16 research outputs found

    Exploratory study on maturation and competition level in young karate practitioners

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    Emparelhar crianças propicia sucesso e reduz lesões no desporto. Apesar das diferenças de maturação entre crianças, a idade cronológica mantém-se o principal critério para equalizar os níveis de competição, mas com uma eficiência limitada. No entanto, no karaté, o peso também é considerado. Fomos verificar se existe associação entre a idade cronológica e os indicadores maturacionais e, encontrar modelos simples que permitam colocar em reflexão novas formas de avaliação da maturação. Foram recolhidos dados em 54 jovens praticantes de karaté (idade: 12,67 ± 2,49 anos; experiência: 4,99 ± 2,44 anos; altura: 150,45 ± 15,25cm; peso: 43,09 ± 14,17 kg, 20 raparigas). A idade correlacionou-se significativamente com auto-observação da maturação sexual (rho = 0,838; p < 0,01), e foi possível encontrar modelos de regressão simples que têm uma explicação moderada na maturação, apenas utilizando variáveis de medição simples, tal como a altura, o peso e o perímetro do braço. Estes resultados devem levar as entidades competentes a refletir acerca do modo de emparelhamento dos atletas nas competições de uma forma justa em termos de maturação.Paring children improve the chance for success and reduce injury in sport. Despite the maturity differences between children, chronological age remains the main criterion to equalize competition levels, but with limited efficiency. However, in Karate, weight is also considered. We went to investigate the association between chronological age and maturational indicators and find simple models to put on reflection new ways to assess the maturity. Data were collected in 54 young Karate practitioners (age: 12.67 ± 2.49 years, experience: 4.99 ± 2.44 years, height: 150.45 ± 15.25 cm, weight: 43.09 ± 14, 17 kg, 20 girls). Age correlated significantly with self-observation of sexual maturation (rho = 0.838; p < 0.01), and it was possible to find simple regression models that have a moderate explanation in maturation, using only simple measurable variables such as the height, weight and arm circumference. These results should lead the competent entities to reflect on the way of pairing of the athletes in the competitions, in a fair way in terms of maturation.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Combined low-carbohydrate diet and long-term exercise in hypoxia in type 2 diabetes: A randomized controlled trial protocol to assess glycemic control, cardiovascular risk factors and body composition

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    Background: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality associated with diabetes, which is characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Low-carbohydrate diet has gained popularity as an intervention in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, acting to improve glycemic profile and serum lipids. In its turn, exercise in hypoxia induces specific adaptations, mostly modulated via hypoxia-induced transcription factor signaling cascade, which increases with exposure to altitude, and promotes angiogenesis, glycogen supply, glucose tolerance, and raises GLUT-4 expression. Aim: Given that hyperglycemia decreases HIF-1 and it is better controlled when following a low-carbohydrate diet, this study aims to examine the hypothesis that a combination of both low-carbohydrate diet and chronic exercise in hypoxia in type 2 diabetes mellitus is associated with improved glycemic control and cardiovascular parameters, whose protocol is described. Methods: Patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus ( n=48) will be recruited and randomized into one of the three groups: (a) Control group: Control diet (low-fat and moderate-carbohydrate diet)+exercise in normoxia; (2) exercise in hypoxia group: Control diet+exercise in hypoxia; (3) intervention group: Low-carbohydrate diet (low-carbohydrate and high-fat diet)+exercise in hypoxia. Before and after 8 weeks of interventions, cardiopulmonary tests (Bruce protocol), body composition and blood pressure will be evaluated. Blood samples will be collected to measure hypoxia-induced transcription factor, C-reactive protein, glycemic and lipid profiles. Summary: This will be the first trial to examine the isolated and combined effect of chronic exercise in hypoxia and low-carbohydrate diet in type 2 diabetes mellitus. This trial will help to fill a significant research gap, guide future research and contribute to the combined nutrition and exercise approach to type 2 diabetes mellitus. </jats:p

    Metabolic and energetics characterization and gender comparison in prepubertal karate practitioners

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    [EN] The number of children practicing karate is constantly increasing. It is necessary to provide correct information to the karate masters/coaches about this specific population, so they can properly developkarate training processes without causing any harm to practitioners but, on the contrary, contribute to theharmonious development of children and youths. This study was carried out with twenty-one prepubertal karate practitioners, male and female. They were analyzed on their maturational development, metabolic and energetic behavior in an incremental test until exhaustion. Only the energetic variables presented significant differences between gender, so it seems that the karate practice has a similar metabolic impact in the development of the prepubertal karate practitioners of both genders

    Constraints on and facilitators of young people’s participation: The case of border regions of mainland Portugal

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    Highlights: Young people are involved in diverse types of participation, being engaged, disengaged or unpolitical. Young people perceive opportunities to organise initiatives but not to participate in local decisions. Constraints on participation and responses to promote it were identified. Context-specific barriers were mentioned by young people and policymakers. Municipalities and schools are priority contexts for fostering youth participation. Purpose: This article aims to assess constraints on and facilitators of youth participation in rural border regions. Knowledge about regional participation of young people is useful for developing territorialised policies. Methodology: Using a mixed method approach designed in line with theories of civic and political participation and youth studies, we analysed responses from young people to a questionnaire (n = 3968) and interviews with policymakers (n = 36) and young people (n = 20). Findings: Young people are involved in diverse types of civic and political participation and perceive more opportunities to organise initiatives than to participate in local decision-making. Constraints on participation relate to the distance between politics, governance institutions and young people, weak strategies of municipalities, lack of youth organisations and mobility. Facilitators of participation include supporting youth-led activities or involving young people in local decisions. Research implications: the study contributes to understanding youth participation in rural regions

    Análise biomecânica da posição do ciclista na bicicleta

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between kinematic variables affecting the cyclists position on the bike with the distribution of body weight by the saddle and the handlebars of the cyclist. The sample consisted by 23 males, uncompetitive cycling practitioners, aged between 35 and 50 years and the data were collected for a mountain bike ride. Cyclists used their own bikes and through two­dimensional digital videography were collected images in the sagittal plane on the right side of the rider. Through digitization and subsequent processing through cinemetric processing system APAS images (Ariel Performance Analysis), the following variables were analyzed: Trunk angle in the horizontal, trunk angle with the upper limbs, horizontal distance from the saddle to the handlebar, difference between the heights of the saddle and handlebar and position the center of gravity of the whole head, trunk and upper limbs. The calculation of the weight distributed in the saddle and the handlebars was performed by vector summation, with reference to the center of gravity position. The results showed average values of the distribution of the cyclists weight by the seat of 63.47% ± 4.2 and the handlebar of 36.52% ± 4.2%. It was not showed that the cyclists with more weight on the handlebars obtained: the more inclined trunk ahead, a greater angle of the trunk with their arms, a greater difference between the height of the saddle and handlebar height and a greater difference between the height the handlebars and the seat. This study demonstrated that the cyclists position on the bike is affected simultaneously by a number of biomechanical variables, which interact in that a closed system with several degrees of freedom, where the ends are fixed, any change in one or more variable affects the other in a way sometimes little predictable.O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em analisar a relação entre variáveis cinemáticas que afetam a posição do ciclista na bicicleta com a distribuição do peso corporal pelo selim e pelo guiador no ciclista. A amostra foi constituída por 23 indivíduos do sexo masculino, praticantes de BTT não competitivo, com idades compreendidas entre os 35 e os 50 anos e os dados foram recolhidos durante um passeio de BTT. Os ciclistas utilizaram as suas próprias bicicletas e através de videografia digital bidimensional foram recolhidas imagens no plano sagital do lado direito do ciclista. Através da digitalização e posterior processamento, através do sistema de processamento cinemétrico de imagens APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis), foram analisados as seguintes variáveis: ângulo do tronco com a horizontal, ângulo do tronco com os membros superiores, distância horizontal do selim ao guiador, diferença entre as alturas do selim e do guiador e posição do centro de gravidade do conjunto cabeça, tronco e membros superiores. O cálculo do peso distribuído pelo guiador e pelo selim foi realizado através de somação vetorial, tendo como referência a posição do centro de gravidade. Os resultados mostraram valores médios da distribuição do peso do ciclista pelo selim de 63.47% ± 4.2 e pelo guiador de 36.52% ± 4.2. Não se verificou que os atletas com mais peso no guiador obtinham: o tronco mais inclinado á frente, um maior ângulo do tronco com os membros superiores, uma maior diferença entre a altura do selim e a altura do guiador e uma maior diferença entre a altura do guiador e do selim. Assim, através deste estudo verificou­se que a posição do ciclista na bicicleta é afetada simultaneamente por um conjunto de variáveis biomecânicas, que pelo facto de interagirem num sistema fechado, com vários graus de liberdade, onde as extremidades estão fixas, qualquer mudança numa ou mais variáveis afeta as restantes duma forma por vezes pouco previsível

    A influência da liderança e da motivação nos resultados da força de vendas em contexto de crise: estudo de caso Vasp

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    Neste estudo queremos abordar aspetos relacionados com a liderança e a motivação de equipas de vendas, através do acompanhamento de um caso concreto, em ambiente de estudo de caso: a força de vendas que se dedica a comercialização de produtos não editoriais da empresa VASP - Distribuição de Publicações S.A, com enfoque na origem de um problema (necessidade de um determinado tipo de liderança e de estratégias de motivação, em contexto de crise), situação atual da equipa de vendas e proposta de plano de desenvolvimento, com vista a melhorar resultados, e o contributo desta equipa de vendas para a sustentabilidade da organização, em tempos de incerteza e de mudança.This research is about some aspects related with leadership and motivation of a sales team. Through a case study format we will focus our attention towards the Vasp sales team, how it deals with selling of non editorial products, on which is identified the need of a certain type of leadership and motivation strategies, adapted to a crisis context, to bring them to success. After a brief survey of Vasp positioning over the market, the clients and expectations, we will scope the present situation of the sales team and their leadership, and propose some positive developments, to improve sales results. The contribute of this sales team to the sustainbility of Vasp, even in times of uncertainty and change, will be specially focused

    Biomecânica das atividades desportivas

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    O presente livro procura elencar um conjunto diversificado de temáticas relativas à biomecânica das atividades desportivas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Análisis biomecánico de la posición del ciclista sobre la bicicleta

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    O objetivo deste estudo consistiu em analisar a relação entre variáveis cinemáticas que afetam a posição do ciclista na bicicleta com a distribuição do peso corporal pelo selim e pelo guiador no ciclista. A amostra foi constituída por 23 indivíduos do sexo masculino, praticantes de BTT não competitivo, com idades compreendidas entre os 35 e os 50 anos e os dados foram recolhidos durante um passeio de BTT. Os ciclistas utilizaram as suas próprias bicicletas e através de videografia digital bidimensional foram recolhidas imagens no plano sagital do lado direito do ciclista. Através da digitalização e posterior processamento, através do sistema de processamento cinemétrico de imagens APAS (Ariel Performance Analysis), foram analisados as seguintes variáveis: ângulo do tronco com a horizontal, ângulo do tronco com os membros superiores, distância horizontal do selim ao guiador, diferença entre as alturas do selim e do guiador e posição do centro de gravidade do conjunto cabeça, tronco e membros superiores. O cálculo do peso distribuído pelo guiador e pelo selim foi realizado através de somação vetorial, tendo como referência a posição do centro de gravidade. Os resultados mostraram valores médios da distribuição do peso do ciclista pelo selim de 63.47% ± 4.2 e pelo guiador de 36.52% ± 4.2. Não se verificou que os atletas com mais peso no guiador obtinham: o tronco mais inclinado á frente, um maior ângulo do tronco com os membros superiores, uma maior diferença entre a altura do selim e a altura do guiador e uma maior diferença entre a altura do guiador e do selim. Assim, através deste estudo verificou-se que a posição do ciclista na bicicleta é afetada simultaneamente por um conjunto de variáveis biomecânicas, que pelo facto de interagirem num sistema fechado, com vários graus de liberdade, onde as extremidades estão fixas, qualquer mudança numa ou mais variáveis afeta as restantes duma forma por vezes pouco previsívelsaddle and the handlebars of the cyclist. The sample consisted by 23 males, uncompetitive cycling practitioners, aged between 35 and 50 years and the data were collected for a mountain bike ride. Cyclists used their own bikes and through twodimensional digital videography were collected images in the sagittal plane on the right side of the rider. Through digitization and subsequent processing through cinemetric processing system APAS images (Ariel Performance Analysis), the following variables were analyzed: Trunk angle in the horizontal, trunk angle with the upper limbs, horizontal distance from the saddle to the handlebar, difference between the heights of the saddle and handlebar and position the center of gravity of the whole head, trunk and upper limbs. The calculation of the weight distributed in the saddle and the handlebars was performed by vector summation, with reference to the center of gravity position. The results showed average values of the distribution of the cyclists weight by the seat of 63.47% ± 4.2 and the handlebar of 36.52% ± 4.2%. It was not showed that the cyclists with more weight on the handlebars obtained: the more inclined trunk ahead, a greater angle of the trunk with their arms, a greater difference between the height of the saddle and handlebar height and a greater difference between the height the handlebars and the seat. This study demonstrated that the cyclists position on the bike is affected simultaneously by a number of biomechanical variables, which interact in that a closed system with several degrees of freedom, where the ends are fixed, any change in one or more variable affects the other in a way sometimes little predictable.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Introdução à Biomecânica - Exercícios Práticos

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    Introdução à Bimecânica: Exercícios de apoio aos conteúdos abordados na unidade curricular de Introdução à BiomecânicaClínica da Vid

    A pedalada em ciclismo: estudo das diferenças cinemáticas entre a análise digital de imagem 2d e 3d

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar as diferenças cinemáticas entre a análise digital 2D e 3D em movimentos do ciclismo que ocorrem maioritariamente no plano sagital. Participaram no estudo 8 indivíduos do sexo masculino, praticantes de ciclismo recreativo, com uma idade de 23± 3 anos, uma altura de 1,70m± 0,05 e um peso de 70kg± 5kg. Os atletas pedalaram numa bicicleta assente em rolos e utilizaram 2 posições de guiador. Foram utilizadas 3 camaras e colocados marcadores reflexivos na bicicleta e no atleta. Os resultados obtidos não evidenciaram diferenças significativas entre os métodos 2D e 3D nas variáveis estudadas, o que nos permite sugerir que em futuras investigações similares possam ser adotados procedimentos de análise 2D, minimizando assim a complexidade dos recursos utilizados e a quantidade de dados a analisar.The aim of this study was to compare the differences between the kinematic analysis in digital 2D and 3D movements of cycling that occur mostly in the sagittal plane. A sample of 8 males practitioners of recreational cycling, with an age of 23 ± 3 years, height of 1.70 ± 0.05 m and a weight of 70kg ± 5kg. The athletes pedaled a bicycle based on rolls and used 2 position handlebar. We used three cameras and reflective markers placed on the athlete and on the bike. The results showed no significant differences between the methods in 2D and 3D variables, allowing us to suggest that in future similar investigations can be adopted 2D analysis procedures, thus minimizing the complexity of the resources used and the amount of data to analyze.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio