78 research outputs found

    Ekstrakcija, karakterizacija, biološka aktivnost i potencijalna primena fenolnih jedinjenja iz plodova i lišća biljnih vrsta familija Rosacae, Cornacae i Grossulariaceae

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    In this doctoral dissertation we optimization conventional and ultrasonic exstraction techniques in with the aim of obtaining biologically active phenolic compounds from the berries and leaves of plants families Rosaceae, Cornaceae and Grossulariacae. Phenolic content of the obtained extracts were subjected to UV-Vis and HPLC analyzes. The significant antioxidant and antimicrobial activity was confirmed. In terms of their possible practical applications performed most active inclusion complexation of phenolic compounds in extracts type cyclodextrin. Characterization of the obtained inclusion complexes were determined by the method of spectral analysis (FT-IR, NMR, XRD). Based on these results it can be concluded that fruits and leaves of plants families Rosaceae, Cornaceae and Grossulariaceae can find great application in the food and cosmetics industries as well as in pharmacy

    Analgesic efficacy of 0.75% ropivacaine for lower third molar surgery

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    Introduction: Since there is no data concerning local analgesic efficacy of ropivacaine for lower third molar surgery, the aim of this doubleblind study was to compare local anaesthetic parameters and postoperative analgesic requirements after the use of ropivacaine and bupivacaine for the inferior alveolar nerve block. Materials and Method: 20 healthy patients were equally randomized into the ropivacaine (0.75%, 2 ml) or bupivacaine (0.5%, 2 ml) groups. The onset and duration of anaesthesia (the lower lip numbness and pinprick test) and intensity of anaesthesia (visual analogue and verbal rating scales) were determined. The postoperative pain reports and analgesic requirements were also recorded. Results: There were no significant differences concerning parameters of the achieved anaesthesia. 2 patients in the bupivacaine group felt postoperative pain without the need for pain medication. Conclusion: Ropivacaine is suitable for achieving local anaesthesia in lower third molar surgery, especially when prolonged analgesia is desired

    The Development of the Open Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language Using Crowdsourcing Techniques

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    The paper introduces the idea of developing an Open Dictionary of Contemporary Serbian Language using the crowdsourcing method with a clear vision of the necessity of modernizing the work in the field of Serbian lexicography. The crowdsourcing procedure is expected to obtain the latest, present-day vocabulary, i.e. new words which have not yet been presented and described in existing dictionaries of the Serbian language. The crowdsourcing task requires participants to suggest new words, along with the description of their meaning and examples which they find most appropriate. There are two primary goals: (1) solving the problem of timely and comprehensively recording and presenting new vocabulary in real time and (2) creating a user-oriented dictionary of new words and expressions. The main idea is to create a dictionary which would offer simple explanations of the semantic, grammatical and pragmatic features of new words and expressions in the Serbian language. The practical, lexicographic objective is to show the need for the development of such a dictionary which would fill the gap that exists in Serbian descriptive lexicography and neography

    Spectrophotometric and uplc study of reaction between [AuCl4] - and quercetin

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    The equilibrium and kinetics of the reaction between tetrachloroaurate(III) ion (AuCl4 - ) and quercetin in 0.1 M HClO4 were studied spectrophotometrically. The fast and the slow reaction steps were distinguished in the reaction mechanism, depending on the ratio of AuCl4 - and quercetin concentration. The stoichiometry of reaction, determined by molar ratio and Jobb’s methods, was 1:1. The kinetics of complex formation was followed under the pseudo-first order conditions by measuring the absorbance at 294 nm vs. time as the function of quercetin concentration in 5 – 15 fold excess.Physical chemistry 2008 : 9th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 24-28 September 200

    Synthesis of PLGA /nano-ZnO composite particles for biomedical applications

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    Copolymer poly (DL-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), due of its biodegradable and biocompatible nature, is widely used in various medical applications; controlled release of delivering drugs, carriers in the tissue engineering, etc. On the other hand, zinc oxide (ZnO) is extensively used in medicine and pharmacy for personal care products, as well as in biomedical materials like dental composites, as a material for treatment of a variety of skin irritations, to enhance the antibacterial activity of different medicaments, etc. In this research we have dealt with a procedure to prepare particles of poly (lactide-co-glycolide) and nano zinc oxide (PLGA/nano-ZnO). Nano-ZnO has been synthesized using a microwave synthesis method and additionally immobilized within PLGA by physicochemical solvent/non-solvent method. Firstly, ZnO has been dispersed in acetone and then additionally added dropwise in the PLGA/ethyl acetate (PLGA/nano-ZnO(EtAc) or PLGA/acetone (PLGA/nano-ZnO(Ac)) solutions, respectively. The as-prepared dispersions were dried in air atmosphere for 24 h. The characterization of the prepared samples was performed using X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) method for the structure properties, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE SEM) for the investigation of particles morphology, as well as Malvern’s Mastersizer instrument for particle size distribution. DTA-TG measurements were performed in order to investigate the samples thermal stability and mass loss percentage. The antimicrobial behavior of the synthesized PLGA/nano-ZnO particles was tested against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria cultures and also against Candida Albicans, diploid fungus

    Middle ear tuberculosis: Diagnostic criteria

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    Introduction. Tuberculous otitis is a diagnostic problem due to the difficulty to obtain microbiological, histomorphological and cytological confirmation of the disease. Objective. Our objective was to compare clinical and radiological characteristic and development of otogenic complications in patients with tuberculous otitis and otitis with cholesteatoma as the most destructive form of chronic nonspecific otitis in the purpose of establishing the diagnostic criteria for tuberculous otitis. Methods. Medical records of 12 patients with tuberculous otitis and 163 patients with cholesteatoma treated at the Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery in Belgrade during the eight-year period were analyzed. All of the patients underwent otomicroscopic, audiological and radiological examination of the thorax and temporal bone, microbiological examination of the secretion and histomorphological examination of the tissue taken during middle ear surgery. Statistical analysis was done using χ2 test with Yates correction. Results. Otogenic complication as facial palsy and sensorineural hearing loss were more frequent in tuberculous otitis patients, than in cholesteatoma. Also, fistulas of the labyrinth and facial canal bone destruction were also more frequent in tuberculous otitis than in cholesteatoma. A larger extent of temporal bone destruction was noticed on CT scans of the temporal bone in half of the patents with tuberculous otitis. Coexistence with miliary pulmonary tuberculosis was detected in one third of the patients. There were no microbiological or histomorphological confirmations of the disease, except in one case with positive Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Conclusion. Tuberculous otitis media should be considered in patients with serious otogenic complications and with shorter duration of ear discharge, and in association with diagnosed miliary pulmonary tuberculosis and extensive temporal bone destruction. Polymerase chain reaction still is not reliable for diagnosis

    The Role of Marketing Communications in Responsible Organizations

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    In the contemporary business environment, the number of responsible organizations is constantly increasing. Responsibility is reflected onto various fields such as micro environment of an organization, and macro environment, as well. Being responsible means being precise, consistent, correct, taking control, making strategy, motivating, making achievements for the overall business system. If we discuss the ethical, moral, social or financial workforce responsibility, we have to bear in mind that good communication within an organization and communication between the organization and public audience create an excellent predisposition to responsible business. Since marketing communications\ud nowadays provide us with 100% transparency, organizations invest additional effort to position its responsibility and spread it to new segments. Therefore, this paper will focus on the role and the importance of marketing communications in responsible organizations. Through the current examples of leading companies from the field of social responsibility, we demonstrate how marketing communications affect awareness of customers and their complementary activities

    Multisystemic langerhans-cell histiocytosis with dominant lesions of the lung parenchyma

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease of unknown aetiology characterized by abnormal monoclonal proliferation of CD1a+/ CD207+ myeloid dendritic cells (Langerhans cells) in various organs, including bones, skin, lymph nodes, liver, lungs, central nervous system (CNS). Pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis (PLCH) may occur as single-system disease or the lungs may be affected within a multisystemic disease. This paper presents cases of two patients with multisystemic LCH, with predominant lung involvement. In the first patient, the disease is in the terminal stage, with chronic respiratory failure requiring long-term oxygen therapy at home and development of severe pulmonary hypertension, so the lung transplantation may be considered as the only potentially effective therapeutic procedure at this moment. The second patient is in the initial stage of the disease, with satisfactory pulmonary function for now, so it could be considered to use some new targeted therapy to prevent the progression of the disease. Thus, it is essential to consistently apply, as soon as possible, all available pharmacological treatments, as well as adequate palliative and health care, to ensure a decent quality of life for these patients

    Ispitivanje mogućnosti zaštite i revitalizacije livnice 'Pantelić' u Zemunu

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    Through the teaching process, students of architecture have the opportunity to examine the problem of preserving the industrial heritage of Belgrade, its historical and urban context, the creation, development, cultural, urban and architectural values, as well as examining possibilities and comparing different approaches to its presentation and modern use. The goal was to devise sustainable solutions which will preserve the cultural and historical values, authenticity and integrity of the Pantelic Foundry complex on the one hand and, on the other hand, provide for its revitalization and quality integration into the immediate urban environment, which, despite the care and neglect preserved certain elements of a recognizable historical setting. Through their proposals, the students of Foundry 'Pantelić' have fulfilled numerous contemporary cultural, educational and artistic contents that are related to its character and significance, and provide it with an active life in the future. Through this study, a contribution was given to the research of the development of industrial architecture of Belgrade, but also the design of the possibility of revitalization and sustainable development.Kroz nastavni proces, studentima arhitekture pruža se mogućnost sagledavanja problema očuvanja industrijskog nasleđa Beograda, njegovog istorijskog i urbanog konteksta, nastanka, razvoja, kulturnih, urbanističkih i arhitektonskih vrednosti, kao i ispitivanja mogućnosti i komparacije različitih pristupa njegovoj prezentaciji i savremenom korišćenju. Zadatak je bio da se osmisle održiva rešenja koja će sa jedne strane očuvati kulturno-istorijske vrednosti, autentičnost i integritet kompleksa livnice 'Pantelić', a sa druge strane obezbediti njenu revitalizaciju i kvalitetnu integraciju u neposredno urbano okruženje, koje je i pored nebrige i zapuštenosti očuvalo pojedine elemente prepoznatljivog istorijskog ambijenta. Putem svojih predloge studenti su kompleks livnice ispunili brojnim savremenim kulturnim, edukativnim i umetničkim sadržajima koji su povezani sa njenim karakterom i značajem, a obezbeđuju joj i aktivan život u budućnosti. Ovom studijom dat je prilog istraživanju razvoja industrijske arhitekture Beograda, ali je podstaknuto i osmišljavanje mogućnosti revitalizacije i održivog razvoja

    A survey in natural forest ecosystems of Vietnam reveals high diversity of both new and described Phytophthora taxa including P. ramorum

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    In 2016 and 2017, surveys of Phytophthora diversity were performed in 25 natural and semi-natural forest stands and 16 rivers in temperate and subtropical montane and tropical lowland regions of Vietnam. Using baiting assays from soil samples and rivers and direct isolations from naturally fallen leaves, 13 described species, five informally designated taxa and 21 previously unknown taxa of Phytophthora were isolated from 58 of the 91 soil samples (63.7%) taken from the rhizosphere of 52 of the 64 woody plant species sampled (81.3%) in 20 forest stands (83.7%), and from all rivers: P. capensis, P. citricola VII, VIII, IX, X and XI, P. sp. botryosa-like 2, P. sp. meadii-like 1 and 2, P. sp. tropicalis-like 2 and P. sp. multivesiculata-like 1 from Phytophthora major phylogenetic Clade 2; P. castaneae and P. heveae from Clade 5; P. chlamydospora, P. gregata, P. sp. bitahaiensis-like and P. sp. sylvatica-like 1, 2 and 3 from Clade 6; P. cinnamomi (Pc), P. parvispora, P. attenuata, P. sp. attenuata-like 1, 2 and 3 and P. ×heterohybrida from Clade 7; P. drechsleri, P. pseudocryptogea, P. ramorum (Pr) and P. sp. kelmania from Clade 8, P. macrochlamydospora, P. sp. ×insolita-like, P. sp. ×kunnunara-like, P. sp. ×virginiana-like s.l. and three new taxa, P. sp. quininea-like, P. sp. ×Grenada 3-like and P. sp. ×Peru 4-like, from Clade 9; and P. sp. gallica-like 1 and 2 from Clade 10. The A1 and A2 mating types of both Pc and Pr co-occurred. The A2 mating type of Pc was associated with severe dieback of montane forests in northern Vietnam. Most other Phytophthora species, including Pr, were not associated with obvious disease symptoms. It is concluded that (1) Vietnam is within the center of origin of most Phytophthora taxa found including Pc and Pr, and (2) Phytophthora clades 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are native to Indochina.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio