.950, respectively. This showed to be a much better variable for the estimation of Ep1 and AA than the bond dissociation energy (BDE), R2=0.854 and 0.901 for Ep1 and AA, respectively, and especially the ionisation potential (IP), R2=0.445 and 0.435 for Ep1 and AA, respectively.U radu je pokazano da je usrednjivanjem vrijednosti antioksidacijskih aktivnosti (AA) mjerenih različitim metodama moguće dobiti izvrsno slaganje (R2=0,960) između prvog elektrokemijskog oksidacijskog potencijala (Ep1) i AA. Pojedinačne korelacije AA vrijednosti dobivene svakom od četiriju metoda [R2 je 0,561 za difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil (DPPH), 0,848 za Folin-Ciocalteu reagens (FCR), 0,848 za sposobnost plazme da reducira željezo (FRAP) i 0,668 za Trolox ekvivalent antioksidacijske aktivnosti (TEAC)] bile su loÅ”ije, a u nekim slučajevima potpuno nekorisne, kao Å”to je primjerice korelacija s DPPH. Također, zbroj spinskih populacija atomskih orbitala ugljikovih atoma u skeletu molekule radikala (s(C) Ī£ AOSPRad), izračunana semi-empirijskom parametrizirajućom metodom 6 (PM6) u vodi, korelirana je s Ep1 i AA, dajući R2=0,926 i 0,950. Pokazano je da je to puno bolja varijabla za procjenu vrijednosti Ep1 i AA od energije disocijacije veze (BDE), R2=0,854 i 0,901 za Ep1 i AA, a naročito od ionizacijskog potencijala (IP), R2=0,445 i 0,435 za Ep1 i AA

    Differential diagnostic relevance of high resolution magnetic resonance in patients with possible multiple system atrophy (MSA) ā€“ a case report [Važnost uporabe magnetne rezonancije visoke rezolucije u dijagnostici moguće multiple sistemske atrofije - prikaz slučaja]

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    Multiple system atrophy (MSA) is sporadic, progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized clinically by autonomic dysfunction, Parkinsonism (MSA-P), and cerebellar ataxia (MSA-C) in any combination. Parkinsonism is present in the majority of patients (80%). Early in the course of the disease autonomic dysfunctions are present in approximately 40% of patients, while the domination of cerebellar symptoms is present in 20% of all patients1,2. According to second consensus statement on diagnosis of MSA, to make the diagnosis of possible MSA, except Parkinsonism or a cerebellar syndrome, there must be one feature involving autonomic dysfunction plus one other additional that can include findings on history, clinical examination or changes in structural or functional imaging3. We present a case of 60-year old male with Parkinsonism and cerebellar symptoms accompanied with signs of autonomic nervous system involvment. Level of autonomic dysfunction was not the level required for the diagnosis of probable MSA. On initially performed 1.5T MRI, the most prominent neurodegenerative feature of brain stem, cerebellum and basal ganglia was atrophy, however features like Ā»hot-cross bunĀ« sign, Ā»slit-likeĀ« putaminal rim and middle cerebellar peduncle hyperintensities were detected only after MR imaging on higher resolution (3T) device4. Our case points to the possibility that some typical structural changes that can help in diagnostic process may not be clearly visible on 1.5 T MRI devices. In such cases we suggest using 3T MRI device, if feasible, in order to demonstrate findings that may help in establishing the diagnosis of possible MSA

    Low to High Frequency Ratio of Heart Rate Variability Spectra Fails to Describe Sympatho-Vagal Balance in Cardiac Patients

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) reflects an influence of autonomic nervous system on heart work. In healthy subjects, ratio between low and high frequency components (LF/HF ratio) of HRV spectra represents a measure of sympatho- vagal balance. The ratio was defined by the authorities as an useful clinical tool, but it seems that it fails to summarise sympatho-vagal balance in a clinical setting. Value of the method was re-evaluated in several categories of cardiac patients. HRV was analysed from 24-hour Holter ECGs in 132 healthy subjects, and 2159 cardiac patients dichotomized by gender, median of age, diagnosis of myocardial infarction or coronary artery surgery, left ventricular systolic function and divided by overall HRV into several categories. In healthy subjects, LF/HF ratio correlated with overall HRV negatively, as expected. The paradoxical finding was obtained in cardiac patients; the lower the overall HRV and the time-domain indices of vagal modulation activity were the lower the LF/HF ratio was. If used as a measure of sympatho-vagal balance, long-term recordings of LF/HF ratio contradict to clinical finding and time-domain HRV indices in cardiac patients. The ratio cannot therefore be used as a reliable marker of autonomic activity in a clinical setting

    Integracija "big data" analize i inženjerskog načina razmiŔljanja s ciljem upravljanja i kontroliranja inteligentnog opremanja i umjetnog načina podizanja nafte i plina za odabranu buŔotinu s područja Hrvatske : diplomski rad

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    In order to reach more complex reservoir and increase ultimate recovery, engineers are searching for new technologies. One of these is intelligent completion which provides system monitoring, fluid production or injection control, and optimization. Operator can make decisions about managing completion based on real-time data coming from the downhole sensors. In addition, machine learning is becoming more popular in the oil industry. It finds application in automatization of processes and reducing time and error in decision making process. The aim of the thesis is to couple intelligent completion with machine learning (neural network) on the real example-gas well. The goal is to see if neural network can predict optimal interval control valve sizes for specific scenarios.Inženjeri kontinuirano istražuju nove tehnologije kako bi razradili kompleksnija ležiÅ”ta i povećali njihov ukupni iscrpak ležiÅ”ta. Jedan od načina je i inteligentno opremanje koje pruža mogućnost daljinskog nadgledanja i kontrole cjelokupnog procesa pridobivanja ugljikovodika, te optimizaciju cijelog procesa. U takvom sustavu operator donosi odluke na temelju podataka koji dolaze u stvarnom vremenu sa senzora postavljenih u buÅ”otinu. Nadalje, strojno učenje (engl. machine learning) postaje sve popularnije i u naftnoj industriji. Primjenjuje se u automatizaciji procesa kako bi se smanjilo vrijeme i greÅ”ke prilikom donoÅ”enja odluka. Cilj ovoga rada je spojiti inteligentno opremanje sa neuronskom mrežom na stvarnom primjeru plinske buÅ”otine. Uz to, cilj je vidjeti može li neuronska mreža predvidjeti optimalne veličine intervalnog kontrolnog ventila za različite slučajeve

    Low to High Frequency Ratio of Heart Rate Variability Spectra Fails to Describe Sympatho-Vagal Balance in Cardiac Patients

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    Heart rate variability (HRV) reflects an influence of autonomic nervous system on heart work. In healthy subjects, ratio between low and high frequency components (LF/HF ratio) of HRV spectra represents a measure of sympatho- vagal balance. The ratio was defined by the authorities as an useful clinical tool, but it seems that it fails to summarise sympatho-vagal balance in a clinical setting. Value of the method was re-evaluated in several categories of cardiac patients. HRV was analysed from 24-hour Holter ECGs in 132 healthy subjects, and 2159 cardiac patients dichotomized by gender, median of age, diagnosis of myocardial infarction or coronary artery surgery, left ventricular systolic function and divided by overall HRV into several categories. In healthy subjects, LF/HF ratio correlated with overall HRV negatively, as expected. The paradoxical finding was obtained in cardiac patients; the lower the overall HRV and the time-domain indices of vagal modulation activity were the lower the LF/HF ratio was. If used as a measure of sympatho-vagal balance, long-term recordings of LF/HF ratio contradict to clinical finding and time-domain HRV indices in cardiac patients. The ratio cannot therefore be used as a reliable marker of autonomic activity in a clinical setting

    Health Organisation Purpose and strategic Intent: Creating Vision and Mission

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    Raised awareness of macro-environment change pointed out the necessity for strategic planning and management of a modern health organization. The apparent management concern is how to maintain a pace with dynamic environment and innovations and to preserve proactive position. Economic transition in health systems of south east Europe countries acts as driver for strategic respond to imposed changes. Health organizations do vary by their corporate values and level of their autonomy. Like entities they have to define their purposes, missions, visions, functional capabilities and unique personalities. Also, as an open system; they must relate effectively to its external and internal environment
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