116 research outputs found

    Proizvodnja i potrebe za predosnovnim sadnim materijalom krompira u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj

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    Pre-basic seed potato material is used for basic seed (elite) and certified seed potato production. At this moment all basic seed material is imported into Republic of Serbia and Republic of Srpska, despite the fact that the method of in vitro tissue culture production of virus-free seed potato has been developed in both countries and there is a continuous demand for pre-basic and basic seed potato. Current total production is significantly lower than actual requirements. In the 80s and 90s of the previous century two modern facilities for production of virus-free seed potato and certified seed were built in Sokolac (Republic of Srpska) and Guča (Republic of Serbia). Although facilities were well-equipped, seed potato production was permanently ceased in 2000. The presence of high infection pressure dominated by potato virus Y is shown in the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Srpska. This paper gives an overview of pre-basic seed potato material production in both countries over the last two decades.Predosnovni sadni materijal su zdrave krtole koje služe za proizvodnju osnovnog sadnog materijala krompira (elita), a na bazi toga i certifikovanog sadnog materijala krompira. Iako u Republici Srbiji i Republici Srpskoj postoje stalne potrebe za pred-osnovnim i osnovnim semenskim krompirom, kao i dva centra za njegovu proizvodnju, osnovni sadni materijal (elita) se uvozi iz Holandije i drugih zemalja zapadne Evrope. Potrebe za pred-osnovnim odnosno osnovnim sadnim materijalom (elita) su znatno veće nego što je trenutna potrošnja. Osamdesetih i devedesetih godina prošlog veka osnovana su dva savremena centra u Sokolcu (Republika Srpska) i u Guči (Republika Srbija) sa ciljem proizvodnje pred-osnovnog semenskog krompira, odnosno elite i certifikovanog sadnog materijala. Iako su oba centra bila dobro opremljena, proizvodnja bezvirusnog krompira je trajno obustavljena. U radu je dat pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja o proizvodnji pred-osnovnog sadnog materijala krompira, uz pokušaj pronalaženja odgovora na pitanje zašto je proizvodnja u ovim zemljama ugašena

    DFT ispitivanje antioksidativne aktivnosti alizarina Red S

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    Density functional theory calculations were performed to evaluate the antioxidant activity of alizarin red S molecule. The conformational behavior of molecule were analysed at the M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p) method. The most stable conformer of alizarin red S has two IHBs. The expected antioxidant activity of alizarin red S was justified from ionization potential (IPs) and homolytic O-H bond dissociation enthalpy (BDEs) values. Heterolytic O-H bond cleavages (proton dissociation enthalpies, PDEs) were also computed. Calculated IP, BDE, and PA values suggested that one-step H atom transfer (HAT), rather than SPLET or SET-PT, would be the most favored mechanism for explaining the antioxidant activity of alizarin red S in gas phase. In aqueous solution all of three mechanisms were competitive.Upotrebom DFT metode vršena su izračunavanja u cilju određivanja antioksidativne aktivnosti alizarina red S. Konformaciona priroda molekula analizirana ispitana je primenom M06-2X/6-311++G(d,p) metoda. Najstabilniji konformer alizarina red S ima dve unutrašnje vodonične veze. Očekivana antioksidativna aktivnost alizarina red S određena je izračunavanjem vrednosti jonizacionih potencijala (IP) i i vrednosti entalpija homolitičkog raskidanja O-H veza (BDE). Vrednosti entalpije heterolitičkog raskidanja O-H veza (entalpije disocijacije protona, PDE), su takođe izračunate. Izračunate IP, BDE i PA vrednosti ukazuju na to da je jednostepeni transfer H-atoma (HAT), pre nego SPLET ili SET-PT mehanizam, favorizovan u pogledu antioksidativne aktivnosti alizarina red S u gasnoj fazi. U vodenom rastvoru, sva tri mehanizma su konkurentna

    A form of MHD universal equations of unsteady incompressible fluid flow with variable elctroconductivity on heated moving plate

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    This paper deals with laminar, unsteady flow of viscous, incompressible and electro conductive fluid caused by variable motion of flat plate. Fluid electro conductivity is variable. Velocity of the plate is time function. Plate moves in its own plane and in "still" fluid. Present external magnetic filed is perpendicular to the plate. Plate temperature is a function of longitudinal coordinate and time. Viscous dissipation, Joule heat, Hole and polarization effects are neglected. For obtaining of universal equations system general similarity method is used as well as impulse and energy equation of described problem

    Teorijsko ispitivanje antiradikalske aktivnosti delfinidina

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    Delphinidin, one of the natural anthocyanin pigments was theoretically (at M05-2X/6-311+G(d,p) level of theory) investigated for its ability scavange potentially highly damaging hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Theoretical calculations point to HAT and SPLET mechanisms as operative for delphinidin in all solvents under investigations.Teoretski (na M05-2X/6-311+G(d,p) nivou teorije) je ispitivana sposobnost delfinidina, prirodnog antocijaninskog pigmenta, da reaguje sa potencijalno veoma štetnim hidroksi i superoksid anjon radikalima. Proračuni su pokazali da su HAT i SPLET mogući mehanizmi u svim rastvaračima


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    The data on forest fires in Portugal in the period 1980–2015 were used in the research: the annual number of forest fires, the annual burned area and the average burned area per fire. Increasing trend of the annual number of forest fires (statistically significant at p≤0.01), non-significant increasing trend of the annual burned area and decreasing trend of the average burned area per fire (statistically significant at p≤0.01) were recorded. Portugal is the most endangered country by forest fires in comparison with the other European countries. During the research period, fires in Portugal covered 23.6% of the total burned area in five the most affected European countries (Portugal, Spain, France, Italy and Greece). In the research of the connection between forest fires and the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) Pearson correlation coefficient (R) was used. Monthly, seasonal and annual values of the AMO index were used in calculations. All R values recorded for the annual number of fires were positive and statistically significant at p≤0.01. The highest values were recorded for August (0.543) and for summer (0.525). With the annual burned area all R values were also positive and the highest one on the seasonal level was for summer (0.359). With the average burned area per fire all R values were negative (−0.428 was recorded for winter). The results of the research could be applied in the fire danger forecast for periods of several months. Other climate indices should also be considered in future research

    Excellence with leadership: the crown indicator of SCImago Institutions Rankings Iber report

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    Although there are many models for ranking higher education institutions, the SCImago Institutions Rankings  methodology stands out for its ability to present quantitative and qualitative indicators of scientific output. Besides Total number of published papers, several indicators are concerned with quality dimensions of published papers, such as International collaboration, Scientific leadership or High quality publications . However, official rankings are provided solely on the basis of one indicator: Output (total number of published papers ). This paper presents a statistical I-distance method that integrates all the indicators into one value, which therefore represent a rank and show which of the input indicators is the most important for the process of ranking. Our results clearly showed that Excellence with Leadership  occupies the most significant spot

    Ispitivanje antioksidativnih mehanizama kempferola sa hidroksi radikalom i superoksid radikal anjonom

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    Kaempferol, one of the most bioactive plant flavonoids was theoretically (at M05-2X/6-311G(d,p) level of theory) investigated for its ability scavange potentially highly damaging hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals. Theoretical calculations point to HAT and SPLET mechanisms as operative for kaempferol in all solvents under investigations.Teoretski (na M05-2X/6-311G(d,p) nivou teorije) je ispitivana sposobnost kempferola, važnog bioaktivnog biljnog jedinjenja flavonoida, da reaguje sa potencijalno veoma štetnim hidroksi radikalom i superoksid radikal anjonom. Proračuni su pokazali da su HAT i SPLET mogući mehanizmi u svim rastvaračima

    Inhibitory effect of propafenone derivatives on pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm and pyocyanin production

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    Introduction/Objective Biofilm and pyocyanin production are essential components of Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence and antibiotic resistance.Our objective was to examine inhibitory effect of synthetized propafenone derivatives 3-(2-Fluoro-phenyl)-1-(2- (2-hydroxy-3-propylamino-propoxy)-phenyl)-propan-1-one hydrochloride (5OF) and3-(2-Trifluoromethyl-phenyl)-1-(2-(2-hydroxy-3-propylamino-propoxy)-phenyl)-propan-1-one hydrochloride (5CF3) on biofilm and pyocyanin in Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains.Methods Effects were tested on nine clinical isolates and one control laboratory strain of P. aeruginosa. In vitro analysis of biofilm growing was performed by incubating bacteria (0.5 McFarland) with 5OF and 5CF3 (500–31.2 μg/ml) and measuring optical density (OD) at 570 nm. Bacteria in medium without com-pounds were positive control. Blank medium (an uninoculated medium without test compounds) was used as negative control. Pyocyanin production was estimated by OD at 520 nm, after bacteria incubated with 5CF3 and 5OF (250 and 500 μg/ml), treated with chloroform, and chloroform layer mixed with HCl. Results A total of 500 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3 completely inhibited biofilm formation in 10/10 and 4/10 strains, respectively. A total of 250 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3 strongly inhibited biofilm formation in 7/10 strains, while inhibition with 125 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3 was moderate. Lower concentrations had almost no effect on biofilm production. Pyocyanin production was reduced to less than 40% of the control value in 6/9, and less than 50% of the control in 7/9 strains with 500 μg/ml of 5OF and 5CF3, respectively. At 250 μg/ml 5OF and 5CF3, most strains had pyocyanin production above 50% of the control value.Conclusion Synthetized propafenone derivatives, 5OF and 5CF3, inhibited biofilms and pyocyanin produc-tion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical strains. Presented results suggest that propafenone derivatives are potential lead-compounds for synthesis of novel antipseudomonal drugs.Увод/Циљ Производња биофилма и пиоцијанина je важан фактор вируленције и антибиотске резистенције бактерије Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Циљ рада је био да се испита инхибиторни ефекат синте-тисаних пропафенонских деривата, 3-(2-флуоро-фенил)-1-[2-(2-хидрокси-3-пропиламино-пропокси)-фенил]-про-пан-1-он-хидрохлорид) (5OF) и 3-(2-трифлуорометилфенил)-1-[2-(2-хидрокси-3-пропиламино-пропокси)-фенил]-про-пан-1-он-хидрохлорид) (5CF3), на продукцију биофилма и пиоцијанина код клиничких изолата бактерије Pseudomonas aeruginosa.Методе Ефекат пропафенонских деривата испитан је на девет клиничких изолата и једном стандардном соју бакте-рије P. aeruginosa. Утицај на продукцију биофилма испитан је in vitro, инкубацијом бактерија (0,5 по Макфарланду) са 5OF и 5CF3 (500–31,2 μg/ml), и мерењем оптичке густине на 570 nm. Бактерије у медијуму без испитиваних једињења су биле позитивна контрола, а сам медијум негативна контро-ла. Производени пиоцијанин, који је одређиван мерењем оптичке густине на 520 nm, на коинкубације бактерија са 5CF3 или 5OF (250 и 500 μg/ml), третиран је хлороформом и мешањем хлороформског слојa са HCl.Резултати При концентрацији од 500 μg/ml 5OF је довео до потпуне инхибиције продукције биофилма код свих испи-тиваних сојева (10/10). Инхибиција биофилма са 500 μg/ml5CF3 била је потпуна код 4/10 сојева. При концентрацији 5OF и 5CF3 од 250 μg/ml продукција биофилма код већине испитаних изолата била је слаба, док је при концентрацији 125 μg/ml 5OF односно 5CF3 продукција била умерена. Ниже концентрације 5OF и 5CF3 нису имале инхибиторни ефекат на формирање биофилма. У присуству 500 μg/ml 5OF у 6/10 испитиваних сојева продукција пиоцијанина пала је на мање од 40% у односу на контролну вредност. Иста концентрација (500 μg/ml) 5CF3 снизила је продукцију пиоцијанина на мање од 50% од контроле у 7/9 сојева. При концентрацији 250 μg/ml 5OF или 5CF3 већина сојева продуковала је пиоцијанин изнад 50% у односу на позитивну контролу.Закључак Синтетисани пропафенонски деривати, 5OF и 5CF3, инхибирају продукцију биофилма и пиоцијанина код клиничких сојева бактерије Pseudomonas aeruginosa. До-бијени резултати указују на то да пропафенонски деривати представљају могућа полазна једињења за синтезу нових антипсеудомонасних агенаса.This work is a part of Jasmina Bašić’s PhD thesis “Ex-amination of correlation between chemical structure, physicochemical properties and retention parameters and antimicrobial activity of newly synthesized derivatives of propiophenone,“ defended at the Department of Phar-maceutical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade on September 19, 2016

    Mechanism of Antiradical Activity of Newly Synthesized 4,7-Dihydroxycoumarin Derivatives-Experimental and Kinetic DFT Study

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    Coumarin derivatives have proven beneficial biological activities, but the mechanism of their radical scavenging potency is not fully understood. In this study, the antiradical capacity of two newly synthesized 4,7-dihydroxycoumarin derivatives: (E)-3-(1-((3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)amino)-ethylidene)-2,4-dioxochroman-7-yl acetate (A-3OH) and (E)-3-(1-((4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)amino)ethylidene)-2,4-dioxochroman-7-yl acetate (A-4OH) towards HO center dot were examined by Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) Spectroscopy and Density Functional Theory (DFT). The compounds were fully characterized by the elemental microanalysis, IR, and NMR spectroscopies. The effect of pH on the acid-base equilibria is separately discussed and the predominant species at the physiological pH were determined. Several common mechanisms (Hydrogen Atom Transfer (HAT), Single-Electron Transfer followed by Proton Transfer (SET-PT), Sequential Proton Loss followed by Electron Transfer (SPLET), Radical Adduct Formation (RAF), and Intramolecular Hydrogen Atom Abstraction (iHAA)) of radical scavenging were investigated based on thermodynamic and kinetic parameters. EPR results indicated that both compounds significantly reduce the amount of present HO center dot. The results of the kinetic DFT study demonstrated that both compounds predominantly exhibit antiradical capacity through HAT and SPLET mechanisms. The estimated overall rate constants (k(overall)) proved that A-4OH shows better antioxidant capacity than A-3OH which is well-correlated with the results obtained by EPR measurement